,.Y I REGD.GOA- 5 1 Panaji. 7th February. 2002 (Magha 18. 1923) I SERIES I No. 45 ,..... " .... [\ OFFICIAL ~-~j GAZETTE GOVERNMENT.OF GOA Note /1: There is one Supplement and only one Extraordinary Notification to the Official Gazette Series I No. 43 dated 24-1-2002 and the note on Official Gazette Series I No. 44 dated 31-1-2002 may be corrected to read as Suppiement 56/2002/Jud-III.- Whereas. the Election dated 24-1-2002 from pages 1077. to 1168 Commission has decided to update its notifica­ regarding Notification from Department of Law & tion No. 56/200l/Jud.II!. dated 3rd April. 2001. Judiciary (Legal Affairs Division) and Extraordinary dated 29-1-2002 from pages 1169 to 1186 regarding specifying the names of recognised National and Notifications from Department of Law i& Judiciary State Parties. registered-unrElcognised parties and (Legal Affairs Division). Therefore page numbering of Official Gazette Series I the list of free symbols. issued in pursuance No. 44 dated 31-1-2002 may be read as 1187 to 1234 of ·paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols instead of 1191 to 1240. Note 2: There is one Extraordinary issue to the Official (Reservation and Allotment) Order. 1968. as Gazette Series I No. 44 dated 31-1-2002 namely. amended from time to time. Extraordinary dated 31-1-2002 from pages 1235 to 1238 r~garding Notifications from Department of / . Law & Judiciary (Legal Affairs Division). 2. Now. Therefore. in pursuance of paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and GOVERNMENT OF GOA Allotment) Order. 1968 and in supersession of its Department of Elections aforesaid principal notification No. 56/2001/ / Jud. III. dated 3rd April. 2001 published in the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer Gazette of India. Extraordinary. Part-II. Section­ Notification -3. Sub-Section (iii). and as amended from time to time. the Election Commission hereby 3-1-87/ELEC Vol IV specifies.- The following Notification No. 56/2002/JS-II! dated 10-1-2002 issued by the Election (a) In Table I. the National Parties and Commission of India. New Delhi is hereby the Symbols respectively reserved for published for general information. them; D. N. Kamble. Joint Chief Electoral Officer. (b) In Table II. the Stat'e parties. the State Panaji. 24th January. 2002. or Statelj in which they are State parties and the symbols respectively reserved for them in ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA such State or States; Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, (c) In Table III. the registered-unrecognised New Delhi - 110001. political parties and postal address of their Headquarter; and Dated: 10th January, 2002 20 Pausa. 1923 (Saka) (d) In Table IV. the free symbols. I~~ 1 I 1 l'-- 1240 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES I No. 45 7TH FEBRUARY, 2002 TABLE-I NATIONAL PARTIES S[ No. National Parties Symbol reserved Address 1 2 3 4 1 Bahujan Samaj Party Elephant 12, GurudwaraRakabganj (In all States/U. T.s except in Road, New Delhi-llOOOl. the States of Assam and Sikkim, where its candidates will have to Choose another symbol from out of the list of free symbols specified by the Commission!. 2. Bharatiya Janata Party Lotus 11, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-ll0001. 3. Communist Party of India Ears of Corn and Sickle Ajoy Bhawan, Kotla Marg, y New Delhi-ll0002. 4. Communist Party of Hammer, Sickle and Star A. K. Gopalan Bhawan, India (Marxist) 27-29, Bhai Vir Singh Marg, (Gale Market) New Delhi-ll000l. 5. Indian National Congress Hand 24. Akbar Road, New Delhi-llOOll. 