V ,»G2 5/27/53 ' ' 7 5 5 ’ k E S T f O NJ I# 1 It j h m e Goodd m orning h a u r idos 0m G (□ F t aax list Today’s foiforraai^: M ostly cloudjudy and breezy today withha, a .B y Drew DeSllvcfr- . dli residential septic tank is S89.50.S ahd’.-ano tunirig, didiet workshops, watch repaij', •' • good chancc: of rain showers. Highs ncaicar Timcs-Ncws >vritcr;r jmployee at Sundown Tattoc0 0 .said that agricultural.1 ccequipment repair,, TV^and ap*“ 5D. Low s n e a rr3 2 5 . - , eglsl'ature 'o u ’vc g ot a hundred bucks,, yyou can gel pliance repair,lair, costume and tuxedfi rentals. .. l ^ g e A 22 I Boise]- wouidj yoiiy> be w illing to p ay an . etty decent tattoo.” and m assage}c p ariors. " extra $5 tor avtattoof)o if it bought you some 1 9 9 3 he lax-rclief measure would1 !slic e S 1 3 5 Taxing thosihose services, us well as limiling , H ‘:. property tibc relief? m illionion or so in school matnteienonce and the “groceryy crcdit”ci on the state incomc tax ■ How about S4.4848 a d d ed to yotir'sfcp'tic- Janiio^,J Republican mcmtmbcrs ofa Hou^c ration tM&O) levies off prciropertyjjax to people witwith inGO^cs below S20.000. • tank cli»ning bill? Revenue and Taxation subsubcommittee - es- biirs,i. oand replace the money byb ririsiSs would raisee annt estimated S3.1 /nillion. ue- PoUution1 Uluncertain — Those are som e oof f the many services‘that peciallyp Rep. G olden Linfonford. R -R exburg - state! inincomc tax rotes, imposingig a rcdl-cs. cording 10 lhelhe bI ill’s sponsors, transfer Uix, and extending thi ——— ------ State air-qu:quaUtv-officials sav-they would be subject ^to J hI e 5 pcrccnt s_ales iax _h h ^ c been wo.rkine_on_thilhe.DlflnJpr moro- trai O verall. Uietlie plan envisions-raising-S190 - • ------------------ toa-wic d o n 't k now yet,'et w hat pollutants - if.'nny- -;-;if a GOP^backed'^ol>rope"iTyitax re'duction'bilt "^1thun a month. - million in newiew taxes, including S52 million mong the serviccs-tltat wouldId be taxed: me _ a proposed Motvlountain Homc.power plantim bccomcslaw. The.plan was unveiledI MMonday! ' ' . Amo i money by requiring individuals _ .M ofdr-nie-r/m es— beauty.ity-and-borbcn^hopsr-escort -----------— - — w ouid-scnd-intontothe^acic-Valley:----------___________ ixuEsponscaoohcjliejjifcrestructnri n&.pack.___— Bois49-Sew«r-Servio.cM4 iiffrtefly^i5iitiTdieVT«fynteiit5-o}r------ I age that Gov. Cccilicil Andrus proposed in News/ that the rate for pumjimping.out a 1,000* ‘'*P‘repairs, blacksmithing. taxidei P a g e B I Please see TATTOOS/A2 Some m ay],y need fertilizer Onicials warn/ant to see I f putting fertiliz* S ticky:y fe e t ~ n S n oowpaick c r into SawtoothlOth V alley lakes w ould help endangered sockockeye salm on. - ~ P a g e B I Term limitsits lii<ely on ballot loolks best Voters in No’November, 1994, will get a chance to limitmit by law the.number of terms an Idahothoan can serve in a public S years ■ 'ofncc; says “Hoi4ouse Minority Leader'Jim' StbichefT. The Associatedatcd P ress P a g e B 2 ^H H BOISE - WWhile this winter's snowpaek mleet eet all expectations, it still promises .to' oflofTer up, the best water supply six years-ois-of 'dfought. the Idaho Water No help inI ssight ■ SupplyCommiiimittee says. In a turnI ofo f events, the normally wei Firefighters> couldc( olTcr no aid as fire Panhandle seen;eems to be suffering in its snow ■ destro y ed th e homeh of an 84-ycar*oId levels w hile: the'parchedthe Owyhee Mountain . _ Elba-area w omman. ai __ •!________ H ljB H urea has betwetween 110 and 130 pcrccnt of P a g e B3 average. It suu huge improvement from last winter. ”So fur. com:om pared w ith last year, we-'re not in the suisume ballpark." iaid Peter Palmer, c h iecf f isnow surveyor for.the Soil Conservation>n SService. The committee in- Indiana top!>ps final poll .j eludes rcpresccsentativcs from government As March madnessma begins with the agencies bankinik in g o n Idaho water, NCAA toumnmcimcnt starting Thursday. In- BHHH Snowpackscs nrange from 75-85 percent of . diana was voted.:cd.tlie‘No. 1 team in the fi- . normal in northjrthem Idaho to 90-120 perccnt nal regular scusoiison poU. H H M in the centralul nm o untains. 