City of Chicago Budget 2012 Overview Mayor Rahm Emanuel The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada presented a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to the City of Chicago for its annual budget beginning January 1, 2011. In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan, and as a communications device. 2012 Budget Overview Letter from the Mayor Dear Chicagoans, To protect the health and safety of all Chicagoans, strengthen communities and neighborhoods, foster a vibrant local economy, attract new jobs, and maintain and improve our infrastructure, the City must be in strong financial health. For the past decade, the City of Chicago has been budgeting in a way that is not sustainable. There has been a long-standing structural deficit as expenses grew at a faster rate than revenues. For the past few years, that budget gap has been closed through the use of rainy day funds. With this 2012 balanced budget proposal, we begin to end that practice by working to bring our expenses more in line with actual revenues and saving our rainy day funds for when they are truly needed. The City is facing economic and financial challenges that require real and meaningful changes to the way in which the City conducts its business. We must continue to provide the people of Chicago with quality services while working to improve the management and efficiency of government to keep those services affordable for Chicago’s taxpayers. Over the past several months, I have been greatly encouraged by the amount of interest and level of participation in the budget discussion. We launched a website to hear and discuss your ideas for the 2012 budget and to find ways to reinvent City government. I held a series of town hall meetings to speak directly with Chicagoans about what they want from their City government. This budget proposal is the product of that robust, honest, and collaborative discussion. The 2012 budget proposal takes into consideration the City’s past revenues, expenditures, policies, and programs in light of the factors driving the broader economy, and plans for the future by taking an informed and long-term approach to financial planning. With it, we build a sustainable financial framework that will enable Chicago to grow and thrive for years to come. Rahm Emanuel Mayor 2012 Budget Overview Table of Contents This Budget Overview document is a companion to the other documents that together comprise the City’s annual proposed operating budget, all of which are available on the City’s website - the 2012 Budget Recommendations, which contain the City’s proposed line-item budget, the 2012 Anticipated Grants Budget, and the Draft Action Plan, which relates to federal Community Development Block Grant funding. Letter from the Mayor Summary of Proposed Budget 1 Discussion of Proposed Budget Overview 9 Revenue Discussion 9 t $PSQPSBUF'VOE t 4QFDJBM3FWFOVF'VOET t &OUFSQSJTF'VOET t 1FOTJPO'VOET t %FCU4FSWJDF'VOET t 1SPQFSUZ5BY-FWZ t (SBOU'VOET Expenditure Discussion 22 t 1FSTPOOFM$PTUT t /PO1FSTPOOFM$PTUT Performance Metrics and the Budget Program and Budget Summaries by Department Finance and Administration 29 t 0GGJDFPGUIF.BZPS t 0GGJDFPG#VEHFUBOE.BOBHFNFOU t %FQBSUNFOUPG*OOPWBUJPOBOE5FDIOPMPHZ t 0GGJDFPGUIF$JUZ$MFSL t %FQBSUNFOUPG'JOBODF $JUZ$PNQUSPMMFS t $JUZ5SFBTVSFST0GGJDF t %FQBSUNFOUPG"ENJOJTUSBUJWF)FBSJOHT t %FQBSUNFOUPG-BX t %FQBSUNFOUPG)VNBO3FTPVSDFT t %FQBSUNFOUPG1SPDVSFNFOU4FSWJDFT t %FQBSUNFOUPG'MFFUBOE'BDJMJUZ.BOBHFNFOU Legislative and Elections t $JUZ$PVODJM t #PBSEPG&MFDUJPO$PNNJTTJPOFST City Development t %FQBSUNFOUPG$VMUVSBM"GGBJSTBOE4QFDJBM&WFOUT t %FQBSUNFOUPG)PVTJOHBOE&DPOPNJD%FWFMPQNFOU Community Services t %FQBSUNFOUPG1VCMJD)FBMUI t $PNNJTTJPOPO)VNBO3FMBUJPOT 2012 Budget Overview Table of Contents óÿþĄùþąõô t .BZPST0GGJDFGPS1FPQMFXJUI%JTBCJMJUJFT t %FQBSUNFOUPG'BNJMZBOE4VQQPSU4FSWJDFT t $IJDBHP1VCMJD-JCSBSZ Public Safety t $IJDBHP1PMJDF#PBSE t *OEFQFOEFOU1PMJDF3FWJFX"VUIPSJUZ t $IJDBHP1PMJDF%FQBSUNFOU t 0GGJDFPG&NFSHFODZ.BOBHFNFOUBOE$PNNVOJDBUJPOT t $IJDBHP'JSF%FQBSUNFOU Regulatory 101 t 0GGJDFPGUIF*OTQFDUPS(FOFSBM t %FQBSUNFOUPG#VJMEJOHT t %FQBSUNFOUPG#VTJOFTT"GGBJSTBOE$POTVNFS1SPUFDUJPO t $PNNJTTJPOPO"OJNBM$BSFBOE$POUSPM t -JDFOTF"QQFBM$PNNJTTJPO t #PBSEPG&UIJDT Infrastructure Services t %FQBSUNFOUPG4USFFUTBOE4BOJUBUJPO t %FQBSUNFOUPG5SBOTQPSUBUJPO Public Service Enterprise t %FQBSUNFOUPG"WJBUJPO t %FQBSUNFOUPG8BUFS.BOBHFNFOU General Financing Requirements Capital Improvement Program t *OUSPEVDUJPOBOE3FMBUJPOTIJQUP0QFSBUJOH#VEHFU t $BQJUBM*NQSPWFNFOU1SPHSBN t 5BY*ODSFNFOU'JOBODJOH1SPHSBN How Chicago Budgets t #VEHFU1SPDFTT t #VEHFU%PDVNFOUT t #VEHFU$BMFOEBS t #BTJTPG#VEHFUJOH t 'JOBODJBM1PMJDJFT