Lexile levels ‐ First Reading and Young Reading Series Title Author UK ISBN Lexile First Reading 1 The Sun and the Wind Mairi Mackinnon 978‐0‐7460‐8528‐8 180L First Reading 1 The Ant and the Grasshopper Katie Daynes 978‐0‐7460‐9653‐6 220L First Reading 1 King Midas and the Gold Alex Frith 978‐0‐7460‐9687‐1 230L First Reading 1 Old Macdonald Had a Farm Traditional 978‐1‐4095‐0654‐6 240L First Reading 1 The Three Wishes Lesley Sims 978‐0‐7460‐9669‐7 250L First Reading 1 The Wish Fish Lesley Sims 978‐0‐7460‐8514‐1 250L First Reading 1 The Rabbit's Tale Lynne Benton 978‐1‐4095‐3964‐3 260L First Reading 1 The Fox and the Crow Mairi Mackinnon 978‐0‐7460‐8530‐1 260L First Reading 1 The Fox and the Stork Mairi Mackinnon 978‐0‐7460‐8529‐5 330L First Reading 1 Anansi and the Tug of War Lesley Sims 978‐1‐4095‐3582‐9 350L First Reading 1 How the Leopard got his Spots Rosie Dickins 978‐1‐4095‐9678‐3 350L First Reading 1 How the Rhino got his Skin Rosie Dickins 978‐1‐4095‐9677‐6 360L First Reading 1 How the Whale got his Throat Anna Milbourne 978‐1‐4095‐9676‐9 370L First Reading 1On the Farm Susanna Davidson 978‐1‐4095‐2217‐1 380L First Reading 1 Anansi and the Bag of Wisdom Lesley Sims 978‐1‐4095‐2225‐6 390 First Reading 1 How the Camel got his Hump Anna Milbourne 978‐1‐4095‐9679‐0 410L First Reading 1On the Moon Anna Milbourne 978‐1‐4095‐3578‐2 410L First Reading 1 How the Elephant Got his Trunk Anna Milbourne 978‐1‐4095‐9675‐2 420L First Reading 1 The Lion and the Mouse Mairi Mackinnon 978‐0‐7460‐9660‐4 420L First Reading 1In the Castle Anna Milbourne 978‐1‐4095‐3577‐5 420L First Reading 1 Under the Ground Anna Milbourne 978‐1‐4095‐2218‐8 430L First Reading 1 Why the Kangaroo Jumps Rob Lloyd Jones 978‐1‐4749‐3339‐1 440L First Reading 1 The Greedy Dog Alex Frith 978‐1‐4095‐3583‐6 470L First Reading 2 How Zebras Got their Stripes Lesley Sims 978‐0‐7460‐0559‐4 210L First Reading 2 Clever Rabbit and the Wolves Susanna Davidson 978‐0‐7460‐9662‐8 240L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) Camping Out Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9818‐3 270L First Reading 2 How Elephants Lost their Wings Lesley Sims 978‐0‐7460‐8541‐7 280L First Reading 2 One, Two, Buckle my Shoe Russell Punter 978‐1‐4095‐2219‐5 280L First Reading 2 Stone Soup Lesley Sims 978‐0‐7460‐9663‐5 290L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) The Hungry Donkey Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9819‐0 300L First Reading 2 The Chilly Little Penguin Russell Punter 978‐0‐7460‐9895‐0 300L First Reading 2 Brer Rabbit Down the Well Louie Stowell 978‐1‐4095‐0652‐2 310 First Reading 2 Brer Rabbit and the Blackberry Bush Louie Stowell 978‐0‐7460‐9670‐3 330L First Reading 2 The Baobab Tree Louie Stowell 978‐0‐7460‐9678‐9 330L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) The New Pony Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9824‐4 340L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) The Runaway Tractor Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9073‐6 340L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) Market Day Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9823‐7 350L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) Scarecrow's Secret Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9068‐2 370L First Reading 2 The Tortoise and the Eagle Rob Lloyd Jones 978‐0‐7460‐9661‐1 370L First Reading 2 The Christmas Cobwebs Lesley Sims 978‐1‐4095‐5040‐2 370L First Reading 2 The Little Giraffe Lesley Sims 978‐0‐7460‐8535‐6 