6. Nationalist Congress Party Clock 10, Bisharnbhar Das Marg, New Delhi-ll0001. TABLE -II STATE PARTIES 81. No. Name of the State/Union Territory Name of the State Party Symbol reserved Address 1 2 3 4 5 1. Andhra Pradesh Telugu Desam Bicycle Telugu Desam Party Office, N.T.R. Bhavan, Road No.2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad- 500033 (Andhra Pradesh). 2. Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal Congress Two Daos G-Extention, . Intersecting N aharlagun, (Arunachal Pradesh). /.~ 3. Assam 1. Assom Gana Parishad Elephant Head Office:­ Gopinath Bordoloi Road, Guwahati- 781001 (Assam). 2. Communist Party of Flag with U-90, Shakarpur, India (Marxist Leninist) three Stars Delhi-ll0092. (Liberation) \ / , ·.0 ~ ./ OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 1241 SERIES I No. 45 7TH FEBRUARY; 2002 1 2 3 4 5 4. Bihar 1. Jharkhand Mukti Bow & Arrow Bariatu Road, Ranchi Morcha -834008 (Bihar). 2. Rashtriya Janata H.urricane 13, V. P. House Dal Lamp Raft Marg, New Delhi-ll0001. 3. Samat§' Party Flaming 220, Vitthalbhai Patel Torch House, Raft Marg, New Delhi-ll0001. 4. Janata Dal (United) Arrow 7, Jantar Mantar Road New Delhi-ll0001. 5. Goa 1. Maharashtrawadi Lion Vikas "A" Building, Gomantak 3rd Floor, Near Phar- macy College, 18th June Road. Panaji- -403001 (Goa). /,: 2. United Goans Democratic Tw-oLeaves 1st Floor; Casa Dos Party Aiiados, Behind Gomat Vidya Niketan, Absde Faria Road, Margao, Goa-403601. 3. Goa Rajiv C.ongress Party Hut lstFloor Dias Build- ing, Rua Ormuz Road, Opp. Ferry Wharf, Panaji, Goa-403001. 6. Haryana Indian National Lok Dal Spectacles 100, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi. 7. Himachal Himachal Vikas Congress Telephone Samkbetar Bazar, Pradesh Mandi-175001 (Himachal Pradesh). 8. Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir National Plough (i) Sher"e-Kashmir Conference Bhavan, Residency Road,Jammu(Jammu & Kashmir). (ii) Nawai Subh Com- plex, Zero Bridge, Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir). 9. Kamataka 1. Janata Dal (Secular) A Lady Farmer 5, Safdarjung Lane, carring Paddy New Delhi-ll0003. ,>~ "ti on her head 2. JanataDai (United) Arrow 7, Jantar Mantar Road, New Delhi- 110001. 10. Kerala 1. Kerala Congress Bicycle State Committee Office, Near Star Theatre Junction, Kottayam South (Kerala). 1242 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES I No. 45 7TH FEBRUARY; 2002 1 2 3 4 5 2. Kerala Congress (M) Two Leaves State Committee Office, Near Fire Station, Kottayam (KeraIa). 3. Muslim League KeraIa Ladder KeraIa State Commi- State Committee ttee, League House, Red ·Cross Road, CaIicut-32 (KeraIa). 4. Janadhipathya Bus Janadhipathiya Samrakshana Samithi Samrekshana Samiti, KeraIa State Commit- tee Office, Iron Bridge EO., AIleppey-688011, KaraIa. 11. Maharashtra ·Shivsena.. Bow and Arrow Shivsena Bhavan, ...•:'1' Gadkari Chowk, . Dadar, MumbaI- -400028 (Maharashtra). 12. Manipur 1. Federal Party of Manipur RisingSun Soram Leirak, Naga- MapaI,ImphaI-795001 (Manipur). 2. ManipurPeople's Party Bicycle People's Road, ImphaI 795001 (Manipur). 3. Manipur State Congress Cultivator Keishampat (Opposite Party cutting Raj Bhawan), ImphaI- Crop 795001, (Manipur). 4. Samata Party Flaming 220, VitthaIbhai Patel Touch House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001. 13. Meghalaya 1. Hill State People's Lion Kench's Trade, Laban, Democratic Party Shillong-793004, (MeghaIaya). 2. People's Democratic Two Swords Mawlai Nongkwar, Movement & a Shield Shillong-793008 (MeghaIaya). 