![Notes and References](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Notes and References PREFACE 1. Sylvain Marechal, Dictionnaire des athis ( 1797), as quoted in: David B. T. Aikman, The Role ofAtheism in the Marxist Tradition, a 1979 PhD dissertation at the University of Washington. Ms., p. 32. 2. Saul K. Padover(ed. and transl.),KarlMarxonReligion (N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1974) pp. 35-6. 3. James Thrower, Marxist-Leninist 'ScientifiC Atheism' and the Study of Religion and Atheism in the USSR (Berlin: Mouton, 1983) p. 68. 4. Ibid, p. 102. 5. Akademiia nauk SSSR, lnstitut filosofii, Osnovy nauchnogo ateizma, a textbook for colleges and universities, 3rd edn (M.: Polit. Iiteratura, 1964, circulation 50 000 copies) p. 3. See also the new Gorbachev's, Communist Party Programme's call for 'the creation and broad dissemination of new Soviet rituals'. 'Programma KPSS (novaia redaktsiia). Proekt', Kommunist, no. 16 (November 1985) pp. 33-4. 6. Osnovy nauchnogo . .. , p. 4. 7. Ibid, pp. 16, 14-37. CHAPTER 1: HISTORY AND THE CHURCH, AND THE CHURCH IN HISTORY 1. Details in Dimitri Obolensky, The Bogomils, a Study in Balkan Neo­ Manichaeism (Twickenham, England: Anthony C. Hall, 1972) passim. 2. Lunacharsky, Vvedenie v istoriiu religii (Moscow - Petrograd: Gosizdat, 1923) passim. 3. Nauka i religiia (henceforth NiR, no. 12 ( 1967) pp. 28-9. M. M. Kublanov's 'Khristos do Khrista' was the first article on Dead Sea Scrolls in NiR. It claimed the scrolls did not confirm the existence of Christ, but showed that Christ's teachings had not been an exclusive monopoly of Christianity. 4. Compare and contrast Tokarev's: (i) 'Problema proiskhozhdeniia i rannikh form religii', Voprosyfilosofii, no. 6 (1956) p. 137; and (ii) '0 religii kak sotsial'nom iavlenii', Sovetskaia etnografiia, no. 3 (1979) pp. 87-105. 5. Cited by A. Kazhdan, 'lstoricheskoe zerno predaniia ob lisuse Khriste', NiR, no. 2 ( 1966) p. 9. 6. Ibid, pp. 8-14. 7. E. Dujardin, 'Chelovek iz chelovekov', Ateist, no. 48 Qanuary 1930) pp. 78- 93, esp. 85-6; N. Rumiantsev, 'losif Flavii ob lisuse Khriste i loanne Krestitele', Ateist, no. 36 (1929). 8. Dr I. Sventsitskaia: (i) 'Proroki, spasiteli, messii', NiR no. 2 (1969) pp. 56- 9; (ii) 'Ot obshchiny k tserkvi. Vozniknovenie khristianstva', NiR, no. 4 (1985) p. 44. 261 262 Notes and References 9. NiR, nos 8-12 (August to December 1977). Sventsitskaia'scommentin no. 12, pp. 64-5. 10. 'Otobshchiny', NiR, nos 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 (1985), pp. 33-8,42-4,38-40,26-9 and 24-7. II. For example: Kryvelev, '0 nekotorykh tendentsiiakh v sovremennom iudeisko-khristianskom bogoslovii' (an excerpt from his book Sovremennoe bogoslovie i oouka), V!RiAt., 7 (1959) p. 5. Also: G. L. Andreev, V. E. Ladorenko, L. P. Poliakova, 'Sotsial'nye nravstvennye printsipy kommu­ nizma v interpretatsii sovremennykh khristianskikh bogoslovov', Voprosy oouchnogo octeizma (henceforth: (VNAt), no. 2 ( 1966), p. 131. The denial of the historicity of Christ remains the official Soviet position, most favoured by the party-ideological establishment to the present day. 12. For example, Kazakova, Vassian Patrikeev i ego sochineniia (M.-L.: Akad. nauk SSSR, 1960) passim, and her other works. For Pokrovsky's views, see his hbrannye sochineniia v chetyrekh knigakh (M.: Mysl', 1967) passim. 