SA McCreary County Record, Tuessday, Apri124, 2012, Whitley City, Kentucky Saturday Evening April 28, 2012 .;11!1•• ;111•• 1'!'.... 113'!1. I I .111!1· ... ·f·I'II._t'..IICII- WATE/ABC The Blind Side Local TV GUIDE WVLTA:lSS NCIS The Mentalist 48 Hours Mystery Local WBIRINBC Escape Routes The Firm Law & Order: SVU Local Saturday Night Live WDKYIF0X... NASCAR Racing Aleafraz New Girl ILocal April 25 - May 1 AIl,E Storage IStorage Storage IStorage Flipped Oft Flipping Bosto.n Storage IStorage A~e Braveheart Braveheart CMT Road House Texas Women Southern Nights Texas Women Southern Nights CNN. CNN Presents Piers Mo.rgan To.night CNN Newsro.om CNN Presents 24/7 Mayweather e , , II ;; .. , , , , II II DISC Secret Service Killing bin Laden Seal Team 6 Auction Auction Seal Team 6 'MorJ F~m IApt. 23 Ravenga Loc;)I Nlgl:illl~a Jimmy Kimmel uve DISN Austin [Josslu Phineas IAustin Austin Austin Austin Jessie Jessie [Josslu IIfIIl'r1Oa5 Sul'liwr: One Wo~d CrimI 00I Min d~ :CSt C,lme 800110 Local: la10 Sh Ow Loll.IIl'IIm 'llalG WSIRINBC 8<lny Ie.FF E! Legally Blonde Kate·Will lce-Coc« The Soup Chelsea Fashio.n Po.lice WOK V/FOX Am eilc9.n idOl local ESPN NBA Basketball NBA BasKetball ESPN2 Ouarterback Year/Ouarterback Baseball Tonight SportsCenter SportsCenter SI..-a gil ISlora (/Cl lSI ora go IDug DuC!<D. Duel( D. DUel( D, IDuCKD, Siurage 'ISlorag1l FAM />JIIC Norm Counlry Pirates·Dea d Alice in Wonderland Finding Neverland CMf E> treme-Homs 'Ilea ventura At;(! Ventura FoX Dear John Dear John l.oule ILo.uie CNN Anderson Coiltler %0 Pllirs Morgan Tonlgl,t AndGf~O" Coiltler 360 E. B, OIJtFront PI9rs Morgan Tanlgfll HGTV Candice IGenevieve Color IInteriors Hunters Hunt Inti Hunters Hunt Inll Color IInteriors DISC Am ~rICJ n Guns America" Guns Auction America n GUll. caon ' cuon ,AU(:I.1OI1, Au Au HIST Third Reich Third Reich Third Reich DISN, Je(»le Au6tln Wllard~ IGOOd Lucf( Wilards :Wlwrds EI Legally BI01,~9 Tlia Soup TIm Soup Chelsea lEI News 'CMlsea LIFE Playdate I Kno.w Who Killed Me Playdate ~SPN N flA Illl SkOUla II NflA ss skolllall MTV Fame What a Girl Wants BSPN2 SpOMCanti;lr NICK iCarly IRo.ck Bucket IFred '70s Sho.W '70s Sho.W Friends Friends Friends IFriends F.o.M Pa ul ela rt: Mall CoP ITh e PaQller TM 700 Club P,lnce 'l'Prlnce SCI F)( GJ 1~1I1flid!lr j 408 Alien Tornado Space Twister Stonehenge HOT\! InC{lme Kliellan P'QI)artv Brothers ,Hullters H'mllnll Properly Brothers Proparly Bl'olhws SPIKE Crank: High Voltage Walking Tall Doo.m AmerlC<l11Re(;\O"'~OII Sold I SOldII AmeriC<ln Am eriC<ln Sotdl SOldl AmerlC<ln ReslpmUQll TBS Big Bang IBig Bang Big Bang IBig Bang Forresl Gump woe s...a~ ,Wile Swap Wife Swa~ Wifo Swap Wile Swap lNT I Am Legend Resident Evil 10,000 B.G. MT\! NICK George George George George 'Gaome George Friends Friends Friends 'I"00N Shrek 2 King/Hill IChiidrens Lo.iter Faro Guy Bo.ondocks Aqua Teen Hunger Force GIIMI,Hunls's GhOSI Hunters Total 6klCi<Oul Gno~l Hunt!ir$ Total BlaCKout TV LAND Home Imp. IHo.me Imp. Raymond