GEOLOGIJA 46/1, 75–81, Ljubljana 2003 doi:10.5474/geologija.2003.005 Lithostratigraphic column between Nevesinje and Ljubinje including highlights of the karst area characteristics (Southeastern Bosnia & Herzegovina) Mirza BA[AGI]1& Safet ^I^I]2 1 Mirza Ba{agi}, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Sarajevo – Geology Institute, S. Tomi}a 3, Sarajevo. 2 Safet ^i~i}, Earth Science Institute, Patriotske lige 30, Sarajevo. Keywords: litofacies, carbonated platform, structure, karst process Abstract The area between Nevesinje and Ljubinje in Eastern Herzegovina is a part the Dinaric massif, where Mesozoic carbonated platform is almost completely preserved. There are also Palaeogene sediments in the area structure, but they are considerably less preserved. However, they are an extraordinary indicator of the more important structures within and a solid base for reconstruction of tectonic occurrences during Neogene and Quaternary. The purpose of this paper is to provide more information on lithofacies and tectonic terrain structures, including particular karst characteristics. Causes for occurrence and possible development of karst process are issues that are also pointed out (considering the thickness of the carbonated sediments), as well as the directions and development volume of the process. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE The studied area is located in Eastern Geologicaly part of Eastern Herzegovina Herzegovina, between Crvanj Mountain in consists of Mesozoic and Cenozoic struc- the north and Popovo Polje in the south. tures. Previonsly explored rock massifs are This is the area with high mountains, pla- the product of sediment deposition. Con- teaus and karst fields. It is surrounded by tinual sedimentation lasted in this part of high mountains: Crvanj (highest point 1927 Tethys during Mesozoic, while in the Ceno- m) and Gata~ka Bjela{nica (highest point zoic, before the complete withdrawal of 1807 m) in the northeast; Vidu{a (highest the sea, there were some relatively short point 1419 m) in the east, and Vele‘ (highest periods of land and lacustrine environ- point 1969 m) and Snje‘nica in the west. ment. Popovo Polje is in the south, with particular geomorphology and karst characteristics. The area encompasses approximately 1500 MESOZOIC (Mz) km2. Significant settlements are Nevesinje and Ljubinje. They are connected relatively During Mesozoic era, sedimentation con- well, by partly asphalt roads with Mostar, tinued through Triassic, Jurassic and Creta- Stolac and Trebinje. ceous. 76 Mirza Ba{agi} & Safet ^i~i} cherts and tuffa of the Ladinian stage (up- per middle Triassic stage). Thickness of the Anisian carbonate sediment is approxima- tely 250 m, and of discovered part of Ladini- an in Zalomka anticline around 50 m. Upper Triassic sediments (T3) are found on the western slopes of Crvanj mountain (Zimomor) and by Mo~ila. It is developed as bedded dolomite facies and its thickness be- ing up to 800 m. There are massive and thick bedded dolomites in the Zalomka anticline, that are mostly mixed with dolomite micri- tes and micrites, with rare occurrences of Megalodones. The thickness of this member is up to 400 m. Jurassic sediments (J) Liassic sediments (J1 – Lower Jurassic) are best represented in Duboki and Fojnica streams, Zalomka river right tributaries. They consist of sheet and bedded limestone, mostly of allochemomicrite type. Cherts are frequent and dolomites are there, but rarely. The characteristic microfossil is Involutina liassica, especially for lower and middle Li- assic sediment. Vidalina martana occurs in the whole pillar transiting into Dogger (mid- dle Jurassic stage). There is an abundant Ammonites fauna within middle Liassic sta- ge (Domerian substage). The map of investigated area Liassic – Dogger sediments (J1,2 – Lower to Middle Jurrasic) consists of calcarenites and oolytic limestone, with rare occurrences of dolomites and chert nodules. Stephanoce- Triassic sediments (T) ras sp. is found here. There are also bedded There are three forms of Triassic sedi- biomicrites of Lower Dogger age. Characte- ments: ristic Dogger type is found in the upmost Lower Triassic sediments (T1) are found parts of Dogger: Protopeneroplis striata. in the crest of Crvanj mountain range. Seis Thickness of Dogger in this part varies from Substage consists of sandstones and sandy 60 up to 300 m. limestone with interlayers of clay and marl- Upper Jurassic sediments (J3) are repre- stones where the following fossils are found: sented by light gray and bedded limestone Anodontophora fassaensis, Claraia claraia i with Nerineas. The following are found: Pti- Claraia aurita. These sediments are appro- gnatis carpathica, P. pseudobruntruntana ximately 200 m thick. Campil substage con- and Clypeina jurassica. Limestone