World Conservation Forum List of accepted Aliances Workshops by Thematic Stream Stream A new climate for change Code Title Organizer Type 98 Supporting Nations in Natural Capital Accounting with the Global Footprint Network Combined workshop Ecological Footprint 185 Agentes locales y espacios naturales: un nuevo marco Área de Espacios Aliances workshop para la conservación y la calidad de vida Naturales,Diputación de Barcelona 194 Hemispheric Networks Facilitate Multi-Country Partnerships Organziation of American States Aliances workshop 259 Climate Friendly National Parks in the United States - U.S. National Park Service Combined workshop Fostering Climate Change Interpretation and Citizen Engagement. 285 Climate Change as an Opportunity for Conservationists to California Institute of Public Affairs Aliances workshop Build New Alliances 335 Livelihood Centred Adaptation to Climate Change and Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Aliances workshop Ecosystem Management: Sharing Early Experiences Studies 350 Climat, développement et développement durable Organisation Internationale de la Aliances workshop Francophonie 351 Climate Change Adaptation at Community Level: The Christensen Fund Aliances workshop Implications for Conservation of Biocultural Diversity. 382 Areas Protegidas e Hidrocarburos: son conciliables? Asociacion Peruana para la Aliances workshop Conservacion de la Natu 399 Mediators of change: the relevance of protected areas for University of Greifswald Aliances workshop adaptation to climate change 400 CeroCO2 Iniciativa para el cuidado del clima. Acció Natura Aliances workshop Oportunidades del mercado voluntario de reducción y compensación de emisiones para la conservación y restauración de la biodiversidad. 437 Integrated Climate-Biodiversity-Livelihoods Strategies The Gaia Foundation Aliances workshop 503 Leveraging the power of communications, advertising and World Business Council for Aliances workshop marketing Sustainable Development 548 Biofuels: a win- win- win solution for Climate Change? . International Institute for Environment Aliances workshop and Devt. 563 United States Leadership in Addressing Global Climate Natural Resources Defense Council Aliances workshop Change: Prospects and Reality 571 Community Forest Tenure, Governance and Benefits: The Rights and Resources Initiative Aliances workshop missing links to climate change mitigation and adaptation. 583 Experiencias en la construcción participada de normas en Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Aliances workshop grandes urbes: conservación y sustentabilidad para mitigar Naturales el cambio climático 588 Too much of a good thing? Biodiversity, Biofuels and The World Bank Aliances workshop Balancing Agendas 611 Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation Environmental Defense Aliances workshop (REDD): Moving the Negotiations Forward 04 June 2008 Page 1 of 13 636 Applications of climate-related traditional knowledge of CEESP IUCN Aliances workshop indigenous and local communities for climate change mitigation and adaptation 647 Climate of conjecture? - A scenarios game to stimulate Landcare Research Aliances workshop interest in future sustainability directions 654 Gestión territorial del riesgo y adaptación al cambio INTERCOOPERATION Aliances workshop climático 659 Bringing Values and Principles of Sustainability into Earth Charter International Combined workshop Education an Earth Charter Learning Opportunity 748 Climate Change and the Voluntary Fire Management Fire Management Actions Alliance, Aliances workshop Actions Alliance Secretariat FAO 890 Gender and biodiversity conservation and management: Both ENDS Aliances workshop communicating a lost world? 899 Turning the tide: A Pacific youth vision of leadership on Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Aliances workshop climate change Environment Pr 1120 What Will it Cost to Make the World Protected Areas Conservation International Combined workshop Network Resilient to Climate Change? 1127 Climate change and the role of protected areas The Nature Conservancy Combined workshop 1162 Globalization and mega-projects: Cross-scale challenges to Centro para la Sostenibilidad Aliances workshop world conservation and global ecosystems. Ambiental - UPCH 1178 An energy hierarchy helping energy intensive industry to Organizer tbc (Energy Initiative) Aliances workshop move towards more sustainable sources of energy 1264 Committing to Action: Climate Change and the Convention Secretariat of the Convention on Aliances workshop on Biological Diversity Biological Divers 2000 Climat, développement et développement durable (titre Organisation Internationale de la Aliances workshop provisoire) Francophonie 04 June 2008 Page 2 of 13 World Conservation Forum List of accepted Aliances Workshops by Thematic Stream Stream Healthy environments - healthy people Code Title Organizer Type 99 Ecological Footprint: Linking Human Well-Being and Global Footprint Network Combined workshop Biological Capital 109 The Value of the ´One Health´ Entry Point for Facilitating Wildlife Conservation Society Aliances workshop Conservation and Development Success 113 Sustainable Papua Initiative Samdhana Institute Aliances workshop 161 Wild and well: sustainable use in the herbal products Medicinal Plant Specialist Group SSC- Aliances workshop industry IUCN 163 Uso de camelidos silvestres en paises andinos: hacia un The World Conservation Union Aliances workshop paradigma de equidad, alianzas y participacion. 