Saint Lucia No. 71. Friday, December 31, 2004 A publication of the Department of Information Services 2004: A YEAR OF HONOURS, The Pitons: A World Heritage Site CONTINUED PROGRESS —YEAR IN REVIEW “Take 2 ” - A fi fteen minute news review of the week. Government Notebook A fresh news package daily Every Friday at 6.15 p.m. on NTN, Cablevision Channel 2. on all local radio stations 2 Saint Lucia Friday, December 31, 2004 2004: A Year of Honours bilee Trust Fund for the production of development of the project into three Sarafina. Stan Bishop and Renee Terry main objectives: “Those are employ- received awards for their excellence in ment maximization, poverty reduction the literary arts. As part of that major and crime abatement, and we are cer- activity, the event was officially hand- tainly pleased to see some of the recent ed over to the Cultural Development changes that we hope will deal with the Foundation. last of those three”. St. Lucia hosted a 2-day Common- The Government of St. Lucia ceased wealth Regional Workshop on E-Gov- paying economic cost for persons studying law, as of September, 2004. ernment and Sectoral Development. That announcement was made by Cab- At that workshop, Minister for Com- inet Secretary, Dr. James Fletcher at munications and Works, Hon. Felix press briefing. Finisterre said that the Caribbean was well poised to reap the benefits of E- January ended with a St. Lucian Government readiness: “The develop- company, Accela Marketing emerging ment of St. Lucia as a service-based winner of the Caricom Regional Or- or information and knowledge-based ganisation for Standards and Quality Logo design competition. The com- economy therefore, aims at exploiting pany received a cheque of US$1,000. digital technologies to stimulate the Manager of Accela Marketing, Agnes achievement of the country’s develop- Francis, said the regional acclaim was ment objectives. Introduction towards an OECS Economic Union. not only good for the company, but This workshop came on the heels n 2004, St. Lucia received several Prime Minister, Honourable Doctor also for St. Lucia. of the nomination of the Caribbean to accolades. The island became the Kenny Anthony in his address, spoke second place as it relates to e-readiness. first in the Caribbean to receive of the need for the OECS grouping to February This is a concept aimed at encouraging I February started with the National governments to use less ink and paper the Five Star Diamond Award from re-examine itself to meet the challeng- the Academy of Hospitality Sciences. es that lie ahead. Junior Pan championships. Five ju- and more electronic information tech- The Pitons became a World Heritage “The OECS countries under their nior steel band sides participated in the nology. Site, St. Lucia won the Best Govern- current leadership must now assess the competition. Emerald Steel came sec- The Queen Mary 11 arrived on the ment Award, and was chosen as a need for significant changes in the ar- ond, whilst Cable and Wireless Dia- shores of St. Lucia on the 6th of Febru- major venue for Cricket World Cup rangements, building on the substantial mond Steel emerged the winner. ary. The US$800 million vessel has a 2007. In addition, news came that platform that has been created by the The Office of Private Sector Rela- passenger capacity of 2,800. It is the the economy had grown by 3.71% original treaty arrangements”, Dr. An- tions OPSR)and the Chamber of Com- largest ship that has ever been built. in 2003, and had maintained mo- thony said. merce signed a Memorandum of Un- The Ministry of Health signed an mentum in the first half of 2004. Forty-seven recruits of the St. Lu- derstanding, paving the way for the agreement with the United Nations Also, International business mogules cia Fire Service graduated in January. second phase of the private sector de- Population Fund for the development endorsed St. Lucia’s favourable in- Chief Fire Officer, Augustin Gaspard velopment programme. This phase, ac- of an HIV/AIDS prevention pro- vestment climate, Government es- said the training was designed to equip cording to Economic Policy Advisor, gramme. This programme forms part tablished the base to realise 500 new the recruits to face the challenges of Adrian Augier, “seeks to build upon of a project on HIV/AIDS prevention jobs by March 2005, a massive road the future. the successes of the first phase”. for Central America and the Carib- programme proceeded in high gear, bean. Later on that day, the Ministry “Everyone will be looking forward The expected outcome of the project, and St. Lucian households expressed of Health received several computers satisfaction with the basic human from the People’s Republic of China. and social needs and requirements The Trade and Services exhibition, provided by the Government. which was held in Vieux-Fort, opened January on Wednesday, February 