<?• TUB BE0I8TBB1._ All tb» Newi oj . Braa* Strait 1» th» Rl BED BANK Sewen JOD E»orj Btfint i Aod Surrounding Town* . A Publlo Comfort flUtton Told Btaurleuljr and Without Buu, EED BANK More Forking 8p«M UIUM) WMkly.'Enttrml u S«ond.Ol«. MatUr at th. Pott. NO. 33. offioi »t Bad Bink, N. .*„ onJ.r tba Act o( M>nb a. U7U. RED BANK, N. J.,WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1931. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 12. Florists'Club Rutgers Course NEW TOKEHOLDEK CANDIDATE Lawyers Favor . Many Graduates PBIZE WINNING APFLKS. The Middletown George H. Roberta's Friends Start a J. C Hendrickson & Son Win First A Short Council to Hold $how to Open Tonight Hovemont to Nominate Him. Criminal Courts Return to School Pilzo at Agricultural Show. School Election Meeting Monday A number of Democrats are boom- I J. C, Hundrickoon & Son of Cher- A Large Enrollment for the Sec- Ins Georgo H. Roberts of New Mon- Bar AMociation Votes'to Seek Extra Studies, Inability * to Get ry Treo farm in Middlotown town- It Will be Held at Township Profeitionnl Flower Grower*- mouth as a candidate for freeholder ship won first prize with an exhibit The Red Bank Budget of Ex- Will Hold Their Firrt Annual . ond Program Bt Red Bank— next fall on the Democratic ticket Establishment of System Now Work and Refusal of Colleges if apples at the State agricultural High School at Leonardo Next penses to Come up for Its Sec- "' Exhibition tat Long Brunch A Plan to Make Red Bank a Mr. Roberts Is an actloneer anil In Use In Bergen County— to Accept Students at Mid-ihow just held at Trenton. They Tuesday—Three Candidates ond and Final Readings fyext farmer. For many years his work as Would be Big Saving. Year Are die Chief Reasons. exhibited a tray of Winesaps ami March 11th and 12th. Center for Education. auctioneer has taken him to all purls won over eleven (jther exhibitors. for Re-Election. Monday Night. of' this county and at times to ad- The Monmouth county bar associi Almost all the puplfs who gradu Tho apples wero as near perfect In The first annual Sower snow ot Students ot many divisions ot the lfs The annual election for members Tho meeting of the mayor Mill joining counties. He has a largo list atlon, at a meeting held last Friday' ute'd• fro' m ••th-e "-Red •Ban k'- •-•-•high-schoo- l shape and coloring as it is possible the Monmoutn county florists olub business and professional world will the board of education of Middle- council of Red Bank made n record of acquaintances. night at the Globe hotel on East last Thursday night have returned to to b&. Tho apples were displayed In iu, scheduled to take place Wednea. bo present at the oponlng session of own township will be held next for brevity Monday night. Tho »ei- It la not- known whether or notFront street, voted to seek legisla- school. Some are back to take up The Register ofilce and later when day and Thursday,! March Uth and tho now Rutgors university exten- Tuesday at the township high school slon began promptly at the appoint- Mr, Roberta la In a receptive mood, tion providing for tho establishment uxtra studlta, others because they are they wero distributed among The 12lh at the Maaonlo temple,, Broad- sion division courses tonight at th? it Leonardo. The polls will be open ed hour of eight o'clock and It wrni but a good many Democrats are of county criminal courts In Mon-unable to obtain positions and others Register folks it was the unanimous way, Long Branch. Bed Bank senior high school. Mer- rom four o'clock in the afternoon over fifteen minutes later. Tho oBl- booming him for the Job of Free- mouth county. The Monmouth coun- because the colleges and universities opinion that the apples were also The preliminary schedule of thechants, school teachers, automobllo intil nine o'clock at night. Residents cinls adjourned to meet next Mon- holder for all they are worth. They ty delegation In the state assembly they want to attend do not accept entitled to first prize for eating qual- «how wus Issued thin week. The ex-dealers, clerks, business and Indus- if tho township who were not regia- day night, when tho budget of ex- claim that If' Mr, Roberts is nomi- will be asked to Introduce the neces- students at mid-year. ities. 