a$i f<$ oer 201905 V* THE DAILY NEWS / 0 iSON, B. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1905 ?•>•.!*, D '-' VOL. 4 Jul t.lDniry- ,.w NO. 148 now contirol thirty votes ln the Storth­ of Agnea Morrison, found guilty of mur­ gln but Robert Jaffray, vice-president and ing, and it Is feared prince Charles will der and recommended for the severest colonel H. M. Pellatt and Messrs. C. C. decline If the republican minority is suf­ punishment which the law inflicts, is In .a Dalton and Thomas Walmsley, directors, ficiently strong to be worthy of consid­ peculiar predicament and has called n meet MIKADO'S MURDERER log of llie bench for the purpose oi con­ LUCKY JIM will arrive here about the 20th on a visit eration. In government circles, 'how­ sidering Hie problem before him. of inspection. AGGRESSIVE ever, it is declared .that the question will Word was brought In late Friday that When Gardiner was brought before .judge an old gentleman had been found dead In 'be settled before the end of the present Tuley to receive his death sentence; the week. the busli about three miles from Elko and RESCRIPT attorney for the prisoner created a s •nsa- corner Bloasdeil left here at once to hold BOUGHT tlon by stating that he would ask that DIVIDEND an Inquest. Later Intelligence from Elko sentence should not be pronounced upon ROTTENNESS said that Thos. Bardsley, aged SS, and him because it would be Impossible to father of Mrs. Holbrook, the postmistress AYLESWORTH SWORN IN curry It out. He explained that his • lient at Elko, had left his home on Monday was afflicted with one of the rarest dis­ last to visit a neighbor and not having Commends the Portsmouth IS NOW POSTMASTER-GENERAL OF Andre Harmand Captured eases known to the medical world, an os­ returned by the next day, search parties sification of the vertebrae of thc neck Big Zinc Mine in Siocan CANADA. set out In various directions to look for Chief Characteristic of City Treaty to Japanese and hardening of the cartilaginous tissues. him. A reward was offered by his son- by Vancouver Police of the trachea, which would practically District Maintains in-law and on Wednesday some Indians, WRIT FOR NORTH YORK BYE- make it Imposlble to execute the man by who had joined ln the search, found the Government in Ame­ hanging, It would be Impossible to break People ELECTION TO ISSUE SHORTLY Yesterday lifeless body of the old gentleman about a hla neck becase the vertebrae were Good Record mile in the bush and off the main road, rican Cities grown together and It would be equally two miles from his home. The deceased (Special to The Dally News) impossible to strangle him to denth, be­ was born In England ln 1820 anil, came to cause of the hardening of the cartilage Ottawa, Oct. 10,—A. II. Aylesworth, Canada in 18tiu and six years later moved Declares That Japanese in Commerce Must Suspected of Murder of Oliver at Wolf would prevent the compression of the to Minnesota. He was a railroad engineer Who arrived iu tue city thla afternoon, trachea. Professor Staftehson of Rush me­ Owners Have Received $80,000 in Profits Governor Folk, of Missouri, Talks to Phil- Now Equal Japan's Triumphs in War was sworu lu a member of iho privy Creek, Mont., Sept. 23rd-Spent Two and was a member of tiio United Brother- dical college, who testified aa to tho truth Within a Year-Large Shipments to Tiood from the date of its inception. .He adelphians on Urgent Need of True Admonishes Vainglorious Japs council aoiU postniaster-genoral ait lu Days in Nelson Last Week of this statement, said that Gardiner's cose was a member of the A.F. & A.M. In minutes past 1 o'clock thla afternoon 'by was one of only four cases of that disease Colorado-Lead to Local Smelters good standing. About 40 member of the Civic Patriotism earl Grey at Rideau Hall. Sir Wilfrid on record. In view of the condition Of the Masonic lodge left Fernie by the west­ Laurier came to Government House at delinquent it IB probable that he will be bound train for Elko to attend the funeral. sentenced to Imprisonment for life U is Toklo, Oct. 16.—The official transla­ 1 o'clock along itli sir Wm. Muloek, Vancouver, Oot. 16.