OODRUFF W MONITOR COUNTY Volume 26, Issue 35 One Section, 10 Pages Wednesday, September 9, 2015 www.wcmla.net USPS 006-506 75¢ Bank of Augusta announces September marks Arkansas Rice Month name change to RiverWind September marks the 25th an- nual Rice Month in Arkansas. The The Bank of Augusta an- “We are grateful to our commu- Arkansas Rice Council will hold nounced today that, effective nity for allowing us to continue to events throughout the month to Monday, Sept. 14, the organization serve them and are excited about help promote the top rice-produc- will change its name to RiverWind the opportunities that this change ing state and support local agricul- Bank. The name change comes as will bring, both for our customers ture. The rice industry will also part of an overall rebranding pro- and the bank,” Patton said. donate over 100,000 pounds of rice cess to reflect the bank’s growth. Customers will still be able to use to the Arkansas Rice Depot to help “We want our customers to have their current checks until they run feed hungry Arkansans. peace of mind that their hometown out. At reorder time, new checks Thanks to a new partnership with bank will continue to offer the same will feature the RiverWind logo. the Department of Education to friendly service they’ve come to Customers will also be able to con- raise awareness in the top rice- expect from us over the years,” tinue to use their current debit cards. producing state, students enrolled President Bill Patton stated. “Cus- RiverWind debit cards will be in Future Farmers of America or tomers are our priority. We value mailed out at a later date. Family and Consumer Sciences the personal relationships with The bank’s new website will be classes are eligible to win $500 to- them, just as they value the quality RiverWindBank.com where online wards their national convention by service we offer.” and mobile banking will still be avail- participating in the “30 tweets for “RiverWind Bank has the same able. Miss Arkansas/Miss Woodruff County Rice Lynnsey Bowling #ArkansasRiceMonth” contest. ownership with the same officers To celebrate the name change, (center) with Farm Bureau Women’s Committee members Leigh Contest details as well as a list of we’ve always had. This is not an the bank will host a reception Sept. Ann Bullington (left) and Janice Marsh at the Rice Tasting at the tweets are available by visiting acquisition or buyout situation,” 14 at the Augusta 100 S. 2nd St. Bank of McCrory Sept. 4. Bowling will be featured on Channel 11’s arkansasricemonth.com. The Rice he added. “Our Board of Directors location from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and morning show Sept. 16, 6-7 a.m. where she will be interviewed Council has also partnered with recognized a need to select a new the Searcy Beebe-Capps location about her journey through the competition. She will make an Charlie Southern, a southern ap- name that represents our growth from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The officers appearance at the State Capitol Sept. 21 for the Governor’s signing parel brand based in Fayetteville, and stays on point with banking and staff of RiverWind Bank invite of a proclamation declaring September as Arkansas Rice Month. to create a rice t-shirt and promote regulations that make expansion all to attend. She will then travel to the Arkansas Rice Depot for distribution of the local agriculture among a younger necessary. They simultaneously RiverWind Bank’s home office rice donation from the Arkansas rice industry. (Photo by Bettie crowd. wanted to ensure we were honor- is located at 100 S. 2nd St. in Au- Looney) “Young people are vital to the ing Augusta’s history. The White gusta with locations at 919 Hwy. 64 rice industry,” Arkansas Rice Coun- year, counties select a Miss Rice to Month at the State Capitol on Sep- River has had a strong bearing on E in Augusta and 1241 W. Beebe- cil President Steve Orlicek. “They promote rice in their county and to tember 21. the development, recreation and Capps Expressway in Searcy. The are our future growers and con- compete for the state title. Arkansas is the largest rice-grow- entertainment of the community. bank will open a second location in sumers with the capacity to com- “Growing up in rice country, I ing state in the nation, producing Creating a name that holds to the Searcy later this month. For more municate and advocate for rice in a take pride in supporting a locally nearly 9 billion pounds annually. standards of our bank’s founders information, call (870) 374-2511. way that cannot be overlooked.” grown product,” Bowling said. “In This year, Arkansas family farmers was a priority in the Board’s deci- Formerly The