THE LEADING MO News • Pictures. Games. Problems LE T TER S CHESS H E O I O N 'T N O TIC E Sirs: REVIEW Your last issuc sure i ~ a honey. You cel"­ tainly gave it a necessary "hypo:' Vol. IX. No.9. November, 19~1 When 1. \Irimflrily a proble m soll'er. didn't OFFICIAL QHGAN OF THE noLlee that problems had bcen omitted from U. S. CHESS FEDERATION the issue until I read your explanation. It s urely is something. EDITOR I. A. HorOll'lU , particularly liked. auoJ herein I feel you M ANAGING EDITOR K enneth Hrtrkness are rendering an invaluable service to your DEPARTillENT EDlTOl{S readers, your annotations of the amateur Reuben Fi ne- Game or the iI! onth games for ""pushel's" like myself. It's all right Vincent L. Eaton- Problem Department to <lllnotate the expert's game, hut since the I rving Cherney- CheSS Qu[:\ majority of your readers are, I think, far from F red Reillfeld -Head el'~' Games Re viewed expert, why ignore the amateur's game? So PHOTOGRAPH1<;R- Haoul Echeverria in that respect you are on t.he right track. Also your neWH e ventH are limely, inierestillg, Publi shed monthly Octobe r to May. bl·monthly informative. JUll e to September. by CHESS REVIEW, 250 Irving Cherne v cuntinues to be a vital COil, W est 57th Stree t. Ne w York. N. Y. Telephone tributor. CIrcle 6-8 258. So a ll ill rtll, [ l;hould Hay your magrtl'.ine Subscri ptio ns : One year $3.00; Two yeal's should continue to pro~Jler. $5.50 : Five years $12.50 in the United States. II-1URRY GIn~EN U. S. Possessions. Canada, !\'lcl(ico. Cent ral New York, N. Y. and South America. Other countries $3.50 per Many favorable commcnts have been re_ year. He·entered as second class matter July ceived on the new Readers' Games Department, 26 , 19010. at the post ofl\ce ilt Kew York, N. V. under the Act of iI1urch 3, IS79. started in the October issue. It will be co n­ tinued, probably en larged. Beginn ing with the present issuc, noted commentator FRED REiNFELD will handle this department for CHESS REVIEW. Subscribers may send in thei r games for annotations. There is no charge for STAY-PUT this service.- Ed. T HE OCTOBER ISS U E POCKET Sirs: Let the Problems fall whe re they may. This SET is the best CHESS REVI EW of all time. Full of lively lllld helpful thj ll g ~ , and Chessically De mocratic. Congratulations. DANA BRANNAN N. Y. T ime 8, New York. Our thanks to veteran newspaperman Dana Brannan, good friend and staunch lover of chess.- Ed. MO RE LIKES AND D IS LIKES Sirs: I wouloJ like to put In illY t wo bits about Illy likes and oJlsllkes. [ enjoy the 10Ul'name nt game s anoJ rspOi"tS I'ery much. [ woul oJ like to see IllOI'e fully An inge nious :tro d Intensely pr~c t l c ~1 new annotated and analyze oJ games, such as F lue type of pocket c hess set. T he pieces sta r:d does with the Game of the Month. I would up and fa il down by t hemselves ;1S you o pen !ike to see articles on sllch IOlli cs as the or close t he boa rd . Slots at t he side lor Theory of Position Play. The ~liddle Game, ca pt u red m en. C losed slz.e 4Y2"' x 6~~H . The Choice of Strategical I.ines of Play, etc. [ am not interested in problems, cross-wonl CAT. NO. 233-La test M odel , Stay. puzzles, or the Quiz - primarily because I put P ocket Chess Set, w ith z ipper $2 00 l allener, complete w ith men and never have time to look at them. eigh t extra paw ns for playing chec kers. iltOJt'l'ON JACOnS Kansas City, ."110. CHESS EQUIPMENT CO. We are increasing the number of annotated 250 W EST 57th S T ., N E W YORK , N. Y. games, beli evi ng th is is what our readers wa nt. - Ed. 193 OR. TREVBAL. REPORTED EXECUTED According to CHARLES CROMPTON. chell!! columnist o f the Toronto Star, DR. KAREL TREVBAL., famous Czec h chess mas ter. has CHESS BOOKS been executed In Prague a s the reSult o f a recent tribunal held by t he Hille r h irellng Here are the books you can't a.fford Heydrlch. to do without.