September 29, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H10015 HONORING THE LATE JIM Whereas Johnson began his coaching ca- league with his disciples. Many of his JOHNSON reer as head coach at Missouri Southern former assistants are coaching across (1967–68), before serving 4-year tenures at Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I move to the country, including Steve Drake and Indiana; Spagnuolo, the head coach of the St. suspend the rules and agree to the reso- Whereas from 1977–83, Johnson served as lution (H. Res. 693) honoring the life defensive coordinator and assistant head Louis Rams, and John Harbaugh, head and accomplishments of Jim Johnson coach at Notre Dame, a stint that included a coach of the Baltimore Ravens. Coach and extending the condolences of the national championship in 1977; Johnson could have been a head coach House of Representatives to his family Whereas an all-conference quarterback anytime, anyplace, anywhere, but his on the occasion of his death. himself at Missouri, Johnson went on to loyalty was with the Philadelphia Ea- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- spend 2 seasons with Buffalo as a tight end gles. (1963–64); tion. But the greatest thing about Jim Whereas a native of Maywood, Illinois, Johnson has nothing to do with the The text of the resolution is as Johnson earned a bachelor’s degree in edu- follows: cation and a master’s degree in physical edu- football field. He was known by every- H. RES. 693 cation from Missouri; and one as the picture of honesty and as a Whereas the City of Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Whereas Johnson is survived by his wife, man who never sought the spotlight vania, and the NFL lost one of our greatest Vicky, 2 children, Scott and Michelle, and 4 but one who gave generously of his treasures yesterday; grandchildren, Katie, Justin, Brandon, and time and his talents. Whereas Philadelphia Eagles Defensive Co- Jax: Now, therefore, be it Mr. Speaker, Jim Johnson is survived ordinator Jim Johnson passed away on July Resolved, That the House of Representa- by his wife, Vicky, two children, Scott 28, 2009, after a courageous battle with can- tives honors Jim Johnson and extends condo- and Michelle, and four grandchildren, lences to his family on the occasion of his cer; Katie, Justin, Brandon and Jax. He Whereas he was a veteran of 22 years as an death. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- leaves behind grieving friends, players, NFL assistant; colleagues and fans. But our memories Whereas Johnson is regarded as one of the ant to the rule, the gentleman from of him will live forever. top defensive masterminds in NFL history; Massachusetts (Mr. LYNCH) and the I ask my colleagues to support this Whereas over the last decade, he gained a gentleman from Ohio (Mr. TURNER) great deal of praise as the orchestrator of each will control 20 minutes. resolution. the renowned Eagles defense; The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. TURNER. Mr. Speaker, I yield Whereas his aggressive style kept Philadel- from Massachusetts. myself such time as I may consume. phia at or near the top of the NFL in nearly I rise in support of H. Res. 693, hon- GENERAL LEAVE every major defensive category since he oring the life and accomplishments of Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- joined the Eagles staff on January 22, 1999; Jim Johnson and expressing condo- imous consent that all Members may Whereas from 2000–08, Johnson’s units lences to his family on his death. ranked second in the NFL in sacks (390), 3rd have 5 legislative days in which to re- down efficiency (34.0 percent) and red zone vise and extend their remarks on H. Today we honor Jim Johnson for his touchdown percentage (43.9 percent), and Res. 693. life accomplishments and for his posi- fourth in fewest points allowed (17.7 per The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tive attitude he exhibited, even as he game); objection to the request of the gen- battled with cancer. Whereas during his 10-year tenure in Phila- tleman from Massachusetts? Mr. Johnson began his coaching ca- delphia, the Eagles earned 7 playoff berths, 5 There was no objection. reer as head coach at Missouri South- trips to the NFC Championship game, and 1 Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, at this ern University. He went on to coach at Super Bowl appearance (following the 2004 Notre Dame, winning the national season); time I would like to yield 3 minutes to Whereas as the Eagles’ defensive chief, the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. championship in his first year with the Johnson’s defense has produced 26 Pro Bowl BRADY). university. He entered the NFL in 1986 selections, including Brian Dawkins (7), Troy Mr. BRADY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to with the Arizona Cardinals and Vincent (5), Jeremiah Trotter (4), Hugh honor a man who will always be known