Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 12-3-1948 The Ledger and Times, December 3, 1948 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, December 3, 1948" (1948). The Ledger & Times. 7057. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/7057 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 0. • 4•11. eke • • • - As nest ATI-Round Kentucky Community Newspaper ror 1947 48 Selected IIER FORECAST • cky—Clearing with Just Ken mild temperature today. Fair the and slightly cooler tonight sees Saturday inceeasing cloud:- , to nets-and a little warmer. she Bill eteel YOUR PROGRESSIVE HOME NEWS- 3, 1948 MURRAY POPULATION — 8,000 Vol. XX; No. 143 p to United Press PAPER FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY Murray, Kentucky, Friday Afternoon, Dec. the Thoroughbreds To Rent, Food Prices co Be Feted At Grid Slated For Ft Ltr 4 Banquet Tuesday Limited Number Increase Next Year • Of Tickets For JAMES ROGERS Public Available DIES SUDDENLY Burley Drops Reports Show Rents In The annual football banquet for the Murray State College Thoro- AT LYNN GROVE On Kentucky ughbreds will be held in the Wells East Already Adranced Hall dining room Tuesday night, James S. Rogers, 74, died sud- Lynn Markets Again • According to reports received to- Dec. 7. Ralph Woods, president of denly at his home in north evening. He average family budget will the college, announced today: Grove at 8:30 Thursday LOUISVILLE 4UP)—The ave- day, the been ill for only nine hours. year. Hollis C. Franklin. Marion bank- had rage returned by hurley tobacco at take a further beating next inc:ude his wife, Mrs. PLAYERS NAMED er and member of the Board of Survivors Kentucky markets dropped another Both rents and the price of food State college, Mattie L. Rogers: two sons. Taz Regents of Murray 26 cents yesterday to $47.99 per will go even higher. will be the principal speaker. Short Rogers of Murray, and Hollis FOR TANGERINE hundred pounds. Nourse, head of the college Rogers of Greensboro, No. Car.; Dr. Edwin G. talks will also be given by It was the third straight day the one sister. 1VLrs. Doyle Crouch of , council of economic advisors, told officials and coaches. average has fallen, according to Thoroughbred Lynn Grove; three brothers, Noahl BOWL GAME today that he In addition to the the state department of agriculture. President Truman of Rogers of Murray. Plez Rogers. Coach Fred Faurot of the Mur- coaches and players, a number Opening day the leaf returned an found "rents creeping up" Land- Graves county. and Virgil Rogers. ray Thoroughbreds today rnnounc- special guests will be present. Miss average of $49.40 per hundred- cities Grove; four grandchildren. players who lords in several large eastern Tennie Breckenridge. secretary to Lynn totals ed the offenal list of weight, so the drop now notified their tennants the president, said this morning arid two great-grandchildren. Will make the trip to Florida for have already of the $1.4-1. that a limited number of tickets Mr. Rogers was a member the New Years Day game in the that an increase in. rent witi be- Universit3 17.946,035 pounds were to the public. The Salem Baptist church in Lynn CELL—Commissioned by Northwestern Yesterday Tangerine Bowl in Orlando, Fla. year. will be available PHOTOGRAPH GROWTH OF CANCER department come effective the first of the Grove where funeral services will cell, John Nash Ott, Jr., throw sold for $8,590,476, the A squad of 34 players has been tickets may be purchased from T. a photographic study of the growth of a cancer of Agriculture at 2:00 o'clock Sat- to make offi reports. op- The Department Sledd at the Murray water office. be conducted in his studio in Winnetka, Ill., while Northwestern selected for the contest. Their switch starting time-lapse device everyone not to be too hap- banquet honoring the Breds urday afternoon under the direc- harnessed to new type micro Springfield was the top market ponents will be Sul Rcss college of warns The watch. The device, which includes two movie cameras fitting in tion of the Rev. L. V. Henson. Bur- dais Most extensivi in the state, with an average of Alpine, Tex. py because prices eenerally have this year is especially cancer's growth for the next year. Study will be the lel will be in the Salem cemetery. scope, will record the Only one other market, is the complete roster: a bit. In its annual fore- view of their impressive season's of itc kind in needles' history $50.77. Following slumped • be Clifford, an aye- food record, showing nine wins and Pallbearers will — Mount