Research and Revievvs in Parasitolog)', 54 (4):263-264 (1994) Published by A i' @ tgg+ Asociación de Parasitólogos Españoles (A P.E.) Printed in Barcelona, Spl rr APPARE,NT TREND TO DOMESTICITY OBSERVED IN ,.. )f, PAN S T RO N GY LU S RU F OT U B E RC U IAT U S CHAMPION, 1 899 \ (HEMIPTE,RA: REDUVIIDAE) IN BOLIYIA Q-' -¡D F. NOIREAU', M.F. BossnNor, F. Vlnclsr2 & S.F. BRBNTBRE'3 §-< t Onsrou, C.P. 9214, La Pct:, Bolit,ict . u\ 2lnstitttto Boliviano cle Biología de Altnrct (IBBA), C.P.641, La Pa:, Bolivia ',1 'UMR CNRS/ORSTOM, BP 5045, 34032 Montpellier Cede-r, France Received l4 April 1994: accepted 3 June 1994 Rrrrnrxcr: Noneru (F.), BossENo (M.F.), VARcAS (F.) & BRENTERE (S.F.), 1994.- Apparent trend to domesticity observed in Panstrongylus ru- fotuberculatus Champion, 1899 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Bolivia. Research and Reviews in Parasitolog¡',54 (4):263-264. Asstnrct: The recent collection of nymphal instars of Panstrongth,ts rufouberculatus Champion, I 899 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) from a domestic habitat in Bolivia draws attention to the behaviour of this sylvatic triatomine species and demonstrates its ability to colonize domestic structures. The relevance of üis observation to the vector control programme is discussed. Kry Wonos: Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae, Panstrongylus rufotuberculatus, domiciliation, Bolivia. Panstrongylus rufotuberculatus Champion, 1899 is (1992) showed the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi para- basically a sylvatic triatomine species widely distributed sites in one nymphal instar. In this one the hybridization in Central America and in northern South America procedure identified clones 20 and 39, both known from (LeNr & WvcoDZINSKy, l9l9). It has been reported as- the domestic cycle in Bolivia. sociated with kinkajou, vampire bats and common opos- These recent data relating to P. rufotuberculatzs allow sum (RoonrGUES & MELo, 1942; D'AI-EssnNDRo, Be- us to make two further remarks: RRETo & THoMAS, 1981; MTLES, DE SouzA & PovoA, -this widely distributed triatomine species may be consi- 1981). Beside these natural hosts, little is known about dered as occupying greater climatic and altitude ranges, its sylvatic habits. Adult specimens have been observed from lowland rainforests (Costa Rica, Amazon forest) occasionally in human dwellings in Ecuador and Peru to arid highlands (Inquisivi province of Bolivia; 2600 where, attracted to a light source, they can be presumed m), passing by sub-tropical forest of middle altitude to have taken temporary refuge (LEox 8{ LEoN, 1953; (Nor Yungas Province of Bolivia; 1500 m); WHrrr-Aw & CueNrorrs, 1978; LENT & WvcoDZINSKy, -the association of L infestans and P. rufotuberculatus I9l9). Nevertheless, the absence of nymphal instars dis- in the Bolivian subandean region is an important fin- carded a phenomenon of adaptation to domestic structu- ding; indeed, the local capacity of P. rufotuberculatus res in these countries. to invade human dwellings after eradication of T. infes- Until now, P. rufotuberculatus in Bolivia was only re- tans cannot be discarded. ported in sylvatic environment (Tonnrco, 1958). Our A more accurate knowledge of this triatomine species surveys carried out from 1992 in the subandean region through its distribution, adaptative trend to domesticity, of the Eastern Cordillera pointed out its presence in do- population dynamics, vectorial capacity and susceptibi- mestic situations, as well. In the Huaritolo District (Pro- lity to insecticide would be important within the Chagas vince of Inquisivi, altitude 2600 m) and in the Carrasco control programme and essential in localities where it is District (Province of Nor Yungas, altitude 1500 m), two presently colonizing human structures. areas in other respects infested by Triatoma infestans and endemic for Chagas disease, P. rufotuberculatus adult forms were observed in human dwellings on seve- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ral occasions (nine infested houses from different locali- This study received financial support from the UNDPAMoTId ties). Moreover, a P. rufotuberculatus sample formed by Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tro- (two instars a male adult and four nymphs third and two pical Diseases (Grant No. 910273). G. Guillen and A. Jemio, from fifth instars) was detected within a house at Carrasco. the Bolivian Chagas Disease Control Programme, helped with the The infested dwelling, situated in a forest environment, collection of triatomines in the Huaritolo District. Helpful com- was made of unplastered adobe bricks roofed with zinc ments on the manuscript were given by Dr. J.P. Dujardin (ORS- sheets. Consequently, this recent observation draws at- TOM-IBBA, La Paz, Bolivia) and Dr. M. Tibayrenc (ORSTOM, tention to the behaviour of this sylvatic species and de- Montpellier, France). monstrates its ability to colonize domestic structures. Microscopic examination of faeces from 14 P. rufotu- REFERENCES berculatus showed no parasite. Nevertheless, prelimi- nary results of the PCR technique performed on the BnpNrÉnE (S.F.), BossENo (M.F.), Rrvollo (S.), Rrvenn (M.T.), same faecal samples and according to BneNmnE et al. CnnlIEn (Y.) & TtenvRENC (M.), 1992.- Direct identification of 264 F. NornEAU et al. T. cruzi natural clones in vectors and mammalian hosts by Poly- Mnes (M.4.), DE Souzn (A.A.) & Povon (M.), 1981.- Chagas' merase Chain Reaction amplification. American Jountal of Tro- disease in the Amazon basin. III. Ecotopes of ten triatomine bug pical Medicine and Hygiene., 46; 335-341. species (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) from the vicinity of Belém, D'Ar-EssANDRo (A.), BnnnEro (P.) & THoUAS (M.), 1981.- Nue- Para State, Braztl. Journal of Medical Entontology, 18: 266-278. vos registros de triatominos domiciliarios y extradomiciliarios RoonrcuEs (B.A.) & MElo (G.B .), 1942.- Contribugao ao estudo en Colombia. Colontbia Medica, 12: 7 5-85. da tripanosomiase americana. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo LpNr (H.) & WvcoDZINSKy (P.), 1979.- Revision of the Triatomi- Crttz,, 37: 77 -90. nae (Hemiptera, Reduviidae), and their significance as vectors Tonnlco (R.A.), 1958.- Reconocimiento de nuevas areas de distri- of Chagas' disease. Bulletin of the American Museutn of Natural bucion de triatominos en Bolivia. Anales del Laboratorio Cen- Hisrory,163: 125-520. tral,4: ll-14. LEoN (L.4.) & LpoN (B.C.), 1953.- Transmisores naturales y ex- Wurrlnw (J.T.) & CunNrorrs (B.N.), 1978.- Palm trees and Cha- perimentales del Trypanosonxo cruzi en el Ecuador. Revista gas' disease in Panama. Anterican Journal of Tropical Medicine Ecuatoriana de Entontología y Parasitología, l: 45-64. and Hygiene, 27 : 873-88 I ..
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