coached for 22 years for the Cardinals, Douglas (3), Lito Sheppard (2), Asante Sam- as a great Philadelphian and a great the Indianapolis Colts, the Seattle uel (1), Trent Cole (1), Michael Lewis (1), American. Eagles Coach Jimmy John- Seahawks and the Philadelphia Eagles. Corey Simon (1), and Bobby Taylor (1); son was a man of few words. He always Mr. Johnson’s achievements in life Whereas Head Coach Andy Reid correctly let his game do his talking for him. He and his career are truly inspiring. He stated that ‘‘He (Johnson) really represented was one of the top defensive master- everything this city (Philadelphia) is all was a star quarterback at Missouri and about, with his toughness and grit’’, ‘‘That’s began his coaching career at Missouri minds in NFL history. In fact, his ag- the way he fought this cancer’’; Southern. Jim Johnson spent nearly 50 gressive style, noted for its frequent Whereas 4 of his defensive assistants have years in football. He coached in the blitzing, kept Philadelphia at or near gone on to successful careers with other NFL USFL, for the Arizona Cardinals and the top of the NFL in nearly every franchises, including Steve Spagnuolo (head for the Indianapolis Colts. But he major defensive category since Mr. coach of the St. Louis Rams), John earned the title Genius during 10 sea- Johnson joined the Eagles staff in 1999. Harbaugh (head coach of the Baltimore sons coaching in my hometown of With Mr. Johnson at the helm of the Ravens), Ron Rivera (defensive coordinator defense, the Philadelphia Eagles ap- of the San Diego Chargers), and Leslie Philadelphia. Frazier (defensive coordinator of the Min- The Eagles led the league with 48 peared in five NFC championship nesota Vikings); takeaways, including 28 interceptions, games, including in 2004 when they ad- Whereas prior to his tenure in Philadel- during Mr. Johnson’s first season as de- vanced to the Super Bowl. phia, Johnson served as the linebackers fensive coordinator. By 2001, when the Philadelphia Eagles Head Coach coach with Seattle in 1998; Eagles went to their first of four Andy Reid stated: Whereas that year, Johnson helped the straight NFC championship games, the ‘‘Johnson really represented every- Seahawks register 10 touchdowns on defense, defense was ranked among the best in thing the City of Philadelphia is all including 8 interceptions returned for scores, about, with his toughness and grit. second-most in NFL history; the NFL in almost every category. And Whereas he arrived in Seattle after a 4- they remain an elite unit today. In That’s the way he fought this cancer.’’ year stint in Indianapolis, spending the last Coach Johnson’s final season, the team It is clear that Mr. Johnson made a 2 years as defensive coordinator; had the NFC’s top-ranked defense and large impact on those around him on Whereas while with the Colts, Johnson earned yet another trip to the NFC and off the field. Sadly, Mr. Johnson helped them secure a berth in the AFC title game. passed away from melanoma on July Championship game at Pittsburgh in 1995; The Eagles’ defense had 26 Pro Bowl 28, 2009, at the age of 68. Though he has Whereas Johnson spent 8 seasons with the selections during Mr. Johnson’s tenure, left this world, he will forever be re- Arizona Cardinals (1986–93); including seven by safety Brian membered for his accomplishments. Whereas after overseeing the Cardinals de- I rise today to ask my colleagues to fensive line for 4 seasons, Johnson excelled Dawkins. The team played in five NFC as their secondary coach, helping Aeneas championship games and one Super join me in honoring Mr. Johnson and Williams become the first rookie cornerback Bowl, and won five NFC East titles. expressing our condolences to his fam- to lead the league in interceptions (6) since And his greatest legacy hasn’t yet ily in his passing by supporting H. Res. 1981; been written. Coach has seeded the 693. VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:50 Sep 30, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29SE7.030 H29SEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with HOUSE H10016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 29, 2009 Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of As noted by the Philadelphia In- the United States, with the disease occurring my time. quirer, Coach Johnson’s Eagles career in approximately 1 in 500 newborn African- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, on behalf will be remembered as ‘‘one of the fin- American infants, 1 in 1,000 newborn His- of the Committee on Oversight and panic-Americans, and is found in persons of est decades of defensive football in the Greek, Italian, East Indian, Saudi Arabian, Government Reform, I am proud to Eagles’ history, and when the chapter Asian, Syrian, Turkish, Cypriot, Sicilian, present House Resolution 693 for con- about the top of the 21st century is and Caucasian origin; sideration.
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