· If yOu don't own them Dr. Treybal. who held a post as District a ll now, your !ibnlry Is not complete. Judge, Ilrst e ntered into inte l'11 11.tlonal chess \Yo highly recommend each and every competition nt the Prague tourney or 1908. His best per formance was at Knl'lsbad in 1923 O!le of them. when he won his individual encou nter with Dr. Alekhine . Modern Chess Openings- Dy Reuben Dr. T reyi>al was a good chess 1)layer, a ..'j ne (Griffith & While). An abso­ cultured gentie nllln, a distinguis he d c itizen a nd a staunch patrlot. lute ~I U S T . The reference book o f the openings ____ __ _____ ___ $2.50 FRONT COVER My Best Games of Che3s (1924-1937) Front cover photo of Adele Rivero (now By Dr. A. A. AleJlhlllc. T he world's J'.Irs. Adele Be lcher ) is by CIH~SS REVIEW chamll iol) annotates r. nd eXl)iai ns photographer Haoul Echeverria. 80 West 40th his best games. Full of vital In· St., New York. fOr mation __ __ ___________ ____ __ __$ 3.50 Statement 0' the Owne rthlp, Management. Clr. My Belt Games of Chcl8 (1908·1923) cUlatlon, et ~ ., Requ ired by the Acts of Congreu of Augu.t 24, 1912. and MarCh 3, 1933. Oy Dr. A. A. Alekhlne, Reprinted ot Che ss Review. pnbtished monthly Oct. to IIl ay. bl-monthly Juno 10 Supt., at New York, New York. from the original which sold at R fo r Oct. 1. 19U. much higher price ____ __________ $1 .70 S TATE Ol~ NT!:W YOllK, COU NTY 01·' i\'l':W YORK. SiI. Beforo me. I' NotlU':r Public in und lor the Slate How to Play Chen Endings Dy E u­ ILnd county u.fOre>lllJ . pcuon"lty >(ppenr ed I. A. Horowitz. w ho. hnv lng been duly *"'orll according gene Znosko-Dorowskl. Study this to Inw. d ep03el flUd Ia)' B that he 1M t ho Bditor of t h e Cheu Hcvlew, a nd t hat t he follOwing III, to book and your e nd-game play will t ho bC BI of hll knOwledge a nd beli e f. IL t rue IItate­ s how a big im provement ___ ___ __$4.00 men l of Ih" ow n c r ~ hl l" m"na g em ClIl. ct<: .. or the I\. fore~al d publ kllllo" for the dute s hown In the fl.bo ve cltptlon. required by Ihe Act ot August 24. Practical End-Game Play By Fred 1~12. as amended 1.0)' t h e Act of .\lurch 3. 1933 . em­ b0511ed In l<C(:tl(ln ;;.17. Postlll ~'lW$ ll nd Reg ulations, Helnfeld. An excellent treatise on printed on lhe rt;v e l'~e of thIS fortn. (0 wit: 1. That I.h(l na mes and addreues Of the publisher, It t ho end·game from purely prac· editor, m llnllll'tng edilo,·. a.nd b U$l n " ~ ,, m a nagerc l1cal poin t of vlcw. Includes many li r e : P ublisher , I*M.cl A . Horowitz fi nd Kenllcth l'l a r k­ rlne s pecimens from master games $2.00 ness. 251) W. 57th S t" New York. X , \'. Editor. Illraci A . Horowilz and Ke nneth HnrknellR. 250 W . 51t h SI" t-:e w York. N. Y. My System By Aaron Nlmzovltch. Ill' Mana g ing ~;(!lt o r. Kenneth H...,.kn es ~. 250 w. &7t h SI" l\ew York. :N. Y. valuable tre atl~e on the principles 8uslnc~s lIIuna/{cr A. I. A. Horowh~ nnd K Hark ­ or chess. Guaranteed to improve ness. 250 W. 57th St.. -'< ew York. N. Y. YOU I' game ___ _______ _____ __ ___ _$3.7 5 2. That t he own" r" Hr.. : Ch e~ ~ R e vi ll w . 2,';0 \v. 57t h SI." New York. N. Y.; Isrncl A. Horowitz. 250 W. 57th St .. i\'ew York, N . V.: K enne th Hllrk­ neAII. lSO W. fi7th S t .. Ne w York, N. Y. MUlers of the Cheuboa rd Dy Rich· 3. That t he known hondh older.. , morIKa g~lI, and olher ae<:u rlty hOld ()r ll owning or hOlding 1 per nrd Reti. 136 IHI~ell explain ing <:ent or more o f 10 u.1 a m ounl of oonds. mortgage.!!. technique of mn ~ter s ___ __ ______ $3.00 Or oth er 8eeurltlu are: E'onc. 4. ThaI the I WO IUt "IlKraphs nex t 1I.00'·e. g iving t h e names ot Ih e owners. 81<><: kholdcu. a nd Be­ Strategy a nd Tactics In CheB1l By Dr. curit y holden. If ""y. contain not onl)' th<: li ~t of B toc kho ld or~ nll(l 8ecu ri ty holde1'M ns they ap­ M ax Euwe.
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