IRaymond Raymo.nd Raymond Raymond Raymond King IKing SP.lKE Arrctlon Allelio" All ella n AUCliO" Am Digger' Am Dlggor . Am Digger Am bigger Au Cllon Auction USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU The Game Plan WGN TNT law & OrOer law & Qder law & Orde, CSI: NY CSI: NY MLB Baseball WGN News at Nine 30 Ro.ck Scrubs Scrubs IChris Ni"jaGo LeVOI 'Up King/Hili Kum/HDI Arner. Da~ ArTmr, Dad Fam, Guy Fam. Guv Cl,lCl\On BoonoocllS TV LAND HB@ Larry Crowne 24/7 Boxing 124/7 I USA NCIS NelS NCIS Fairly Lagal NCIS MAX Seven Hesher Fu rrrriost 1·lor flj) V,i dOOS Fu rHl ios! I-iOllrG VIOCllS WGN NOWS aI Nlrr S 30 RoC!< SotU bS Scru DS 000 tl' I ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap21t GI~S ~Ga mo 01Th mnos Rea I TIm 0/6111 Ma IlQr Fa$"1FhllJ lolAX, Th a ilccuSM IGal Him 10me G,1lII1< UrlQmle 'IU"ual I Sunday Evening April 29, 2012 M;E'l'W-; I I ·I'M'·_IIIII:I- .'II!, •• lfll'.f)I!,' I Thursday Eveni.ng April 26, 2012 WATE/ABC Once UPo.n a Time .HII'.Desperate Housewives GCB Lo.cal ~~~~i;~'mrllllllmlll~~'R~I'~'IIIII'Jm'III1~'IRrl~'IIIID~'~'''IIII~'1Q1Dmmml~ElI~'lIliu~~WVLTICBS The Amazing Race. The GOo.d Wife NYC 22 Lo.cal WAfEiAB C Missing Grey's An a/omy Scandal local NighUine Jimmy Kimmel Uve WBIRINBC Harry's Law Celebrity Apprentice Lo.cal Dateline NBC WVLIICBS Big Bang 'IRules Person Of Interest The Mentalist local Late Show Leiterman ILate WDKYIFOX Simpso.ns IBurgers Fam Guy ICleveland Lo.cal WBIRINBe Community 130 Rack Offioo IParks Awake local Tonight Show wileno Ilate ... WOKYIFOX American Idol ToUCh. Local A&E Sto.rage IStorage Breakout Kings Breakout Kings Sto.rage Storage .t .0 AMC Shawshank R The Killing Mad Men The Killing Mad Men A &E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The Flrst 48 CMT Rocky II IRo.cky III Rocky II AM<: ApocalypSil Now AeduK IMidway CNN Race and Rage Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsro.om Race and Rage Piers Morgan To.night CMi You've Gal Mail J. Garth The Singing Bee ISinging DISe Myth Busters Myth Busters To. Be Anno.unced Myth Busters To Be Announced CNN Anderson Cooper seo Piers M()rgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 E. 8. Ot.nFront Piers Morgan Tonight DISN Bedtime Stories Shake It IAustin ANT Farm IJessie Wizard.s Wizards DISC Auction IAuctiOfl Jesus ConSplracies Jesus COI1spiraci es Jesus Conspira.ci es Jesu~;I»nspiracies E! Ice·Co.CO Ilce·CoCo. Ice·Co.CO Ilce·CoCo. Khloe Ilce·Co.Co. Chelsea IThe So.UP Khloe Ice·Co.CO DISN ANT Farm 1My Babysitter's a Vamplre Jessie Austin Wizards Good; Luck Wizards IWizards ESPN MLB Baseball SportsCenter Spo.rtCtr EI The Soup IKi110e Khloe IKhloe Khloe Khloe Chelsea E! News IChelsea EsPN2 ESPN 2012 NFL Draft SportsCen\er NHRA Drag Racing SportsCenter ProFILE Baseball FAM E.SPN2 C<lilege Softball 1::60 IBaseba11Toni g.ht SporlCtr MM'A live Baseball Tonight Alice in Wonderland Where the Wild J. Osteen Ed Young FAM Pacifier IGone in Sixty The 700 Club Prinoo IPiinoe FX Iron Man IX-Men