Village History Major References Are Given in Bold

Village History Major References Are Given in Bold

238 Travels in Transylvania 239 Schaas, Johann: Das Leben ist so schön, wenn man darüber lächeln kann! index Eminescu, 2013 Shakespeare, Nigel: Times New Romanian. Matador, 2014. Village hisTory Major references are given in bold. References in italics denote illustrations. There is a selection of village histories which came out in the 1880s and more recently. They include: Abtsdorf (see Ţapu) Altarpieces contd Saschiz. Monografia Localităţii 2011, Târgu Mureș Accommodation 11ff Mediaș 141, 150, 151 Dumbrăveni. Translated from Hungarian into Romanian by Ion Calinescu ADEPT 62, 120, 226 Moșna (see Cincu) Reichesdorf, eine Ortschaft im Weinland Siebenbürgens. Compiled by Adunarea 194, 195 Richiș 123 Andreas Nemenz, Munich, 1999 Agârbiciu 186 Șaeș 70 Agnetheln (see Agnita) St Martin (Sighișoara) 70 Although not directly related to the Târnava Mare Valley, there are two Agnita 118, 177, 232 Șaroș 104 interesting sources on ancient farming practices in Romania: a charming Agyagfalva (see Lutiţa) Alzen (see Alţâna) booklet, Povestea fânului–The Way of Hay (Google the title and download Alba Iulia 17, 21, 29, 33, 38, 42, Anatolian rugs 203 a pdf) and an upcoming documentary on transhumance, still practised in 79; (synod of) 200 Andreanum 18, 36 the hills above Copșa Mare. Visit to watch a trailer Albești 59 Andreas Lapicida 132, 166 for this fascinating film. Alcina (see Alţâna) Andrew II, King of Hungary 18, Aldea, carver 198 36 Alma Vii 170, 171, 172, 173 Antonescu, Ion 34, 35, 221 Almakerék (see Mălâncrav) Apafi family, general 84, 86, 87, Almen (see Alma Vii) 94, 100, 157, 159, 162, 183 Alpár, Ignác 74 Apafi manors and castles Alsóbajom (see Boian) (Blaj) 197; (Dumbrăveni) 99; Alsóbún (see Ţopa) (Mălâncrav) 86 Alţâna 131 Apafi, Gergely 99 Altarpieces Apafi, György 100; (monument Biertan 110, 111, 112 to) 87, 88, 91 Cenade 152 Apafi, Prince Mihály I 24, 40, Cincu 175, 176, 177 46, 98, 99, 100, 197 Cund 70 Apafi, Mihály II 24, 40, 100 Dupuș 151 Apafi, Miklós 87 Mălâncrav 92, 93, 94 Apold 83 240 Travels in Transylvania The greater Târnava Valley 241 Arbegen (see Agârbiciu) Beatrice of Aragon, Queen of Boarta 186 Charles, Prince of Wales 166, Armenians 96, 99, 101 Hungary 37, 78 Bocskai, István 23, 39 225, 229 Árpád, house of 18–19, 36 Becse-Gergely clan 86 Bodea, Cornelia 30 Cincu 174, 175 Árpád, Magyar chief 16, 17 Bee-keeping 207, 208 Bögöz (see Mugeni) Cipariu, Timotei 197 Asszonyfalva (see Axente Sever) Bell (see Buia) Boian 160, 161 Cloșca, Crișan and Horea, uprising ASTRA Library 168, 228 Berethalom (see Biertan) Boiu 59 of 29, 29, 41 ASTRA Library 228 Beta 51 Böjte, Csaba 82 Cluj 16, 38, 100, 147, 156 Aţel 132, 133, 134 Betelsdorf (see Sânmiclăuș) Bolkács (see Bălcaciu) Constantinescu, Ion 116 Austria (see Habsburgs) Betești 56 Bólya (see Buia) Copșa Mare 116, 117 Austria-Hungary, establishment of Betfalva (see Betești) Bonnesdorf (see Boian) Copșa Mică 178, 179 31, 42 Bethlen family, general 24, 77, 79, Bornemissza, Anna 87, 100 Corund 45 Axente Sever 183, 185 80, 82, 87 Brădeni 83 Corvinus, Matthias (see Matthias Axente Sever, Ioan 184 Bethlen, Elek 80 Brașov 205 Corvinus) Baaßen (see