Lliir O I ; K P L K I I Wm- I Bfcl-Etlnsl F S ; Suspect -Q U Estio I N M U at Belts

Lliir O I ; K P L K I I Wm- I Bfcl-Etlnsl F S ; Suspect -Q U Estio I N M U at Belts

J III !■- --- . T h *I 81st-B l s f trtra(t!o _ death_ ot 196iisei . tn // /^ VaUe}/_oce\tr.^:_ —- — ^ Sundo’)Lindoy Edition I . ^ W t ™ red Sov.It). 18 as rTcsuU ^ J — MA lore o r e NNi e w s f 0/ an accldcntaccldcn in ^ J _ F B MoreM ore Sports , r u ’^n Fxtll-t^.aUs coitntv.coi/n “ FamilyFo i Comics ' ■ ‘ ThoT h o Matric Valley Newspaper Ded >apcr DcdJcnUd to ServJnR an\f\d d P1‘r r o m o lin B Ih e Groxvth ofif NineN ine Irricntedli Idaho Countlcflntlcfl ■ ; —^^^;___ _ Feature Section | _ . ■ _^'ru-rN FA lTs. 1 D A H O , SULIND.-C N D .-Cy Y. , l^V^MBElTloTl^l1 161— ^-Z • ------— --------— . TEN CENTsi Officerse r s Ri l l i i r Or x u t o Reelected for>r FairFai and Rodeoeo GroupGi ; -1-- S u s p e c t ^ e a t h: l r r T i r ^ “ I - Q u e s t i o n e d I £ 7 'M f f n l 0 a |^ ^ o t e di ;W m - I n MH u u r d e r (fiee rholn*ns nn Pair*Pafff Sfvrnl ■ 'iu9jKbj^a-.z, ROfiERSOK.'Nov. 38—Miijric5— MiiK'ic V alley ’s lliird Ira ffic 1 Pocalello niithiiriiios wore'(.TO lidldiriKImldinp n possible suspect fitaiity in occurredxurred nabout 2 p.m. Salimlayllav MI ' ' t in the miinlcr of Henianld William Hailey,I 61), n iK h t a t- . »hcn A 20-ycflr-oId Glendale,idflle, Or(*.,O n mail died nL-lhc-vct- I ____... -lendflnl-aLlhe-Uailod OilI conipnnycompnnv-s scrvicc .<itfttlonrl992 ' frans hospital. Boiflc, of_hc_nH.ofjiearj, injiirir?_recQived-in_4i — I K im h e rl.v w ad,'i)o|icc. i'ei)orl.oiiporlod luloIhI o Saturdny. - Richard — ntiMar accident lit 3:55I n.m.n.m . onp-foiirthonr o f a mile soiijhitilh | • Frazier, oily ilclci-tivc, loftofl (<iv I’wutclloI'w lojiuCBtion & nf BoRCrst'n on hiRhvRyy 9!^. KilledKil \vs\r f.enrue Lewis, 1 pri.soner hold hy I’onilcllo111) luithoritie.s.luithorit Earlier in the day lie lalkeil with rociilelln•cn'iiiit 'one of five pflsscnscrs in an in.')5in.'i Chovrnlet----------------------- driv(!ii- liv I iilelln-co'iiiity official.'^ by lele- Hirold L. Quasi. 21. B ur- pUoHC. N « furll^\T iiitnnriaUnn■iriaUnn wwvu as Kivon. M r. B ailey, was foifound sliot In donth al [ho P i ' e s i f l e n t , i n the .servicR .«liiiinn . onrlv , L? luhU Ot Ul oneomlng truck nnd I-riday. 'Soviet• OOV] Plans M dldn-t rcRllM Uie .hithw““ ay LosI Angeles,' bannock coiiiit.v Ml;rn{f H. E.; -- furrtd until It wiw loo Inte. ^ ' Parker reported h lifih^.foloroai . \ l | , Tjie northbound car mU*cd ninilonwaKOtininilonw hnd been sioi.nl Nn^ear^ ^ Ban If., >.irvi. «nd follcrt twi c r li\nd»S | ____—HJ its-at-R i«li t — ~ 'Tm~Tmm~'f*t in"Pucnlcllii * iilli'.'.uny alter-! ' r a ^ ~ [SI on IW wfietla ‘n U ie '^rro w lit— j iiiMin. Tw in KaIM police recelred- I [Jt. All the window* w«r« brokon LOSl o j ANfiELES. NOV, 18 tfl - . I ft rtpoTl thnt ft Slsiu-cnlorea '"“Icar] Test MeetingC> ,mf boUi tfoCM el the twu-doordoor PresidentPrrslc Kennedy urscd Ameri­lerl- • wn* seen n t ihe stniinn enrlViir!v|_MD3COW,Jilov,-j#-<*— Mr>.