\ . r-> .': I. ^VCRAOB DAlLl[_CIR<XCATlO.N THE for the Month of Jane 1934 Foreanst ot O. S. Waatber Baisnii, Hartford Moatly cloudy, probably local 5,428 showers tonight and Friday; sUght- Member of the Aofilt ly warmer tonight and on the ooaat Bnronu o f Clrealnttons. FTidny. (doaallled Adverttsing on Pago 1«>.) FOL. un ., NO. 240. MANCHESTER; CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 12. 1934. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS QUEEN GETS NEW *«CROWN” I ONE MILL TAX BISHOP OPENS 30 DAYS TO FINISH Hats of Britain’s First Lady Are Growing JOHNSON DESCRIBES NECESSARY IN I Smaller, A.«« Contrasting Pictures Show i CAMPAIGN FOR NRA CODE MAKING HOW NRA ASSISTED 9THJSTRICT CLEAOOVIES New Committee Named by DISTILLERS ASK Costs of Recreation Centers FARMERS OF NATION Head of State Catholics Jdhnson Sets Time Limit ^ and Library for Year Es- FOR LOWER TAXES Calls On Members of His to Complete Job— Plan Is FILE MISS CHENEY’S h Pitsl Speech on Western timated at $30,000; Meet- Faith to Help in Purifying c Outlined. Say They Cannot Reduce Tour He Reports Three 2 ing Tomorrow Night. Films. ESTATE INVENTORY^ la», -------- Million City W orkers Back Prices Even if Liquor Is Washington, July 12.—(AP)— lA focused every energy today A one-mill tax levy on the Ninth Hartford. July 12--(A P I— A Totals $770,160.0S-Hart-' On Pay and Three Billions Un tee big job of completing Blue Imported to U. S. district gr^ d list will be sufflcfent call from their leader, the Most Rev, to take care of the district’s ex- Eagle code-making within 30 clays. Maurice F. McAullffe to enlist In a penses for the current year. It was ford Bank Administrator Added to Domestic Pur* "W e are all set,” said Robert K . Legion of Decency and to refrain New York. July 12—(API —Re- estimated today by Treasurer John Straus, youthful chairman of the H. Hyde. The proposed budget from patronizing theaters displaying teree-man committee named by gardless of unlimited importations o f liquor, Americans will continue totals approximately $30,000 and a Indecent movies echoed today' in of the Estate. chasing Power. Hugh S. Johnson for the clean-up one mill tax rate will raise about Catholic parishes of Connecticut. task. to pay existing prices for their drinks unless taxes are lowered. that amount. The annual meeting The bishop of the Hartford dio- "Hhcery division ot N R A is push- cese announced the Legion w"lll be This was the concensus today of of the district will be held tomorrow . The Inventory of the estate of the Waterloo, Iowa, July 12.— (A P )— ing tee plan,” - Straus said. "W e several large liquor distilling com- night at eight o’clock In thc^High inaugurated Siimlay In every parish late Miss Mary Cheney, who died Farmers heard today from Hugh 8. want to clean up every code In the school assembly hall. panies following the announcement of the state. At the .same time a building in 30 days ’’ The tax levy Is .necessary to letter he sent to every pastor will two months ago. was filed for pro- Jjckn.son, militant Blue Elagle sales- The time IlmU was set by John- of the Federal Alcohol Control Ad- bate this morning by the Phoenix man, that all the other government ministration that unlimited amounts cover tee cost of recreation activi- be read at all masses and thereafter son Just before he flew westward ties ' and maintenance of the South for the next .six months on the first State Bank and Trust Company, departments riad not "done so much on a speaking and vacation trip. of liquor could be brought Into this country for two months beginning Manchester library. School costs Sunday of each month. ' I Hartford administrators. The for you’’ as NRA. Simultaneously, the N R A chief pro- to the district were taken over by "Let every Catholic register his I In the first speech of a western mulgated a "basic code" dc.signod September 1. e.state, consisting of real estate, The announced purpose of the the town under the consolidation protest against Unclean entertain-1 lour. Johnson said hl.s Industrial ma- for the scores of still uncoded small acL Financial reports of both the ment and indecent pictures,' Bishop I bonds, registered bonds, stocks, chinery had put 3,000,000 etty work- industries. move was to "combat bootlegging and bring down domestic prices." Recreation Centers and the South M cAuliffe’s letter read. “ Let him bank deposits, mortgage notes and or.s back on pay rolls and added $3,- Describes Program Manchester Library will be found stay away imtil the motion picture The distillers said, however, that miscellaneous totals $770,160.08. 