Bazna) Bethlen, Farkas 59, 80, 193 Brateiu 137, 139, 220, 223 Crăciunel 54 Bacon towers 166 Bethlen, Gábor 23, 39, 40, 46, Brukenthal, Samuel 41 Criș 77, 78 Băile Chirui 50 89, 157, 205 Budai-Deleanu, Ion 196 Crișan, Horea and Cloșca, uprising Băile Selters 50 Bethlen, Gergely 81 Buia 186 of 29, 29, 41 Balázsfalva (see Blaj) Bethlen, János 47 Bulkesch (see Bălcaciu) Cristuru Secuiesc 56 Bălcaciu 191, 192 Bethlen, István 81 Bún (see Boiu) Csávási, Albert 97 Balthes, Fritz 74, 75, 144, 177 Bethlen, Kata (wedding chest of) Calinescu, Ion 96, 99 Cséry, Balázs 197 Bánffy, Dezső 32 81, 87 Cândea, Virgil 30 Csicsóholdvilág (see Ţapu) Bánffy, György 41 Bethlen, Kata, diarist 80; (library Carol I, King of Romania 31, 42 Cund 101, 103; (altarpiece from) Bánffy, Miklós 190 of) 82 Carpets 202, 203, 204 70 Baráthely (see Brateiu) Bethlen, Miklós 27, 59, 40, 80, Catherine of Brandenburg 24, 39 Cuza, Alexandru Ioan 31 Bărnuţiu, Simion 199 191 Ceaușescu, Nicolae 7, 35, 43, 71, Czetz, János 96 Barth, Joseph 190 Bethlenszentmiklós 191 74, 124, 142, 193, 201, 225 Dacia, Dacians 16–17, 30, 36, Batári, Ferenc 206 Beyazit II, sultan 204 Cenade (altarpiece from) 152 196 Báthori, István, voivode 45 Biertan 106, 108, 109 Cetatea de Baltă 193 Daia 62, 62 Báthory, András 23, 39 Binder, Pál 165 Charles I, King of Hungary Daneș 77 Báthory, Gábor 39 Birthälm (see Biertan) (Charles Robert) 19, 36 Dános (see Daneș) Báthory, Prince István 39, 79 Blaj 31, 32, 194ff,195 , 198, 199, Charles IV, King of Hungary 42 Dârjiu 52, 53 Batu Khan 18 200 Charles VI, emperor 46, 96, 197, David, Anna 126 Bazna 158 Blasendorf (see Blaj) 200 Dávid, Ferenc 22 242 Travels in Transylvania The greater Târnava Valley 243 Dealu Frumos 177 143 Großkopisch (see Copșa Mare) Horea, Cloșca and Crișan, uprising Delenii 140 Firea, Ciprian 70, 94, 112, 122, Großlasseln (see Laslea) of 29, 29, 41 Deportations (see Holocaust, 123, 166 Großprobstdorf (see Târnava) Horizon Foundation 120, 226 Soviets) First World War 32–3, 42 Großschenk (see Cincu) Hosman 27, 131 Diet, Transylvanian 19, 23, 26, Fitzgerald, Katherine 86 Gurghiu Mountains 6 Hosman Durabil 228 38, 39 Flora and fauna 209 Gyárfás family 57 Hosszuaszó (see Valea Lungă) Diploma Leopoldinum 24–5, 40 Folbarth, Johann 83, 104, 123, Gypsies (see Roma) Hotels and guesthouses 11ff Dobeni 51 132, 167 Gyula, Magyar chief 17 Hülsemann, Jan 183 Douglas-Home, Jessica 43, 225 Folberth, Stephan 181 Gyulafehérvár (Alba Iulia) 17, 21 Hungarians 19, 30, 31, 34, 35, Dracul, Vlad, house of 66 Food 15 Haáz Rezső Museum 46 36, 42, 64, 147, 190; (anti- Dual Monarchy, establishment of Franz Joseph, emperor 31, 42, Habsburgs 21, 24, 28, 40, 45, 96, Habsburg revolution of 1848–9) 31, 42 32, 59 142, 220; (revolution against) 30–1, 41, 45, 54, 96, 147, 59, Dumbrăveni 96 Frauendorf (see Axente Sever) 30–1, 41, 64 178 Dunesdorf (see Daneș) Free villages 159 Hahn, Johannes 160, 163 Hungary, division of (1541) 21; Dupuș 135, 135, 136; (altarpiece Freedom of worship 22 Haller, Countess Susanna 87 (1920) 33 from) 151 Fundaţia Prinţul de Wales 229 Haller family 57, 84, 86 Hunyadi, John 20, 37 Ecel (see Aţel) Fundus Regius 18 Halvelagen (see Hoghilag) Hunyadi, Matthias (see Matthias Edict of Torda 22, 39 Gas, exploitation of 118, 140, Hann, Sebastian 