October 31, 2011 Volume 15 Number 21 EMU honours Nobel laureatepg. 21 inside Unwrapping sexuality 4 On using Scripture to discern sexual issues 6 Letters to my sister 12 Can ‘free’ speech be ‘hate’ speech? 21 Students advocate for the sexually marginalized 34 2 Canadian Mennonite October 31, 2011 Editorial With this issue, we are attempting to model this new framework for discus- sion. Keith Graber Miller’s feature, A reasoned discussion “Unwrapping sexuality,” on page 4, provides context, presenting readers with Dick Benner a broad view of the subject, not just the Editor/Publisher aspects that have tended to bog us down. Keep in mind that this was originally an nough already.” I can already • Second, it is time we reframe the debate address to university students who are hear groans of despair as with new guidelines of discourse, a time the members of our faith community “Ewe, once again, open up the to covenant together that we will choose most wanting a thoughtful discussion, conversation about sexuality in all of its our words carefully, without judgment not a duel of warring factions. We owe manifestations. In a search of our data- and rancour, to take a broad and thought- them no less. base, our managing editor, Ross W. ful look at the subject and not con- The first of a three-part series of Muir, discovered that this pub- fine it to the flash points of homo- “Letters to my Sister,” page 12, is a more lication and its predecessor, the sexuality and same-sex marriage, intimate discussion between accom- Mennonite Reporter, have carried a to deconstruct the old framework plished 80-year-old twins who, with their total of 232 articles on the sub- of using inclusion/exclusion of lifetime of experience, find themselves on ject, ranging from sexual abuse, church members as a dividing line opposite sides of the homosexual issue, child sex tourism, same and safe within our faith community. but who respect each other and carry on sex, to sex offenders, sex change, sexual In simple, straightforward terms, we, a thoughtful debate in letters. abstinence, sexual misconduct and sexual with Brian McLaren in his new book, We hope this gives clear guidance for boundaries. The list goes on. A New Kind of Christianity, ask the those of you who will surely respond Will we ever get enough? And what is question: “Can we find a way to address with your own reflections. In that regard, the point of again launching into these human sexuality without fighting about let me clearly state what will—and will controversial waters where no one wins, it? . Can we move beyond paralyzing not—make the letters column or online no one seems to change his or her mind, polarization into constructive dialogue postings of this publication: where the two sides accuse the other of about the whole range of challenges we • Only those who add some new insight unfaithfulness, of being misguided—or face regarding human sexuality?” or information to the subject will be wrong—all the while proof-texting the McLaren includes sexuality in a line-up considered. We will not rehash old argu- Bible to win the argument? of 10 major issues the church has to ad- ments and well-known talking points It is my sense, as one of the denomina- dress if it is to listen to the Spirit mov- used in the old frame of this ongoing tional gatekeepers, that while wearisome ing across denominations and around conversation, or countenance judgmental and probably troublesome, as a steward the world, along with understanding language either of individuals or organ- of one of our public forums, we must the Bible as narrative and its authority ized groups. continue this conversation, albeit with in our lives, violence, a new look at the • Resist the temptation to use proof- new guidelines, for two reasons: teachings of Jesus and what the church texting of the biblical narrative to • First, as Mennonite Church Canada has done with them, pluralism and support any of your points. To quote continues its Being a Faithful Church eschatology. McLaren again: “In a time when reli- discernment process, the issue of sexual- None of these issues can be trivialized gious extremists constantly use sacred ity is one of the primary components. I or swept under the rug simply because texts to justify violence, many of us feel must clarify, however, that MC Canada we can’t agree on them. They are the a moral obligation to question the ways officials are hesitant to open this topic up nerve centre of our faith, the life-blood the Bible has been used in the past to at this time; they did not request, or even to our survival as a church. Therefore, we defend the indefensible and promote the encourage, our bringing it to the fore. must engage, not dodge. unacceptable.” About the cover: Circulation: Please contact Lisa Jacky toll-free at Leymah Gbowee of Liberia is the first Eastern Mennonite University gradu- 1-800-378-2524 ext. 221 or by e-mail at office@ ate to win a Nobel Peace Prize in the school’s 94-year history. She won for canadianmennonite.org for subscriptions and ad- her work in bringing an end to her country’s civil war in 2003. See story on dress changes. Subscriptions can also be ordered at page 21. our web site. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada PHOTO: MICHAEL ANGELO, WONDERLAND Periodical Fund for our publishing activities. ISSN 1480-042X PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40063104 REGISTRATION NO. 09613 Unwrapping sexuality 4 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE ITEMS TO CANADIAN MENNONITE contentsGoshen College professor Keith Graber Miller believes that ‘some- 490 DUTTON DRIVE, UNIT C5 where between demonization of sex and the “sexual revolution,” there is WATERLOO ON N2L 6H7 a middle way . a higher way.’ Phone: 519-884-3810 Toll-free: 1-800-378-2524 Fax: 519-884-3331 Web site: canadianmennonite.org Engaging with new media 16 Please send all material to be considered for publication to: Geoff Vanderkooy of PeaceWorks Technology Solutions provides General submission address: [email protected] tips to pastors and church leaders on how to manage their ministries in Readers Write: [email protected] the age of social media. Milestones announcements: [email protected] EMU honours Nobel laureate 21 Obituaries: Lisa Metzger, [email protected] On Oct. 16, Eastern Mennonite University welcomed back Calendar announcements: [email protected] Leymah Material can also be sent “Attn: Submissions/Readers Write/Milestones/Obituaries/ Gbowee of Liberia, a 2007 graduate, in light of her winning the 2011 Calendar” by postal mail or fax to our head office. Nobel Peace Prize for her work in bringing the civil war in her homeland Reprint requests: [email protected] to an end in 2003.. Mission statement: To educate, inspire, inform, and foster dialogue on issues facing Speaking to people through music 24 Mennonite Church Canada as it shares the good news of Jesus Christ from an Carol Ann Weaver says she always knew that music Anabaptist perspective. We do this through a regular publication and other media, would play a major role in her career and her life. In our working with our church partners. continuing ‘Mennos at work’ series, the Conrad Grebel Guiding values: University College prof says that music is still her passion. Hebrews 10:23-25 • Accuracy, fairness, balance • Editorial freedom • Focus on Books & Resources 25-32 Seeking and speaking the truth in love • Open hearts and minds in discerning God’s will • Russ Eanes, the new executive director of MennoMedia, writes of Covenantal relationships and mutual accountability the technological challenges of publishing in the 21st century. Plus, Area churches and MC Canada financially support 44 percent ofC anadian reviews of Imperialist Canada, Worship & Mission After Christendom and Mennonite’s annual budget. Captivity; Will Braun’s take on ‘The Bible and the billionaire’; and our Board of Directors (by appointing body): fall books and resources list. MC Canada: Ed Janzen, Les Klassen Hamm, Joon Hyoung Park, Doreen Martens; Students advocate for the sexually marginalized 34 MC B.C.: ; MC Alberta: ; Linda Matties James Moyer National correspondent Rachel Bergen profiles students atC anadian MC Saskatchewan: Joe Neufeld; MC Manitoba: Al Friesen; Mennonite University and Westgate Mennonite Collegiate who have MC Eastern Canada: Tim Reimer; CMPS: Carl DeGurse, Margaret Ewen Peters, Tobi Thiessen established gay-straight alliances at their schools. Board Chair: Tobi Thiessen, [email protected], 416-622-7850 Regular features: Head Office Staff: For discussion 7 Readers write 8 Obituaries 11 Dick Benner, Editor/Publisher, [email protected] Milestones 13 Pontius’ Puddle 14 Yellow Pages 33 Ross W. Muir, Managing Editor, [email protected] Barb Draper, Editorial Assistant, [email protected] Calendar 38 Classifieds 38 Dan Johnson, Graphic Designer, [email protected] A reasoned discussion 2 Lisa Jacky, Circulation/Finance, [email protected] Emily Loewen, Young Voices Editor, [email protected] Dick Benner Whose story do we tell? 8 Advertising Manager: Lisa Metzger, [email protected], toll-free voice mail: 1-800-378-2524 ext. 224 Conrad Stoesz Correspondents: As you wish 9 Rachel Bergen, National Correspondent, [email protected], 204-885- Melissa Miller 2565 ext. 259; Amy Dueckman, B.C. Correspondent, [email protected], Navigating through the ‘decision decade’ 10 604-854-3735; Donita Wiebe-Neufeld, Alberta Correspondent, [email protected], 780-436-3431; Karin Fehderau, Saskatchewan Harold Penner Correspondent, [email protected], 306-933-4209; Evelyn Rempel Petkau, Manitoba Correspondent, [email protected], Online NOW! 204-745-2208; Dave Rogalsky, Eastern Canada Correspondent, ec@ canadianmennonite.org, 519-579-7258. at canadianmennonite.org Award-winning Goshen College professor murdered at home: member of the Sheldon C.
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