thickness sists of marlstones, sandstones and limesto- of the Upper Jurassic sediments (including ne, with average thickness of 100 – 200 m. nerineas) is around 300 m. There are the following fossils found: Myop- horia costata, Turbo rectecostatus etc. Cretaceous sediments (K) Middle Triassic sediments (T2) are repre- Lower Cretaceous sediments (K1) are fo- sented within both forms. Anisian (lower und in the syncline of Vele‘ mountain, the middle Triassic stage) is represented by gray southwestern part of Nevesinjsko polje, and and reddish limestone and dolomites, in the in Podvele‘je, from Hum (highest point 1025 western slopes of Crvanj mountain. Gradu- m) all the way behind Kokorina. It consists ally, they turn to sheet deposits of limestone, of two structures: Lithostratigraphic column between Nevesinje and Ljubinje including highlights ... 77 1 Older K1 structure, discovered in Luka- terrain, there are usually two levels: a) lo- 1,2 vica and Bjela{nica, consists of different wer parts (K2 ) consisting of well layered types of limestone with dolomites and dolo- organic – detrital, micro and cryptocristali- mite limestone. It is characterized by fine ne limestone and b) higher parts (K2,3) re- deposits of dark gray and brawn layers. The- presented by well layered various limesto- re are found: Campbelliella milesi, Tintine- ne that become massive in their final parts. psella lata, and Dascycladaceae: Clypeina The thickness of these carbonates is around jurassica, Pianella anmelata etc. The thic- 500 m. kness of the carbonate is around 300 m. 2 Younger K1 structure of the Lower Cre- taceous age takes up more terrain in the CENOZOIC (Kz) northwestern part of Nevesinjsko polje and southern parts of Vele‘. It comes up in the The sediments of Paleogene, Neogene and narrow parts of right bank of Bregava, on Quaternary belong to this era. the slopes of Hrgud. The most frequent structures are microsparites and limestone Paleogene (Pc) with paleodont shells, and in upper parts, Paleogene sediments are in the southwest layered dolomites and dolomite limestone of Nevesinjsko Polje (Biograd, Magunica, are noticeable. The thickness of this structu- Lukavac), northwest of Dabarsko Polje and re is 300 – 400 m. west of Ljubinje. There are four Paleogene representatives in this area: Upper Cretaceous sediments (K2): These 1. Liburnian sediments (Pc, E) are repre- sediments have the most important part in sented by brown and dark gray deposited the terrain structure. They are characterized limestone. Limestone is often bituminous. by facies changes, vertical and side ones. They are discordant to Senonian carbonates Carbonated sediments of Upper Cretaceous and/or other representatives of Upper Cre- sediments, thick over 2500 m, are divided taceous sediments. Downthrown contact is into more stratigraphic units: characterized by the occurrence of bauxite. 1. Alb – Cenomanian (K1,2) sediments, bet- Their thickness is from a few up to 250 m. ween lower and upper Cretaceous age, are 2. Alveolina – nummulite limestone (E1,2) around Popovo Polje. They are developed in are concordant on top of Liburnian sedi- the dolomite and dolomite limestone facies. ments. These are light gray to white, laye- The thickness of these carbonates in this red, occasionally massive and compact lime- part of the terrain is around 400 m. stone. Their thickness varies from 100 – 1,2 2. Cenomanian – Turonian (K2 ) sedi- 200 m. ments are in the area of Snje‘nica, in the 3. Eocen flysch (E2,3) is located in the area Bregava canyon, area of Hrgud and Tre{ta- of Dabrica, Dabri~ko and Lukava~ko Polje. nica and outskirts of Dabarsko Polje. Lime- On the top of the older Cretaceous and Pa- stone and dolomites with chrondodite and leogene limestone there are conglomerates, rudites are on the top of Alb – Cenomanian brecciated limestone and large grain sand- carbonates, with gradual transition. The stone, that are thick up to few tens of me- thickness of these sediments is around ters. There is also bauxite on the downt- 500 m. hrown contact. Bauxites are of the economic 2,3 3. Turonian – Senonian (K2 ) sediments significance in the area of Dabrica. The thic- are around Hrgud, Udre‘nje and Snje‘nica. kness of flysch varies from 50 to 200 m. They are concordantly laid on top of chron- 4. Promina conglomerates (E3, Ol1) are in dodite carbonates in the thick structure of the area of Nevesinjsko and Dabarsko Polje. layered limestone, of white and light gray They are lying concordantly on the older color. Their thickness is around 450 m. flysch. Conglomerates have the characteri- 3 4. Senonian (K2 ) carbonated sediments stics of molasses and synorogenic deposit are located south of Lukavi~ko and Dabar- that would be in accordance with Pyrenean sko Polje, and
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