■ • * THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 19M fstl. PAGB TWENTY ^anrlifstpr Sotnitts IffrnUi J Mothers*March on Polio Tonighty T to S—TurnPorchlights On Thomaa lecNamara, aon of Mr. The Rev. and Mra.'Jjahn R. Neu* mittoa era Roy ant Roaalla Norrio, Today ia tho laat day to pur- Club of Church with Baa and Stuarl Baraw, Bag chaae ticketa for tho Bieanor thiae and Mra. Edward F. McNamara. bert of the Oommuntty Baptlat Avente Dmiiy Net Preee Rob Church returned yeaterday from and Brad* H u^eatoo Jr., Carol The Weather. A bout Tow n Lodge 30th anniveraanr dinner* 185 Henry St., waa elected aer* Par tlM WMk BMM ForMMt •( IT.' S. Weather BerMM dance Sunday. They may be pur* geant at arma of fne Springfield Providence, R. I., where they at­ Plans Whist Party and John Feabo4y and Shelia and j h L se .'iN e H. WflUiwB Knlfht. v1c« prwl- chaaied from Irma DeSimone, College Oamma Eta Chapter of tended a quintennial arta miaalon* Warren Tepnant aa co-helperc. 4 o it of tiM M oncl^tcr Truat Oe^ Joaephine Dimlnico and Robert Alpha RhI Omega at a recent ary conference, one of eight held The play Cvhich will be ^ven by Farttal etoarlag, eaMer tMdgkL wUh M n . KBifllt and aon. Nicky. OCnoveae. meeting hel<t at the college. acroaa the nation for peraonnal of MiliUry Whiat will be the fea­ the 50-50 Club this spring will be WEEKLY BINGO 11,885 Law aroMid 'Xt. Batareajr MUrhaa «iU attaad Uia 30th i^uidon of th« the Aaaoclated Home . Miaalon ture entertainment of th'e Febru­ diaciteBed by William Brannan, r «f Mm Aaett lag alaada fallawed bjr mmw farta Orndoato School of Banklnf. Rut- Robert Boucher. 28 Woodbridge vanciee of the American Baptlat ary meeting of the 50*50 Club of prcMdaat. FRIDAYS-8 :0 0 P.M. g o n Vnhronityi being held to* The February open board meet* Convention. The Coipmunity •f CtrwdattM la day. nigk aear 88. St., haa been elected to the honor ing 'of the Hartford DIatrict, Con­ the St. Mary'a Church tomorrow Manchester^A CUy of Village Charm' .mwnrow at the 8heraton*Aitor roll at the Hartford Inatituto of Church in Mancheater la one of evening. GAIKS HdNOfI LIST ASSUMPTION HALL H oM te New'Tork City. He ia a necticut Fellowahip of .Congrega­ more than 180 new churchea being Gana Tomlinaon, aon of Mr. and Accounting for the third marking tional * ’Chrlatikn Women, will be The pregram will begin with a fraduata o f the claaa o f 1M7 In period. eatabliahed throughput tha north­ auppcr at 7 o’eloek,' followed by th'a Mrs. Harbart H. Tomlinson Jr., THOMKON m * SOUTH ADAMS STCIITS eoaaraoKlal banking. held'at the Aayhim Hill Congrega­ ern half of the VnItM Statea.' Sullivan Ava., South Windsor, haa VOL. LXXV, NO. 108 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1956 ( CTasMIlad AdvartMag aa Paga 18) tional Church, Hartford, from military whiat, which will ba’dl- PRICE FIVE CENTS Junior WBA membera will meet rectcd by Ann and Ruca SUven- bean namad to the honors Hat at COMFORTACIC SCATINO— 'AM Hl PARKINO tomorrow at 6:80 p.m. at the Com* 10:15 a.m. to 2 p. '. on Feb. 14. RecUrtratlon for Communion, Mra. Harold Craw, wife of the paa* King David Lodge, . No. .81, ■on. Avon Old fhoma School, Avon, for Sunday, Fab. 5, at Zion Lutheran munity T. Plana will be diacuaaod lOOF, will meet tomorrow night The chairmen of tha food eom- tha period‘*andlng at mid-yaar. L' ^ for a Valentine party at the Y on tor of tha Firat Congregational Church wUl bo at 8.4. 7. and 8 p.m. Churph in Danbury, will apeaV on at 7:30 in Odd Fellowa Hall.'After tomorrow. At 8 p.m. tomorrow, the Friday, FCb. l7, with the offlceri the buaineaa meeting, a aocial Church Council will hold a meet* in charge. '*The Chriatian Miaalon in a Revo­ lutionary Age.” hour afid i^fraahmenta will follow. ing* Saturday, the confirmation daaaaa win moat at 10 a.m, The mid*week aeriice of prayer l»*******# ***»ilb^*ilt************ and praiae will be conducted at Tha Couplea .Club of the Com­ A training aeaaion for vialtora a n m n o Amortcan Lagion AuxOiary the Salvation Army Otadel to* munity Baptlat Church will hold in the Lenten vialtation program win hold ita ftrat meeUng of the night at 8 o'clock. Leadera will be a aquare dance Saturday evening of the Center Congrei^tlonal immth Fob. 8 at 8 p.m. in the Mra. Edith Maxwell and Cecil at the Weat Side Rec. They will Church will be held tomorrow night Amortcan Lagion Home. Kittle. meet at the church at 8 p.m. at 7 o'clock In Woodruff Halt.' osition A J STORE SCHEDULE ‘ } OPEN DAILY 8 A .M . TILL 6 P.M . ^ THURSDAY and E d e n A s k s A. FRIDAY EVENINGS Old Technique Se6n / OPEN TILL 8 :3 0 \ JVIore T r a d e We are\ne block norlh of Armory wUi plenty of freo In ‘Peace Overture’ parking. 