VOL. XVI. ALEXANDRIA ONTARIO, FRIDAY APRIL 26, 1907 JSO 13 OBITUARY. Apple mil Tho death occurred on Friday last COUNTY AND DISTRICT NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Harris, of Heanor, of Mr. J. B. Campeau, 26-1 Lochiel, Lancaster cream nun’s veiling, elaborately England, are tho guests of Mrs. Cars one of our moat hi-ghiy respected Moore—Symons. callen. French Canadian gentlemen. Tho late adorned with accordion pleating and Mr. Donald Cameron, who eeturned The residence of Mrs. .1. Bethune Mrs. ■ McBain accompanied her Mr. Campeau who had been ill only a frills of softly falling lace. She -R-as short ti'ine was in hia seventy-second home from Queen’s University, King- was the scene of a very pretty wed- attended l>ÿ her sister. Miss BoSsie daughter, Mrs. Leclair, to her home ston, on April, 17th, left Friday oven ding on Wednesday afternoon wlien Williams, Maxviile, Ont., who was at at Moose Creek, where she will v.iit lie is survived by five sons and five ing for the Cobalt district. her sister. Miss Lynda Symons, tired in cream wool crepe de chenc. for some time. daughters, namely, Damian, Joseph, Mrs. R, J. McIntosh is visiting daughter oi the late Geo. Symons, The groom was supported by his Miss Mayme McDonald, of Gieen- Augustin, Julien and Fierro. Mrs. A. 6Î Williamstown, was united in mar- fleld, called on iriends here on Sun- Lefebvre, Glen Robertson, Mrs. Arthur Montreal friends. cousin, Mr. George Carrutheus, Cen- Bailey, Tapper Lake; Mrs. Aime Bis- Miss Donalda McCrimmon, of Wil- riage to George L. Moore, of L’Am- treton. day. ablc, Gilt., the officiating clergyman Miss L. O’Shea visited her parent- The resalts of onr first week’s bnai- sonnette, McKoever, N.Y.; Mrs. H. Le- liamstown, was in town on Satur- “After the ceremony which was per being Rev. A. Govan, of Williams- blanc, Alexandria and Miss Victoire day last. formed by Rev. J. Skene, the guests al home at Munroo’s Mills, the latter ness la our NBW STORE were very en- on the homestead. town. The bride was gowned in part of the week. The Misses T. and E. MtDon.ald, of adjourned to the dining room, where The iuneral which was attended oy a white silk voile over tafieta and car- Mr. Archie McDonald is moving his couraging indeed. large concourse of sorrowing friends St. Raphaels, were in town on Wed- a sumptuous supper was partaken of ried a shower bouquet of white car- and congratulatory speeches were fa.iulv and household effects to his Old customers from all directions vi- took place on Sunday afternoon last day. nations, unies of the valley and fern. made by Rev. J. Skene, Mr, W. Fe- new farm recently purchased from to St. b'innan’s Cathedral and ceme- Miss Ferguson, Front, left forNcw- sited ns every day. tery. The pallbearers were Messrs. N. She was attended by Miss Donalda tors and Mr. W. II. Mann. Then a &U-. Tom McLennan. burgh, N.Y., on Wednesday. Martin, H. Lalonde, Nap. l»gault, Z. -YlcCrimmon, who wore a dainty dross few hours were passed in gay con- Mr. P. A. Conroy and family left Although we were moving; hu.siness Girard, J. Quenvillo and Jos. Levac. Mr. L. E. Bailey, of Cornwall, was of white silk, her bouquet being of verse, games and tho inspection of for their new homo in North Bay was going on all the time, the sales be- The News joins with their many fri in town on Wednesday. pink carnations. Mr. Moore had ior the numerous elegant gilts of which this week. ends in extending warmest sympathy his groomsman, Mr. M. J. McLen- Messrs. Angus and Ranald Grant, ing greater than for the same period to tho bereaved. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Woods were the bride had been made the recipient the guests of Morrisburg friends this nan, of Williamstown. The groom’s after which Mr. and Mrs. Leach of Butte, Mont., are visiting friends ■last year. week, gift to the bride -was a gold locket amid showers of rice and good in Loch Garry. and chain, to the bridesmaid a gold This shows that our patrons are Mr. Joseph Bethune, o£ Saranac wishes drove away to their home. Mr. John Coleman returned to Lake, N.Y., Sundayed with his fam- brooch set with pearls. Alter receiv- "The bride’s going’ away costume Latchford this week. p'eased at our advancement and appre- ily here. ing tho ■ congratulations oi their was a suit ot navy-blue cloth with The Grim Reaper, death, on Mon- many friends, Mr. and Mrs. Moore day, April 21st, removed from our ciate our efforts to give them a larger Mr. Napoleon Bertrand and family, white silk .blouse and white hat trim t left by the 9.34 p.m. train for L’Am- midst an