TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. iiir. ruiuLAAii iiaili JritEss BUSINESS CARDS. REAL ESTATE. WANTS. We ‘landed Published the MISCELLANEOUS. in Liverpool all safe on every day (Sundays excepted) by __ THE Tijes- PRESS. dav tired to p. n;ght, death, rested all night at PORTLAND PlKlil^IlING CO., t. mcgowan. For Sal© or »© Let. WAITED. ESTA B LI SHED 183^7" the Adelphi, and came here yesterday after- TWO-STORY bouse situated on the northeast- At 109 Exchange St. Portland. t aces Wednesday morning, July 8, ’74 noon found Catholic Bookseller, A erly Dart of Peak’s Island, near Evergreen Coach, ; London full of people, every Bookbinder, Persons houses to sell on Congress 01 Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance. Tc and dealer in Landing, Portland Harbor. Apply to having hotel Cumberland St ream, or in any central part o being crowded, it Ascot race mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Yrear if in a on Sperm. being paid _jy4tf_J. STERLING, premises. ibis will hear of cash customers on Furniture, and ▼anee. M city, appli- Gossip Gleanings. week. Ycurs Pictures, Religious Articles, <*< ■ at ion to truly, A Three Story House for 82000’ 254 CONOKK4S JOSE PH REED, Machinery, Polishing, V :dr a THE MAINE~STATE PRESS NTKfiET, OCATED on Monument street; contains 13 Under Con*reMi» flail. J rooms; convenient for two families. Half Real We have before us a I Ei*tatc Agent. SO Middle Street. Kerosene, Harness Philadelphia paper [From the New York Tilbuio is Thursday 60 a Bibles cash. to H. loom, .J published every Mornino at $2 Sold on Instalments. jv2tf Apply WM. JERRIS, J>7_ eodtlcYwlr_ with nothing in it about the centennial. year, if paid in advance, at $2 00 a year. Real Estate Agent, Husband. -_Jy2 lw_ GENTLEMAN a few hundred dollars Whale, alid Polly’s with I It was in 1849. AND A would be to same into a business tbal Stay printed Our friend is Kates of Advertising: One inch oi space, DOORS, SASH BLINDS, ror Sale. glad put pretty Polly fast going, just would give him employment. Good business ex Neats Foot the ength of column/constitutes a ••square.” and .Shellac now, way ol all Pollies; in draw- Window ♦ A TWO a-half House, containing eight rpeience. H stately 50 first week ; 75 cents Frames, Glaze J Sash, Glass, &( Story J. IiailyPuess offiej. $i per square dai.y pel ii een for two families. w* An that ing-rooms ol country seats, or in boats knock- or rooms, arranged Any jy3dl a,!l* English paper proposes smoking w n:k after; three insertions, less, $1 00; continu- __ BLINDS painted to order. party wishing to purchase can obtain particulars of Varnishes in* about in the surf off at Mt. or ing every other day altei first week, 50 cents. be in in order to increase Desert, L>. S. WARREN, permitted church, w Bali square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; one to contractor. W°o1 milking Brindle, hile Steve, the driver,leans GSP'Special prices ju30dtf 162 Commercial St. and the attendance. This so week, $1 00; 50 cents per week after. would not be half over the fence of the When II. I BANK A WANTED. cow-yard. next Special Notices, one third additional. FARNIIAM CO., ■ W*,s* effectual as an anaconda or a “sea-lion” un- June comes, she -will be a married and Under head oi “Amusements,” and “Auction 301 COMMERCIAL STREET The Most Desirable Property in the Japans. Polly, MAN who can loan his from SFOO tc know the difference between the hu-band of sales”, $2 00 per square per week; three insertions & Co. employer der the pulpit. jiil7dlni*ttf Opposite Holyoke. Benson $1000 in and a or less $1 50. Portland for A cash, to whom ample security AUG. P. her dreams and the mau whom she has seen Vicinity of Sale. be fulu:r, Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State peimauent and lucrative situation will given, indoors and 1W. PEARSON, Aduress Dissimulation and frankness often exist out, hungry and lull, sea-sick and Press” (which has a large circulation in every part manufacturer of varnishes and shaving. As to how Polly accepts the differ- of the Mate) for £1 00 per square ior first insertion, in oiler the Property situated on Ocean A. Y. W., JAPANS in a But when we Manufacturer and Dealer Strce’, together high degree. ence, and the with which she heats and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- WEWoodford's Corner, Doering, and known as the temper it, BOOTOM, MASS. AND DEALER IN have once learned to know the dissimulation tor the rest of tion. Pbinev Property, consisting of about 11J acre? of j.vOJ3t_ her life—there are matters Address all communications