Origins FX Two Man ITwo Men .88 Mint.nes 8B Minules HGTV Holmes on Hames Best of Ho.lmes Holmes Inspection Holm es o.n HOmes Best.ol Ho.lmes HGTV MilliOl1 Dollar Rooms Sell LA ISelling Huoters Hunt loll Hunters Hunt IoU Sell LA ISelling HIST Ax Men Ax Men Swamp People Modern Marvels Ax Men LIFE Chloe Army Wives The Client List Chloe MTV Punk'd IPunk'd Savage U ISavage U Pauly D IPauly 0 Jersey Sho.re Jersey Shore NICK '70s Show I'70s Sho.W My Wife IMyWile George IGeorge Friends IFriends Friends Stl Dream Machines Raidrs·Lost Ark IThe Bro.thers Grimm SPIKE Walking Tall Hostage ILethal Weapo.n 4 TBS Natio.nal Treasure INational Treasure LIFE; American Pickers American Pickers 7 Days of Sex Amanda de Gadel18! American Picl:ers lNT NBA Basketball INBA Basketball Inside the NBA MTV America's Best Dance Punk'd IPu nk'd Pun k'd' Pauly 0 Pun k'd' Pun k'd Pun k'd IPauly 0 TOON Level Up ILevel Up King/Hill IKing/Hill Chicken IFam. Guy Fam Guy ILoiter Squad NICK George IGeorge George IGeorge George George Friends Friends Flierlds IFrierlds Tv LAND King IKing TV Land Awards 2012 lTV Land King IKing TV Land Awards 2012 SCI Grimm Grimm Grimm Grimm Fact or Faked USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Pirates·Worlds SPIKE Big Easy IBig Easy iMPACT Wresmng MMA Ways Die BlueMoLJnt IBlue Mount WGN re S Fam. Guy IFam. Guy Big Bang IBig Bang Big Bang Big Bang Gonan Office IOffice . How I Met IHo.WI Met How I Met IHo.W I Met News/Nine IReplay The Unit Monk TNT ·N SA Basketball NBA aaskelball HB,O lOON MIlDIRegular Kingn-lm IKingn-l111 Amer. Dad IImer. Dad Fam. Guy Farn. Guy· Eeglehear IDelocatedi Predators Game 01Thrones Veep IGirls Game of Thrones Veep Girls MJ>:l( tv LAND Home Imp.ll1ome Imp. Raymond IRaymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King I:King The Eagle IField 0.1Dreams Hall Pass USA NCfS NC IS NelS In Plain Sight CS I: Crime Scene ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap21t WGN MLB Baseball NewslNif1e Scruoo Scruoo IDeath HBO IHorrible 'Bosses True BkKid Cathouse Sex Quiz Girls ISports I Monday Evening April 30, 2012 MAX IArthur Alien SSKUai Witchcraft I lIill ' __ IIIKII __ IIIII __ IIII,, __ rJl' 1__t'.J1m_ ';"11-I11III,, I WATE/ABC: Dancing With Slars Castle Local NighUine Jimmy Kimmel Uve WVLTICBS How I Met 12Broke G Two Men Mike Hawaii Rve{) Local Late Show Letterman ILate Friday Evening April 27, 2012 , WBIRINBC The Voice Smash Local Toni g/1t Show wA.em [Late iIlC11- , .. _u , , m._ '-1fEII WDKYIfOX Bones HOlJse Local WATEIABC Shark Tank Primetime: Whal 20/20 Local " Nighlline Jimmy Kimmel Live .. ' WVLT,cBS .. Undercover Boss CSI NY Blue Eloods Local Late Show Letterman ILate HE Beyond Scared Slraig Beyond Scared Straig Beyond Scared Straig Beyorld Scared Straig Beyond Scared Straig WBIRINBC Who Do You Grimm Dateline NBC Local Tonight Show w/Leno ILate AM<: CSI:Miami ThePtlCll ThePitdh MadMen The Killing WDKYIFOX The Finder Fringe Local ..
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