201 Man and Nature: Improving Biodiversity and Landscape Int Federation of Organic Agriculture Aliances workshop Quality on organic farms Movements 235 Faith in the Future: Partnering with the largest Social Conservation International Aliances workshop Networks of the World - the Major Religions 236 A vote for future generations for safeguarding present NONE Aliances workshop resources 255 Observatorio Ambiental sobre IIRSA, una propuesta Fundacion PROTEGER Combined workshop regional sudamericana en construcción. 257 Ecological Aspects of Environmental Impact Analysis Institute of Ecology and Environmental Combined workshop Management 266 GEF and Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production The Global Environment Facility Combined workshop Landscape and Seascape 320 Valuing ecosystem services: from science to practice Wageningen University Aliances workshop 353 Conservation in the Real World: Mainstreaming Biodiversity The World Bank Aliances workshop in Production Landscapes 377 Global Shark Finning Ban Programa Restauración de Tortugas Combined workshop Marinas 401 Healthy ecosystems for healthy agricultural production Bayer CropScience AG Aliances workshop 423 Mineral Resources & Protected Areas : Integrating Land- International Council on Mining & Combined workshop Use Planning Metals 425 Bridging the gap between agriculture and nature Bioversity International Aliances workshop conservation 446 Sustainable Hunting Tourism - A valuable tool for CIC - International Council for Game Aliances workshop conservation and sustainable development! and Wildlife Conservation 447 Certifying commodities, beauty or beast? IUCN National Commitee of the Aliances workshop Netherlands 450 Training the Trainers to value and finance Ecosystem Triple E Aliances workshop Services and Natural Capital. 04 June 2008 Page 3 of 13 494 Working with loggers to ensure sustainable practices Rainforest Alliance, Inc. Aliances workshop 514 Environmental health and wealth: Innovations from World Conservation Union (SSC- Aliances workshop conservation through use ESUSG) 516 Voice of the Voiceless The World Conservation Union Aliances workshop 519 Protected areas, equity and livelihoods: assessing social CARE International Aliances workshop impacts and operationalising the "do no harm" principle 532 Visualising Ecosystem Services / Putting ES on the Map Conservation International Aliances workshop 561 Valuing natural capital overcoming barriers to market Fauna & Flora International Aliances workshop valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. 566 Following the Nature, Wealth and Power trinity to Healthy Wildlife Conservation Society Aliances workshop Environments and Healthy People 572 Taller sobre el Sistema de Humedales Paraguay-Paraná: Fundacion PROTEGER Aliances workshop construyendo un programa regional de sustentabilidad y equidad. 575 La Conservación privada como herramienta para el logro Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Aliances workshop de la sustentabilidad ambiental, social y económica Naturales 581 Population, Health and Environment Value Added from Woodrow Wilson International Center Aliances workshop an Integrated Development Strategy for Scholars 600 Assessing the business risk and opportunities associated World Resources Institute Aliances workshop with ecosystem change 601 Linking Ecosystem Services and Development: Tools for World Resources Institute Aliances workshop public sector decision makers 604 Biofuels, Deforestation and Global Tree Cover Change World Resources Institute Aliances workshop 609 Prospects for South America: Scenario Building to Analyze National Wildlife Federation Aliances workshop Impacts from Infrastructure and Global Warming 610 Environment, Development, and Sustainable Peace: Woodrow Wilson International Center Combined workshop Finding Paths to Environmental Peacemaking for Scholars 613 Safeguarding the Environment and Life from Chemical The World Bank Aliances workshop Risks: Models of Partnerships and Mainstreaming for Global and Local Benefits 648 Using tourism concessions to improve protected area Conservation
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