to in the Silver &, Plated Ware I iinoly locatud land, highest state of cultiva- Wanted of a person we suspect it most of all just which actually affect our welfare and that of PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. tion, having cut 30 tons of Hay in one season. Immediately. There ILLUMINATING, LUBRICATING & WOOL OILS, the next generation more than contraction or s abundance of choice Fruit. The where he is the most frank. buildings are am- good experienced Stitchers on ladies treaties with Door Plates. Numbers, Ac. thorough ami of a Olllce 20* Fore Canada. f’he husband ot Iter ide, substantial, consisting large TWENTYtine boot and shoe uppers. Address or apply to Street, Portland, Me. ami finely arranged House, with wood-shed, carria-e D. CUMMINGS & CO., mti2d6m maiden fancy in these midsummer reveries is ~BUSINESS CARDS. and barn Milver Npooin made, anil replacing ol al I liou.-e connected. The barn is one of the jv4 lw So. Me. Talk about hard-hea led after this! a masterful with hair and and most Berwick, people, usually fellow, kiuds done and wurraufed. best conveniently arranged in the State. whiskers of is also a The other a tu foe of Steve's or There large bay bam on liue of street, re- day lady residing Water'jury, complexion LANE A AUSTIN, cently built, at considerable The Wanted. Theodore’s; there is a vague be- expense. late Mr. Conn., fell the entire length ot a flight of background 22 TEMPLE ST, Pliiney spared neither time nor money to make this ri OOD sound, kind Carriage Horse, good style. hind him of bank or office or stable, out of Fresco a iirst class It zREAL and forced her head is situated vT one HAIRS an inch Painting, House property. within 15 min- Address “CASH,” Press for week. stairs, Painting ju27 _tf Office, through which will come unlimited supplies for a cosy utes’ride of Portland, most of the over a shell lw* and Paper Hanging. way _jy-4_ a few little house and new road. Horse Cars, Maine Central and Portland & plank, receiving only slight injuries. polona'sts through the KINGSBURY A JORDAN Rochester Railroad ENCOIJEAGE of Order slate at W. P. Organ Cars stop at Woodford’s, a few We have some doubts on that head. procession years to come—polonaises of Basting’s Manufactory, minutes walk from the Business Chance. corner Exchange and Fedeial Streets. All orders property. Across Back Bay velvet or de bege, as the case may be; but he, Counsellors at Law. you gotouootthe finest views of the city to be ob- promptly attended to. the central figure, will give up his whole ex- tained. Church and School excellent. For Portland M. privileges Manufacture. 5 in Cauada some colored had a C. LANE. C. S. AUSTIN. SWITCHES. Up persons istence to love—love. Ol course she means 83 Nliddle further information inquire ot N \ Street, febl fdOm «f. o. ■o and one of that be shall cut Kesidence 154 Pearl Street. isaii.i: v a- co., a Partner with $1500, to take charge ^ ^ squabble, them, William Custard, a good figure among other Opponite Canal ISatik, I TOP BRAID SWITCHES 50 cl« jeSOtf Exchange St., Me, WANTEDin this of a brunch ol a Boston inanufac- TH® had the the world will take him for an _15 Portland, city •* •* top of his head blown off by some men; original, POKTLAN J?I AINE. uring concern. An to realize at least \r *1.00 E. J. MORRELL & l>, opportunity 'fa French Hnir strong but she knows that he will be CO., annum. For address BOSTON Switch .. 4.50 shot. Without to re- tellow; JR. £2500 per particulars weil-planted stopping BENJ. KINGSBURY', lfou§c * A clean a For Sale. LAMP Box w LARGEST & REST STOCK I good Hair Nwilrh, 48 only bigger, rougher Polly; her opinions, House and Painters and drainers. LEONARD G. CO., 3231, j\3dl iucIicm mark that the victim must have au un- Ship JORDAN, u- long, weighing !l oz. *4.45 had her her taste nr>rl4eod3m (Notary Public.! 7• nri whims, made into tic sit and Me airs. — — :{ 1.4 oz. Office ill If IftRiiforlit Nt., f’p the beautiful village of seventeen OF 5 solt we content with coat and trousers. lie shall Freeport, Situation Wanted. wi h of 48 inch usually head, ourselves moustache, have Order Slate at WHIPPLE & CO.’s, 21 Market IN miles from Portland, a desirable modern built covering that WOOI»FOK1> & BABCOCK. A YOUNG who r.as had five I French Hair, that this for cold outwardly dominat t aggtessive way, Square. two-story House of ten rooms, with nleutv of closer MAN, yeais’ ^ *4.50 ^ suggesting receipt making room in the a situation as Clerk without whicn ro hero has been admirable Pioinpt attention pc?d to all orders.
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