4; DOCUMENT RESUME ED 260 060 SP 026 390 AUTHOR Pigge, Fred L.' TITLE An Approach t,Program/Product Evauluation in Teacher Education. INSTITUTION Ohio State Dept. of Education, Colutbus. PUB DATE 78 NOTE 346p. PUB TYPE Reports Descriptive (141) -- Tests/EvaluiAtion Instruments (160) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC14 Plus,Postage. j DESCRIPTORS Evaluation, Methods; *Graduate Surveys; Higher Education; Longitudinal Studies; Program Attitudes; *Program Effectiveness; PrograM Evaluation; *Teacher Education Programs IDENTIFIERS *Bowling Greei State University Oh ABSTRACT This.document"describes the instruments and procedures of the graduate follow-ups and program and product evaluations conducted from 1970, to 1978 by Bowling Green State University (BGSU). Three teacher education product follow-up evaluative activities v.nich have been completed are reviewed, and a fourth study being conducted du'fing the 1977-78 academic year is described. Brief outlines are provided of each of the four studies: (1) a quarterly follow-up of College of Education,gra2nates; (2) a general survey of the on-the-job effectiveness of graduates, and graduates'appraisal of BGSU's teacher educationrequirementr in liberal arts, major/minors, and professional courses and experiences; (3) specific piogram and product evaluations; and (4) a second survey of on-therjob effectiveness of graduates and gfaduates' appraisal of BGSU's teacher education requirements. The final section ofthe report briefly outlines attempts to obtain departmental, program,and arra "closures" from the results of thevarious evaluative follow-lip studies. The appendices present the instruments and cover letters. used in each of the-four studies. (JD)/ **************************************************************,i******** Reproductions supplied4by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *************************.********************************************** . ;v s ' AN APPROACH. TO- .. CD PROGiA114/PROPUCTEVALUATION S. r) "ACHER EDUCATION 4 Nrki 1.11 k-ki BEST COPY tk AVAjiju 444 4 US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FFt PIV)I111(.1 TF-FIS NATIONAL INSTITUTE CF EDUCATION kouf.ALti.LAL Ill `11/l1Wl'i NI ORMA lION II. NiA 1 Ai 4/1`. FitN (.F4ANE D F 1.,1 1111 I 'F4f IDilF Al: FNAtF.tt",(11/IF,ES INI 'WA! II IN .1 t4 F11(.1 DEPARTMENT OF E UCATION 1977 411.11116. "1400.. OHIO STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 11111. rJ01.0..- 0 ° Everett Jung, M.D., President, Hamilton Martha W. Wise, Vice-Presiderrt, Elyria Martha Bolton Ag1pr, Columbus .% William Baker, Madison Wallace E. Blake, Zanesville Watter.A..Burks, Jr., Cleveland Thaddeus Garrett, Jr., Akron . SUsan D. Geori..., Canton . Robert W. Grosser, Strongsville William M. Judd, Cincinnati Thomas A. Kelty, Poland Robert A. Lyon's, Sr., Dayton Roy D. McKinley, Coshocton 4 John R. Meckstroth, Cincinnati Ward M. Miller, Portsmouth Anthony J. Russo, Mayfield Heights Ruth S. Schildhouse, Columbus Wayne E. Shaffer, Bryan . Cecil M. Sims, Piqua. Robert M. Torok, Pima "'Robert W. Walker, Adena Robert E. Williams, Xenia I Franklin B. Walter Superintendent of Public Instruction Virginia L. Kunkle Assistant Superintendent-Instruction Paul W. Hailey Director. Teacher Education and Certification Gay S. Pinnell Conqiltant, Teaches Education 3 ,..17:1".";;Jr.kr.: 11. ' . 4, S . 0' .. ".t . _ . : . , I. .,::,;;,:,.:,..:.,*.v...,:.:.r,--.--.:.. i ii -.. -:.':-.7':........ -;:.'i..;2X.147.'":4,... '.- Itjta 0r:7a S J,i; it A . '40o . A , . .,1..:-,..'` A I J ;,,:-'..- ....I, ..r : ,-4-,z-::z:;.-i' -,-..i..-: c . 0 i ..,:v., ::g.:, a AN APPROACH. TO PRQGRAM/PIIODUCT EVALUATION 4 :-.''.4=1" . ....-,,, . I -..IN .: ,. "7' .. 4., ._-;.:.:..,. -.. .'1EACHOI OUCATiON .,f 6 .... v.,::.: . -. .. .. i . i '-' I i A ,41 -::::i S. --.,. ..,to- . Fred L. Pigge h. Profesior of Education s' .:11f Bowling Green State University 44 1 .... S A 4. Ohio Depirtment Of Education 1978 BEST COPY r 1 an - . -. "N .0 1, - tho FORWARD I. Iv I. ;.: . .. Qua** education,foreleeeptary.andmseiondaTy. schoorstUdenti-i". dependent upon quality education oftheir teachers; Not only his mites knowledge and technology expanded at angdponentialorate,. but social, economic, and political forces haveimposed increasingly complexdemands' .. upon 'our educational system. I. , . In recognition- of the many, varied, anddifferent expectations for teachers in today's schools, the StateBoard of Edueation adopted new "Standards for Colleges or Universities Preparing.Teachers." To ,assist cblleges and universitieseffect-totopliance with these new standards, a historic special-purposebiennial appropriation,was approved by the 111th General Assembly. 