University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-1-1905 Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 11-01-1905 Citizen Pub. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Citizen Pub. Co.. "Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 11-01-1905." (1905). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/2434 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Library AJLBIJC JERQUE EVENING CITIZEN. VOLUME 1!) JQUEHQUE, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV EM HER 1, 11)05. NUMB Ell 278. BEARS MESSAGE PRIV YES At last a 'man BANKER DEVLIN VOTE MACHINE FROM THE KING 1GATED PASSES AWAY IS FOR FRISCO Admiral Prince at Anna- The Ir Commerce Stroke of Paralysis Which Committee Found How it polis is Received in Due Co i Hear Caused His Failure Could be Made Not and Ancient Form. is. Ends His Life. to Record. i HIS FLEET IS SURROUNDED LEADS WAS PUT ON STAND ASSISTANT NAVY SECRETARY LIFE INSURANCE EXPERTS Campaign Was Begun in Office-Alaba- By Twelve American Men of Takes Oath of ma Make Report of Startling Dis- War Arranged in Massachsetts on People Pleased With coveries in Equitable, Two Lines. "Bob White." Military Pageant. Which Legislative SWEDEN TAKES DOWN IINOIN FLAG THOUSANDS FOR ENTERTAINMENT ARKANSAS CONFEDERATES MEET COMMITTEE DID NOT DISCOVER 1. Washington, D. C, Nov. 1. Inquiry Annapolis. Md., Ncv. A wireless Chicago, Nov. 1. Charles J. Devlin, San Francisco, Nov. 1. The voting tiio3sape was received aboard the flag- Into the operation of private refrigera- bankrupt millionaire coal operator machine to be used at the coming mu- ship Maine by Hear Admiral Evans, tor cars on the trans-continent- rail- and banker, died at Elizabeth hos- nicipal election November 7, was commander-in-chie- f of the North At- ways was begun by Inter- pital in this city given , today the today as the result a test yesterday, before a com lantic fleet, from Rear Admiral Brown-son- state commerce commission. The of a second attack of naralvsls. He mittee representing the fusionists. A commanding the fourth division, cases In which hearings are being suffered his first stroke last summer, linotype operator on newspaper announcing the arrival late last night, held are directed by the commission in Topeka, and this fact led to the showed that by placing a small rub- off Cedar Point, and later Admiral against the Santa Fe and Southern Pa failure of his vast interests. ber band in a certain place near the Brownson joined the fleet. cific railways and the Armour car name for fusion in.ivnr the mnrhlnn His ships are anchored in a single lines; the Santa Fe Refrigerator Dis- A MICHIGAN SON IS IN I Would mil readier tnr mnvnr thoni-T-l column outside the column formed by patch and the American Refrigerator THE NAVY DEPARTMENT. It would register votes for all of the the eight battleships composing the Transit company. Washington, D. C, Nov. L T. H. other candidates. first and second divisions. Until the The principal witness today was J. Newberry, of Detroit, Mich., today! battleship Maine establishes wireless S. Leads, general, manager of the took the oath of office as assistant 8TARTLING REPORT MADE communication with the British squad- Santa Fo Refrigerator Dispatch, wh secretary of the navy, and at once as- - A TO THE EQUITABLE. ron, it is Impossible to predict the gave startling testimony concerning sumed the duties of his office. New York, Nov. 1. The expert, exact hour of Prince Louis' arrival. rebates and declared his inability to accountants employed last June by' The British squadron will anchor In- break up the practice. The cars op- CONFEDERATE VETERANS President Morton, of the Equitable side the double line of American war erated by the Santa Fe Refrigerator GATHER AT LITTLE ROCK.1 Life, have completed their work and ships so that Annapolis, looking out Dispatch, said Leads, are owned 'by Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 1. The 'reported. The findings are said to unprece- to sea tonight, will have the the Santa Fe railway and are leased United Confederate Veterans of Ar-!na- v' surprised even those who dented spectacle of three lines of by the dispatch line. are here in force in response Pwted discoveries not touched upon warslilps shretched across Chesapeake to the call issued by Pan W. Jones, lby tne Investigating committees. The bay at right angles to the entrance. SWEDEN ALSO PARTS major general commanding the Arkan-- 1 rePort nt be mad public until The nearest column will comprise WITH OLD UNION FLAQ. sas division, and have assembled in jafter the next meeting of the directors. the four swift, armored cruisers com- - . Stockholm, Nov. 1. The-,unio- n flag the hall of the house of represents- manded by Prince Louis. Four hun- dred yards away gleam was struck throughout Sweden this I JUS ROMANCE ENDS IN further will