13. N. A. Smirnov (ed.), Tserkov' v istorii Rossii, editor's note (M.: Nauka, 1967) p. 2. 14. This is one of the clues to the more sympathetic treatment of the sects by communist regimes, particularly in their early stages. 15. lstoriia Russkoi tserkvi (M.: Moskovskii rabochii, 1931 (?) ); 3rd edn in 1983, eire. 100 000; lstoriia ateizma, vypusk IV, 2nd amended edn (M.: Ateist, 1929); Tserkov' v istorii . .. , respectively. In the introduction to the 1983 edition of Nikol'sky's lstoriia, it is stated that the book remained the only Marxist monograph on the history of the Russian Church and that its re­ publication is meant to counter the Church's publications related to the Russian Christian Millenium (pp. 8-20). 16. S. A. Zenkovsky, Russia's Old Believers (Muenchen: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1970) pp. 290-321 et passim. 17. Nikolsky, lstoriia ( 1931) passim and pp. 222-4, 226, 235, 237, 254, 274-7, 279,295-7,306-7,329. His factual data on the late-nineteenth-century sects is a compilation from the original research by the leading pre­ revolutionary scholar A. S. Prugavin. 18. Ya. V. Minkiavichius, 'Martin Liuter i reformatsiia', VopNAt., no. 32 (1985) p. 167. 19. Voronitsyn, lstoriia ateizma, 2nd edn U .: Ateist, 1929, p. 186. In this thesis, however inconvenient for the propaganda line, he even disagrees with a pre-revolutionary historian V. N. Tukalevsky ('lstoriia russkikh masonov', ZhuTTUJl Ministerstva oorodnogo prosveshcheniia, 1911, no. 5, p. 16), who claimed that the 18th-century Russian intelligentsia was too unsophisti­ cated to assimilate the deist ideas. Hence, he claimed, they were atheists, pure and simple. In contrast, see, Iu. Kogan, E. F. Grekulov and V. F. Milovidov, 'Tserkov'i russkii absolutizm v XVIII v.', in Tserkov'v istorii . .. pp. 167-204, where an attempt is made to imply that even Russian common masses were atheistically inclined. 20. Voronitsyn, p. 187. 21. Ibid, p. 139. 22. Among Voronitsyn's contemporaries could be mentioned: N. Rumiant­ sev's 'Iosif Flavii obI is use i luanne Krestitele' (Ateist, no. 36,J anuary 1929, pp. 32-57), arguing that Christ was not a historical figure; A. Dmitrev's Notes and References 263 'Tserkov'i samoderzhavie v Vizantii i drevnei Rusi' (Ateist, no. 48, January 1930, pp. 60-77), etc. 23. For example: Kazakova, 'Nestiazhatel'stvo i eresi', and R. G. Skrynnikov, 'Istoricheskie sud'by raskola i staroobriadchestva' and 'Mitropolit Filipp i oprichnina', VIRiAt, nos 5 (1958) and 11 (1963); Budovnits, 'Pervye russkie nestiazhateli' and 'Russkoe dukhovenstvo v pervoe stoletie mongolo-tatarskogo iga', VIRiAt, nos 5 (1958) and 7 (1959). 24. For example: Kazhdan, 'Vizantiiskaia tserkov' v IV -XII vv. Vozniknove­ nie pravoslavnoi tserkvi', in Tserkov' v istorii . .. , pp. 5-29; Klibanov, 'K izucheniiu genezisa ereticheskikh dvizhenii v Rossii' and 'Samobytiinaia eres'. K istorii russkoi reformatsionnoi mysli', VIRiAt no. 7 (1959) and no. 4 (1956). 25. 'Aktual'nye problemy kritiki ideologii sovremennogo russkogo pravosla­ viia', in Ateizm, religiia, sovrememwst' (L.: Muzei istorii religii i ateizma, 1977) pp. 82-100. 