Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College Linda Lear Center for Special Collections & Alumni News Archives Spring 2011 CC: Connecticut College Magazine, Spring 2011 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/alumnews Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "CC: Connecticut College Magazine, Spring 2011" (2011). Alumni News. 352. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/alumnews/352 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Linda Lear Center for Special Collections & Archives at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. Connecticut College Magazine IISpring 2011 IN AND OUT OF 'The Office' Lee Eisenberg '99 comes home 1 Writing a Path to Success II Century of Great Visitors II Barkley Hendricks Retires II Rugby for Life letters, etc. CC:CONNECTICUT To the Editor: COLLEGE MapziM Volume 19 / umber 3 I was pleased co see usan Baldwin Kierzman's article EDITOR: /..JJa H. Brow11,II LATE EDITOR: Ph�b, Hall "A Century of ong" ART DIRECTOR/ 0 LI E EDITOR: but hasten to point out Bmjami11 Parr:111 CO TRIBUTORS:/amt>S. Btrrim 74, Cmi Bown- '84, Da­ that the article neglected vid A. Brtnsilwr./011 Criipi11, Adam D1111itls,Jill Gros,mnn, Eliz,,. co mention the singing /ml, Ham1/to11, Rad,,/Harri11gro11, Jantt Hayt:S, O,a,rHoffb,rger '07. Margarmjo11n '85, usa11 Kittzma11 '82, Undaj. lrnr o2, group GAMUT, which BobMarDo,m,11. D,bom/1MarDo,m,11. LA11m Marmghi '/ 2, was formed in 1973-74. I much longer The Gamut survived, bur A1try Martin, Bmmlon \I'( Mosky. &rbam Nagy. john Nnm111lti, ju/Jt Po/Jori, 78, \VI,;, Rirhnrdson '02, LrslitRoi>mi, Kar,, Sr. was a founding member, and we sang the group was an important, if brief Grorg, '/ 2, A. Vi11cmt S,-11m110, NoiwStals, OwmStow, '/I, \Vill a wide variety of music - hence che player on the Connecticut ollege a­ Tomasian,Juli, \V,n1au, Grortlit \Vood LA TES OORDI ATOR: group's name. I believe it was the first cappella stage in the early co-ed era. Knr,n Laskry LAS OTES EDITOR: Samb,rh Fitldt co-ed singing group and the firsc non-a cappella group on campus. When I Sandy Leith '77 P'll C:· ConnecticutColl 1agnineis published by the Oflia:ofCollog,: Rdarioru:,_ �1ricia M _ �, Viet Prcsidcm.lhc m..tgWnc'sm.Wion is to numtam lies bcN«n UlC' liege, its alu.mm and all other connitucn" graduated in 1976, it was going strong; Dedham, Mass. and 10 rq,on on issuesor imporuna: 10 1hcscgroups. I hope that some '70s alumni remember · Connec1icu1 Coll� Mag;wndl 1060-5134)(U P 129- che group! I don't like co end critical messages, 1◄0) Is publishedfour umcs ayear. in summer. fall, wimcr and spring, :md is m.1ilcd free of charge 10 mcmbt'nof the Conncaiclll College bur I had a really hard time reading che AJumn, Association and friends of the ColJ�c. Periodic.ls clanposugc p.1id a1 �· London,CT, and a1 additional offices. Class ores in the Winter magazine. I Lisa Bood.man '76 Contributions: · Connecticut Coll�c M:1.fWncwill con idcr but i.s leafed through the rest of the magazine 001 rcspon.siblc for unsolici1edmanuscnpu, proposalsand photographs. Lexington, Mass. Addn:s.scorrespondence 10: and found that I could easily read even Edi1or, CC: Conn«-t.iauColl ege M�z.inc,Becker Howe, -1 6 As much as I enjoyed reading of Conn's che smallest serif fonts used in several ,-.•Lo ndon, er 06320- 19 . �f.�n�o�3t;500. short article . Bur the very faint/light Fu: 860-439-5405 a cappella successes, I was disappointed E-m.U: [email protected] co ee no mention of the The Gamut. sans serif font of the ores defied my I joined as a freshman in 1973, and be r efforrs. I know it has co be small Alumni: St11daddms cha11gn to: we were arguably the besc a cappella co fir everyone in, so I'm sure it is a Alumni Office, Connecticut College group on campus that year, despite the challenge, bur I sure hope there can be 270 Mohegan Avenue formidable, bur always friendly rivalry some adjustment (like the small serif cw London, CT 06320 berween us, the chwiffs and the Conn font) that wiU work forall. Thanks for or t-mail to alum11i@co1mcollrdu Chords. Led by Pam rrawbridge '74, all the great articles! our big hies included the theme song T from "M*A* "'H" and "What's Your Nancy Waddell '60 0 Ecn UT COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUS EES ),me, . Bcrnen74. Cha,r. Willi.un P. S.rr.ick '81. Vi«C/,a,r, Name," originally recorded by Don & Clinton, Wash. )uduh Tin.WOpatrny 72, Vi« C/,a,r, uuro J. Allen '81, David W. Barber '88. Edu,rdo Castell "87. Theodore . Cha pm '72 P"07. Kevon Juan; indeed, the lounges of KB and Copcl.nd76, lu)·mond ). Dcbbane P"09, Const>na: m,u, Gemmer '80 r· 10, lairt . Gould '10, Prcscon W.Hafner'80, ZoeKlein JA still reverberate with the duet lead Editor'sNote: Thank you faryour Hennqua '99. 