ANNUAL REPORT 2000 Polar Real Estate Table of contents Polar Real Estate in brief 4 President’s report 6 Description of the business climate 8 Polar Real Estate in 2000 9 Real estate investment 9 Property for sale 15 Environmental work at Polar Real Estate 16 Financial statements 18 Report by the Board of Directors 18 Profit and loss account 20 Balance sheet 21 Statement of source and application of funds 22 Supplementary information on the financial statements 23 Shares included in fixed assets 35 The Group’s financial trend 36 Formulas for the key indicators 37 Shares and shareholders 38 Board’s proposal to the annual general meeting 41 Auditors’ report 41 Administration 42 Information to shareholders 45 Contact information 46 Polar Real Estate Polar Real Estate in brief Description of operations has property for sale in Finland valued at EUR 34 million. Some 1,000 cus- Polar Real Estate Corporation is tomers operate in premises owned by a stock exchange listed real estate Polar Real Estate. investment company concentrating Polar Real Estate continues to on owning, leasing and developing focus operations on the main business offices and commercial premises. regions and to improve its profitabili- The main thrust in its operations is ty and equity ratio. The focusing of on the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, operations and the development of Tampere and Turku. real estate make it possible to increase The balance sheet value of the earnings and reduce expenses. company’s real estate portfolio is EUR 386 million. Its investment business encompasses a total of 45 leasable properties valued at EUR 363 million, of which 64% are in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and 24% An industrial block in the Vallila district of are in Tampere and Turku. Plots of Helsinki is being converted into offices and land for development are valued at commercial facilities: 6,000 sq m of modern EUR 15 million. The company also offices were completed for SOK and Sonera. Key indicators Financial indicators 2000 1999 Turnover, M€ 96.9 104.6 Write-downs, M€ -66.3 -7.9* Operating profit/loss, M€ -40.2 16.6 Profit/loss before extraordinary items, M€ -55.9 2.7 Return on equity, % (ROE) neg. 1.7 Return on investment, % (ROI) neg. 3.6 Equity ratio, % 22.3 28.2 Investments in fixed assets, M€ 19.8 19.9 Balance sheet total 31.12, M€ 467.7 582.8 Personnel 31.12 37 45 Operative indicators of real estate investment 2000 1999 Investment properties, M€ 362.8 404.8 Balance sheet as at 31.12.2000 Net yield of properties, M€ 27.7 25.4 M€ 467.7 Net yield of properties, %, ** 8.1 6.8 Real estate holdings M€ 422.5 Rental occupancy rate, % 98 99 Indicators for shares 2000 1999 Earnings per share, € -0.31 0.02 Equity per share, € 0.57 0.88 Number of shares at year-end, million 180 180 Liquid assets and Housing construc- € * M 24.9 was booked in the consolidation direct from shareholders’ equity receivables tion and other ** calculated on the year-end situation for net rent, M€ 34.3 M€ 10.9 less estimated variable expenses for leasing business 4 2000 in brief The company’s turnover for the financial year was EUR 96.9 million. Rental income was EUR 41.5 million and sales were EUR 55.4 million, of which sales of shares in commis- sioning of residential construction accounted for EUR 26.7 million. Earnings from business operations for the financial year were EUR 8.7 million and after EUR 66.3 million in write-downs the gross loss was EUR 55.9 million. Write-downs totalling EUR 49.5 million were allocated to investment assets and EUR 16.8 million in write-downs was allocated to inventories. A total of 110 new leases on business premises were signed, and the rent obtainable from these is EUR 5.6 mil- lion per year. The largest of these leas- es were made with SOK, Oy Datatie Ab and Wicom Communications Oy. The company invested roughly EUR 20 million. The main investments were the conversion of the Kivikukkaro building into a department store for Anttila in Turku and the development of an office property in the Vallila district of Helsinki. Transactions in 2000 and early in 2001 increased the company’s holdings in the Jumbo shopping centre in Vantaa to 21%. Divestment of international opera- tions continued. The office property Real estate holdings as at 31.12.2000 Real estate investment property as at Prince Henri S.A. in Luxembourg was M€ 423.6 31.12.2000, M€ 386.0 sold for roughly EUR 13 million. Real estate investment property Office premises Commercial premises An affiliated company in the USA M€ 386.0 M€ 181.0 M€ 186.1 and minor real estate holdings in Europe remain. Polar Real Estate paid approximately EUR 54 million off its loans in net amounts during 2000. Property for sale Other securities Office plots M€ 37.7 M€ 4.0 M€ 14.9 5 Polar Real Estate President’s report