>1. *3^''.'7 / f.' , ,^ VI.-. >.r .« ! y ■ > ■; ..f ■ ■ r ** ' ■“ PAGE TUESDAY, MAY 18. 1984 A r trn z t Daily Net Press Run HalnrliMter lEw^niug l^wallii r ^ The Weather For the Week Ended FofMut of 6. 8. Weather Bereae May 15, 1S54 Edward B. Keiin, 34 Hartland Partly cleudy, eeel toalght. Leer Rd., a member of the Junior class Local Delegates at Williston Academy, Easthamp- Dunce School to Be Used as Day Care Center 11,221 mid. 4ei|. Thnreday parity cteedy,' mild, a few ehewrre IBtely la tha Married couplet of the ton. Mass., has been 40ccted to Attei^l (Congress Member of the Audit nunity BapUit Churdhi will hdl^a membership in the Student Coun­ Bureau of Circulation afternoon. High 7e-75. cil. He recently took part in the 3'luhL dinedi bowline party. Saturday evening Manchester— A City o f Village Charm sTriamatic Club's production of Tlie first New England U. N. The froup meet at the church Charter Review Congress was held at 7:45 and return for refreehr laming of the Shrew." in Springfield at the Hotel Shera­ WORLD'S ECONOMY VOL. LXXIII, NO. 201 (Claoaifled Advertielng ea Page tS) ir.onta after the enme*. Those in­ ton May 14-16 under the auspices MANCHESTER, CON., WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1954 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE nVE CENTS ter Mt^ should make reservaUons Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mahoney, formerly of Hollister Street, en- of the New England Council of the aa toon aa possible through Mrs. United World Federalists, Inc. The CHAMPION William Gilroy. 40 Whitney Rd. te"tained aj^embers of the DAV Auxiliary. N<k,17. at their pre.sent New England CSonventlon UWF home in Mt.,Carmel, Conn. A pic­ was held In conjunction with the A Smile and a Handshake DelU CSispter No. M. Royal Congrea*'. • WALL-FLAME — PRESSURE BURNERS Rent Hikes Arch Masons, will confer the past nic lunch was enjoyed in the late • COMPLETE HEATING UMTS afternoon. ~ ^ ’ Delegates from Mamhester were r - master Mason degree at iU regu­ Mr. end Mrs. Adam Rhodes, Dr. a INSTALLED BY FACTORY TRAINED MEN lar convocation tomorrow evening and Mr.s. Charles Jacobson, Mrs. • FORCED WAR.M AIR — STEAM'— HOT WATER Easier fo r at 7:30 in the Masonic Temple. The Mr. and Mrs. Everett Evans, Joseph Skinner and Mrs. Vernon Galls for Full degree wOrk will be followed by formerly of South Coventry but Hauschild. the usual social hour and refresh- now living in Crercent Beach. Fla., The specific objectives of the were honored with a turkey dinfter jnenl*' Congress were to determine Landlords Sunday at the home of Mr. and whether or not there are structural The Infant Jesus of Prague Mrs. Nils Carlaon of Vernon. The weaknesses in the U. N. Charter FOGARTY BROTHERS affair wa« arran;,ed 1 y the mem­ Hartford, May 19 (/P)— Mothers CSrcle w ill meet tomorrow and to consider what might be done Connecticut tent payers are at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. bers of the L,. G. Club, of which l y strv.ctural changes to improve Authorized Dealer « William Finnegan, 14 Hudson St. Mrs. Evans is a member, and their the ability of the U.N. to fulfill Its due for some rent increases Mrs. Rose Ihivalack will be co­ husbands. The club is celebrating 256 CENTER STREET on a wider scale and possibly Row purpose of preventing war and hostess. its'39th anniversary this year. It maintaining orderly relations be­ atatted as ^ sewing club in 1915 MANCHESTER TEL. MI-9-4539 in larger amounts than at any tween nations. time since control was estgb- and still meets twice a month. Mr. Three commissions v’ere ap­ 24 HOUR SERVICE and Mrs. Evans will be in this pointed to report to the Congress li.shed during the early stage vicinity until the first week in on the Charter and a fourth was of World War 11. Piueo DelegatPfl Pull Surprise at Hollister Rally June vv-hen they will return to appointed to evaluate the practical Despite attempts by the Hartford Sees Perils Florida. COAL-COKE-FUEL OIL Higher-ups’ HALE'S and political factora influencing office to keep the latest develop­ The old Bunce School on Olcott Street Is getting a major overhauling and reconditioning In prepara­ Charter Review. D;-. Jacobson was ment quiet, officials there said to- Headquarters Those intesested are reminded tion for its »we as a recreation (renter and Day Care Center for retarded children. Male members of the a member of Commlsaion IV. d.iy new forms were prepared to If Reds Get of the Informal reception for Miss Manchester Assn, for the Help of I^dtarded Children arc holding frequent work partle.s to get the old The members of UWF believe make it "more simple for the land­ Part