1..co I. H,gdon,Jr.. Pm,d,"'•Es1cll.)ohnson 75, David 8. Kelso P'09, I.ind•). I.ar '62, Thembumenu I.ukhcle '08, Lynd, I shared with Warren Erickson '74 in feedback. We welcome allreader comments, Bauer Munro '?6 P'08. John F. iblack P'98. D"·id H. P,lcen 76 P'O-l chis catchy number. Lisa Boodman complimentaryand critical We're sorryto &< "09, Ma,o, l'cllcgrin, '69, Theodore M Romanow 76, Harris R. Ros<nhe,m '09, Thomas A. Satgt:01 '82. W. Caner ullivan 79, Sally '76 assumed pitch pipe responsibilities hear you found the new ClassNotes font wman '84, Fronkl10 A. Tum '87, Kcvm W,de '76. Pamela D. Zilly 75 a year lacer, and we enjoyed another difficult to read. You're right, we did ALUMNI 8 ARD F DIRECTORS Corutancc muh Gemmer '80 P'IO, Pmulnu,Tammie Oay,onRe.id ·o I, VirrPrn,dn11. Knute "94. Sama17. Andrew Bogle '94, Carol strong year. I departed the group at the switch to a condensedfont to save space - '.<8\1 Blake Boyd 72, Christy Burke 93. Ryan han '00,Cynthia Limon end of 1975 and I do not recall how as wellas paper and printing costs. Fleming '54, Marth.aGilli,rd '73, Lucic Hoblitullc lannom '57, Mark lger 75. Ken lubcl 76 P'12, dham lune "84. hm McDamcl '94, fJli .J.gaj-Rothc '03, Brent C\"C.f '99, Christine Gould Rardon 79, US2Jl P«k Robmson'65. Usman hcikh 'O.f. uunnC'Richmond immons '95, Frederick 1nuon '96, Jean licrnc)'T;aub '58, Thomas cconline.conncoll.edu: Usdin 79, Hildcg;,rd Van D<us<n '43. Jamoc Bridges Walzer '00.Rob,n TALK TO US! Wil,on '82 CC: Connecllcut : Connccucu1Coll ege Maguine Copyright 2011 by Connecticut CollegeMagazine College, all righu rCKT\cd, Rcproduaion in whole or in pan without welcomes wnncn permission is prohibned. ViN'Scxpres.std htrein arcthOK' or the More great visitors to campus: view an online gallery your letters. letters may be edited au1ho11 and do not neccswily 1<Rec1 oflici.J policy of the College. for style. length. clarityand grammar. Please include Update on a CC: Magazine story: Julie Sgarzi '71 your fullname and a remembers the campus strike of 1970 daytime phone number. Send www.connecticutcollege.edu your submissions to ccmag@connco/l CC: Connecticut College Magazine Is prtnted on paper with edu or a minimum post-consumer recycled content of IO percent. More alumnae rugby action Editor. CC. ConnecticutCollege Magazine. 210 Mohegan Ave.. New Printed in U. A by Lane Prc:u, Burlmgton, Ve. London. CT 06320-4196. 2 CC CONNECTICUT COLLEGE MAG.U:INE SPRING 2011 >president's page Remembering our Great Beginnings Leo I. Higdon, Jr. WITH FOUNDERS DAY JUST AHEAD OF US, I have been reflecting on che women and men whose fore ighc and dedication paved the way for Connecticut College co become che institution it is today - and how much chey have in common wich coday's trustees, alumni, parents and friends. As chis magazine goe co press, che College is preparing a March 1 reception in downtown ew London co honor che people of chis city for 100 years of support. I look forward co having Mayor Martin T. Olsen Jr. '95 by my side as I recount che cory of Connecticut College's founding. Ir's a scory I'll cell with pride. More than 100 years ago We leyan University's deci ion co cop admitting women after 1909 leftche personal visit co che bank. Plane's chauffeur,William state wich few options forwomen to pur ue higher Farnan drove Plane and his ew London bankers co education in Connecticut. Elizabeth Wright, a Hartford Hartford where chey wichdrew cash and securities and choolceacher and Wesleyan alumna, convinced members emerged from che bank wich it all packed into a mall of che Hartford College Club ro explore che idea of bag. On che drive home, che group scopped at a restaurant founding a college in Connecticut. Towns across che race for dinner, and che chauffeurwaited in che car wich che recognized che culcural and economic benefit a college bag. According to lacer accounts by che chauffeur, it was would bring co their communities and began offering sites che longest meal ever, especially as he waited outside wich and supporting fund for the new college.
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