E VOLUME III, ISSUE 25 THE ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE INDEPENDENT STUDENT WEEKLY MAY 3, 1982 ri• Coti[[· n this e --------------------------------------------- ..... 2 ................~~ ... ~WE~EKL~Y~C~AL~E~ND,_AR,~-'---•--- ..---!111 .................. .. Monday, }fay 3 - Sunday, May 9, 1982 LECTU AND OF SENIOR ORAL EXAMS King William Roo Monday, }lay 3 S.EVENTH FINAL WEEK ESSAY 111 Notice to the Community Open to the.Public by Lucy Oppenheim The correct date for the Spring Tuesday, May 4 Cotillion is May 8, 1982, and 4:00-4:20 Room Drawing: Rising Senior Men McDowell 24 Mr. Blistein's lecture Friday night, not May 15, 1982 as printed in 4:15 ·p.m. Lecture: The Unobserved and All Observers: The Great Hall titled "What is_the Use of Art Anyway?", the Commencement invitations. Gettysburg Address began with the assertion that progressive Stephen Booth, Professor of English Literature art appeals only to the senses, while Isabelle Simpson University of California at Berkeley traditional visual art is connected with Secretary to 'the President 4: 15-5: 15 Study Group - Mr.. Raphael Conversation Room all parts of life. Using slides, the 4:20-4:40 Room Drawing: Rising Junior Men McDowell 24 lecturer explained the role of visual art 4: 40-5: 15 Room Drawing: Rising Sophomore Men McDowell 24 in three different religious traditions: 7:00-9:30 Painting C:lass Mellon 207 Buddhist 01.ristian and Chinese. Next, 7:30 p.m. New Testament Class - J.W. Smith McDowell 36 he spoke about Greek thought concerning 8: 00-10: 00 Continuing Education Study Group I: Mellon 146 beauty. Occasionally showing slides, Mozart's Cos~ Fan Tutte - Mr. Zuckerman Mr. Blistein went on to say something 8:00-10:00 Continuing Education Study Group II: Dante's McDowell 24 about each of these: Homer, the Oedipus Divine Comedy - Purgatorio. 24-33 - Philip Holt Plays, Plato, Aristotle, Dante, Milton McDowell 21 and Shakespeare. Among the things he 9:30 p,.m. Delegate Council Meeting REALITY FOOD said was that ugliness or beauty, to mean Wednesday, May 5 anything, must appeal to the whole per­ Quadrangle I am in charge of food for Rea;li 4:00-6:00 Sunny-cider son, not the body alone. After a few ty McDowell 21 weekend and need people to help 4:00-6:00 Faculty Study Group - Mr. Zeiderman humourous comments about progressive art, with McDowell 24 setting up, carving roasts, serving, 4:00-4:20 Room Drawing: Rising Senior Women the speaker ended his lecture by ex­ McDowell 24 etc. So if you're not planning to get 4:20-4:40 Room Drawing: Rising Junior Women pressing his hope that traditional visual Room Drawing: Rising Sophomore Women McDowell 24 baked that weekend, like most seniors 4:40-5:00 art will find more support in the modern Mellon 207 (.''Help? You kiddin', man1 Hey--look: 7:00-10:00 Ceramics Class world and that museums can be changed Mellon 207 this is last Reality and I'm gonna 7:15-10:15 Life Drawing Class into places where art can be shown more my get royally sloshed ••• "), and in context than it is now .. can lend Thursday, May 6. ~ a hand on Friday night, Saturday, or 1:30 p.m. Delegate Council Meeting with Deans and Treasurer McDowell 32 The part of this lectill'e which I found most striking dealt with slides of Sunday evening of Reality, please con­ Financial Aid Off tact me .. Friday, May 7 S.tudent Aid time sheets due two sculptures by Michelangelo. The FSK Auditorium 8:15 p.m. Lecture: The·Language of Modern Physics first was called the Captive.. I gathered . Professor Gordon Feldman that it was one of many with that theme, Thoaas Smith, ' 84 207 E. Pinkney, ex. 37 Johns Hopkins University but this was a piece of stone carved FSK Auditorium 11:15 p.m. Film: Dead of Night 1946,Michael Redgrave, into the figure of a person in a way Googi.e Withers which really succeeded in conveying phy­ Saturday, May 8 sical struggled against bofo~ ·:;.. The 9:00-12:00 Sculpture Class Mellon 207 speaker suggested that the band across 10:00 a.m. Faculty Meeting McDowell 24 the chest of the captive might symbolize 8:15 p.m. Film: Mark Sanrich's Top Hat 1935 Fred Astaire, FSK Auditorium the imprisonment of both breath and the Ginger Rogers, Eric Blore heart within that chest. The second 10:00 p.m. Spring Cotillion Dining Hall sculpture was not finished.. Mr .. Bli­ stein' s assertion that the unremoved Sunday, "May 9 stone on this artist's unfinished works King William Room 1:15 p.m. Open Reading: Shakespeare's King Lear looks like a burden was certainly well- 3:15 p.m. Film: Mark Sanrich's Top Hat 1935 Fred Astaire, FSK Auditorium f ounded.. I was quite impressed that an Ginger Rogers, Eric Blore anyone could do with a stone what Michel­ /. angelo did with these. EXHIBIT: Lithographs of Honore Daumier - Seventy-five prints by the ART GALLERY uouRS I feel that this lecture was too farnous social commenta.tor and satirist depicting events in France Daily:.1-6 p.m· ambitious.. It was very long and very during the years 1R30, 1848 and 1890. Circulated under the auspices Frtdav::.. 