old and respected resident, ► af Brockville, are the guests of Mr. med with cream ribbon and pink and a better service. able. Ont., where they will spend a«t in the person of Mr. Alexander Ken- Oliver Bertrand. South Lancaster. roses. Thanking you very sincerely, few days before proceeding to their “Mrs, Leach is a native of the Old nedy. Tho deceased had been ailing Messrs. Oliver Bougie and John A. I am Tour Obedient Servant, now hojnc in Saskatoon, Alta. The Country but has been from child- for a number of years, but in the end McDonald wore in Alexandria on bride travelled in a green tailor-made death came unexpectedly. The late JOHK McLEISTEB, Tuesday. hood as a daughter in Mr. Mann’s costume and becoming hat to' match. Mr. Kennedy always resided in this Miss Libbie Gillespie, who has been family, so that she is practically a DRUGGIST A STATIONER. is asual wdth u.s wo have an Among those from a distance in at- vicinity and leaves a wide circle of spending tho last si.\ weeks in Mont- Baltimorian and certainly one of our extra elaborate display of choi. tendance at tho interesting ceremony friends. The funeral on Wednesday real, returned home this week, aceom most popular young ladies, and her were Miss A. B. Fraser, Glen Mor- afternoon was conducted by the Rev. cost Marmalade, Orange, Lemon, J panied by her ncice. Miss Ethel Vi- very large circle of friends are glad ris ; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. BroWn and A. G. Cameron, ot Merivale, and was. Grape Fruit and Pineapple. pond. indeed that her new home is in the Miss_ A; McCrimmon, of Williams- Two families, emigrants, were at same neighborhood as her old one largely attended. To the bereaved town, and Miss Sullivan, of Corn- Leduc’s Hotel on Wednesday last, so that her marriage does not involve we extend sincere sympathy in this wall. Congratulations. Our Canned Goods ; and have been suitably placed and the severance of former social rela- her hour of sadness. cared lor in the surrounding country tionships, and their heartiest wishes Rank* First Quality ^ by Mr. S. McPherson, Immigration for happiness and prosperity accom- FOURNIER. Agent here. Maxviile pany the bride to her future homo.” A party of Boers, six in all, were Wedding bells are ringing. Messrs, J. A. McLeod and Wilbert We also have all kinds of obliged to take express baggage fare Yankleek Hill Wilkes were in Vankleek Hill on busi- fresh fruits including Califronia’^ as far as Bainsville on Saturday even The Misses Hattie, Grace and Lizzie Robertson, of Ottawa, are ness on i'riday, last. Oranges, Apples, Pineapples, ing’s train as their presence was vo- Miss A, L. Stackhouse, who had visiting friends here this week. Mrs. E. Wert visited her old home ciferously objected to by tho ordin- been visiting Mr. James Steele and . ■ I. s hero during the past week. Bananas and Lemons. ary through passenger on route lor Mr. Richard Rollan^ last week dis- family for over three weeks, returned A number from hero attended the Montreal. posed of his house and lot at a good to her home in Peveril on Monday Auxiliary meeting held at Mr. John Tho stclmer “Chafiey” is expected ligure to Mr. Wm. Sproul, of Moose last. P. Downing’s residence, F'enaghvale. G. B. CHOCOLATES, finest in < to resume her trip any day this week Creek, who will take possession of Mr. Asa B. Steele, of West Derby, The interior oirfhe Fournier Cream NEW SPRING JACKETS, the Land. The route will bo as usual between the premises in tho course of a few Vt., arrived in ’Vankleek Hill on cry has received a coat oi white Lancaster and Valleyficid, leaving days. Thursday, 18th iust., remaining until paint which adds. most eleetively to Phone us your wants. here daily at 6 a.m. and returning at , Messrs. D. J. Robertson and D. L. the iollowing Monday, transacting NEW SPRING SKIRTS, ' the working. department. (i p.m., Sundays excepted. McIntyre, on Monday of this week, real estate business and visiting rela Mr. and Mrs. McLeod visited Skye The fine barns, on the Front Road, left on a prospecting tour" up the lives and friends in 'Vankleek Hill, NEW DRESS GOODS. D. J. MCDONALD, and Dunvegan recently. at Meadow Bay, belonging to James Gatineau where, we trust, they will Cassburn and Hawkesbury. Dingwall, Counties’ Crown Attorney, The many iriends of Mr. Wm.Proud- .1. make a good find of minerals. They Mr. Lester A. Bancroft returned ^ Phone 3C Alexandria, Ont ^ foot were grieved to learn of the se- Cornwall, were burned down on Tues expect to he absent about a month.
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