3. United Democratic Party Dtt!m .. Mawlai Nonglum, ;. Shillong-793008, -.:"':''0 (MaghaIaya). 14. Mizoram 1. Mizo National Front Star General Headquar- ters, Zarkawt, AizwaI (Mizoram). 2. Zoram Nationalist Party Sun (without General Headquar- rays) ters, Treasury Square, Aizawl-796001. (Mizoram). 1244 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES I No. 45 7TH FEBRUARY, 2002 1 2 3 4 5 3. Marumalarchi Dravida Top 'THAYAGAM', No. Munnetra Kazhagam 141,RukmaniLakshmi Pathi Salai. Egmore, Chennai-600008 (Tamil Nadu). 4. Tamil Ma'lnila Congress Bicycle Satyamurthy Bh'lvan, (Moopanar) General Patters Road, Chennai-600002 (Tamil Nadu). 5. Pattali Makkal Katchi Mango .63, Nattu Muthu N aiken Street, Vanniya Teynampet, Chennai-600018 (Tamil Nadu). ,"Y 20. Tripura 1. Revolutionary Socialist Spade & 37, Ripon Street Party Stoker (Muzaffar Ahmed Sarani), Calcutta- -700016 (WestBengal). 2. Tripura Upajati Juba 'IWoLeaves Abhoyanagar, Samity Agartala-799005 (Tripura). 3. All India Trinamool Flowers & 30-B, Harish Chatter- Congress Grass jee Street, Calcutta- 600026 (West Bengal). 21. Uttar Pradesh Samajwadi Party Bicycle 18, Copernicus Lane, New Delhi. 22. Uttaranchal Samajwadi Party Bicycle 18, Copernicus Lane, New Delhi. 23. West Bengal 1. All India Forward Bloc Lion 28, Gurudwara Rakab Ganj Road, New Delhi- -110001. 2. Revolutionary Socialist Spade & 37 Ripon Street (Muz- Party Stoker affar Ahmed Sarani), ~,'f,; Caluctta-700016 (West Bengal). 3. All India Trinamool Flowers 30-B, Harish Chatter- Congress & Grass jee Street, Calcutta- -600026 (West Bengal). , OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 1245 SERIES I No. 45 7TH FEBRUARY, 2002 TABLE -III REGISTERED UNRECOGNISED PARTIES 81. No. Name of the Registered Unrecognised Headquarters Address Political Party 1 2 3 1. Adarsh Lok Dal Abu Nagar, Opposite Police Station Fatehpur City, District, Fatehpur (U. E). , 2. Adarshwadi Dal Jawahar Road, Khurja-203136, Distt. Bulandshahr (U. E). 3. Agar Jan Party V-949, Aggarwal Wali Gali, Near Main Krishna Gali, Moujpur, Delhi-ll0053 .. 4. Ajeya Bharat Party A-14, Mohan Estates, Mathura Road, New Delhi. 5. Akahand Bharat Maha Sangh Sarvahara Sunfool, Kota-l (Rajasthan). Krantikari Party 6. Akhand Bharat Ekta Andolan . Basant Bhawan, 17/34, Singhan StJeet, Kashipur-Pin Code 244713, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar (Uttaranchal). 7. Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha Mandir Marg, New Delhi-ll0001. 8. Akhil Bharatiya Ashok Sena 117/0/117, Gita Nagar, Kanpur-208025 (Uttar Pradesh). 9. Akhil Bharatiya Bharat Mata-Putra Paksha Office-Nandurbar, Pin-425412, Distt. Dhulia (Maharashtra). 10. Akhil Bharatiya Bhrastachar Nirmoolan Sena Om Building, Chhatrapathi Shivaji Chowk, Gondhale Nagar, Hadps<;lr, Pune-411002 (Maharashtra). 11; Akhil Bharatiya Dalit Utthan Party A-201/2, GaiiNo. 1, Vikas Marg, Shakarpur, Delhi-ll0092. 12. Akhil Bharatiya Dastkar Morcha Chamber No. 187, New Delhi Courts, Patiala House, New De~-110001. 13. Akhil Bharatiya Desh Bhakt Morcha Puranderpur G. E O. Patna (Bihar). 14. Akhil Bharatiya Gareeb Party Villege-Kurana, Post Simmavali, Distt. Ghaziabad (U. E). 15. Akhil Bharatiya Garib Mazdoor Kissan Party 4/74, SectOl:-IV; Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, New Delhi-ll0062. 16. Akhil Bharatiya General Labour Party A-3/85, Nand Nagari, Delhi-93. 17. Akhil Bharatiya Gorkha League Mahabir Building, Ladenla Road, Darjeeling -734101 (West Bengal).
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