80-90 perccnt in P a g e A S the upper Snakinake River area and 105-166 9 H | D percent in thele scsouthem tier. Title cliasecs commences Idaho nowow about 90 perccnt of the way ------throoghitsmoynowijaclrscason:---------------------: “ 'I'hc C ollege: dtdl iiouthcm idatip.begins ' The downsideside is ihe system of reservoirs its quest for thle e JlJunforC qllege'basketball . is nearly topp<ipped out. so it will take’all : ^ crown tonight agiagdinst SoutKem Union. available watcater just to meet normal de> ■ " T P a g e AS^^ ^^^^9 mands, let oloiolone piling up 0 rescrve for B H | NITslipvrtintime On Sunday,y, tlthe U.S. Bureau of Rccloma- ’ -------------------------- The college nost-seasonpo begins tomof- lion’s upper’ SrSnake River system held 45 ■ row with the NilNl I tournament. 1 he luur-- pcrccnt o f capacipacity, 66.6 perecnt of nbrmal. • ncy'drew namesnes like UNLV, Georgcr -------- The Boise Rivci ivcr d am s w erc 21 percent full._____ town a n d p k la hihoma. o t • ; . or 3 5 .5 p crcen:ent t of normal. Payette River P a g e A IOI Twin Falls youn(jngsteiikarhero'n Rosemmau Is lifted by Ben, lefteft, and CHuck Meade aftafter he 'stole' second °asobi Jams were bettcetter with 41 percent of copaci- while playliig a t >City Park Monday afteftempon. Muddy conditiilitlons caused the base,le, a piece of paper, to sti(tick l y o r 7 5 . 8 ppercc'ht e n of average. Owyhee I . to his shoe d uIring r ir their baseball gamene. t PleiP le a s e sV b SN0WPACK/A2 investmenttw v in s O K n-administfBtion-OK-d-^ ^ a n d e I British Airwaysys investment in USAir, Rese e # s ^ €eek sti htfna y f e d s - contingent uponon concessions from the5 British goventmn enet ti - The Associated Press P a g e B 9 j E ■ A idd .g r a n t s - A3 Rcscucrs failed to'“ firfind 24 hikers' missing 1;l|| I . in the snowy.southerlicrh Appalachians on ^ " storm Saturday.ly. more1 than 3 million homes I ---------Monday-ftfler-dozensena-of-others-tHidged— ^ %vere4>lacked-out through dqep drifU .to0 safety.si ' Teams fromm North1 Carolina and Ten* Highwoy crews'straitrained to reach thou- ' nessee searchedhed the mountains of Great Moment ofrdecision d sands snowbound at homehi and in shelters, • Smoky Mouniaintains National Park for re- , ' Am i*abortion1 acactivists m ust choose be>. by the weekend blizzar:mrd, and the death tolK inaining mcmbciibcrs o f a group, of J 17. tecn- ■ , , ' tween'violence11 anda'l reasonable politicalI rose to 168. agefs'and adultsilts from 'a Deiroit-urca private debate, today’s editorialed: soys. ' In addition to thele deathsc ■— reported ‘:\ school w ho hadlad been hiking on un annual P a g e A 1 4 from Cuba to Canada,a.— r 32 crewmen were 'f l spring break tretrek when the storm struck, missing af)cr a frcightc}hter sank M ondoy ofT f;-- W ' Uut the searchch forI 21 students und three NovaScotio, and 16momariners were missing f udults still m issiiissing was called olT at night- I in waters around Floridirida. r , ■ fall. •Most major airportsts imoved back toward ,•;! I; ^ Among the 993 3 accounted for, one faculty normal operations. Butiut becauseI o f delays in leader was in staistable conditiop ul a hospital, lowa healtli'Ih' report th e E ast, “ N o rm al -wi-won't be here until ^ B while the sevenvcn to nine members of his Hillary Rodhantiam,Clinton hears about .. Tuesday or Wednesdayday,” said M ary Fran»- group were bein;teing examined, suid ofTicials — rural A’m erica’s's 1health c^te problems cis Fagan of Americancan Airlines at.Chica-' ^ ■ ■ at the C ranbrook3ok Kingswood Upper Middle . j_^dunng a-visitto• lowio..Io ______ g o ’s O ’Hare Airport. .' ' - School in Bloomomfield l Hills, Mich, ; P a g e A 3 " Commuters-jn-big-cit-citi'c8-struggIcd.to_get_^H Mr " “ T ■ One group of ;20 students emerged from .: to w ork. ' ' I the woods a s scliisclicduled Monday afternoon. ^ Like ‘unneededed plants* ______ , •‘Getting to the train'sin'statidn was an event —APt*w»---schools spofccsmi:sm nn-Ray C arson said .'“ T h c y ---------- — — fintsafT Mid' suBiPbanban Philadelphia com- |nsistructors Steve DIPaoI(ol6, left,-and Nick Foruccjccl with Kls husky Klmoi s l e a d “•.liad no id eailrerc[erc~U'ii.s a pt;ofalCTir;^he-s<iid:------------- ^ — Defense Secre:retary Lds'Aspin tells muter Mark Cottcrmamaii. 32. “It was'all g - h National Park near EIktkton th em;m had wilderness survival Congress the majoajor base closings hc rec* group of six hikers to> safetys In Shenandoah ^ packed down. There: wiwas hardly any trac- 'a., on Monday. The groiroup had been.strande'd:i'd since Friday. ’ training,’* C arso:rson said. “They knew first o m m e n d s a re liklike a big corporation tion at oil.” M any Pennsnnsylvania businesses, • aid.
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