Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 10-11-1948 The Ledger and Times, October 11, 1948 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, October 11, 1948" (1948). The Ledger & Times. 7012. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/7012 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. •••• a •• • t • ts- • 0 ••••• • I .• • Selected As nest All-Ramid Kentucky Community Newspaper Tor 1947 — WEATHER FORECAST KENTUCKY—Fair and cool- er tonight. Tuesday fair and cools Y0I7R PROGRESSIVE HOME NEWS- 1948 MURRAY POPULATION — 8,000 XX; No. 99 United Press PAPER FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY Murray, Kentucky, Monday Afternoon, October 11, VOL Streets Lined With Good Tobacco Crop Big Crowd Saturday Predicted rs;',A. Year To Watch Parade c° • Fire Prevention Despite Di'y Spell Activities Termed EASTERN DOWNS 4 'Best In State' UNBEATEN BREDS HOMEMAKERS Late Variety Superior To withThe spectators streets of SaturdayMurray were to watchlined SATURDAY 6 0 the largest fire prevention parade CLUBS BEGIN lEarly Tobacco This Year in the history of the city. Included A 44-yard break-away dash by in the parade were fire trucks, city Harry Sweesy. Eastern back, pro- OF WORK Tobacco men in this area pre- dignitaries, the Murray high school vided Eastern State college with a YEAR dicted today that the tobacco crop band, floats, and several marching 1-0 victory over the unbeaten Mur- Wesley Council Homemaker's Club of Calloway this year will be "pretty good" units composed of Scouts and school ray Thoroughbreds at Richmond datspite the prolonged children. Saturday night. Carinty began..dtp year's work in Has Dinner drought early in the season. They predict that After the parade, the firemen A homecoming crowd of more clothing constelletion with a train- Meet demonstrated a rescue from an than 6,000 persons watched the ing meeting, Friday. October 8, for In Saturday about the same amount of tobacco upper-story window in the Na- Maroons wrap up the game in the the club clothing leaders. will be placed on the market this luckless victim Sweesy's Members of the Wley Found-- tional hotel. The third quarter as a result of Lessons will emphasize the select- year as in previous years. of the mock hotel fire was carried mad dash to the goal line. ation Council were guests at a ion of pattern and material in relat- One difference. however, is that down the firenian's ladder. placed The speedy sophomore broke the dinner meeting in the private dining this year most of the tobacco will away HIGH NOTE—"One more rehearsal and we'll be ready for Albert Hall," seems to be the ion to the individual, and correct In an ambulance and whisked ice after a Murray punt had been room of the Collegiate Inn Satur- be of the late -variety. Last year feeling of Otto (left), the dominant male at to the hospieal while hundreds of downed on the 41-yard line. Bill hippopotamus Whipsnade Zoo, England. Hit fitting, rather than actual construct- there was more early tobacco mate, Mimi, day everting. persons watched. Emmett attempted the conversion opens Just as wide to complete duet. Otto can be heard even with a MOuthfUl ion details. They are a continuation planted in this area, but this year hotel rescue, the fire — ------- Following the meal. president After the but failed. of last. eear's project work in dress there was . a shortage of plants. departinent-put on a 'demonstration Conley Tayler took charge Of the 'Those who did early Neither team came within scor- ehich did include son- get tobacco court house square showing construct', in the ing distance of the goal line in the business meeting. planted suffered a loss because of of various itruction techniques. the relative effectiveness 4-3 The mined voted to hold Sunday the drought early. in the season. half of the evenly-matched Boston first Cleveland Defeats -1f *leaders of the types of fire extinguishers. As a The twenty-M The late tobacco be heavy, battle. However, Eastern had the training night Vespers at 6:00 p. m. in the climax to the Fire Prevention twelve clubs will receive according to the experts, because edge in first downs, 10-8. from Miss Verna Little Chapel on the campus. Mem- t Week activities, Mr. Arson was for each lession there was considerable rain during *core by quarters: specialist, in the burned at the stake to symbolize Latzke, clothing bers discussed at length the coming the last part of the growing season. World Series Extension Service of the University the 1948 Murray for Capture the end of fires in To the