CLASSIFIEDS pag 69 OUT ABOUT pag 5 SCHOOLS pag 38 SPORTS pag 48 Wayne THURSDAY, February 9 2006 YO COMMUN NE SOUR Stude scores impr overall i bot HS an GE B DEB WINTE the statewid exams. math portio of the Grade Eig 77 percenfailing an 53. passi test scores and respondi to the Staf Write Way Valley Hig School ha Proficien Assessment (GEPA in the science portio showin a issue that eac schoo represent 5. perce fail the math porti of an 54.5 percen pass reflecti a 2.9 percen chan from 2003- sai Superinten Dr. Maria WAYN - Student across the the Hig School Proficie -0.2 percen chan from 2003- 2004 while Schuyler- had Nuccetelli. “We did as well as state faire well as 2004-2005 dis Assessment (HSP and per- 2004. Schuyler- Middle 5.4 percen fail an 57. pass expect however.” trict repor card revea a positi cent pass,reflectin a 5. percen School ha 1 percen fail the reveali a 3.2 percen chan In regar to the core curricu- outcome for the most par chan from 2003-2004. A total of mat an 50.8 percen pas show- from las year lum content standards, Nuccetelli Some of th bigges improv 7. perce of student at Wayn in a -0.1 percen chan from Ona whole 95.9 perce of stu- state that it depen how eac ments came in elementar an Hills Hig Scho failed th HSPA 2003-2004. While 10. percen of dent at WHH passe the HSPA studen learns hig schoo mat as well as read while 41.3 pass reveali a 2. students at Geor Washingt while 95.8 percen of WVH stu- “The curriculum i devise in officials say percen chan from 2003-2004. failed the langua portio and dent pass it. A total of 79. per- accordi to eac student& needs Reporte many attribute the scores hav WVH with 78.4 percen passe reveali a 2. cent of WHHS students are gra sh added outcome to th connectio 4.2 perce failing an 6 perce perce chan from 2003-2004. uates to a four- colle an 0. As far as administrator& salarie between classroo material as showi a 3. chan Schuyler- ha 6. percen of percen to a militar school were concemed statewid increas well as professio developme ogm 2003-2004. WHH had 7. students fail the langua portio WVH has 70. percen of stu- es were seen. Teachers’ salarie an th state core curriculum con- percen failin and 572 percen an 75. percen pass reflecti a dent are graduat to a four- slight increase as well. tent standar which is a year- passi a -0.2 chan from 2003- 1. percen chan from 2003- colle and 1. percen to a mili- “Dependi on multipl years year bod of skills an knowled 2004. Geor Washingt Middle 2004. tar school experien some salarie rose An these ideal are the basi of School ha 18.5 percen fail th Geor Washingt produc “We are current analyzi the slightl Nuccetelli said WEL BA STAFF PHOTOS/ BALEVSK! Kevin Schloss of Way visited Coldwell Banker last week to thank them for sendin gift and supplie to his unit, which wa Stationed in Iraq to thank them for their support Above Schloss shows staffers photo from his deployme At left is Schloss’ son Ethan wh he has to reaquain himself with upon his return. Se next week& issue for an in- story EA FRES EA HEALT EA A SALADWORK vr N*ECRWSS**C00 1 { ut r 100,0 + SALADS * SANDWICHES « WRAPS WAYN LIBRARY 836 * SOUPS + GRILLED PANNINI o WL fo atin dy 07470 3532 162 Rt, 23 North © Wayn 973-628-1687 a February 9, 2006 TODAY 2 Comm Veteran Pos provi th prope wa to retir ‘Ol Glo 7 - 4 retir an American an it’s a th ashe are scattered see B AN SALERN fla _ CREAR 3 cnenssnemnaes -=y\ “We hav one American a) Correspon formal fla burnin ceremony may With dignit the veterans will fla burnin ceremony a yea at WAYN — Display on a hom prop retire an American fla Veterans Pos 450 said Gascoy wavin with the win in fron of a durin thi ceremon A recent ceremony yielde schoo or magnetic affixed on a The fla burnin ceremony more than 500 American flag vehicle you can find them every- begi with a member or members “We are thankful to everyone where It i the American fl or of a Veterans pos inspecti the wh respecte an thoug about Old Glor as it sometime i affe fla Dependi on the numbe of the importan of thes colors tionate known. fla bei burne there i als th stars and stripe An letting Vet- But as years pas a cloth Amer- determination of where the cere- erans Post 450 retire thes Ameri- ican fla