11th at the The year began on a sad note, as one Vieux Fort Free Zone. Fifty seven ex- of the Caribbean’s legendary leaders hibitors showcased a range of goods passes away. Dominica’s Prime Min- and services aimed at expanding the ister Pierre Charles died on January export potential of locally produced 6th of an apparent heart attack. His goods. fellow colleague, Prime Minister Hon. St. Lucia celebrated its 25th anni- Dr. Kenny Anthony, described the late versary in the month of February. A Caribbean leader as legendary: “They major part of that celebration was the will remember a representative, who visit of His Royal Highness, The Duke never made promises he could not ful- of York. Several activities were organ- fil. Above all, they will remember him ised to celebrate this milestone. One of as a man whose commitment to service them was the National Sports Awards was legendary”. Ceremony of which Emma Gene Evans Prime Minister Honourable Dr. and Darren Sammy won Sports woman Kenny Anthony delivered his usual and Sports Man of the year respec- New Year’s address in January. In his tively. Other activities included a youth address, he announced four major ar- to see your performances, when con- which will be financed with OPSR sup- rally, an Independence Parade, an Inde- eas which needed to be considered in fronted with the challenges of dealing port include institutional strengthening, pendence Eve gala, an Investiture cer- the New Year – universal Health Care, with emergency situations, whether on establishment within the chamber, of emony and an Independence reception. unemployment insurance, the indirect the fire ground or at the scene of an ac- an employment centre, job placement Also, His Royal Highness officially tax system and the labour code. cident, where the services of the ambu- and hiring services to the local busi- opened the Ciceron Seconday School. ness community. The Prime Minister also announced lance may be required”, Mr. Gaspard Finally in February, the National In the early part of the month, the several changes to his Cabinet with told the recruits. Community Foundation conducted a St. Lucians celebrated Nobel Laure- National Economic Council NEC) Parliamentary Representatives for presented its 1st report to Prime Min- major telethon at the Pigeon Island Side Choiseul and Saltibus, Hon. Ferguson ate week in honour of St. Lucian stal- ister, Hon. Dr Kenny Anthony. Chair- Lawn. The event, which was marked by John for the first time, being assigned warts Honourable Derek Walcott and man of the NEC, Richard Peterkin, several musical presentations, amassed a portfolio. Sir Arthur Lewis. The theme for that summarised the process leading to the over EC$80,000 from pledges. The Basic Needs Trust Fund for- week was, “Culture and Economics-A mally launched its fifth programme in Nation’s Identity, A Nation’s Future”. January. The CDB/CIDA funded proj- The week began with an Opening Cer- ect would concentrate on increasing emony at the National Cultural Centre. economic opportunities for the poor, This activity was followed by various and developing more community based lectures and presentations. infrastructure. The programme would Nobel Laureate week came to a also pay special attention to reducing close with the M&C Fine Arts Awards. vulnerability during natural disasters. This event honoured those who had Later in the month, St. Lucia hosted performed excellently, in the areas of His Royal Highness, The Duke of York flanked by Prime Minister, Dr. the 38th meeting of the OECS Author- the visual, performing and literary arts. Kenny D. Anthony and Governor-General, Dame Pearlette Louisy. ity. The meeting, examined issues such Danielle Devaux was awarded for her At far right is Headmaster of Ciceron Secondary School, as OECS citizenship, the OECS pass- excellence in the visual arts, whilst the Mr. Ron Issac and Hon. Mario Michel and Mrs. Michel port and measures to advance the move performing Arts award went to the Ju- Friday, December 31, 2004 Saint Lucia 3 St. Lucia won bid to host CWC 2007 March pected to yield some 250 service lots. arch opened with the con- St. Lucia joined the rest of the world vening of the National En- in observing World Health day. The Mvironmental Development theme of this day was, “Road Safety Forum. This 21/2-day workshop is no accident.” This theme was devel- formed part of efforts by government oped in light of the increasing number to develop an integrated approach to of road fatalities and road traffic inju- environmental sustainability. This ries in St. Lucia. Minister for Health, forum brought together people from Hon. Damian Greaves addressed the various sectors to contribute to the nation to mark the event. The minister development of a National Environ- pointed out the negative impacts of the ment Policy.
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