In 2000 the continuing favourable their placements into companies in roughly EUR 100 million on loans. economic trend in Finland kept more traditional industries and also In order to achieve this, holdings in demand for business premises high in real estate investment companies. hotels and other items have been sold and the amount of vacant premises and sales of inventories intended for low. Premises in new buildings were Change as a real estate investment sale are being continued on an accel- leased out by the time they reached company continues erated schedule. Foreign holdings in completion. The dynamic expansion Europe have mostly been sold off in of information technology companies The concentration of operations on accordance with the objectives, but generated demand for larger office selected areas of emphasis continued the sale of the interest in the affiliat- premises, but a downturn in the rate in 2000. Our strategic objective is to ed company in the USA has not been of growth in their space requirement focus on owning, leasing and devel- effected. during the second half of the year is oping commercial and office proper- Investments in 2000 gave priority being reflected in the market for busi- ties in the Helsinki Metropolitan to the upgrading of our real estate by ness premises in 2001. Area, Tampere and Turku. I believe means of considerable conversions in The number of real estate trans- these centres of growth have the best cooperation with the occupants actions was large in the past year, but potential for long-term real estate of the premises as well as expanding it was a quiet year for the real estate investment business. Concentrating our holdings in the Jumbo shopping industry in the securities market: no on selected regions strengthens our centre. new companies were listed and inter- business operations. The balance sheet value of our est in listed real estate investment During the past financial year the investment real estate holdings was companies was slight. The recent company paid off EUR 54 million reviewed on the basis of a statement trend in stock exchange prices may, on loans to improve its equity ratio. by an external appraiser to correspond however, induce investors to diversify The intention in 2001 is to pay off to its market value. The values of the 6 Polar Real Estate inventories intended for sale were business has adopted environmental I would like to express my also lowered. These actions will pro- awareness as one of its fields of warmest thanks to the personnel and mote further action by which we will development. Polar Real Estate pro- other stakeholders for the excellent be able more rapidly to channel duced an environmental programme work we have done together and for resources to carrying out the strate- of its own with the aim of acting in their tireless work towards making gy and to achieving a healthy trend concert with its customers in compli- Polar a profitable real estate invest- in profits. ance with the principles of sustain- ment company. able development. The collection of Better collaboration through open information and its application in information flow practice are continuing. Helsinki, February 2001 The trend in the Finnish economy The company is continuing its is expected to continue to be good in deployment in enhanced customer the near future. The rental occupancy service and in open, interactive infor- rates of our company’s main busi- mation flow. By recognising and res- ness sectors will remain good and Erkka Valkila pecting changes in our customers’ rents are forecast to go on rising, but President & CEO space requirements, we seek to cre- the rate of the rise will slow down. ate long-lasting customer relation- However, rising construction expens- ships with which we will also be able es and yield requirements will lead to to reduce our marketing and leasing higher rents, whereupon the cus- expenses. tomers’ commitment to new invest- As one of the most important ments will be hampered. energy consumers, the real estate 7 Polar Real Estate Description of the business climate On the real estate market, demand for commercial and office premises Trend in rent index for office space, 9/1990 – 8/2000 continued to be strong both in the 160 Source: KTI Helsinki Metropolitan Area and in 150 Finland’s other centres of growth in 140 Helsinki city centre 2000. The number of vacant proper- 130 ties available on the open market has 120 been in decline for some years. For 110 example, the amount of vacant prem- 100 90 Lauttasaari, Sörnäinen, Vallila ises in Helsinki, or the vacancy rate, and Pasila districts of Helsinki 80 has been falling for several years and 3/91- 3/92- 3/93- 3/94- 3/95- 3/96- 3/97- 3/98- 3/99- 3/00- in 2000 it was less than two per cent.
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