0 |Mcka cached... W ith C h in a Free carry \>ut service to Navy Puis Guided Missle on Wheels \ ^ h in g to n , Feb. 3 <fP)— A new appeal Premier Dul- your car. ■ The, TT.S. Navy guided mlsaile^ Ragulus, has been flttMl with wheel cart for .use with ship's cats- Washington, Feb. 3 (/P)— SBnin failed today to melt U.S. opposition to *\Sov{et-Ameri- it - pult to . replace combliiatien of portablo launching platform and Jato bottica. In this picture, releas­ British Prime Minister Eden At HAtE’S Self Serve and Meat Department can “ friendship treaty” which this governmem holde to Im A1 Weigel suggests these ed by Chance Veught Aircraft, Inc., the manufacturer, the missile it shown aboard carrier U.SJS. said ^ a y his government needless and perhaps risky. economy values - in Hancock off West (k>nat during testa in July. It'a being wheeled acroaa the flight deck. (AP favors “a step by step” easing Wlrepiiotb). In a 2,800-word message^made public'by the State Depart­ H A U ^ ground meat items . uf the W est’s trade controls HHNZ TOMATO ment late last night, Bulganin_ linn urgedurge Prtaident Eisenhower nUESH M OUND on Red China to put them on t o reconsider the 20-year pa^proposed by the Russiflji Pir^^ SesMned Freeh the same level with Russia. mier last week and promptly turaM down( ’ *by Eiaenhotogr** KETCHUP Lamb Pattias lb. 23c Ekien made the itatemTent in a U.S. officials• ■ said• ■ -Bul^mn' ■ - a'a«>,/X . II, COFFEE 14-OZ. BOTTLE. Air j^orce to Equip 45*minute news conference held as new message w m mainly a rahash NIW LOW PRICE Sibi. $1.00 he prepared to leave Washington of previous arguments for the (Stock your freeier). after a five-day visit for con­ L fc.' 2 For . trMty and that ha had not ad­ Hu^a^ Held Hits Curbs ferences with President Eisen­ vanced persuasive new IdsM. For really' de luxe ham- hower. Elsenhower, In a letter Satur­ YOU SHOULD MAKE burgers Pianos with A-Bomb ' Eden also said'Biltain believes day, had told Bulganin a treaty Out of Boundi^ "it might be desirable to station between -Russia aqd the United □ LaanLean ChuckL^huck f ^ r Credit more United Nations observers” t e g o ’ L a m b ‘ *’ Waabington^ Feb. Z (JP>— Tbe cpminander of the nation’s States, merely reiterating peact- 59 -Y our One 5 Grovnd >... .'“ Ibi. SSo along the Arab-lsraeli bordera ful behavior pladgea already in the Americans AT HAIX’B you CAN ilCT WHOLE OR HALF LAMB LEOS t W »8hin8ton,.Feb. S (/P)—* air defenses said today atomic weapoiis soon wilL be stored But he said any flhisi deciaion United Nations charter, ‘‘might 5 2 lbs. $1,00 at Air Force ground atatwms and ^rried on defense aircraft. aa to that should be left to the Secretary of the Treasury indeed work against the cause of Washington, Fab. S (fl) -r- ’Th*/ Stop Shopping ’’The day is not far off when we shall have atomic weapons U.N. truce supervisor in the area, peace." 49c lO N E L E S S m m ^ Humphrey today oppoised Unttod States today topmad travrt Pinahurst KDjmd at the various stattona In atbraged”— r-:------- - ----- Canadian Gen. E. L. M, Bums. • He Mid such a pact could create LARM, FRESH 8tandb:p consumer credit con­ and on the planes in flight,”' Gen. The news,conference was hrtd at "the illusion that a stroke of a pen of American cltlMna to Comniu* MIMILE lEE IRAND Center Steak Ground lb. 79e trols — something President Esrle E. Partridge said in an ad­ the National Press Club with niore could achieve a result' which In nlat Hungary. A noto chflnad tha ORAOE^ LOCAL than 300 reporters attending. FANCY ILUEIACK Eisenhower suggested in his dress prepared for a- Jet age con­ Ribicoff Plans fhet' c4n be obtained only by a Hungarian government wn)i per* For Meat Loaf . ' ference of the Air Force Assn. Cbafldence on Accosd change of spirit.” a. McUting Hungarian etwloyep *f economic measure, - "This contributes to our deter­ Bulganin picked up Eleen- EGGS Teatlfylng -before the Senate- . In respon.se to questions, the the American lagaUqn and GpiiiedBeef-'So for “GOOD THINGSTOEAr Pinehurst Hamburget, mination to remove niiliUry flying New Fight for Prime Minister also said: howerie argument that “deeda not tailing freedom of pa.
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