000,000,000 to domestic purchasing Straus described the program herewith. industry Is rid of its current evils. power. It would not do this. All asserted Also included in the Inventory are outlined by Johnson to end ccxle- that the government’s action mere- Elections Lot him enlist hlS neighbors of what- "That may not be much but ain't, In addition to tlje assessment of a interest on bonds, furniture and maklng and free NRA for enforce- ly would extend the present situa- ever creed to do the same," that something?" he added. ment work as falling Into four tion; unlimited Importations have tax the district voters will elect of- The bishop criticized film's a,s "an personal effects. R. LaXlotte Rus- "That’s N R A ’s contribution to ficers and committee members. The parts. been allowed for about three months Back-handed comments o f fashion experts about Queen M ary’s hats outrage to decency, morals and re- j sell and Harold Alvonl of this town your wclf.are and I am here to tell terms o f Howell Cheney and John "First," he said, "there are Indus- now. are no longer in order. A fter weaitng high, rounded toques for nearly liglon." . I were the appraising officers engag- you that not all the billions spent In H. Hyde as committee members ex- tries for which we will continue to Prices No Lower a generation. Her Royal Highness ha-s changed her style. The hat ed, by the Phoenix Stal.c Bank and your behalf by all other departments pire this year and It will be neces- develop Individual codes." Prices have not been appreciably she’s shown wearing at the recent Wimbledon tennis matches Is small HOLLYWOOD WORRIED. Trust Company. sary to fill the unexpired term ol of government put together hava In this group were ranked 139 lowered and the bootlegger still Is and flat. In marked contrast to the model she’s pictured with In Inset. Hollywood, Calif., July 12.— (A P i Complete Inventory the late Miss Mary Cheney as a com- dvne so much for you.” pending codes on which N R A want-s getting along pretty well, the dis- That’s King George at right. — Motion picture producer!!, demand- mittee member. Miss Emily Kiss- The complete inventory of the Johnson said It was time for "a an agreement within two weeks. tillers declared. ing the freedom of expression ac- man was appointed to the commit- estate follows: Real estate, Hart- new confession of faith In the New Also, there were codes described An official of one of the largest corded publishers and their kinsmen ford road, $96,000; No. 1 South Main Deal." He .struck directly at the pro- as having ‘special and Important tee following Miss Cheney’s death distilleries of domestic whiskies said of the stage face censorship boards street, $12,501; .7-9-11-13 South J)H,ted speaking tour of Senator economic, lalrar or legal conditions." and It Is understood Miss Klssman prices would come down "If taxes In seven states and 133 cities— 45 Main street, $9,395; 15-17 South Borah, Idaho Republican, saying: These do not come under the basic were reduced and If folks would will stand for re-election. Howell Cheney will stand for re-election to per cent of their profit territory. Main street, $4,82^; 43 South Main, "I understand that Senator Borah code offer, but will have Individual drink more whisky.” BAD GIRL OF ARKANSAS Every foreign country, without $3,722; 63-65 South Main, $5,420; the committee but John H. Hyde intends to make a field day out of codes developed. The class includes "W hisky consumption Is not so 71 South Main street, $3,662; 8-10 w'ho has been filling the office of an exception known to Hollywood, the summer lambasting NRA. I shipping, anthracite coal, communi- also ha.s censorship. Chestnut street, $10,000; 20-22 Clark Clerk and treasurer since the death speak of the noble old Roman with cations, and all the major utllit.v (Continued on Page Three) And now Hollywood, confronted street $6,000; 35-37 Mt. Nebo Ave., and fabricated structural steel In- of Charles R. ■ Hathaway will not KILLED BY JAIL GUARD the greatest o f respect and defer* $6,131; 15-17 Hackmatack street, be a candidate for that office and with the severest form of censorship ence. N o man has to a greater de- .dustries.' $6,732; 27 Hackmatack street, $2,- will, therefore not seek election to ever devised— boycotting—is In the gree my sincere admiration. He and Kindred Codes midset of Its greatest battle. The "Second Straus said, "w e have the committee. It Is understood H*ram Johnson A'cnt out and busted UED TO PROTECT that Rev.
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