For All Departments Call REGISTER RE 6-0013 lnuvd W«kly, «nt«r«d at S«eond Clan Matter »t th« Poat 'VOLUME LXXVHI, NO. 39 Office at B«d fiuk, N J.. under th« Act of March 8. 1879. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 22,1956 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE- State Seeks Bids New Store to Go Ub at Broad and Reckless Dr. Percy D or emus On Sea Wall Work Dies from Gun Blast Th« Stat« Bureau of Naviga- other severs beating from next tion- yesterday approved Sea autumn's storms. "-•••••'• Tho )ioily of Dr. Percy N. Dore- Bright-Monmouth Beach sea wall The municipalities of Monmouth muH, li\, was found in his apart- addition «peclflcaOon« and author- Beach and Sea Bright are making Door Prizes uifint. at SO West Front st.,, Red ized advertisement for bids, Jos- contributions of $17,500 to cover Bank. lastn.isht-l>y hifi wife, Olga- • eph C Irwln, Monmouth county engineering and other incidental jScbwi'iikEir,..- Dorf-rnus. approxl- freeholder director, announced. fees. • " .._.;,. '.. ..... Ruled Raffles inat'-ly ftiK^it hours alter hn died Mr... Irwln last week called Mr. Irwin'said he wag advised NEWARK — Awni'l.s..of 'donr f rnrh ?i shot gun bla^t. ... of -the-action-after-yesterday1! Theodore J.Langan,-planning di- rector of the State Department prizes nro raffles, just HS. is fim 'J'h-j body WTIH- discovered by board of freeholders meeting by chancing off1., of an n.\iuni\nfr\U\- Mi>. Dui'irnus shortly after 7 James Kankln, chief of planning of Conservation and Economic T>eT velopment to ask.the cause of the an'l are subject to speciflt' "ITJJH- o'clock, on hr;r return from New for the bureau. He said the date latlons, the St.nt.e LoKnlizorl (Jfini^K S'ork city, where .shn operates a for return of bids was not set but delay. He pointed out then that photoLcr;tphy .shop. JDr. 'Dorfimus that it will'be in the near future, county specifications have been of Chan en commission warnorl today. W;IK foVnifl tlr^sstMi in his under-. • in the state's hands for some wear in the middle of the living' The state and the county have time and expressed hope that the Specliil door prize raffles nuiy appropriated $845,000 each for the room, floor, A. -jin^U- hn.rrol, 12- bids would be asked this month. :>(> conductod without a Hccnso tfnutfe aliotyun wft.s lying across project; which it is hoped will If contracts were not let and the by a qualified orj;;]nizntioii hav-- 1 extend the sea wall to Center at, tiif. body wilfi tfie h.irrnl " point- work started, before May, he said, Incj an Identification numrior .list- ing toward Dr. Dortmus1 head. In Sea Bright. The length of the It was feared there would not be ed by thn commission if:. 1. iS'o addition will be determined by Dptrctivo 13<?njii.niin Cflover, who sufficient time to seal up the dan- ra chargfi is made for th** rnf- 1 the per-foot cost of the work un- ger areas before the season of is in oli.'tr^* of tht- investipa? der the bide accepted, Mr. Irwin Xl£X- 2. only merchnndiio pi'izpa (inn. rfaid evfrything- points to sui- storms. '•:'•'' are RivRn; .'I. all prlz^a are wlmlly said. ._:„ - tater the samedayMr. nangatf ek\i,', but HtM^ft tho invfistip-ation donated; 4, tothi-f value of all will " fifintiriu-1 today.. Dr, Dore- Mr, Irwln said the plan is to advised Mr. Irwln that he had Architect's drawing of new feet and will extend 194 feet stein and featuring a home dec- may be rented aa a unit, or. may prizes js less than $50; 5. no othov 1 n\us left no note and Mrs. Dor*v-v advertise for the work in two pro- called in Peter J. Gannon, chief building to be erected on the for- along Reckless pi. The building orative service, house furnishings, be divided into two or three mo of chance is hold on thn of the Navigation bureau, and mus told police she, knuw of no jects to permit two contractors mer C. Edward Plchler property will feature an exterior of marble floor, covering department and stores. occasion; 6. all pronopda of the to work on it simultaneously and asked him to prepare the bid pro- columns and brick whtch.wlll be gift shop. ;..•.•' '.' : A planting .area of trees and reason f\vhy her hu.