Published by the Cabinet of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen —————— MP of Kandal Prime Minister Issue 148 http://www.cnv.org.kh June, 2010 24 June 2010 (Unofficial Translation of Selected Comments) 21 June 2010 (Unofficial Translation of Selected Comments) Inaugurating Phnom Penh’s First Overpass at Kbal Thnol Closing Cambodian Veterans Association General Assembly I have the prepared text here but that HE Madame Men Sam An, because my eyes have a prob- Permanent Deputy Prime Min- lem I suggest that I will go adlib ister, has just reported that two and the text should be included important works have been dealt into the proceedings of the Gen- with – 1) reform of the CVA eral Assembly. Today I have a statute and 2) electing additional great pleasure to join with our members of the central commit- senior officials in closing the tee and the permanent commit- General Assembly of the Na- tee. It is equally important that tionwide Representatives (of the the General Assembly has re- Cambodian Veterans Associa- viewed the work done in the last tion - CVA) and I would like to three years 2008-2010, while convey my appreciation to lead- setting new tasks and targets for ers and member participants of the next period. 24 June 2010 — Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen the General Association for their Inaugurates the First-ever-built Overpass at Kbal Thnol with the hard works in the last two days (Continued on page 3) Phnom Penh dwellers (Courtesy of Kampuchea Thmei) … My wife and I are so happy Penh’s income for its develop- 09 June 2010 (Unofficial Translation of Selected Comments) today to be with our people who ment, visited and proposed the Norton University’s Graduation and Diploma Presentation have taken time to participate in idea to me at my residence at putting into official use the first Takhmao. We may have seen … It is indeed a great pleasure some four-hectare land. I am sure ever built overpass of the King- already that along with the devel- that after meeting all of you on this will be a major material base dom of Cambodia. I would like opment of Koh Pich we have a June 30 last year, today, June 09, for long-term and sustainable to take this solemn occasion to new bridge Monivong Thmei, I have a chance to meet once training of human resources. express my sincere appreciation after which a remaining sum of again the rector, leaders and pro- for the Municipality of Phnom money has been used to build fessors of the Norton University. I would like to take this oppor- Penh as well as other sectors this overpass. Now we have Last week some of the guests tune moment to express my involved, the construction com- secured a sum of money that will who were present at the gradua- sincere appreciation to the Nor- pany of Oknha Pong Khieu Se be used to build the second over- tion of the Royal School of Ad- ton University as well as its man- also included, for the efforts they pass at the Pet Lok Sang ministration might be recalled agement and professors for mak- made in realizing this proud and (Hospital Lok Sang) intersection. that I had presented an important ing their efforts in human re- historic result. As I could recall, a topic about sickness of being source training, which as of now year ago, and as the Governor of On behalf of the Royal Govern- main actor. I would like to thank some 8,413 students are taking Phnom Penh, HE Kep Chuk- ment of Cambodia and my wife, rector of the Norton University up their studies. In the process of tema, as is mentioned in his re- I wish to express our great pleas- for giving me the honor of being making progress and develop- port just now, the construction of ure with this historic architecture present in the presentation of ment, our country is noted to the overpass at Kbal Thnol and construction after our diploma to 1,179 graduates. have a high percentage of people started at the time that we put into achievements of a new of young age. High figure of official use the new Monivong Monivong Bridge and a new I could recall that in 1997 I was students taking up studies in Bridge at Kbal Thnol with an aim detour to connect the city to the present in the inauguration of the universities prove this. It is in that to relieve traffic congestion. National Road 1. The problem University of Norton and after 13 sense that I give my appreciation we aimed to resolve with these years today according to the to the participation by the private Also truly reported, HE Kep projects is the everyday traffic rector’s report a lot of progress sector in human resource train- Chuktema, in his style of making congestion, especially at the time has been achieved. I am so ing, together with efforts pro- use of the Capital of Phnom of festivity. Now that they are in happy to have noticed realistic vided by the state. place, overpass, bridge and de- development concerning the In This Issue tour, we hope that the traffic flow University, which, started from Human resources who have got being a faculty and hired building later works at national or interna- Phnom Penh First Overpass — P 1 will be better. I hope that drivers Cambodian Veterans — P 1 will exercise care and vigilance for its operation, has now had its tional institutions could be of Norton Graduation — P 1 (Continued on page 2) own building of five stories on (Continued on page 4) Mailing Box: Cambodia New Vision (CNV), P.O. Box 158, Phnom Penh, Cambodia; e-mail: cabinet1b@camnet.com.kh; Tel: 855-23 219898; Fax: 855-23 360666/219869 Cambodia New Vision—Issue 148 June 2010 (Continued from page 1) any means of transport they may have the money to do so in the downturn, in Phnom Penh we while driving here that they find, no matter if their conditions future. They are good places for still received a large number of would not run into its columns. were up to the standard or not, kids as daycare centers or play- tourists. Aside from that up to now our people have had to re- grounds. four million Cambodians from My message here today for our view their transport means condi- provinces come to Phnom Penh people in the whole country is tion before going into traffic. These achievements have been every year during the water festi- that the first Cambodian ever Take food for instance, after the possible because of our common val. built overpass has now been liberation on January 7, 1979, efforts and I would urge once completed and put into use offi- everyone would find anything again that every one abide by the Having said all this, I see that it is cially on June 24, 2010 in be- edible just to quench one’s hun- traffic rules, as I noticed that high important to recall a few points in tween the birthday anniversary of ger. While before people tried to traffic accidents happen in the negotiation for political solu- our Heroic Queen Mother and gain weight, the trend has now Phnom Penh especially. When tion to the Cambodian problem. the anniversary of the foundation reversed because of the risk to everyone respects traffic rules, In my capacity as the Prime Min- of the Cambodian People’s Party. confront with obesity related which for motorcycle commut- ister of the State of Cambodia Maybe I should take this oppor- illnesses – high blood pressure, ers should include also putting on and with the strategy defined and tune moment to recall some of diabetes, and stroke. helmets, etc. we may avoid lethal obligated by the Cambodian the background information in incident, we may also prevent People’s Party, two key points relation to my involvements in Situation in recent years has traffic accident from happening. I have been guaranteed – events that contribute to the lib- changed as officials of trade and may appeal to commuters and/or preventing the return of the geno- eration of Cambodia in 1979 health departments have taken drivers of all transport means to cide of Pol Pot, and defending together with Samdech Chea actions to control foodstuff that value own lives because acci- national achievements that have Sim, Samdech Heng Samrin and are on sale throughout the coun- dence could either be lethal, li- been attained with hardships. I other leaders of the Cambodian try with an aim to guarantee food able to prison and/or fined. So we may share a story with all of our People’s Party. safety for our people. Presently, all should try and make Phnom people. In Tokyo, maybe HE the Ministries of Agriculture, Penh a disciplined traffic flow Ieng Moly, who was then with Try close our eyes and imagine Forestry and Fisheries, of Trade city. the faction of Son San, could of the day when we first entered and of Health have taken food have remembered, some factions Phnom Penh at the day of libera- safety measures for our people, Secondly I would urge our peo- demanded elimination of exist- tion. The city spectacle at the time which I think we should also ple to jointly practice hygiene as ing contracts with existing invest- would appear in our sight and we include that among changes we we are in the period of advertis- ment companies.
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