>igf -West-— • were of^- conscans ItonlKiit to ahim "dbcordiint ------------------------------------------------------ HFriday; rld a r- —■ ~ 'em rourcM snid today peputy. p .trMfiinn Prnnk Mo- .YDlcei-fit«xircmlim^*nd-eoncen'.YDlccS :j„"i ----■ ■ --------------------------** t~2<aturaay mnrninK doRnc Ihe u ec - ClnrUCIrvrlnnd, BaUe, pfeaU tnt; Towfow B»(i; Patka.p*»l Viler, tJcc prealdent. rrtrkei ttk e r anld « 21-ymr.nl<l Po- Premier Anastas MIkoyaJ) haa jtwn rfporUMl Mr. I^wli, vhov h o Untc^Irntc alrenRlhenlnK the nn-n „ . •**''*o n d d»y of the zSllt annual ronvenUon.nfronvenUon. ibB'Idabo Slate Fairl lr aiijand Ki K rllnc'J. 7ohannetrn. Kmmett,imett, lecreUry-treaiurer.lecre Not pie. cotrllocatfllo tmnii, an rx-convlcl.'waswas Indicnted the Soviet Union ts tlon asnln.it forel(tn-bft.i«l com- a n d Ro<lrn auodallnn In IheUie flnierxnnflnierxn Imlel. Krem lefl ara'ir«' iiirnltiirnl in Klmer Terry, raeatelln,dlo, Wlrn president.pi Approximatelyly being sosouRht In connection with/Ith RctllnK readyri to accept th e W est- * • ♦ ¥ ' niunl-lt-niiinl-1 thrcnU, VVnliW nller V arhrnuth. Orand View, rice»lc« prm ldenl; G eorft W. J25J25 pr p rrw rn attended* the eonvenllun.iventton. (Staff(S pholo-etiiTavlnil severolgeverol tc ar ilinfiR, inclMflSnR \\mliM i «ti\ propoivnlprop- lo rtaum e u lk a on \ VVlUi BU obvloMa ■ Miftck. on * * * * i’.. .- -r—- T - r - ^^ of the aaintiunwaKon. bi);inlnRb;|;inlnR nuclenr tests. ' | 5 juch Hroup« M Uie John Birch - - Traffic D eaths s " ______ PnrkeiParker aniil tiie mnu vantrrt Wlkoyn 5 aoclcly Iind the inllllln-type T j ’ "ttr nf vhr.'major diplomat* ■ M lnutcmen, Kennedy Bppcnled, | » ! fu r nuKUOtllKx r c t^ lly wniv t t - nf vhr. tr. ---■„ Mogie Volley "Let our pntrlotlim- be reflected - M ® W S - K J i 3 !; lc.i*edJi1>m-the Idnho iia te penUenU a t an rcceptlonlrcce given Prlday h ig h t ' |Fair,jkodeo-jleo-Parley— BfcL-ETlNSlf sIcntlnry. ; where he .icrved a burg,irg. by the SiSudan embassy on Ibi na- ~ ~ l9 5 a ~ .......••••••...... ^2— -ift-tn til- . rntlier thnn cruxnde.i of aiuni'' —' inry term . H r wild the miMlnRilnR tionnitIonnI dndny. * i 1960..I,.................... 51 cion." P 1.0M)0N, Not Jfl ir-Two .VewS tn Vork Kienti*(a. aald today theyley *taHnnwa8pn contained a .21 cnr.cnl'. Aa propo.^alprof for re*umpUon of | 'I'hfl Prcjildent. In reninrk.i prrf-:: - Keeps Of)f fi<f icer Slate 1;%!hdvr Iciinu eWdebce of Iraett.ofof llTlntll»lnt IhlnciIh In meUorllea reach. *wrIbcrrlfle. >-UIi . •— _ .............- - Uiks-^wnsuiks-^wnj mnde by B ritain and ; 'id o h o Piledpared for » J100-*-plale Drmo* ' In* KarihKar from outer »p«ce. Dr.llr. O eorce'Cenrre' laua of New York uni-i|. TTho he I bullet which killed Mr. tile,tiic, United--sute*'Uni In almllar. 