380L First Reading 2 The Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe Russell Punter 978‐0‐7460‐9655‐0 390L First Reading 2 There Was a Crooked Man Russell Punter 978‐1‐4095‐0653‐9 390 First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) Woolly Stops the Train Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9822‐0 390L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) Barn on Fire Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9817‐6 400L First Reading 2 Bears Sarah Courtauld 978‐1‐4095‐0657‐7 390L First Reading 2 Clever Rabbit and the Lion Susanna Davidson 978‐0‐7460‐8689‐6 400L First Reading 2 The Daydreamer Kate Davies 978‐1‐4095‐0660‐7 400 First Reading 2 The Magic Melon Rosie Dickins 978‐1‐4095‐3585‐0 400L First Reading 2 The Stonecutter Lynne Benton 978‐1‐4095‐0573‐0 400 FirstFirst ReadingReading 2 (Farmyard(Farmyard Tales)Tales) PigPig GetsGets LostLost HeatherHeather AmeryAmery 978‐1‐4095‐9069‐9 410L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) The Naughty Sheep Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9072‐9 420L First Reading 2 The Dragon and the Phoenix Lesley Sims 978‐0‐7460‐8542‐4 420L First Reading 2 The Genie in the Bottle Rosie Dickins 978‐0‐7460‐9648‐2 420L First Reading 2 Old Mother Hubbard Russell Punter 978‐1‐4095‐2221‐8 420L First Reading 2 Snails Susanna Davidson 978‐0‐7460‐9875‐2 420L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) The Snow Storm Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9814‐5 420L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) Surprise Visitors Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9820‐6 420L First Reading 2 Doctor Foster Went to Gloucester Russell Punter 978‐1‐4095‐5044‐0 430L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) The Grumpy Goat Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9815‐2 430L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) The Old Steam Train Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9813‐8 430L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) Dolly and the Train Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9812‐1 440L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) The Silly Sheepdog Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9825‐1 440L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) Tractor in Trouble Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9070‐5 440L First Reading 2 King Donkey Ears Lesley Sims 978‐0‐7460‐9677‐2 450L First Reading 2 The Roly‐Poly Rice Ball Rosie Dickins 978‐1‐4095‐3584‐3 450L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) Pig Gets Stuck Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9071‐2 460L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) Rusty's Train Ride Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9816‐9 470L First Reading 2 How Bear Lost his Tail Lucy Bowman 978‐1‐4095‐3597‐3 470L First Reading 2 Little Miss Muffet Russell Punter 978‐1‐4095‐3579‐9 470L First Reading 2 (Farmyard Tales) Kitten's Day Out Heather Amery 978‐1‐4095‐9821‐3 490L First Reading 3 The Old Woman who Swallowed a Fly Traditional 978‐0‐7460‐9666‐6 340L First Reading 3 The Little Red Hen Susanna Davidson 978‐0‐7460‐7051‐2 360L First Reading 3 The Musicians of Bremen Susanna Davidson 978‐0‐7460‐8543‐1 370 First Reading 3 Chicken Licken Russell Punter 978‐0‐7460‐7884‐6 400 First Reading 3 The Enormous Turnip Katie Daynes 978‐0‐7460‐7335‐3 410L First Reading 3 The Magic Porridge Pot Rosie Dickins 978‐0‐7460‐8537‐0 420 First Reading 