156, 157 Corvinus) Eibesdorf (see Ighișu Nou) 158, 178, 179 Heart of Christ, chapel of 50, 51 Iacobeni 83 Elias Nicolai 70, 88, 89, 91, 115, Gaspari, Andreas 158 Hégen (see Brădeni) Iacov ‘Zugravul’ 198, 199 152, 175 German, Germany 34, 35, 42, 43, Henndorf (see Brădeni) Iancu, Avram 194 Elisabethstadt (see Dumbrăveni) 45, 74, 124, 160, 182, 191 Hermannstadt (see Sibiu) Ighișu Nou 162, 163, 164 Erzsébetváros (see Dumbrăveni) Géza II, King of Hungary 18, 36, Hetzeldorf (see Aţel) Iohannis, Klaus 43 Fabini, Professor Hermann 92, 64, 159 Hitler, Adolf 34, 43, 182 Isabella, queen 21, 38, 79 132, 229 Géza, Prince 17, 36 Hoffmeyer, Simon 47, 98 István Molnár Museum 57 Farbaky, Péter 79 Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe 43 Hoghilag 101 Jagiello, house of 19, 37 Fehéregyháza (see Albești) Gindtner, Franz 97 Hohenzollern, house of 31, 143 Jakabfalva (see Iacobeni) Feliceni 51 Gisela of Bavaria 17 Holcmány (see Hosman) Jakobsdorf (see Iacobeni) Felsőbajom (see Bazna) Goldsmiths in Transylvania 156, Holdvilág (see Hoghilag) Jews 34, 35, 43, 55, 55, 154, 190 Felsőboldogfalva (Feliceni) 51 157 Holocaust 34 Jidvei 193 Ferdinand of Habsburg 21, 38, Greek Catholic (see Uniate) Holzmengen (see Hosman) John Sigismund, Prince of 39, 64, 142 Gritti, Alvise 142 Homoródszentpál 53 Transylvania 21–2, 39, 45 Ferdinand I, King of Romania 42, Große Kokel 7 Honterus, Johannes 22, 38 Joseph II, emperor 28, 29, 41, 96 244 Travels in Transylvania The greater Târnava Valley 245 Karácsonyfalva (Crăciunel) 54 Leopold II, emperor 28, 41 Mediaș contd Moardăș 186 Keisd (see Saschiz) Leschkirch (see Nocrich) Citadel 148, 149 Mohács, battle of 21, 38, 64, 78, Kelényi, György 191 Lesses (see Dealu Frumos) Franciscan church 153 142 Kendlinger, Jacobus 68 Louis II, King of Hungary 21, 38 Hermann Oberth house 155 Moldavia 23, 31, 39, 40, 220 Keresd (see Criș) Lukács, Avedik 99 Liceul Stephan Ludwig Roth 144 Mongols (see Tatar) Kirulyfürdő (Băile Chirui) 50 Lutiţa 54 Market 144 Morgonda (see Merghindeal) Kiskapus (see Copșa Mică) Macartney, C.A. 30 Municipal Museum 153 Moșna 165, 167, 168; (altarpiece Kiss, Lóránt 165 Macskasy family 57 Orthodox church 153 from) 177 Kisselyk (see Șeica Mică) Maetz, Samuel 132 Piaţa George Enescu 143 Mugeni 54 Kitchener, Lord 32 Magaré (see Pelișor) Piaţa Regele Ferdinand I 143 Müller, Friedrich 190 Klausenburg (see Cluj) Magarey (see Pelișor) Romgaz museum 155 Museums Kleinkopisch (see Copșa Mică) Magyars, arrival of 16 Schullerhaus 143 Axente Sever 183 Kleinschelken (see Șeica Mică) Maior, Petru 196 Synagogue 154, 154 Agricultural (Moșna) 165 Kogălniceanu, Mihail 31 Magyarsáros (see Delenii) Uniate church 153 Battle of Sighișoara 59 Kokelburg (see Cetatea de Baltă) Mălâncrav 84, 90 Mediasch (see Mediaș) Baths and mineral water 47 Kolozsvár (see Cluj) Malmkrog (see Mălâncrav) Mérai, Dr Dóra 114 Biertan Lapidarium 114–5 Königsboden 18 Mardisch (see Moardăș) Mergenthal (see Merghindeal) Blaj 195 Koppány, Magyar chief 17 Mardos (see Moardăș) Merghindeal 177 Brateiu 137 Kornis family 46 Maria of Habsburg 21, 38 Meschen (see Moșna) Brukenthal 41, 161 Kornis, Sigismund 177 Maria Theresa, empress 28, 40, MET (Mihai Eminescu Trust) 11,

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