VOL. 58 No. 1 MARCH 2017 Help wanted: ACBL at the crossroads Robert Hartman, ACBL CEO? In what way? chief executive officer since Carman: The five Board of November 2011, has re- Directors on the search com- signed, effective July 31. mittee are also the CEO Re- Dennis Carman, our repre- view committee members. We sentative on the national met by phone/Skype [in late ACBL board of directors, is on January]. We are starting with the five-member team looking the ad that ran in the March for a new CEO. He answered 2011 Bulletin and will add and some questions by email. subtract from that. All 25 Table Talk: Can you tell me board members and 125 anything about the circum- Board of Governors members stances surrounding Mr. Hart- received surveys asking for man's resignation? Do you their input as well. I think the think he did a good job? job is a very difficult one to Dennis Carman: Robert have and I truthfully think it Hartman left to join his family will be next to impossible to business in Florida. We the find someone that can do all that is asked. board did not ask him to leave. Robert had his pluses TT: Where do you see we and minuses and the 2 of us are on the following: were on good terms. ■Cleaning up the game re TT: What can you tell me cheating? about the process and about Carman: I think we have what kind of candidate you are made significant progress on looking for, etc.? Are you hop- ridding the game of cheaters, ing for more from the next (Continued on page 2) and the league is committed events have to be manually to spend the time and redone as the system can't the money to continue that push. process it correctly. ■Tournament directors (and ■Fiscal aspects of ACBL other staff) retirements, re- operations, i.e., are we los- placements, training? ing money, etc.? What do Carman: The league does we need to do? need to continue to push to Carman: Through last Octo- develop directors and has ber, the league was in the committed the financial re- black over $700,000 for the sources to do it. The new year. With lower than ex- CEO will need to fill a few top pected table counts in Orlan- management spots that are do we will probably still be in open so we don't lose our forward the 1/2 million plus range for movement in all areas. the year. The BBO [Bridge ■ACBL Score and replace- Base Online] income of ment software? $250,000 for the last year was Carman: ACBL score and a bonus that had not been ex- replacement scoring system’s pected at the start of the newest revision is supposed year. The four-year, $2 million to be ready by early 2018 and contract Robert negotiated the league is spending the money with BBO was a plum. Final that is needed to make this 2016 financials should be in happen. Stay tuned. shortly. We are budgeted for ■Mix-ups at NABCs regard- the same gain in 2017 and ing wrong hands, wrong hope to start aggressively re- board placements, wrong plenishing our reserve fund number of overall places which has shrunk the last few awarded, etc.? years. Carman: The mix-up in ■New member recruitment Washington DC was human and retention? error with wrong hands and Carman: We are holding board placement. The direc- even at 168,000 members tors are aware of what hap- with about 10,000 new last pened and have added addi- year and the same amount tional safeguards to avoid this not renewing/dying. I think our happening again. Masterpoint recruitment programs are awards will hopefully be fixed good and our website much when the new scoring system improved for new/prospective is unveiled. Currently some players to navigate. PAGE 2 TABLE TALK Michigan Bridge Association’s MICHIGAN STATE SECTIONAL March 23-26, 2017 Site: The Bridge Connection 26776 Twelve Mile Road, Southfield MI Just west of Northwestern Hwy. 248-356-6254 THURSDAY, MARCH 23 Stratified Open Pairs ............................................................. 10 a.m. Stratified 0-300 Pairs............................................................. 10 a.m. Swiss Team Lesson for New Players .................................. 2:10 p.m. Stratified Swiss Teams ........................................................ 2:30 p.m. Stratified 0-300 Swiss Teams .............................................. 2:30 p.m. Stratified Open Pairs ............................................................... 7 p.m. Stratified 0-300 Pairs............................................................... 7 p.m. FRIDAY, MARCH 24 Stratified Open Pairs ............................................................. 10 a.m. Stratified 0-300 Pairs............................................................. 10 a.m. Stratified Open Pairs ........................................................... 2:30 p.m. Stratified 0-300 Pairs........................................................... 