1 I cratlc rnlly a t UoUywowl Pal-"a'JI Geortre W. Cleveluiid,'Boise,B o is e , V.WRv.i r p e le c tc il p rc s liJ2nt e n t '»«r»Uy'»«r»uy »nil Prof. Rarlholomeww NacyNa*y of Fordham unlTertlly re. Rnlley. ia *lug from a J i cnllherIher notes didelivered to the Bovlet \ r- Indium. Mld.'frlnoe sroupi hnveinve ofOl theti Idaho Stnle Fair jintliind BodeoBoden a.ssocintlon SaliirdavInv P°rieiiported In the iclfntlfle magaaltiertltie NatureNitur they fonnd In rerUIn,[„ P'*tol.pistol, \wo* recovered from hi* forelRnforeiRn office« Nov. IS. j ESrnierRcd In most crlilcnl period*lod* ntn t theti concluding sc.i.sionama of the 2.'nh annunl conven-2,1. meleorltt* orcanUed element* rr>emhllnr In •Iruclur* tho fouli.j|. splnnl ccolumn Prldny. nieTlie rnote recalird lhat ths I ...... to e.icnpe. their own re-ipoiwlblll- ♦ :« „ lied remKint ot mUro%t«ple tottn*otm» Bfat llle.llie ^ TwinTwin Pnll.n counly Coronermer WJw on.bnnnlng.leataJiad-ra-—-•on * * * * . lle.1ll« b)by fIncIInK n almple aloRun or lion,„ |j ! here. Tom K. I'arka,8, Filer; ElmerI R. Terry, Pocn- tuiJiU nj In Ihe middle'of th e aft co»'convenient acnpcKOUt.J'ln.thU.Ull, tello,‘■^*.*0 an.(LJYHller'.i:arbroufrh,-Girouffh,-Graml :View^, were rrc- c - ' TUNI.'j~~NMv'‘lR'il(riulp71^I<i«nt^H«Mt.--yt u ^li Hit-Hnblb-BmmrjIUa lulU lod»y 'ISi- luuKcuI oukcoT ini the spinal column^aft».fter among three members of th# { frfnl tnl mjghi hav. .ta v ^U U u.L ilouL-of—bclftbt«nMl—iteUnilL. H h-h '^ e e- - tmned-nfl'rvice-rprcsidcnfcr—BrtiTTRh r-“ErtiTi5f“ lr“.Tiiininneaen, lim,m - nlslftnisia I*m ()rcpnred to flaUt (iRMn.In for Ihe\he French: navy bnse at Bl-B|. pAA-slnRpftA-slnR throURh the neck, add*tdd. ntomle club,< the United Staten, ] I'l* ew H JV hsiS »enl bcJta. haW, ••dtacordnnt vo5ccs ot c*-cx- m eetl, tl wna reeicclcd ?ocrctnry-treretnry-treiisurer. PelCRalea nc-n c - ^''te*®rte 'fif neces-mry. He *nid n French"reneh.noi/s-on noi/s- the aubjcct of eveniu-lu- Ina theithere wcrr*powder burn.tI on BriuinBriinin and the Soviet Union, Jiie jnm b^ire^^ _AllJhrte-lriimi:_ilMUja_liahe !ectcd-Pocntelio-a!rthtr.iito-tomnito-tortlre-in52 convention and'*’V;j5^alty;ni)rnin8'T>Sck' ”' IhV biisg to TuniainTuni«'in wnawn, expected on Monday. the ledleft side of the dead man'snn's pending compleUon of the de> put Ivo d»y« K w lled from one- I"'! In . uc'ckneck InIndicating he Wfcs shott at batebale in the UnlUd Nations on \i(\- ^ 1 a p fic o a t *eeldeatj. Helie added; “Men who ace : apficum i-juv—a-B-enda-nf -~Cc A a lHih O . K»ypt, N ot. it in-Ptenldent- I ‘«eiildent T ito waa reported todayU> clone mranite. nuclear iluting, 6Ul« Pfttfolman H ow rd Carr,'arr wHlInKwllllni to fnce iin to the dnnaer T T -i dntcH for the variou.i coun-U»- leeklnc,eckln* In Jlne up » united front acaln*tacaln big power pressure*— Other I at from within.” JtX< •— Other clue.i being checked out 'Die'Hie disarmamentd co'ihmUsiM Iho inmdiiaird nn tccldent a t >rom House Chief ly ‘ faira »nd rodeo.i nextEXt eipeclullyeipeciu any withdrawal ofI 1I.S.U.S.

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