University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Montana Kaimin, 1898-present (ASUM) 4-23-1948 The onM tana Kaimin, April 23, 1948 Associated Students of Montana State University Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper Recommended Citation Associated Students of Montana State University, "The onM tana Kaimin, April 23, 1948" (1948). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 2326. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/2326 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Jumbo Day Underway Today; Open House, Ball Game Slated Late Bulletin Jumbo Hall Extends Open Sigma Nu was suspended from Interfraternity council last night Invitation to Reception, THE for running Jim Lucas, ASMSU business-manager aspirant, as a write-in candidate in opposition Dance, Tour This Afternoon to council rules. The fraternity will be auto­ “This is Jumbo Hall Day and the entire campus is invited MONTANA matically reinstated after one to become acquainted with the university’s largest dormitory,” year on payment of a $100 fine, according to Dan Marinkovich, Anaconda, president of Jumbo. or reinstated sooner if it applies, “Unless you are a Spur on the morning of Aber day, you is unanimously approved, and may never get another chance to see the mysterious and much pays the fine. (The Hickel letter on page talked about interior of Jumbo hall. Everyone—students, fac­ two was written Wednesday.) ulty and townspeople---is invited to the Jumbo open house at KAIMIN ---------------------------- -------- ;------------------^3:30 this afternoon,” Marinkovich said. The open house will include a Jumbo Hall Juveniles Will reception in one lounge, a tea Z400 Vol. XLVII Friday, April 23, 1948 No. 88 dance with music by Kenny Han­ Battle North Hall Today sen in another lounge, and a guid­ ed tour of the building. Refresh­ BY WARD SIMS min Tuesday with slurring re­ ments will be served. The “new look” will swirl, and marks about the North hall girls Maurice Egan, associate social things will be going backward this and signed JuroVich’s name to it. director of Jumbo, was apprehen­ The News in Brief afternoon at 2:30 when the Jumbo Miss Fryberger countered Wednes­ sive of the ability of the visitors to hall Juveniles meet the North hall day with an equally stinging re­ find their way around Jumbo and National and Collegiate Huskies in a grudge softball battle mark about the Jumbo softball said: on the C-P field, culminating a team. “ In order that they don’t get lost week-old animosity between mem­ Not to be outdone, Jurovich pub­ in the darker comers and jungles Havre—The Industrial associa- any evidence that he did.” bers of the halls and highlighting licly called a bluff in Thursday’s of Jumbo, escorts will be avail­ on of Havrfe is in conference to- “ Jumbo Hall Day.” Kaimin and challenged the North able to guide them back to civiliza­ iy with truckdrivers, warehouse- Pittsburgh — A near-normal The game, promising to go down hall team to a game this afternoon. tion.” en, and helpers to try and end a production of soft coal is predic­ in the annals of history of resi­ Miss Fryberger quickly accepted, The tour of Jumbo will include rike that began yesterday. The ted soon for the mines that just dence-hall rivalry, will be um­ and all that remains at this writing the recreation room, the study rikers, who are struck in nine saw the end of a 39-day walkout. pired by President James A. Mc­ is the score. room, the heating plant, the dark­ avre Industrial association firms, Though they felt the pinch of Cain. Doug Fessenden will coach Hostile Looks room, the lounges, and the office. :mand higher- Wages and im - hardship, the miners aren’t sor­ the Huskies, and Jiggs Dahlberg Jurovich said this morning that The visitors will also be given •oved working conditions. ry they struck, apparently. “I’m will coach the Juveniles. All three he has been the subject of hostile the opportunity to view the rooms glad the strike is over,” one vet­ men have vowed that the game looks from everyone on the cam­ that win the prize for the best and will be played on the strict up pus, including former friends. [elena—Lieutenant Gov. Er- eran miner said, “ but it was most originally decorated room* and up with the exception of “Wednesday,” Jurovich said, “I t T. Eaton will run the affairs perfectly justified because we Those entered in the contest will three unorthodox rules already walked into North hall with four Montana till late next week needed that pension badly.” be judged from 3 to 3:30 and the agreed