2:30 p.m. Stratified Open Pairs ............................................................... 7 p.m. Stratified 0-300 Pairs............................................................... 7 p.m. SATURDAY, MARCH 25 Stratified Swiss Teams (Playthru – 7 matches) ..................... 10 a.m. Stratified Open Pairs ............................................................. 10 a.m. Stratified 0-300 Pairs............................................................. 10 a.m. Stratified Open Pairs ............................................................... 2 p.m. Stratified 0-300 Pairs............................................................... 2 p.m. SUNDAY, MARCH 26 Stratified Swiss Teams (Playthru – 7 matches) ..................... 11 a.m. Stratified 0-300 Pairs............................................................. 11 a.m. Stratified 0-300 Pairs............................................................... 3 p.m. Stratified Events: A=unlimited; B=0-3000; C=0-1000 0-300 Stratifications: 0-50, 50-100, 100-300 as attendance warrants Average masterpoints will be used to determine stratifications All pairs events are single-session Light lunch will be provided on Saturday and Sunday No smoking in the building Tournament chair: Bob Ondo, 313-320-5173, [email protected] Partnerships: Marilyn Crane, 734-591-3431, [email protected] Patti Stoner, 734-728-1748 TABLE TALK PAGE 3 TABLE TALK MBA Officers Official publication Jonathan Fleischmann .... president of the Michigan Bridge Association Bob Ondo ............ ….president-elect 30660 Woodgate Dr., Richard Temkin ............... chairman Southfield MI 48076 Stacey Tessler .... recording secretary 248-646-3967 Bob Webber ..................... treasurer e-mail: [email protected] Board of Directors MARTIN HIRSCHMAN, Editor Shelley Boschan, Marilyn Crane, Kurt Production editor: Marcia Abram- Dasher, Jonathan Fleischmann, Mar- son tin Hirschman (non-voting), Owen MBA Corresponding & Mem- Lien, Marilyn Nathanson, Bob Ondo, bership Secretary: Paul Pome- Grant Petersen, Patti Stoner, Richard roy, 34069 Hathaway St., Livonia Temkin, Stacey Tessler, Allan Tush- MI 48150, [email protected], man, Zachary Wasserman. 734-421-0193 MBA CLUB DIRECTORY Evangelical Lutheran Church, 375 Lothrop, Grosse Pointe Farms. James Schmidt, 586-463-9835. Thursday 12 p.m., Sunday 1 p.m. ■Plymouth Community DBC, Cultural Center, 525 Farmer, Plymouth. Jim & Cheryl Perna, 248-887-9283. Tuesday 11:30 a.m., Wednesday 11:30 a.m. ■Thursday Evening Bridge, Ann Arbor City Club,1830 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor. Dorothy Kuhn, 734-761-6691. Thursday 7 p.m. ■Trenton DBC, 2700 Westfield, Trenton. Charles May, 734-301- 3872. Thursday 7 p.m. ■War Memorial, 32 Lakeshore, Grosse Pointe. Judith Thomas, ■Friendly Friday BC, St. Paul 313-372-4218. Monday 12 p.m. Evangelical Lutheran Church, ■Young Center BC, R.A. Young 375 Lothrop, Grosse Pointe Recreation Center, 5400 McKin- Farms. Tony Faint, 586-649- ley, Dearborn Heights. Joyce Koz- 3575. Friday 12 p.m. ma, 313-274-5587. Wednesday ■Neighborhood Club, St. Paul 11 a.m. PAGE 4 TABLE TALK IT’S YOUR BID By Marty Hirschman It’s a Slam-a-rama this issue, with a possible 6-something or more on four of the five problem hands. Hope you enjoy the ride. Congratulations to Myles Maddox, still going strong at 91, for racking up a perfect 500. Also congratulations to Val Enache and Morris Swiger, who tied for the top score among our read- ers. Thanks to Fran Wigod for reporting problems 1 and 5, to Willie Winokur for No. 2 and Lynne Schaeffer for No. 3. If you are still going strong, or would like to be, send in your answers to next issue’s hands, found at the end of this article. 1. MTPTs. Both vul. As cuebid. This hand has to be SOUTH, you hold: worth a slam try since partner ♠QJ10543 ♥Q105 ♦KQ106 ♣void will have a good play with as WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH little as ♠x ♥AKxxxx ♦Axx -- 1♥ Pass 1♠ ♣xxx. Pass 3♥ Pass ? Willie Winokur (4♣): Hoping Action Score Votes she bids 4♦. Then I will bid 5♥ 4♣ 100 7 and by some miracle she will 4♦ 80 5 grasp that I am worried about 4♥ 60 3 two possible spade losers and 5♥ 50 1 not “How good are your 6♥ 50 1 hearts?” 5♣ 40 0 Joe Chiesa (4♣): Since ♠x We have a lot for slam, so ♥AKxxxxx ♦Axx ♣xx yields 4♥ is out. 4♣ seems like a 12 tricks South must at a min- good place to start. imum offer 4♣. Over 4♦ will bid 5♥ asking about spades. Chuck Burger (4♣): On this In days of yore, South would auction, new suit at the 4- jump to 6♥ and East would fail level is a cue bid. Over the to find the winning lead. hoped for 4♦, then 5♥ asking Howard Perlman (6♥): No for a spade control. good way to find out if partner Jonathan Fleischmann (4♣): has second-round spade con- I’m going to set trumps with a trol or if we’re off pointed-suit PAGE 5
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