m - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Nov. 7, 1986 4/ KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright APARTMENTS L - J - J U J L MANCHESTER CONNECTICUT Rentals HNIRENT a WHO ^ciJAT'CHeD MB', 2 bedroom apartment, BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY You OP- History comes UConn plans Veteran recalls ROOMS camblnotlan gas stove, FOR RENT convenient to bus line and shopping. No utilities In­ MISCELLANEOUS back to building major expansion Vietnam days cluded, $450 plus security. C71MI8CELLANE0U8 Central location, kitten a ELECTRICAL EiJSERVICES m SERVICES privlleoes. Parking avail­ 643-5372 between 9 and<J_____ 5. CHILDCARE ... page 3 ... page 4 ... magazine inside able. Security and refer­ ences required. $70 per Bolton Notch-2 room fur­ Dumas Electric — Having Odd lobs. Trucking. Home week. 640-9227 or 569-3528. nished apartmenf. All util­ Electrical Problems? repairs. Yop name It, we ities, furnished. For older Need a large or a small do It. Free estimates. Large furnished room, gentleman. Parking. Mather of one will sit In Repair? We Specialize In Insured. 643-0304. Tune Up Time - Leaf kitchen prlveloges near Near stores. Call 649-9093. her home days, full time, Residential Work. Joseph Blowers, snow blowers, bus and shopping. 647- and part time. Call after Dumas. Fully Licensed. Your .. pelghborhood lawn and garden equlp- 9288. .Leave name and STORE AND \ 6pm. 649-3813. Free Estimates. 646-5253. handy man I Honest fam­ nnent. Also offering a com­ phone. OFFICE SPACE ily man, will estimate any plete sharpening service. [radCLEANINO HEATWe/ lob you create, lawns, Quality Sharpening, 104 Rooms-AAaIn Street loca­ hauling, cleaning, paint­ Hilliard Street (203) 649- tion. $165 monthly and up. Office Space For Rent. IdZI services PLUMMNO ing, and mlnar repairs. 2111. Apply,In person: 791 Main Excellent location-heat, Residentlal/Business. Street,7'^nchester after air .lanitor, parking. 500 Relax! Let me do It. Clean Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ For the highest quality at For electrical repairs or Haiirkatpr Hpralh 1:30pm. Apartment M , 3rd square feet $250. 649-5334. N' Shine. Responsible throom remodeling; In­ the lowest prices call, handytnon, call 649-2254 floor. er 643-7175. home cleaning service. stallation woter heaters, John 643-4353. evenings. Free estimates. /I-7 ) Manchester — A City o( Village Charm 643-4154. garbage disposals; faucet Licensed and Insured. Nice clean home has. 2 Manchester-Commercial repairs. 649-4539. Vlsa/M - Art's Light Trucking­ rooms for rent. Parking store front, full basement. osterCard accepted.___ cell ars,attlcs,garages Ideal for office, workshop PANITINQ/ available, $55 weekly, call PAPERW6 cleaned. JUnk hauled.Fur- Saturday, Nov. 8, 1966 30 Cents 649-5028. Keep trying! or retail outlet. Located MKCELLANE0U8 nlture and appliances o n busy street. 8ERVICE8 moved. Odd lobs. Very D 8i D Landscape- Wishing will not sell any­ $525/month. strano Real Name your own price — honest depeadcible Complete landscape se- ROLTON PUBLIC NOTICE \ thing ... a low-cost ad In Esote. 647-7653. Father and son. Fast, worker. 25 yews expe­ vlce, leaf and brush re­ N dependable service. Phil's Lawn Care. Fall rience In moving. 646-9669 TheZonIne Board of Appooli Classified will. W hy not moved. Call David will hold a Public Howino on MANCHESTER STATE BANK Survey Clean up and light lands- place one todayl 643-2711. INDUSTRIAL Painting, Paperhanging 8, anytime. 659-2436. Thursday Nov. 20, 1 ^ at 7 Consolidated Report of Con­ Removal. Call 872-8237. coplng. Call Phil 742-7476. pm at tho Town Holl to hoar dition (Including Domestic Contract OK PROPERTY Subsidiaries) of the Manches­ Read the offerings In Clas­ You can be a good sales­ Concrete Work - Leaves Raked-reosonable tho followine appeal: ter State Bank of Manchester, APARTMENTS Excavation, foundation, rotes. ProfessloanI re­ sified every day to find the man ... lust use a quick- Klmber A. Aderman of 71 Connecticut, 06040, Ckiuntv of says town FOR RENT Manchester-Good space Items or Items you’d like selling ad In Classified to floor, patio. Fully Insured. suits. Call 649-0477 Loomis Road for a setback Hartford, a member of Federal 875-3827. Richard Caron. Evenings. variance to construct an ad­ Reserve District No. I, at the at reasonable prices. Call to own. 643-2711. find cash buyers I 643-2711. dition to his home. owner for present or fu­ close of business September 30, 3'and 4 room apartments, JOHN H. ROBERTS 1986 brings SNET ture needs at 643-2414. no appllances,no pets.se- CHAIRMAN, ZBA ASSETS will boom Cash and due curltv,call 646-2426. Week­ 012-11 from depository days 9-5. Institutions 8 4,115,000.00 B y John F. Kirch 0 ROOMMATES MI8CELLARE0U8 CARS CARS U.S. Treasury two bedroom apartment WARTED securities 2SO.000.00 Herald Reporter for rent. Dishwasher, dis­ FOR SALE OQFOR SALE FOR SALE LRO AL NOTICE Obligations of States TOWN OF ANDOVER andjpolltical strike to end posal, pool, tennis courts. HARTFORD — Manchester is a Woman to share condomi­ 1982 Cadillac Seville-front ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS subdivisions in the Near 84. Call 28^7908 after nium, child ok. 6^-1294. Picture window 9*' 6" long United States 2,902,000.00 priine area for development and 7:00 pm. or (617) 864-5770 X 4' 6" high with storms wheel drive, sun roof, The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Andover, Con­ Other bonds, notes, will experience a boom of indus­ silver and black, loaded. NEW HAVEN (AP) - An second, union officials said. The x4204 days. and screens. $75.649-3879.0 necticut will hold a public hearing In the Town Office Build­ and debentures I2S.000.00 trial construction within the next Good condiflon. Call ing, Wednesday, November 19,1986 at 7:30 P.M. to hear the Federal Reserve eight-week strike against Ckinnec- union submitted the new proposal Pontiac - 1980 LeMons following application asking for relief from the Zoning Laws five years, a major business real Merchandise Lego expert builder dune station wagon, good de­ Norma, at Century 21, stock and cor­ ticut's biggest phone company two weeks ago to the workers of the Town of Andover, Connecticut, porate stock S6,000.00 estate firm predicted Friday. V biiggy set with expert pendable family car, air Tedford, 647-9914 or 643- ended Friday night when striking without recommending it. a m -PhlllR Ingul and Alex Bishop - requesting a variance Federal Funds Sold According to the Farley Co.’s fall builder power pack. $20. conditioning, 6 cylinder, 8375. and Securities workers v o t^ 6,678-1,909 to accept The 3-year approved contract from Section 11.2 Space Requirements. Requesting a 1986 survey of Hartford-area indus­ 4 room oportment. Mar­ Call 643-2339.0 power brakes and steer­ variance of Wfeet frontage, needs 200feet has 120feet. purchased under a 3-year contract. asks workers to pay a portion of ANTIQUES/ 1983 Mustang, 6 cylinder, Also requesting a square faotage variance of approxi­ agreements to trial space, Manchester's vacancy ried Adults preferred. No ing. Asking $1995.643-8422. resell „ S.900.000.00 Some of the approximately 9,700 their medical bills while previously pets. No appliances. Se­ ICOLLECTIBLES Robotlx R-2000 like new. automatic transmission, mately 19,000 square feet; needs 40,000 square feet has rate for industrial buildings over air conditioning, sun roof, approximately 21,000 square feet. Lat located at 6 (a) Loans. workers were to return to their jobs the company paid for all of most curity, references, 1 car. Ages 7 plus, motorized $25. 78 Cheyy Malibu, 6 cy­ Total 10.000 square feet is 3.8 percent. Rase Lane, Lots 24C-26C. within three hours of the settle­ types of expenses. Under both 649-1265. 643-2339.0 linder, vinyl top, 2 door, am/fm radio. 29,000 miles. (excluding That means only a fraction of the Early Doll Beds-WIcker $4500. Call evenings 646- At this hearing Interested persans may appear and be heard unearned ment announcement, Southern SNET offers, a worker could face excellent condition. 565- 4.5 million square feet of modern doll' carriage, dolls, 8262. and written communication received. Sold appeals are on income) 53,270,000.00 New England Telecomunications paying up to $1,300 a year in Manchester - 2nd floor 2 lamps, mirrors, etc at Magazlnes-Hobbles and 8706 before 3pm or 649- file and may be seen In the Office of the Town Clerk, Town (b) Less: industrial space in town nowstands Smithsonian. $25 each Office Building. Corp. spokesman Michael Gomez medical expenses by paying both a bedroom, heat and ap­ booth 35. Saturday and 2914. allowance unoccupied. Farley Co. spokesman pliances, no pets. $550 plus takes lot. 649-2952.0 Chevy Citation, 1980, air, (or possible said. deductible and 20 percent of Sunday November 8th and am/fm, power locks, and Dated at Andover, Connecticut 7 November, 1986. Peter Van Strum said. security 646-3979. 1979 Ford LTD Landau, 4 loan Others will be back Saturday and medical costs. 9th. Manchester Rotary windows. Must see. $1300. 14 November, 1986. losses 644,000.00 "The hottest area for the next Antique Show, Howell Ladles Roll Fast bike. door, 2-tone blue, V-8, Sunday with most workers return­ SNET added several medical 644-8027. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS (c) Loans, Net 52,626,000,00 five years is going to be east of Two bedroom townhouse Cheney Technician Excellent condition'. Ask­ 70,000 miles, good condi­ ANDOVER, CONNECTICUT Bank premises, fur- ^ ing on Monday, putting about 600 benefits to the approved proposal, ing $ 2 0 call 649-2320.O tion. Asking $2500.646-0886 Hartford,” Van Strum said during ‘ heat, hot water, car­ School.
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