Sterling. reported ENDS cast, the Department says Sterl- one loss for a share of the Ohio Alton, Onyx and Kelton Rogers, rape of over $50 At Mount B. J. Sanders, senior. Murray; prices will be just as high in 1949 • for an Valley Conference crown with 011ie Williams and Carlos Crouch. Livestock ing -622.738 pounds went Jim Pearce, senior, Metropolis, Ill; as they were in 1948. The price of Evansville college, The body will remain at the horn- everage of $50 19. Ralph Cooper. junior, Paducah; Bob food may even go higher during until the funeral hour. The Max High coming year. Begin At the first of the _ In recognition of the greatness of Rehearsals Prices Show Sanders. junior Georgetown M the team, the Breds were invited to Churchill funeral home is in charge Fred Sanders. sophomore Murray: The Department throws in some of arrangements. Missionary To play Sul Ross college of Alpine. eclm. e Billy Mac Bone, freshman Fulton;i good cheer by predicting that plen- Tex., in the Tangerine Bowl in School For Three-Act Comedy D TACKLES tiful meat supplies may drive the Orlando, Fla.. on New Years Day. I OUISVILLE (UP) Livestock Be In Jackson John Hackney. junior Hopkins- prices down toward the end of swing for Prom; Green and Satchel (Bill FUNERAL HELD Rehearsals are in full prices continued to drop in Ky. ville; Troy Kelly. senior Danville. 1949. "Best Foot Forward." the three act a couple junior Padu- Parks an.i Joe Thurman), last month, with the exception of Entire Week Va.; John Cromwell, No relief is in sight for renters, to be presented by thel junior. Paris, OF comedy of fellows item down ths hall; Miss veal calves the US. Department cah; Jim Cullivan, however. As long as the housing DEFEREMENT THURSDAY FOR Masquers on the Murree High Paul Ward, junior, Hun- Delaware Wetec Gap (Janot Smith), of Agriculture reports today. Tenn.; shortage continues, and price of School stage, the nights of Decem- Ed Dunn, sopho- The department says veal calves tingelein. Tenn : building materials continues going ber 13 and 111. "Best Foot Forward", a beauty contest winner who is COLLEGE STUDENTS' PHILLIPS BABY 'elven-zed 30 cents to $29.80 per more, Corbin; up, tennants can't expect rent! to is z'44;061144m. at- the rauirie•I) gatehers dale; tles:Blind Date iLe- GUARDS • thndredwetifht. Hogg eleelined 10 go down. Experts see no end to the Funeral services for Sandra Kay comedy that had all Broadway is Ken Evitt. senior. Eldorado, Ills chic Faye Hart), who Green's per cent last month to an average housing shortage for many years. TO BE REQUESTED Phillips, still-born daughter of Mr. smiling a few sears back, and the Puckett. senior, Shelby- Senior Prom girl for ths simple of $22.20 per hundred pounds on Powell The man who runs the rent con- Selective Servins headquarters and Mrs. Rupert Phillips, Murray straight version should be as much And the average ville. Ky.: Joe Davis, junior. Paris, reason that it is part of a business November 15th. trol program, Rent Director Tighe request soon for the de- route 3, were held at 230 Thurs- of a success as the musical. Tenn.; Floyd Hooks. junior, Hop- will get a prise farmers received for mulch Woods, admitted today that he most college students, day The graveside ser- The play has a cast of 17. but deal between their fathers; Pro- kinsville, Ky.; B. 1. Middleton. jun- ferment of afternoon cows declined $6 per head, while called the rent laws "unfair" to • appeal will come from five vices were conducted by Bro. Kelly much of the action centers around fessor Lleyd (Gene Hendon). a ior, Portsmouth. Ohio; Don Evitt, The milk, butter awl butterfat remain- landlords. But. said Woods. that made up of educators, Fitzgerald at the Barnett cemetery. Bud Hooper. Bud (whose real name teacher who tries to believe irs the sophomore, Eldorado, Ill. committees ed fairly stable. isn't the whole story. engineers and scientists. And it will The infant was born at Murray is Elwood) is a student at Winsoc- younger generation; Miss Smith prices declined CENTERS Most smell grain He said rent controls, unfair or be along the lines of the request Hospital at 1:25 a. m Thursday. ki Prep Schools He's a small, quiet. (Martha Jean Stagnere the house advanced Buddy Hewitt, junior, Madison, during the month. Wheat not, are necessary as a result of made a month ago by the healing Survivors include the parents; serious, and rather shy type of boy. mother; the Old Grad (Donald it down- Tenn.: Alvin Cope, sophomore, slightly but corn continued the war.
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