26. Kreshchenie Rusi. Fakty frrotiv legend i mifov. Polemicheskie zametki (L.: Lenizdat, 1984) pp. 1-130. Although published in 75 000 copies, it was an immediate sell-out. 27, Ibid, p. 45. See also the publication of the Moscow Patriarchate on the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the Patriarchate in Russia, where it is stated that the Orthodox Church has liberated the people from the darkness of 'superstition ... a state of oppression and spiritual enslave­ ment'. As these words appear in a report on the history of the Church from 1917 to 1967 (although they officially pertain to the early years of Christianity in Russia), Gordienko's displeasure is self-explanatory, hence his angry reference to them. '50-letie vosstanovleniia patriarshestva', Zhumal Moskovskoi Patriarkhii (henceforth: ZhMP) (special edn, 1971) p. 25. 28. Gordienko, Kreshchenie, p. 76 et passim. 29. Ibid, pp. 42-7. 30. Compare: Budovnits, 'Russkoe dukhovenstvo .. .' (pp. 284-302), and A. M. Sakharov, 'Tserkov' v period mongolo-tatarskogo iga i ob'edineniia russkikh zemel' v edinoe gosudarstvo', in Tserkov' v istorii ... , pp. 61-78. 31. 'Kak ustoiala Rus", NiR, nos 7 and 8 (1980) pp. 18-28 and 15-25. For another view on the role of Kiprian, see: Fr. John Meyendorff, Byzantium and the Rise of Russia (Cambridge University Press, 1981) pp. 200-60. 32. Klibanov, 'Napisanie o gramote', VIRiAt, 3 (1955) pp. 366-8. 33. 'Nestiazhatel'stvo .. .', pp. 62-70 et passim. 34. 'Vizantiiskaia tserkov' .. .', pp. 20-8. 35. V. I. Koretsky, 'Krest'ianskaia voina nachala XVII v. i tserkov", and Sakharov's section in 'Tserkovnaia reforma i raskol'- both in Tserkov' v istorii, pp. 136-44 and in his generalization on the role of the Church in the Time of Troubles, pp. 151-3. Koretsky even uses the phrase, 'the treasonous activities of the churchmen' (p. 143). 36. E. F. Grekulov, Tserkov', samoderzhavie, narod (M.: Nauka, 1969) p. 84; on Vostorgov and his death, see vol. 2, ch. l. 37. 'Sotsial'no-politicheskaia pozitsiia russkoi pravoslavnoi tserkvi v 1905- 1917 gg.', Vofrrosy nauchnogo ateizma (henceforth: VNAt)., 32 (1985) pp. 185-204. 264 Notes and References 38. Pospielovsky, Russian Church, vol. 1, ch. 2. 39. I. I. Migovich, 'Uniatsko-natsionalisticheskii al'ians na sluzhbe imperial­ izma', VNAt., no. 28 (1981) passim; P. A. Petliakov, Uniatskaia tserkov'­ orudie antilwmmunizma i antisovetizma (L'vov: Vyshcha shkola, 1982) pp. 22- 7, 150-2, 86, et passim; on the SVU fraud, see Pospielovsky, RU5Sian Church, vol. 1, p. 178. CHAPTER 2: THEOLOGY AND RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS IN THE VIEW OF SOVIET ATHEISM l. Mysli o religii (M.: OGIZ, 1936) pp. 288-94. The dishonesty ofSkvortsov's attack is further demonstrated by the way he twists Patr. Tikhon's warning: 'Desperate from the sufferings, the sons of Russia are ready even to cowardly throw themselves into the embraces of the external enemy in hope that he will be able to pacify social life and put an end to the horrors.' Skvortsov concludes from this passage that Tikhon and the Church are ready to sell Russia to the Germans. In a similar way, a former theologian, Professor A. A. Osipov, who had broken with the Church in 1959, in his popular books against religion levelled accusations against clerics imprisoned in the course of Khrush­ chev's religious persecutions on fraudulent charges, citing the official indictments as if they were genuine. See his Katikhizis bez prikras ('Catech­ ism without Embellishments') (M., 1963, circulation 105 000 copies) p. 37. 2. Iakov Okunev, 'Smena vekh' tserkvi (M.: Proletarii, 1923) p.
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