—The police made believed that thla case will prove a strong Aylesworth. and Hyman. John. McGee, The regular payment of substantial Philadelphia, Oc. 16—Tlie great battle tion of the imperial rescript announc­ an exciting capture this morning of a argument in favor uf the abolition of hang­ dividends is the best advertisement thait CLAIM TO PORTLAND DUKEDOM between Uio local republican oiganlzation clerk of the privy council was on tsand man named Andre Harmand, alias ing and the adoption of electrocution as and the city party or tho municipal re­ es the conclusion of peace as follows: with, tho records. any mine or mining district can receive. Romy, for murder in Montana. He left the logal method of executing criminals Reports of extent of work done, of large Druce Forma Joint Stock Company to form organisation recently formed here, "We have deemed it a fundamental Aylesworth first took the oath of a sentenced to death In this state. Nelson Thursday night by the C. P. R. tonnage mined, shipped and treated, of waa enlivened today by the visit of gov­ principle of our policy to maintain peace pnvy councillor, which entitles him to Finance Prosecution of Suit. ernor Folk of Missouri, who tonight ad­ going west. Tlie sheriff from Montana assay values, of the number of men em­ in the east and thus assure the security the prefix "honorable" iu future, and London Oct. 10.—The famous Druce dressed a large auu enthusiastic audience is expected to arrive here tomorrow. ployed, are interesting as guides, but of our country and the promotion of this afterwards took the oath of postniaster- GOSSIP OF GRAND FORKS in the academy of music. He spoke under the only convincing argument to pros­ claim, to tbe dukedom of Portland and (high object has therefore -been our con­ general, The officers who made the capturo re­ the auspices of the city club, which claima stant aim, 'but last year, for reasons dic­ pective investors is the regular payment ita vast estates has entered a new phase. no connection with thu city party. The The writ for North York, whiich Ayles- ceive $250 reward. Developing Osoyoos Lake Properties—BUI tated by the necessity of self-preserva­ of good dividends out of profit's. crowd was so gruiu that the duors of the wor,th will contest, will issue without Clark Stllll In Lund of Living A limited liability company with a tion, we unfortunately were forced into Ou September 23rd last Andre Har­ academy were closed before the meeting delay. (Special to The Dally News) capital of ?uu,000 has been registered at began. Several thousand persons who could 'hostilities with Russia. mand, a Frenchman and a young man This record has been maintained for At Saturday's cabinet meeting Muloek Grand Forks, Oct. 1G—Ex-aid or man A. Somerset House. Its title ia "Q. H. not get in were addressed by tlie city "Since the war began our army and named Oliver, were travelling together a year toy a zinc nilne in tlie Slocau dis­ waa appointed chief justice oi the ex­ Marshall arrived here yeserday from Cop­ Druce, Limited," and the directors are party speakers. (navy lias made adequate provisions for •in northern Montana, near the Alberta per mountain In the Slmllknmeen district. trict, the Lucky Jim, of which G. W. chequer division of tne high court of George Holiamby Druce, the claimant; Ihoine defence and military preparations frontier. Oliver had beeu in Alberta Ho says that the Mountain View and Hughes is manager. Governor Folk said in part; "The Ontario. It iia said that F. R. Chryler, Dividend claima at Osoyoos lake, which A dividend of $24,000 wus declared yes­ George Orickmer and John Crickmer. most conspicuous fact of municipal gov­ •within theempire itself and have with­ of Ottawa, is hooked for the vacancy in selecting lands lor his parents who con­ ernment is that it Is by the few and not templated 'removing thither from Mon­ were recently bonded by the Granby com­ terday by tlie owners of the Lucky Jim G. H. Druce bases his claim ou bhe stood hardships of all kinds during their the high court of Ontario. pany, are now working 23 men under fore­ by thc people. There la more ugressivo campaigns abroad and thus have achiev­ tana. mine at Bear Lake, in the Slocau min­ fact that he Is the legal lineal represen­ Sir Wilfrid Laurier says he has not man Rogers, Although It Is only four tative of Thomas Druce of the Baker rottenness and less aggressive patriotism ed a glorious success. Our civil offi­ ing district. in our large cities than anywhere elae. If received any invitation to attend the On that day Oliver was murdered and months since the development work on Street Bazaar, who, he alleges, Avas the cers, tn concord with our diet have dili­ his 'body buried at Wolf creek, 40 miles these properties was commenced, over 900 This means a total of $S0,OUO paid by the patriotism can be made as aggressive gently performed their duties In further- 'proposed colonial conference la London feet of work has beon dono. He says that the mine within a year, in addition to fifth duke of Portland.
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