ARIZONA STATE SENATE RESEARCH STAFF TO: MEMBERS OF THE JOINT LEGISLATIVE SHARON LANGFORD LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH ANALYST AD HOC STUDY COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE LANDS Telephone: (602) 926-3171 Email: [email protected] DATE: February 5, 2014 SUBJECT: 2013 Joint Legislative Ad Hoc Study Committee on Government and Private Lands Report Attached is the final report of the Joint Legislative Ad Hoc Study Committee on Government and Private Lands (Ad Hoc Study Committee). This report has been distributed to the following individuals: Governor of the State of Arizona The Honorable Janice K. Brewer President of the Senate Speaker of the House of Representatives Honorable Andy Biggs Honorable Andy Tobin Members of the Ad Hoc Study Committee Senator Gail Griffin, Co-Chair Representative David Gowan, Co-Chair Senator Chester Crandell Representative Jamescita Peshlakai Senator Robert Meza Representative David Stevens Secretary of State Ken Bennett Director of the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records Joan Clark Senate Majority Staff House Majority Staff Senate Minority Staff House Minority Staff Senate Research Staff House Research Staff Senate Resource Center House Chief Clerk 2013 Joint Legislative Ad Hoc Study Committee on Government and Private Lands Report: Background Laws 2012, Chapter 176 established the Joint Legislative Study Committee on Governrµent and Private Lands (Study Committee) to examine the consequences of the transfer of real property from private parties to government entities. This legislation also required the Arizona Department of Revenue to contract with each county assessor to conduct a Property Status Study by December 31, 2013. The Study Committee was repealed on October 1, 2013 before consideration and evaluation of the data provided by the county assessors was complete. As a result, the Ad Hoc Study Committee was formed with the same purpose as the Study Committee. Ad Hoc Study Committee Activity The Ad Hoc Study Committee met on October 9, 2013 and December 11 , 2013. Please refer to the Ad Hoc Study Committee minutes for a list of the presentations and public testimony. Ad Hoc Study Committee Recommendations On December 11, 2013 the Ad Hoc Study Committee on Government and Private Lands made the following recommendations: 1. Continued· cooperation with county assessors and the Department of Revenue into 2014 to further refine information provided in the required report, with possible allocation of limited funding if necessary. 2. Extension of the Joint Legislative Ad Hoc Study Committee on Government and Private Lands beyond the September 2014 sunset date. 3. Establishment of new designations/categories as necessary to account for all land uses for better tracking purposes and if necessary the creation of a uniform tracking system of different types of land in Arizona for use by county assessors. Attachments A. Purpose and membership of the Ad Hoc Study Committee. B. Meeting notices, minutes and handouts. C. Voluntary in-lieu contributions information. D. Arizona Game and Fish Commission voluntary in-lieu contributions 2008 through 2012. E. Conservation easement valuation information. F. 2012 Annual Report of the Study Committee. j GAIL GRIFFIN COMMITTEES: STATE SENATOR, DISTRICT 14 GOVERNMENT AND ENVIRONMENT, CHAIR CAPITOL COMPLEX, SENATE BUILDING 1700 WEST WASHINGTON NATURAL RESOURCES AND RURAL AFFAIRS, PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007-2890 VICE-CHAIR (602) '926-5895 TOLL FREE: 1-800-352-8404 APPROPRIATIONS FAX: (602) 417-3025 PUBLIC SAFETY E-MAIL: [email protected] RULES January 29, 2014 Dear President Biggs, I am pleased to submit the following report on the activities and conclusions of the Government and Private Lands Study Committee. As you know, this committee was formed to examine the practice and impact of government acquisition of private land, including the frequency and circumstances of such acquisitions, The committee was also formed to consider ways to monitor private land acquisitions and to ensure that these practices are conducted in accordance with existing law, The Committee was able to confirm that a large percentage of Arizona land is owned by government, and that this public ownership ofland has a significant impact on the state's economy and, importantly, on our local government's ability to generate revenue. For example, Gila County is comprised of less than 3% private land. Not coincidentally, it also has one of the highest primary property tax rates in the state; the absence of private land places the burden of funding local government on the small number of private property owners. The Committee also worked collaboratively with the Department of Revenue and county assessors throughout the state to collect information quantifying how much land in each county is publicly