3 The Boy Who Cried Wolf Mairi Mackinnon 978‐0‐7460‐8559‐2 430L First Reading 3 The Mouse's Wedding Mairi Mackinnon 978‐0‐7460‐9656‐7 440L First Reading 3 The Gingerbread Man Mairi Mackinnon 978‐0‐7460‐7336‐0 440L First Reading 3 The Scaredy Cat Russell Punter 978‐0‐7460‐9672‐7 440L First Reading 3 Bugs Sarah Courtauld 978‐0‐7460‐8547‐9 450L First Reading 3 The Fish that Talked Rosie Dickins 978‐0‐7460‐8555‐4 460L First Reading 3 Frogs Sarah Courtauld 978‐0‐7460‐8546‐2 460 First Reading 3 The Magic Pear Tree Rosie Dickens 978‐0‐7460‐9688‐8 460L First Reading 3 The Castle that Jack Built Lesley Sims 978‐0‐7460‐7709‐2 470L First Reading 3 The Golden Goose Conrad Mason 978‐0‐7460‐9664‐2 470L First Reading 3 Danny the Dragon Russell Punter 978‐0‐7460‐9657‐4 470L First Reading 3 Noah's Ark Kate Davies 978‐1‐4095‐2220‐1 470L First Reading 3 Monkeys Sarah Courtauld 978‐0‐7460‐9679‐6 470L First Reading 3 The King's Pudding Mairi Mackinnon 978‐1‐4095‐3587‐4 480L First Reading 3 The Leopard and the Sky God Mairi Mackinnon 978‐0‐7460‐8536‐3 480 First Reading 3 Dinosaurs Conrad Mason 978‐1‐4095‐0661‐4 490 First Reading 3 The Dinosaur who Lost his Roar Russell Punter 978‐0‐7460‐7714‐6 490L First Reading 3 The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs Mairi Mackinnon 978‐0‐7460‐7337‐7 490L First Reading 3 Tom Thumb Katie Daynes 978‐1‐4095‐5077‐8 500 First Reading 3 The Three Little Pigs Susanna Davidson 978‐0‐7460‐7885‐3 520L First Reading 3 The Peach Boy Alex Frith 978‐0‐7460‐9665‐9 540L First Reading 4 The Reluctant Dragon Katie Daynes 978‐0‐7460‐9694‐6 340L First Reading 4 The Owl and the Pussycat Edward Lear 978‐0‐7460‐9668‐0 380L First Reading 4 The Ugly Duckling Susanna Davidson 978‐0‐7460‐7049‐9 390L First Reading 4 The Runaway Pancake Mairi Mackinnon 978‐0‐7460‐7052‐9 420L First Reading 4 Clever Jack and the Giants Susanna Davidson 978‐1‐4095‐5075‐4 450L FirstFirst ReadingReading 4 TheThe TownTown MouseMouse andand thethe CountryCountry MouseMouse SusannaSusanna DavidsonDavidson 978‐0‐7460‐7886‐0 450 First Reading 4 Baba Yaga The Flying Witch Susanna Davidson 978‐0‐7460‐8560‐8 470 First Reading 4 Androcles and the Lion Russell Punter 978‐0‐7460‐9691‐8 480L First Reading 4 The Inch Prince Russell Punter 978‐0‐7460‐9690‐1 480L First Reading 4 Princess Polly and the Pony Susanna Davidson 978‐0‐7460‐8437‐3 480L First Reading 4 Owls Sarah Courtauld 978‐0‐7460‐9901‐8 480L First Reading 4 Polar Bears Conrad Mason 978‐0‐7460‐9896‐7 480L First Reading 4 Butterflies Kate Davies 978‐0‐7460‐8549‐3 490L First Reading 4 Why the Sea is Salty Rosie Dickens 978‐0‐7460‐9689‐5 490L First Reading 4 The Tin Soldier Russell Punter 978‐1‐4095‐3581‐2 490L First Reading 4 Elephants Kate Davies 978‐0‐7460‐9680‐2 490L First Reading 4 Little Red Riding Hood Rob Lloyd Jones 978‐1‐4095‐9682‐0 500L First Reading 4 Percy and the Pirates Russell Punter 978‐0‐7460‐7766‐5 500L First Reading 4 The Magic Wishbone Mary Sebag‐Montefiore 978‐1‐4095‐3580‐5 500L First Reading 4 Beauty and the Beast Susanna Davidson 978‐1‐4749‐4060‐3 510L First Reading 4 Cinderella Susanna Davidson 978‐1‐4095‐5057‐0 510L First Reading 4 Dick Whittington Russell Punter 978‐0‐7460‐9667‐3 510L First Reading 4 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Susanna Davidson 978‐0‐7460‐8411‐3 510 First Reading 4 Jack and the Beanstalk Susanna Davidson 978‐1‐4095‐8101‐7 510L First Reading 4 The Dragon Painter Rosie Dickins 978‐0‐7460‐7050‐5 510L First Reading 4 The
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