variety revival in Methodist Church. This is all cut now and in Eastern 0 0 6 0-6 lessions then will coming year. He came to Murray of Kentucky. The and the erection and dedication of the barns being cured. Cutting Murray 0 0 0 O-0 going to third. clubs by the lead- Wednesday and was placed in jail By LEO H. PETERSEN Robinson, on the second pitched to right. Tucker be given to the the new Wesley Foundation Stu- started the last part of September. • at second, month, the pro- after attempting to set numerous United Press Sports Edlter ball. Hegan forced Robinson ers. Beginning this dent Building which is being built Although late tobacco is ciarkir Elliott to Tucker scoring end in April with six fires here. Baptist• Churches BOSTON.Oct. 11 4 UP The Dark bunted safely down the Stanky. ject will just off the campus. than the early variety, there is a • with and the Boston third base line. Torgeson lined to on the play. Lemon grounded out. lessons included. Saturday's program closed Cleveland Indians A skating party was planned for demand for it on the market if It Hart to Braves Field Tucker and Dark was doubled off Torgeson unassisted. the first lesson, an address by Mayor George , To Have Special Braves returned The subject of October 12. and plans were also is of good quality, according to the • sixth game of the first, Tucker to Robinson. Two runs. two hits, no errors, Friday by complimenting the fire department today for the taught at the meeting made for a Wesley Foundation year- buyers. Dark tobacco of good quality Series. No runs, one hit, no errors, none one left. of Line and members of the Fire Preven- Mission Offering World Miss Latzke was "Selection book, and a birthday caiender. will sell better than light tobacco non Week committee for their ex- They were greeted by threaten- left. Roston sixth: in elation to the Individual." The of poor quality. Those present were: Conley cellent work in making residents of Kentucky Baptist churches are ing skies as Boston's Bill Voiselle, Cleveland secmd: - • Elliott tangled to right center. NoNmber lesson will be on the Since the late tobacco crop is Taylor, Rev. George Bell, Mrs. Murray and Calloway county aware baying a special offering Sunday, who won 13 and lost 13 this sea- Tucker fouled to Elliott. Robin- Rickert hit into a double play, selections and buying of wollen much heavier this year than the Shelby Hadden, oounseler, Don of the necessity of tire prevention. October 24. to help accelerate their son, took on the Braves pitching son lined to Stanky. Began singl- rdon to Boudreau to Robinson. dress material. early crop. growers in this area are to David, Dorothy Nell Smith, Ann Guy Billtiagion. ensirmse od the Mate Mission program. chores against Cleveland's 20- ed down the left fiercT foul line. Salkeld grounded out. Gordon The leaders ing the train- expected to get most of their in- • attend▪ Crisp, Juanita Williford. Jean committee, acted as master of The Reverend J. C. Asbridge. game winner, Bob Lemon. Young Lemon flied to Rickt•rt. Robinson. ing meeting were Mrs. Samuel come from the late crop during the hits, no errors Mueller, Roy Hines. Pat Croghan, Max Hurt, chairman ofcoreTODie. the Benton is the, missionary in this Lemon had beaten the Braves, 4 No runs, one hit, no errors, one No runs, one Adams, Mrs. Allen Wells. East Side, corning selling season. Betty Jo Soyars, Edward Parker. finance committee, awarded prizes area supported by Kentucky Bap- to 1. in Thursday's series game left. none left. Mrs. Robert Parker, Mrs. Bessie Claire Sanders, Wally Hanson, to the county and city high school tist churches. here. Boston second: Cleveland seventh: Wells. Faxon; Mrs. G. P. Hughes, flied to M. McCormick. Hanson, Bobby Bell. Carolyn and grade pupils who participated This year 86 Kentucky Baptist Manager Lou Boudreau of the Elliott beat out a slow roller to Mitchell Mrs. Rex Broven, Harris Grove; singled to center. Boudreau Vaughn. Jean Butterworth, Letrieia KROGER TRUCKING • in the fire prevention poster sod missionaries working largely in un- Indians made a lineup change, put- Keltner for a base hit. Elliott went Doby Mrs. Jennings Turner, Mrs. Gene a double play, Elliott to Outland. and Clara Jane Miller. window display contests. churched areas organized a num- ting Thurman Tucker into the out- to second on a balk by LleMOVI. hit into Potts. Kirksey; Mrs. B. C. Swann, build Stanky to Torgesun. ber of new churches, helped fiefd in place of Walt Judnich who itieltt111 lined to Tueker.
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