owned, privately owned, non-taxable, etc. Some county assessors provided the Committee with useful data. Unfortunately, it became apparent that other assessors obtained their information from the State Land Department rather than doing a parcel­ by-parcel analysis, This was disappointing. In order to continue the important work of the Committee and ensure that policymakers and the public are more fully and consistently informed about the scarcity of private land and the increasing amount of private land being acquired by the federal government and conservation groups, I am recommending that: • The Government and Private Lands Study Committee be continued for two years • The Committee continue to work closely with county assessors, the State Land Department, and the State Cartographer, on a permanent solution for creating a database capable of tracking and reporting on government acquisitions of private land and conversions of private land into tax exempt status. I hope that the Committee will adopt these recommendations and incorporate them into the committee's work moving forward. ~'~ ~y~ Gail Griffin Senator, District 14 Arizona State Senate Attachment A · Joint L·egislative Ad Hoc Study ·committee on Government and Private Lands PURPOSE: To: (1) conduct hearings to evaluate the practice and impact of government entities' acquisition of private property; (2) review the historical tax assessments on a sampling of acquisitions of private real property; (3) examine the frequency and circumstances of government acquisition of private real property; (4) consider ways to ensure that government acquisition of real property that is conducted according to law and appropriately can continue; and (5) identify the appropriate entity or entities to administer and review recording, tracking and reporting tax­ supported government acquisitions. MEMBERSHIP: House Three members of the House of Representatives, not more than two from the same political party, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives: David Gowan (Co-Chair), Jamescita Peshlakai, David Stevens Senate Three members of the Senate, not more than two from the same political party, appointed by the President of the Senate: Chester Crandell, Gail Griffin (Co-Chair), Robert Meza Notes: The Committee is formed to examine the consequenc~s of the transfer of real property from private parties to government entities. Committee expired September 2013 and was made into a joint ad hoc col11Il1ittee. The original committee formed under Laws, 2012, Chapter 176. CONTACT: Sharon Langford, Senate Research Staff; Virginia Carico, House Research Staff REPORT DATE: 09/30/14 EXPIRATION DATE: 09/30/2014 STATUTORY CITE: Ad hoc created by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House Attachment B Interim agendas can be obtained via the Internet at http://www.azleg.state.az.us/lnterimCommittees.asp ARIZONA STATE LEGISLATURE INTERIM MEETING NOTICE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC JOINT LEGISLATIVE AD HOC STUDY COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE LANDS Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Time: 10:00 A.M. Place: SHR 109 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Update from the Arizona Department of Revenue on information provided by counties 4. Public Testirnony 5. Adjourn Members: Senator Gail Griffin, Co-Chair Representative David Gowan, Co-Chair Senator Robert Meza Representative David Stevens Senator Chester Crandell Representative Bruce Wheeler 10/7/13 tb For questions regarding this agenda, please contact Senate Research Department. Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation such as a sign language interpreter, by contacting the Senate Secretary's Office: (602) 926-4231 (voice). Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange the accommodation. Page 1 of 1 CORRECTED CORRECTED CORRECTED ARIZONA STATE LEGISLATURE JOINT LEGISLATIVE AD HOC STUDY COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE LANDS Minutes of the Meeting October 9, 2013 10:00 a.m., Senate Hearing Room 109 Members Present: Senator Gail Griffin, Co-Chair Representative David Gowan, Co-Chair Senator Chester Crandell Representative David Stevens Members Absent: Senator Robert Meza Representative Bruce Wheeler Staff: David Fernandez, Assistant Senate Research Analyst Gina Kash, House Research Analyst Chairman Griffin called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and attendance was taken. Update from the Arizona Department of Revenue on Information Provided by Counties Frank Boucek, Assistant Director, Arizona Department of Revenue, presented the results from a property status study conducted by 15 Arizona County Assessors as required by House Bill 2438, Ch. 176, Fiftieth Legislature, Second Regular Session, (Attachment A). Mr. Boucek also answered
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