4 * Fifty-one colleges.and univetsitics.in Ohio who prepare bleu and women to enter various teaching fields are nowengaged in significant rtetructUring of their preservice programs. The primary purpose ofthis *restructuring is to'increase the entry-levelperformance of beginningteacheis.. , Administrators, practicing elementary andsecondary teachers, students, college and university faculties,and interestedcititens'throughout the . State are working together in thisendeavor.' 5 . , , A Excellence in the preparation' of those whowill enter the- teaching fession is essential to providing-theprofessional services needed in 6 today's society; . *4# #1400104040 d4& FRANKLIN B. WALTER Superintendent of. Public.Ipstruction t s r en %Z;(WI9l .. i a .. ; /0. 1 0 .41'4111M*6 r ; OA - Preface .. S ' 4f''.,.. * . b. ,d %; 1. V . e ... .-;.1 -Maintenance of acceptable teicher-educatIlin programs demandsa . 010tInuous process ot.evalua0on of thelraduates Of existing programs, tgdification of existingprograms,and long range planning. It is g . assumed that faculty .and adm4nEttratoritn teacher education .evaluate' 0! the of their programs and'relate the.fIndIngs of. this evaluation to*idoramcdevelopmentdevelopment. The Ultimate criterion for Judging 4.' . teacher education.program is whether It prodUcescompetent graduates who smter,the.profession and perform. effectivel y.' . .:$ -,. ,.. _.-' : i, . The above excerpt which reflects NCATE'siviews regarding teacher . eduCitioa program and-product,AvaluatIons and the State of Obit:k,0- )015f . positiolb, conoinedin item .A#f "Standard EDb- 303 -08 Evaluation,"2' demonstrate the relevance of' the Oreserit-document: 4, ThWdOcument describes. thl,instrument's and procedures of the , braduate4o0ow.ups and program.and product Pvaluakionsconducted since 1970.byBowlingowlingireen State University. The purpose of the document Ts to share-instruments and procedures. 4 More Specifically, the document provides information whichwill enable other institUtions to adapt, replicate, or further refine the presented -procedures and instruments. The document should not be viewed as the model for product follow- 'up and program/product evaluations but as a descriptibn of what'Bowling . Green State Universityllas done in the area. Although,Sowling Green's efforts. for the evaluation of its programs and products have/been well received and used by Institutions In Ohio 'and other states, It is 1NCATE, Standards for ihe Accreditionof Teacher Education, January., 1970, p. 2. 2 0hio Department of Eddcation, Standards.foroCollegesor Universities Preaul-11a,Teacher, p. 9. 4 ii .i.41M4444.4- rcnt:';,.,;; . ,m5±tr4As I. LA 4. .. : p. .,.. ' 4 a . 0 .antrcioated that tha lorirrange effects of the contents of this document .. will be that of a catalyst for others "to develop .improved means for ...a.s.PK:.-- ;,'-iAlt , -% r- . .., . meking such evaluatisob:"3 ., . .,, .. _ . Is , . --.:.1. .. , . ..::., . :.:, . , 0 v.,. .0 0 ;.r .-i: a o ."',A- . ; 6 a /14. 4 a0 t . ,...- ::.t. ....-..,.. ..; I . e -.,,.. .:: N.; . ':,' 1. I I ir .:,-,...., . -.I ( a . .14. 4 0 t I ,;. ... :. .1 a e S. a 4. 4 I I ._ 04'. 4 . .1 a ...,-- : Ii . ta It Is 1 Ilir 4 .# ( :. I .41 .. S. 4 3NCATE,' p. 13. 0 iH . 4. a. 4' tip TABLE OF CONTENTS .. I- . le,'Purposp ofeithe Document% A 1 11. .The QUarterly Follow-up of the,CoilepeofEducation . Graduates. OOOOOOOO . 4 . h . a i . Q 0 ,%111.. A Genital Surve (197172)of the NM-the-Job" - Effectivene A of the'Graduates and.Their Appraisal of the'Bowling Green State University Teacher. , . 'EducatIon Programs ra . ',,- 'The Instrumtn* . .1, OOOOO .. OOOOOOOOOOO7 - 1 The Procedures . V. 'O OO OOO.8 1 IV. A4tudy of SpeciAlfic Product and. Individual Program Evaluations. '. ., . O Introduction A The Instruments Me Sample. a The Findings 16 V. ,,A Second General Survey (1977 -7,8) of thee On-the-Job"' Effectiveness of thi Graduates and Their Appraisal of 'the dowling.Green State University Teacher 1 .Education Programs/ , 24 Procedures and Sample . 4 24 The Instruments . 24 Proposed Analysis and Reporting O .25 . V1. Closure The Role of the Education Program Council in thj .Teacher'Education Product Follow-up and Program/Product Evaluations . .4 ., . 26 ' ( . Appendix A ., 27 . , Appendix B IT Cover Letter to Teactirs 32 lib' A:General Apprcisal ofmy Preparation asaTeacher at Bowling Green State UniVersity ... 33 Pcincial'saverLetter 40 iv I. 5 if I : .* p A ChAcklist Concerning Teaching Effectiveness of FOrmet s7 Bowling Green State University StUden0.. ****** .. .41 40 c 114 . '.WAg4T Appendix..C. ' 0. * **** * 000 o 0000 o --.. .43 Coveratterto Teachers e s .44 A Program Area Appraisal'Oi% Preparation.ps.a Teacher at' Bowling Green State University. o 0000 .6.4 , 4 .45. , Competencies Related 'to Educatlon Courses (PartOkoof Each Instrument) 46 ..... - . - 3 Specific,iart B instrumpnts . .51 t . 1). Amellcin Studies.., 51 2) Act Education
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