upon by the combatants. buddies who would still talk to in Governor Ford returns from prizes, donated by local business George Jurovich, Bridger, cap­ me. As we went in the door we Intergovernmental Relations Oregon State College— “ One who firms, will be awarded at the tea tain of the Juveniles, said that aiet one of the North hall girls 'erence in Sacramento, Calif. has seen the eroded and gullied dance. members of his team will bat the lands of Georgia and the green coming out. She spoke to the guys The judges will be three faculty opposite of their usual way and I was with and smiled at each one. |3alt Lake City—The State Board and productive fields of Wisconsin, members: Miss Eleanor MacAr- run backwards; Marjorie Fryber- When she came to me, however, r corrections is unhappy over the has witnessed a graphic presefxta- thur, assistant director of residence ger, Charlo, captain of the Hus­ the mercury took a sudden dive to cent escape of a prisoner who tion of the moral case for butter halls; Miss Maurine Clow, associ­ kies, said that her team, in all fair­ below zero.” as caught Tuesday in Decatur, over oleomargerine, with or with­ ate director of student personnel; ness to the Juveniles, would handi­ Said Jurovich about the outcome L. According to Abraham Jock out federal taxes,” says the Daily and' Prof. Donald J. Emblem. cap themselves by wearing the of the game, “ We’ll smear ’em all Barometer, editorially. It contin­ The rooms will be judged on the ean, the escapee, he left the bas- “new look.” over the field; it’s a cinch.” ues, “ We’ll return to the tie-up be­ basis of originality, harmony, and le by climbing over the wall. “ We Slurring Letter Said Miss Fryberger about the tween land erosion and margerine general appearance. m’t believe he escaped over the . The hullabaloo all started when outcome of the game, “We’ll smear consumption later.” (Sorry, we The open-house will begin im­ all,” Chairman H. A. Snow said, someone wrote a letter, to the Kai- ’em all over the field; it’s a cinch.” tnd we have been unable to find can’t wait.) mediately following the conclusion of the Jumbo-North softball game. ments have been made by Jack ind of Registration Finds 22 Grinde, Lewistown, recreation Don Harrington, Butte, was e- chairman. lected Right Paw in the Bear Paw chapter of Intercollegiate Knights Schools Entered In Debate A special straw vote is going to at a meeting held Tuesday evening. Twenty-two universities, colleges, and junior colleges have be taken by members of the speech Members of the Wesley founda­ and debate club at the all school fficially registered fcfr the 1948 Northwest Intercollegiate tion, Methodist group, will go to CAMPUS PAINT peech tournament. dance slated fot 9 to 12 in the the Montana Power park Sunday Student Union on Saturday night. Those campaign markings on the sidewalks in front of cam­ Debate teams will speak on the question, “ Resolved: That to have a picnic and worship ser­ The dance will climax the pus buildings and fraternity and federal world government should be established/’ vices. Northwest Intercollegiate Speech sorority houses can be removed The subject for the extemporan-^------------------------------------------- They will leave from the Stu­ tournament and will follow the fi­ with “a broom, some water, and dent Union at 3 p.m. All arrange- nals in debate and the presentation jus speakers will be the 1948 na- Yakima junior college, Yakima; a little elbow grease.” of awards to the winners. onal election. Participants must and Lewis and Clark college, Port­ This is the word from Ken land. e prepared to discuss all current Dress Review Dr. E. G. Buchanan, pathologist Folkestad, Fairview, represent­ jonomic, social, political, and in- Not Registered Yet at St. Patrick hospital, Missoula, ing an ASMSU office-seeker. smational problems and their re- No final registration blanks or was the guest lecturer at the reg­ “ We got the paint formula itionship to the national elections. hotel reservations were received T o Polish ular Pharmacy club meeting Wed­ from the Forestry school,” Schools that indicated they will from ’Whitman college, Walla Wal­ nesday night in Chemistry-Phar­ Folkestad said, “ and they as­ jmpete are as follows: la; College of Puget Sound, Ta­ Gold Bars macy 109. He addressed the group sured us over there, that the Albion State Teachers college, coma; or Seattle college, Mr. Mc­ on ^ “Artificial Cancer and Cancer markings would come off easily. Ibion, Ida.; Brigham Young uni- Ginnis said.
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