'hlbltlon will be arranged, into 23 eoc-trial executives, nurses and num- ered for the general election last penses will come up for Its second nated he Is sure to win. tlons covering 1B6 classifications. erous other types of business and sary bill- Two members of the class will be- November will not be eligible to vote and final readings. professional pooplo are expected to 47 members of tho at tho school election unless they Piofesslonol and commercial ex- There were come nuraes. Jeanne Lufburrow will . Fred Dressier, chief of tho fire de- hibits will bo In separate sections. enroll tor tho-Beeond Rutgers even- organization present at tho dinner enter Spring Lako hospital and A. ierBonally register. They may reg- Ing course program at Red Bank. ister at tho office of William M. Pct- partment, turned In a report showing Cash prizes will bo awarded In all and meeting. Halstead Walnrlght of Mario Gramann will study nursing Form Democratic tho activities of the department from professional classes and In* addition Practical psychology will be taught Party For Red Manasquan, president of tho associ- at the Jersey City hospital. On the ingale, the district school clerk, at tho township high school at••' any October 1st to January lBt Tho re- there Wllt'be special oup awards, do- by Professor R. N. Putnam, and the ation, was toastmaster. The prin- class roll are threo members who at- Women's Club port showed that there had been nated by Dean &' Co., W. W. Ken-course In public speaking will be con- cipal speaker was Judgo William M. tended summer school last year and ime during office hours this week Bank Hospital and Monday and Tuesday or they fourteen house calls, eight box nedy & Sons, Turner Brothers, A. ducted By Professor M. J. Brines, Seufert of Bergen county, who de- completed their high school educa- alarms and 71 Inspections. dcFalta' and Bodemann' & Llndhardt. who Is well known In Monmouth •Bsribed the district criminal courts tion, making it unnecessary for them Officers of New Organization egister at tho same place Saturday county as a speaker, as well as forthirty Tables Were in Play Fri- in that county. Judge Seufort draft- to return In the fall. They are Del- Elected at a Meeting Last night from seven o'clock until nina The mayor and council accepted an Sweopstakes awards will bo given In invitation to attend the annual ban- the professional and commercial sec- his part in Iho previous course. Both day Afternoon at Mrs. Gerald ed the bill that gavo Bergen tho phinc D.' Silver, who Is at an art Thursday Night—To Meet on o'clock. -' classes will start actual work to- criminal courts. school in Washington, D. C, Minnie quet of P.elief lire company tomor- tions, tho donors being tho'Clty of Holbrook's — Prizes Were Tho terms of James C. Hondrlclt- row night nt Applegate's restaurant Long Branch' and tho Monmouth night. In tho psychology class, Pro- According to tho speaker, tho crim- V. Felshman, who la employed at Third Tuesday of Each Month. on, William M. Petlngale and John fessor Putnam will open his course Boxes of Note Paper.* New York; and John t. Galm, who The Invitation waa sent by Raymond county florists' club. inal courts did not actually replace The Red Bank Women's Demo- N. Hillyer will expire as members of W. Brower, tho secretary of tho with dlisousslon and general study of Tho Red Bank auxiliary of River- the small cause courts, but under the •attends the University^ of Pennsyl- cratic club effected its permanent or- tho board of education and they will JSntrles will be received by Frank vania. H. Clark Burrowes will go company. I* Ronan, 210 Broadway, Long the, development of personality. Pro- view hospital had a card party Fri- provision of the enactment tho pow- ganization last Thursday night. The be candidates for re-election. Appro- fessor Brines will undertake the dis- to Gettysburg academy. The ordinance prohibiting automo- < Branch, up to 12i00 o'clock noon, day afternoon at Mrs. Gerald C. Hol- ers of the justices of the peace and following officers were elected: priations amounting to $224,775 will biles from parking on Pinckney road cussion of tho correct uso ' of the the recorders were cut to such ex- be voted on. This represents an In Tuesday, March 10th. Entries lor brook'a on Grange avenue at Fair Tho commencement exercises last Prenidont—Mrs. Walter 0. Layton. within a dlstanco of fifty feet east speaking voice. tent that they were practically with- crease of about $31,000 over tho ap competition must be of moro than Haven. About thirty tables ,wore In Thursday night marked the first mid- Firflt vice president—Mrs. Abrnm I. El- of Broad street passed Its second anil oidlnary standard and good quality At the organisation meeting of tho play and tho • prizes wero boxes of out authority. year graduation In the history of thu propriatlons last year. final readings. to bo entitled to an award. group, conductod last week, consid- Imported Ijjrcnoh note paper.
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