t $JUZPG$IJDBHP0SHBOJ[BUJPOBM$IBSU t (MPTTBSZ Budget Detail t )PXUP3FBE#VEHFU%FUBJM t 3FWFOVF t "QQSPQSJBUJPOT t 1FSTPOOFM t (SBOUT Appendices t "QQFOEJY"$IJDBHP'BDUTBOE%FNPHSBQIJDT t "QQFOEJY#$BQJUBM1SPKFDUT t "QQFOEJY$5*'1SPHSBNNJOH Budget 2012 Overview Summary of Proposed Budget 2012 Budget Overview Summary of Proposed Budget *þĄĂÿôąóĄùÿþ We cannot protect the status quo by asking more from hard- pressed taxpayers. It is time to reform government in a For the last decade, the City budget has been in the red. way that provides Chicagoans with quality services and an Year after year, the annual budget did not cover expenses. affordable cost. The effects of the national recession made a bad situation even worse. It also made it clear that Chicago’s city budget The 2012 budget proposal does not contain an increase in has a structural problem, and that Chicagoans have more sales, utility or property taxes. It cuts taxes on employers government than they can afford. to foster job growth. It makes tough choices about cutting expenses, while encouraging innovation and the reinvention This budget is about priorities, and this structural deficit is of City government. It also includes some revenue increases, BOPQQPSUVOJUZUPTUBSUTIBQJOH$IJDBHPTGVUVSF/PXJTUIF without which it would be impossible to eliminate the time to take a fresh look at City government and ask the deficit while maintaining and improving the vital services hard questions: What programs do we need? What services that Chicagoans deserve. BSFFTTFOUJBM )PXDBOXFQSPWJEFUIFIJHIFTURVBMJUZTFSWJDFT as efficiently as possible? #ąô÷õĄ0ĆõĂĆùõć Chicago must not put off these choices any longer. In late Total net appropriations under the 2012 proposed budget July, the City delivered its preliminary budget estimates for BSF CJMMJPO BDSPTT BMM MPDBM GVOET BO JODSFBTF PG 2012, projecting a corporate fund budget shortfall between percent from the 2011 budget. With an additional $1.9 FYQFDUFESFWFOVFBOEFYQFOTFTPGNJMMJPO billion in anticipated grant resources, the total proposed $JUZCVEHFUGPSJTCJMMJPOɨF$JUZTDPSQPSBUF It is time to give Chicagoans an honest, balanced budget that GVOECVEHFUEFDSFBTFTCZQFSDFOU PSNJMMJPO UP focuses on current needs while still investing in the future. CJMMJPO#VEHFUFEMPDBMGVOEFEQPTJUJPOT UIPTFUIBUBSF 2012 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY $ MILLIONS TABLE 1 2011 2012 % Budget Proposed Budget Change Corporate Fund $3,263.7 $3,086.6 (5.4)% Special Revenue Funds 445.6 468.6 4.8% Pension Funds 450.5 476.3 5.7% Debt Service Funds 584.9 647.6 10.5% Enterprise Funds 1,822.6 2,005.2 10.0% Grant Funds 2,129.3 1,922.2 (9.4)% Total Resources $8,696.6 $8,606.5 (1.0)% Less Proceeds of Debt (70.4) (70.5) Less Internal Transfers (344.4) (330.3) Net Appropriations $8,281.8 $8,205.7 (0.8)% * Proceeds of debt issuances transferred between funds and reimbursements or internal transfers between funds are de- ducted from the total resources to more accurately reflect the City appropriation. Total available resources include revenues generated during the year and any unreserved fund balance from 2011. 1 2012 Budget Overview Summary of Proposed Budget óÿþĄùþąõô OPUTVQQPSUFECZHSBOUGVOET EFDSFBTFCZNPSFUIBO from 2011 levels, and budgeted corporate fund positions EFDSFBTFCZNPSFUIBO UP ɨFHSBOU GVOEFEQPTJUJPOTEFDSFBTFCZUP GSPNMFWFMT CSJOHJOHUIFUPUBM$JUZCVEHFUFEQPTJUJPOTUP 20123õĆõþąõ'ÿĂõóñ㥠ɨFNJMMJPOCVEHFUTIPSUGBMMQSPKFDUFEJOUIF City’s preliminary budget estimates and the structural deficit underlying that gap are discussed in greater detail in this year’s Annual Financial Analysis, which is available on the City’s website. The shortfall between revenues and expenses in the 2012 preliminary budget estimates was largely due to the absence PGPOFUJNFSFWFOVFTPVSDFT XIJDIJODMVEFENJMMJPO from the City’s parking meter and skyway lease reserves in 2011. As the City moves away from its recent heavy reliance on these one-time revenue sources, the overall resources available to the City are reduced. In addition, the City is anticipating a decline in certain tax *OUIFCVEHFUQMBO UIFSFBSFBUPUBMPGMBZPêTBDSPTT revenues that are continuations of declines that began in all funds and in virtually every department, for a savings of 2011. Income tax revenues are expected to drop again in NJMMJPOɨF$JUZXJMMBMTPQFSNBOFOUMZSFNPWFGSPN 2012, as are telecommunications taxes, employers’ expense its payroll more than 2,100 budgeted vacant positions. taxes, and personal property replacement taxes. Each of Many of these positions have remained unfilled for a long these revenue sources is discussed in greater detail in the time, diverting
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