THE SPIRITS THAT WERE CALLED THE BLOODY SUNDAY INQUIRY AND THE RECONCILIATION PROCESS IN NORTHERN IRELAND by KATHARINA PLOSS Submitted to the Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts SabancÛ University June 2006 The Spirits That Were Called The Bloody Sunday Inquiry and the Reconciliation Process in Northern Ireland APPROVED BY: Dr. Esra Çuhadar Gürkaynak …………………………. (Dissertation Supervisor) Dr. Ayİe Betül Çelik …………………………. Dr. Leyla Neyzi …………………………. DATE OF APPROVAL: …………………………. © Katharina Ploss 2006 All Rights Reserved Abstract The Spirits That Were Called The Bloody Sunday Inquiry and the reconciliation process in Northern Ireland Katharina Ploss Conflict Analysis and Resolution, M.A. Thesis 2006 Dr. Esra Çuhadar Gürkaynak Bloody Sunday Inquiry œ Historical Truth Commission œ Reconciliation œ Northern Ireland This thesis focuses on the research question whether the Bloody Sunday Inquiry has promoted reconciliation in Northern Ireland. The Inquiry examines the events of Bloody Sunday, January, the 30 th 1972, when the British Army shot fourteen Catholic civilians during a civil rights march. The Bloody Sunday Inquiry is of significance for two reasons: firstly, if a historical truth commission, as a mechanism, can promote reconciliation. Secondly, the work of this thesis assesses Tony Blair‘s announcement of the Inquiry as a means to reconciliation. This research‘s further value lies in the novelty as the first scientific analysis of the Inquiry. Witness statements provided the latent content analysis which focused on the process since the final report of the Inquiry has not yet been published. In addition, five interviews, with concerned parties during a research stay in Northern Ireland in January/February 2006, provided insight into the perception of the inquiry as well as helped in the analysis of the findings from the content analysis. The content analysis reveals that the process of the inquiry holds only very few indicators for reconciliation. Rather, the indicators for Null-reconciliation œ a term developed to qualify the indicators that state the opposite of reconciliation œ exceeded those for reconciliation. Consequently, the content analysis suggests that the Bloody Sunday Inquiry does not promote reconciliation in Northern Ireland. This finding has been confirmed by all interviewees who underlined that Northern Ireland lacks a generic mechanism of dealing with the past. iv ZET Ça₣ÛrÛlan Ruhlar KanlÛ Pazar SoruİturmasÛ ve Kuzey Ğrlanda‘da uzlaİma süreci Katharina Ploss UyuİmazlÛk Analizi ve Çözümü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2006 Dr. Esra Çuhadar Gürkaynak KanlÛ Pazar SoruİturmasÛ œ Tarihsel Hakikat Komisyonu œ Uzlaİma œ Kuzey Ğrlanda Bu tez, KanlÛ Pazar SoruİturmasÛ‘nÛn Kuzey Ğrlanda‘daki uzlaİma sürecine katkÛ sa₣layÛp sa₣lamadÛ₣Û araİtÛrma sorusu üzerine yo₣unlaİmaktadÛr. Soruİturma, 30 Ocak 1972‘de Britanya Ordusu‘nun, sivil haklar için düzenlenen bir yürüyüİ sÛrasÛnda, on dört Katolik sivili vurdu₣u KanlÛ Pazar olaylarÛnÛ incelemektedir. KanlÛ Pazar SoruİturmasÛ iki nedenle önemlidir: öncelikle, tarihsel hakikat komisyonunun, bir mekanizma olarak uzlaİmayÛ teİvik edip edemeyece₣i sorusu açÛsÛndan kritiktir. Ğkinci olarak, bu tez çalÛİmasÛ, Tony Blair‘Ûn Soruİturma‘yÛ bir uzlaİma aracÛ olarak duyurmasÛnÛ de₣erlendirmektedir. Bu araİtÛrmanÛn bir di₣er önemi, Soruİturma‘ya dair bilimsel bir analizin ilk kez yapÛlÛyor olmasÛdÛr. Soruİturma‘ya dair nihai rapor henüz yayÛnlanmadÛ₣Û için, sürece odaklanan gizli içerik analizini tanÛklarÛn bildirimleri oluİturdu. AyrÛca, araİtÛrma kapsamÛnda Ocak/ğubat 2006‘da Kuzey Ğrlanda‘da ilgili partilerle yapÛlan beİ mülakat, soruİturma algÛsÛna iliİkin bir kavrayÛİ sa₣lamakla beraber, içerik analizinden edinilen bulgularÛn analizinde de yardÛmcÛ oldu. Ğçerik analizi, soruİturma sürecinin uzlaİma için çok az göstergeye sahip oldu₣unu açÛ₣a çÛkarmaktadÛr. Aksine, sÛfÛr-uzlaİma‘ya (uzlaİmanÛn zÛttÛnÛ belirten göstergeleri belirtmek için kullanÛlan bir terim) iliİkin göstergeler, uzlaİmaya iliİkin olanlardan daha fazladÛr. Sonuç olarak, içerik analizi, KanlÛ Pazar SoruİturmasÛ‘nÛn Kuzey Ğrlanda‘da uzlaİmayÛ teİvik etmedi₣ini öne sürmektedir. Bu bulgu, yapÛlan mülakatlar sÛrasÛnda Kuzey Ğrlanda‘nÛn geçmiİle ilgilenecek jenerik mekanizmadan yoksun oldu₣unun altÛnÛ çizen herkes tarafÛndan teyit edildi. v ,or my family and Nils vi Acknowledgement First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Esra Çuhadar Gürkaynak, for her invaluable support and assistance in writing this thesis. Her advice was of vital importance for my research; I am thankful for the chance to be her student and work with her on my thesis at Sabanci. I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. Ayİe Betül Çelik as well as Dr. Leyla Neyzi whose expertise was crucial for my