Bank of Augusta, All Arkansans can participate in order to continue feeding a grow- will produce over 50 percent of the sion.” RiverWind Bank is a privately held the Twitter contest for a chance to ing population, we have to recog- nation’s rice. Arkansas rice farm- The bank has served the finan- community bank with four loca- win $500. nize this industry and the farmers ers and millers contribute over $4 cial needs of Augusta residents for tions serving White and Woodruff The Arkansas Rice Council re- that produce our food supply.” A billion each year to the state’s 80 years, blending old-fashion prin- counties. Throughout its 80-year cently partnered with Arkansas McCrory native, Bowling is the first economy and employ nearly 25,000 ciples of quality and tradition with history, the bank has defined itself Farm Bureau and Arkansas Coop- Woodruff County Queen to win Arkansans. Additional information offering the latest technology and as a fixture of the community erative Extension Service to crown the state title. about September activities and pro- convenient service for customers through investment and develop- Lynnsey Bowling of McCrory as Governor Hutchinson will for- motions can be found by visiting available. ment opportunities. 2015 Miss Arkansas Rice. Each mally proclaim September as Rice arkansasricemonth.com. School Elections set for Sept. 15 The Augusta and McCrory bents Leslie Collins (Zone 4) and Board, but incumbent Lynn School District Elections will be Debbie Briscoe (Zone 5) are Simmons had announced his re- held Sept. 15. The Armory in Au- runnning unopposed. Voters will tirement, leaving only Bob Briley gusta will be the only polling place also voice their opinions on a total actually in the running. McCrory’s there, and McCrory Civic Center proposed school tax levy of 35.7 total proposed school tax levy of will be the only polling place in mills, which represents a 3.2 mill 35.7 mills represents the same rate McCrory. increase over the current tax rate. presently being collected. Two positions are available for Two people will be on the ballott Polls will open at 7:30 a.m. and the Augusta School Board. Incum- for Zone 1 on the McCrory School close at 7:30 p.m. McCrory completes PREP program with tour of AG building On Aug. 26, Arkansas Economic communities. To date 15 Arkansas community leadership that will have Development Council came to communities have completed the a role in the site-selection process Coletta’s Hair Design -- McCrory to work with city leaders program. for future economic growth, en- Coletta Campbell Brannon was born in Augusta and after 40 familiarizing them with the Pros- “This was an enjoyable and in- abled the community to be better years of living and working in Memphis, has decided to come pect Readiness Education Program formative program that will enhance prepared for future prospect visits, home and start her own hair salon at 205 Berry St. in Augusta. (PREP). The group toured the AG our opportunities to market our provided tools and resources nec- In 1975, she enrolled in Cosmetology school at Enri’s School of Building, giving pointers to the city community for economic develop- essary to help make McCrory more Beauty. “Eight months later I had my first job as a hairdresser,” on how best to market the vacant ment,” Mayor Doyle Fowler said. competitive during the site selec- she said, “and have worked in the beauty business ever since. building. “I appreciate the state economic tion process (particularly the site It has been a very rewarding job. I’ve been blessed with a talent The PREP program offers com- development leaders bringing this visit), encouraged its local leaders that’s fun, and if I can make someone feel better about munities hands-on training in all to us and for all our local people to be more proactive in the site themselves in their appearance, then I’ve had a great day. By aspects of the economic develop- that participated.” selection process by developing attending numerous and countless classes to better my work, ment prospect visit. The program Fowler was very pleased with local incentive programs, learned I’ve been taught by some of the best hairdressers in the country provides local economic develop- the PREP program and what it of- about the site selection process and I’m always open to new trends and up and coming styles. ment teams with the necessary train- fered. from start to finish, and developed I love my job and I will try to the best of my ability to make you ing and resources to properly pre- Through PREP, community lead- comprehensible and achievable feel comfortable relaxed and at ease with my work and my salon.
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