-ibnnd should posals. Th^ state, he explained, at Broad st. and Reckless pi. and occasion arc donated to author- take his own life. speed the wall's completion.' [•. ' capped by a pre-cast parapet. The Of split level design, the Ster- shrubswill be located beside the ized purposes, anil -7. notic- of j ' Mr. Irwin last week said shore had been waiting for remaining the former Richmond property on large plate glass display windows ling galleries will have upper and new building on Reckless pi. A After UiuilnK the body, ^fr5,. • land easements. Mr. Irwln said the door prize raffle hits been officials had expressed concern Reckless pi. by Samuel Weinstcin, at the front of the structure also lower sales areas with a total of free parking area with a capacity given fo the clerk of the munici- Doremufl Imnu'liatfly called Dr.. he understood these already were Uv» itocco, who1 in turn notilled over delay on the project. They owner of the Sterling furniture will extend along tha Reckless 30,000 square feet of floor space. of approximately 50 cars will be pality in which the raffle Is held. felt* that unless the roeke are promised. Yesterday's action in- pi. side. The entire store will be air con- located at tho building's rear, police. Mout. Frnnk Mazza and dicates that the project 1B being Awards of door prizes at lunch- placed soon, the two oceanfront store on White st. The principal part of the build- ditioned. The Sterling galleries, Mr. Patrolman Joseph Calver" wont to expedited. eons by organizations m^otinpr to Hio apartment and called Detec- towns would be vulnerable to an- Designed by Bernard Kellen- ing, an L-shaped store witli a In addition to the Sterling gal- Weinstein said this week, is ex- raise money for an authorized yi, Red Bank architect, the build- frontage of 60 feet on Broad st. leries, the building will Include pected to be "the largest and fin- tive Benjamin Glovpr, who waa purpose la not allowed under the »t home off duty. _I)ntectiva ing will face on Broad st., Where will be occupied by the Sterling another . C.OOOrsquare-foot store. est furniture store In central New statutes, the commission warned. it will have a frontage of 102 Glovor was in chargR of tho in- galleries, operated by Mr. Weln- This, according to Mr. Weinstein, Jersey." . '. • ' V(?HtiKatio.n from that poirtt on, A.1- 7 Veteran Workers KO on tlin c;i.^ worn County De- tectivn Capt. William S: Hustoo 100 TeaeherT Vaccine Adequate ~ County Defers and Red Bank police Capt. Le- 'End Prejudice,Tjearn For Clinic Here roy McKnlght. oy Contract Action Dr, Doromus evidently died To Visit Fort Vincent P. Horan, public about 11. n. m. yesterday. Neigh- Is the Appeal of Dr. Peale heitfth officer, reported that FREEHOLD — Bncaxiso of a l»ors told polico thny heard a noise Resignations of five veteran FORT MONMOUTH — More question us to federal t.n\-<>H on about that time, .but befieved.it Salk vaccinn was HdmlniNtnrcil Red Bank borough employees Dinner -to Honor than 100 Monmouth county and Dr. Norman Vincent Peale vis- Stressing the theme of brother- gasoline used by county tfovorn? wan snow falling off the roof, De- were accepted and replacements New Jersey educators, Including ited here last night and spoke hood, Dr. Peale said: to 135 children, aged up to 15 ments, the board of frrnhnlders tot'tlve CJlovcr. said Dr. Dorcmui for three of them were appointed Retiring Employees the staff and faculty of the Eat- out firmly for "brotherhood, dyna- "We are Americans and, as years, by Dr. Victor Slegel at yesterday deferred action on the held the shotpun at Monday night's meeting,' ot 7 The seven veteran employees ontown school system, are expect- mic love, friendship arid faith," for such, believe all men are created the - anti-polio clinic here yes- two bids it received,for.supply-of. j -Jarre! ""with hfiT right "hand" and mayor and council. Since then, .who. resigned ..-their—positions1 ed to visit the Signal school here the. principle- that "all "men.' are* equal; But' we "never are going 80,000 gallons, of fuel for county from a sitting, position triggered . -' Borough Clerk Amy Shlnh has terday. vehicles for tho coming year. with the borough to take ad- next Monday. '•'.:'"• . created equal"—and against prej- to achieve the heights our fore- the gun with his left hand. De- received two more resignations. udice which, he said, "has become Mr. Horan said that the sup- The Esso Standard Oil Co. pre- tective Glover said Dr. Julius A, vantage of state and Social Se- The purpose of this first "pro- fathers intended for us until wo Retiring as of Mar. 31 are Aa- old fashioned and out of date," achieve that fact, Meetings such ply of the vaccine sent here sented a bid for $13,512, exclusive Toren, county physician, was noti- curity benefits will be honored fessional day" is to better ac- of a federal tax of two cents per «essor George W.
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