thesis. Suggestions from both faculty were central for the development of my work and I appreciated their presence on my thesis committee. Special gratitude goes to Dr. Neyzi who reminded me that, in the end, Bloody Sunday is not only a topic for research but a human tragedy. Furthermore, I am highly appreciative of Dr. Ali Çarko₣lu‘s essential encouragement throughout the entire sampling process. His proficiency and patient explanations at all stages of the thesis cannot be overestimated; I am indebted to him for his constant support of my work. I would also like to say special thanks to Zeynep Kutluata for her immediate help with the translation of the abstract. In addition, I would like to offer my deep gratitude to Nils Gerhardt, who not only supported the development of this thesis with his expertise, but always stood by my side in every pain œ or joyful moment during my stay at SabancÛ and especially during the entire process of writing this thesis. Moreover, personal thanks to my brothers, Dr. Alexander and Dr. Martin Ploss. Their advice and their experiences provided me with invaluable help for my research. I am also more than grateful to my parents who have never ceased supporting me and my research. They made it possible for me to gain experiences and gather important information as well as data in Northern Ireland, a process that helped this work enormously. Lastly, my deep regards to Andreas Kotelis, Athina Giannaki, Konstandia Samara, Alexandru Balas and Nagihan Nilüfer Pehlivan who have been strong allies through my graduate education at SabancÛ. Their friendship has been of special value and I was fortunate to know them. vii Table of Content Abstract.....................................................................................................................................iv ÖZET .........................................................................................................................................v Dedication.................................................................................................................................vi Acknowledgement.................................................................................................................. vii List of Tables .............................................................................................................................x List of Figures...........................................................................................................................xi Glossary ................................................................................................................................. xiii Introduction...............................................................................................................................1 Historical Background .............................................................................................................4 2.1 Bloody Sunday............................................................................................................8 2.2 The Widgery Tribunal ................................................................................................9 2.3 The Bloody Sunday Inquiry......................................................................................10 Literature Review ...................................................................................................................13 3.1 The Concept of Reconciliation in the Literature ......................................................14 3.2 The Bloody Sunday Inquiry œ a Truth Commission? ...............................................20 3.3 The Truth Commission and its Scope.......................................................................24 3.4 Conceptualization of Reconciliation.........................................................................26 viii 0ethodology............................................................................................................................28 4.1 The Methodological Tracks......................................................................................28 4.2 The Sampling............................................................................................................29 4.3 The Content Analysis................................................................................................37 4.4 The Codebook...........................................................................................................38 4.5 The Interviews ..........................................................................................................39 Findings....................................................................................................................................41
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