7-8 P·m full.. Many of the ideas were of the Pratt Graphics Center, New York. through 5/21/82. the art certainly was~ but it was either difficult or impossible to take in over The deadline .. for submitting ne·w items to the Registrar's Office for the a single evening as much as this lecture WEEKLY CALENDAR is Wednesday. contained .. I -4 cessful in its low-key handling of the J!li.111~15... linking story. It starts at 11:15, and Thoughts, in Spring, on Mid-Winters Part One FHLN~ Pl~ IEV~ EW ad.mission is a buck. by Tom Moran by James Hyder The film on Saturday, just before the Al though it is quite a while away• it may Spring Cotillion is Top Hat, with the two be profitable to consider the various poesi­ For example 1 Mid-Winter in 1981 showed the and only Fred and Ginger! Get into the swing bili ties for nex·t years• s Mid-Winter Film Fes­ films of Alfred Hitchcock. At the time I ob­ Well, this is it. This is the last regular of the dance by taking a lesson from the tival, and to offer a few suggestions. First, jected to this, not.because it was too too pre­ week of the Cinema St. John's schedule. however, I'd like to make a few tentative dictable a choic9l'"although it was), but on the greatest dancers of the silver screen. r very reasonable grounds that his two best films Next week is Reality, and there will be statements on what Mid-Winter is or should be think there's.a plot to this movie, probab­ about. Bear Window and Vert+go) were unavailable tor two special Reality films shown late Sunday Basically, the idea behind Mid-Winter is distribution. And since you can't show the ly the usual light romantic comedy yarn night, after all the other activities of to acquaint the students of the college with a man's best work, I argued, why show him at all? that held all Astaire and Rogers movies body of work by a major talent, either a direc­ Even with thh disclaimer, it still would the weekend are ended, but no one has told together, but who cares? The music's by tor or an actor. The other possibility is to have been possible to schedule a tirat rate fes­ me what time they begin; so I can't tell schedule the festival around a genre, but it tival of Hitchcock. But they didll'ts instead, Irving Berlin, there are great supporting you. Also, for those of you who have to tends to lack cohesiveness and to date it has almost pervereely, the Film Club decided to con­ performances by Edward Everett Horton, not been done, Since the entire thing is fun­ centrate on Hitchcock's most mediocre and unrep­ or are choosing to remain for the weekend and Eric Blore, and of course lots of ded by The Friends of St. John's (whoever ~ resentative films. They showed the original of Commencement, we will have a special are), and admission is :free, prof'i t is there­ version of The Man Who Knew Too M~ch, which is great production numbers. Don't miss it!, vastly inferior to the remake1 Bebecca, which show of The Third Man directed by Carol fore not a consideration, and popularity should It's on Saturday at 8:15 and Sunday at 3:15. not be either; in fact, a strong argument could even Hitchcock said was not a Hitchcock picture, Reed, and starring Joseph Cotten and Orson be made for the fact that Mid-Winter ehould be and so on and so on. They did manage to show Admission is the usual. Welles. That will be at 8:15 on sat-11rrlnv. a showcase for the most unpopular films, be­ Notorious and Psycho, but they ignored such lea­ cause this is virtually the only time during ser known yet brilliant films as Sabqtage, ~­ the school year when all the fiscal restraints ~. Shadow of a Doubt, Spellboµnd, and lb!. So, our last Friday night film this year that ordinarily inhibit creative programming ~' any o~ which would have made for a much will be Dead of Night directed by Caval­ are gone, leaving the Film Club at least theo­ stronger festival.
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