Denied FOR Nellie Lull and Miss Bertha Good­ building Into condition. Use pf the school, owned by the town, was donated to the association recently. that widespread Charter ftudy and lord and easier for the office" to rich, teachers at the Lincoln School The Manchester Grange, which had al.so asked to lease or buy the structure, withdrew in favor of the evaluation is of great importance authorize rent increases. who are retiring in June. In' be organization of parents of retarded children. at the present time because the One of the forms applies'to land­ Guatemala held at the school on May 27 from U.N. Charter provides under Ar­ HERE ARE SOME REAL lords with six or fewer rented units By Stevens 7;30 to 9 p. m. Former pupils and ticle 109 that the question of hold­ and the other, more detailed, ap­ fHenda are cordially Invited to at­ Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Nelson. 76 Post plan to go to the hospital to ing a conference to review the plies to larger scale operators but Washington, May 19 (IP)— tend. Wetherell St., sailed today aboard Towles Celcbralc assist w'ith the games. Charter must be on the agenda of could be used by either. President Eisenhower, com­ Washington, May 19 (/P)-— the M. S. Stockholm for a four The District meeting will be.held the General Assembly at its fall "We were.n't going to publicize menting on shipment of arms \ President Eisenhower to ^ y months stay in Sweden. On Satur­ Sunday, May 23. in South Wind­ this, ".a spokespian said this morn­ The annual reunion of the alum­ lOlh AiUiiversary session in 1956. Secretary of State from Red Poland to Guate­ tiled for the McCarthy- ni of Hillyer College will be held day evening. May 8, they were sor. atjthe Community hall. Main Dulles has announced that the Popular Values! ing. "We figured word wduld get Ahtw hearings to continue— at the Hotel Bond on Friday. June pleasantly surprtred with a bon .Street, Station 41. At this time a United States will vote in favor of around quick enough without any mala, said today it would be a 11. from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. Tickets voyage party given by a group of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Towle. 299 memorial' .setv’ice for deceased the Conference. notice about it appearing in the President Elsenhower and Army SetireUry Robert Stevena shake terrible thing if a Communist let tno^ chips fall where they for the informal dance may be their friends. They w'ere presented Spring St., were honored with a members wilt be held. papers." hands at airport in Wnshington upon return from flight to Char­ may. With a 35 mm camera. lawn supper Sunday at thii- .home SHOULDER Must Show Cost Boost dictatorship were established purchased at tha college book- ■ A donation'of $10 was voted to lotte, N. C’„ where the Chief Executive declared—-with Stevena sitting on this continent. And, itKouick team play, stoire. of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Richmond, the American-Korean Foundation 1st Under the simplified plan, a land­ close by— that .Ymeiicw la "atlll proud of our armed services’’ from Secretarj’ laf the Army Tlie Friendly Circle will hold its 283 Spring St., the occasion being and $10 to a special rehabilitation lord can raise rents in areas-still civilian cjilefs down to the enlisted men. The reference to civilian As for the situation In Guatemala, The next regular meeting of final meeting of the season tomor^ their lOth wedding anniversary fund set up for relief of needy ANNIVERSARY SALE under control to any amount he leaders seemed to Indicate the President's continued support of bis the President w^is questioned with Stevens declared that at no - row night at the Community Y at and aL« the completion of their ca^c.s by the Department presi- LAMB relation to the State Dept, an­ Manchester Emblem Club No. 251 wishes - provided he can offer fig­ .\rmy secreUry In his dispute with Sen. Joseph MeCnrthy (R-W'is). time did higher-upa in the ad­ will be held tomorrow' night at 8 8 o'clock. Installation of officers new home on Spring Street. dertt; also renewal of the sub- ures to prove a corresponding in­ (A P W ’i rephoto). nouncement Monday night that R cbi^ m , R«frig«rators THURS. thru SAT. quantities of anns have been ministration give orders to o’clock In Tinker Hall. The of­ for the coming year will take Those pre.sent. bMides the Rich­ sci iptiqn to the National Geo­ crease in cost since the days when the Army in the case— the Woslwn and AH ficers aro requested to be there at place, and refreshments will be monds and the Towles, were: Mr.
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