morning, and the new flag hoisted to the lights of the eight mighty battle- transactionSJl ofTf--routine business, the ships that make up the strong right the accompaniment of salutes, ring- HAPPY MATRIMONY ing of church bells and the parade of convention received a visit from arm of the American navy, and four troops. COURT ISSUES WRIT Major General William E. Mlckel, ad- hundred yards further out will be four OTHER THAN IN ST. PETERSBURG jutant general and chief of staff of Providence, R. I., Nov. 1. The armored cruisers. May QUAIL GRANTED ONE General Stephen K. Lee, commander marriage of Miss Amanda Harris, The program of the day includes OF QUO WARRANTO of the U. D. C, and General, f this city, and Randolph T. Odo, of officials calls of Prince Louis on the MORE MONTH'S LIFE. LITTLE IMPROVEMENT YET SEEN V. L. Cabell of Dallas, Tex., com- - York City, was celebrated today, commander-in-chief- , the superintend- Boston, Mass., Nov. L Numerous mander of the trans-Mississip- de- - as the result of a romance which ent cf the naval academy and the gov- parties of sportsmen started early partment. The United Daughters of turned out as predicted. Their lore ernor of Maryland, and the return of this morning for the- rural Armijo Must Show by What the Confederacy and the Sons of affair had Its beginning In an illness the calls. and hunters throughout the ntrS Cavalry and Infantry Again Patrol the Capital. united- - Confederate Veterans were " cr a m..e meuncea :r. uao When Prince .Louis, of Battenberg, In the field early to get a Authority He Holds Office greeted in social and fraternal rela- life. He is the sou of Adolph Ode a who bears a special message from the "Bob White." The open season begins tions. wealthy wholesale t confectioner In monarch of the British empire to the today, and the hunters begin with iU In the Provinces Butchery and Burning of Sheriff. West Broadway, New Yonc. The president of the United States, set Every, train that went out of the city NATIONAL GUARD TAKES father of Miss Harris, J. Gorman Har- loot on American soil, he was greet- carried hunters with guns all 'burn- PART AT ALABAMA FAIR. ' ris, is a rich and prominent citizen of ed with all 'honor due tils rank, by ished, and accoutrements glittering, Prevail as Before. Rlrmlngnam, Ala., 1. The Providence. Young Mr. Ode, who is a WRIT RETURNABLE NOVEMBER Nov. Admiral Sands, superintendent of the and dogs, excited and anxious for the II managers of the Alabama State Falri civil engineer, was attacked with In- naval academy, and Governor War-fiel- frav. Shots were heard bright and i association, with the officers of ma cipient tuberculosis, not long ago, and of ..Maryland. - in all tho country towns, . th Votl,,.,l nnwA ..m.n n.hnn Hinv WOflt trt Colorado SoHegS. He did not rrlv i ' . i sportsmen peppered away at the Judge Ira A.' Abbott ' in chambers offered the attractive prize they 'mprove anii m rotk Uniu :iat Ju.. - .... ' I ... A.. It U - ,. KI-- B THE NAVAL PROGRAM birds. The slaughter is already re- this morning issued the writ in the cnose tor tne two military aays or tne urn ft- i uc wwu ooj nn. MORE IN DETAIL. ported very great, and the hunters! quo warranto proceedings brought fair, for the liveliest kind of interest' Harris and some of his eastern Annapolis, Mil., Nov. L are expected to return with full bags. St. Petersburg, Nov. L A light fall ONE HUNDRED KILLED was awakened, to- menus. you goi asKeu mr. Admiral against Sheriff I'erfecto by and the attendance win Evans came down from Hampton It is hoped that the taking off of the of snow covered the city during the IN CONFLICTS IN ODESSA. rmiJo day, which is the first of these days, Ode's mother of Miss Harris. An open sea- 1. A Roads yesterday with the battleships month of October from the night, but this 1 morning a drizzling London, Nov. dispatch to a counsel for Thomas S. Hubbell. The was beyond precedent. While the affirmative reply was given, and Mrs. Ala- son has increased the number of quail, new agency from Odessa says writ orders Armijo to show by virtue Ode and Miss Harris hastened to Colo- Missouri, Kearsage, Kentucky, helped dampen that sbatn battle will not take place until bama, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, as they had become very scarce up rain the ardor of the mobs of rioters have broken loose in of what authority he holds the office tomorrow, the drilling today 'present- rado, where, under the shadow of and his flagship, the Maine, and this to last year, the long open season crowds already exhausted by the dem- various parts of that city and have of sheriff of Bernalillo county and is ed many attractive features and kept Pike's Peak, and largely through the afternoon the British cruiser squadron giving the hunters a great advantage onstrations of yesterday.
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