unwillin become fad- mony will take plac Th ceremo- can Fla with proper dignit e torn or tattere an will b n can takplace eithe in fire- Th most popul da to fl the replac with a new fla S what e o stackin the fla outside America flag are Memorial Da d you d with the old one on level surface. Fla Da Labor Da an Se 11 “The America flag i a symb The ceremony begi with the “Everyd i a goo d to fl a of courage and brave and need “Pled of Allegianc an mem- flag sai Gascoy “Its symb to b treate with wh it ber of th Veterans pos givi may be different to eac o us, but respe PHOTO COURTESY OF C ANN SALERNO i retire oppos to bein pu in raye as th flag( i soake with to veterans it let us know you th trash, sai Bob Gascoy a fig fluid or spray with care. Bo Scouts of Troo 79 in Pequanno ignite over 500 Ameri- Arms in find out the Way resident an historian of kerosene are present T more regardi can Flag durin a fla burnin ceremony at Veterans Post Veteran Post 450 in Pequann memory for thos who died an retirement of an American fla or 450 in Pequannock The scouts witnesse the flag burnin “Th need to know ther the fla i ignite Onc the flag i othe flag fact contact you local publ ceremony wit local firefighters, veterans, a Color Guard and are strict on how to burne with an dignit veteran pos guidelin respec members of the communit ny RU AMOR Um / 133 HAMBUR TPK WAYNE N 07470 TR Base kD WAYN NORTH HALEDON $689, “SE OU PAGE 61 HUBBARDTON 196 LINDA VISTA Blac Oak Estate CH Colonial B Colonial RECONSTRUCTION http://www.remax-nj.com/tri- ful basemen 1/2 bath 3500 sq ft in th Bedroom Bath gas bes section. IRx Blac Oak Rid Rd or Firepl in Livin Room jacuz in master Webste to Hubbardton bath pati & car garage. DI High Mtn R to Lind Vista or Golfle Rd to Re W194 199-01 POMPTON LAKES $349,900 WANAQUE $419, $429,900 COLONIAL CAPE GREAT HOME 508 WILLIAM STREE NEW LISTING Expand Cap Cod with 4 Bedroom Thre B Raise Ranc with fron to back New Constructio B 1/2 Bat Expand Ranc w/ finished basemen new bath Ist fi fami room finishe Great Room Ga fpl., walk out to pati Colonial ju finishe w/25x20 fami and attic, whirlpo open fron por and basem car gar. Walk to scho lar backya lern eat i kitch room. DI R 287 exit 45 lef on Myrt car garage: c/air an attache garage. lef William FRAN BORO $235,000 $299,900 MPTON PLAINS POMPTO LAKES $359,900 AFF 346 RIVERLAWN DRIVE GREAT TOWN 64 SCHUYLE AVE. Move in B conditio Townhous 1/2 Bedroo Ranc with newer kitche $ Impressi wel maintained bric Colonial Ca Cod Wit 4 BR,-1-1/ baths newer bath in Frankli .Meadows. deck bat roo carpetin Dec of kitche near th center o town. Bedroo kitche c/ Walk t6 schoo par DIR Forma Dinin lal base w/ Roo Lar Backya Jus move in. DI Rt 23 Bat & car garage. Lakesi or Colfax to Schuy I ak O Wek ™y 5°5 Spo 1! ee Commu TOD is your pape Spagh Bo wor New item announcemen abou loca event an letters t th edito are alwa welcom a TOD Ma t TOD Garre Mountai Plaz P Bo 47 We Paterso N 07424-04 to cause traffi snarl B DEBR WINTE accordance with th proje Staf Write Starti thi wee the rig lan Medical Par Imagin O o traffic on Route 46 eastbound the WAYN - Townshi officials are will b close between N Wayn Denville & Newfoundla warnin motorists to gear up for Transit overpass and the Service traffic snarl as the Departm of Roa east merge, located near Transportat (NJDO begi Way Ford Th lane closure will roadw construction as par of a remain in pla until November $195. million safe initiative. 2008. A porti of the address Th left an right lanes of Route ee will b es Route 46 from t Passai Riv- 46 westbound partial er to Gales Drive in Wayn cost- close between Gales Drive an in $7 million. This includes the N Transit overpas throug brid deck replacem realig December 2006. On lane of traf- times. ment and resurfaci ramp modi- fic will remain open a all FO A LIMITE TIM IN OU WAYNE LOCATION addition o o the lane will b fication an th signs Op portion NO PRESCRIPTI REQUIRE lightin gui rails and accelera shifte to accommodat the lan tion and deceleratio lanes closure The DOT recent announced various lan closure mandat in SE SPAGE BO PAG Medica Par Imagi 330 Ratzer Roa a4 Want Professional Hel With -@.
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