11 THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF 2011 SAVAGE AS A SPOKESMAN OUTSPOKEN COLUMNIST DAN SAVAGE LAUNCHED THE MEAT IN A NATIONAL GAGA’S RHETORIC MOVEMENT 10 QUESTIONS AND HOLDS FOR RUPAUL ON THE MICROPHONE DRAG DOGMA THAT COMES WHY UGANDA WITH IT. MATTERS EVEN MORE THAN YOU THOUGHT QUEER TATTOO: WHO’S YOUR DADDY? PR11_C1.indd 1 5/27/11 12:48:33 PM 99.5 0.5 99.5 0.5 99.5 0.5 99.5 0.5 99.5 0.5 99.5 0.5 99.5 0.5 99.5 0.5 75 75 75 75 C+M 75 50 25 99 1 99 1 99 1 99 199.5 0.5 99.5 0.5 99.5 0.5 99.5 0.5 75 75 75 75 C+M 75 50 25 99 1 99 1 99 1 99 199.5 0.5 99.5 0.5 99.5 0.5 99.5 0.5 C+M 75 50 25 75 75 75 75 C+M 75 50 25 75 75 75 75 98 2 98 2 98 2 98 2 99 GATF/SWOP1 99 1 99 1Digital99 1 98 2 98 2 98 2 98 2 99 1 99 1 99 1 99 1 C+Y 75 50 25 Proofing Bar 50 50 50 50 C+Y 75 50 25 50 50 50 50 97 3 97 3 97 3 97 3 98 2 98 2 98 2 98 2 GATF/SWOP Digital 97 3 97 3 97 3 97 3 98 2 98 2 98 2 98 2 300% Proofing Bar 50 50 50 50 C+Y96 4 9675 4 96504 96 25 4 97 3 97 3 97 3 97 3 50 50 50 50 C+Y96 4 9675 4 9650 4 9625 4 97 3 97 3 97 3 97 3 300% 25 25 25 25 M+Y 75 50 25 95 5 95 5 95 5 95 5 96 4 96 80K,4 80C,96 70M, 70Y4 96 4 25 25 25 25 M+Y 75 25 25 95 5 95 5 95 5 95 5 96 4 96 4 96 4 96 4 25 25 25 25 M+Y 75 50 25 95 5 95 5 95 5 95 5 80K, 80C, 70M, 70Y 25 25 25 25 M+Y 75 25 25 95 5 95 5 95 5 95 5 25K 50K 75K 25K 50K 75K 25C, 16M, 16Y 50C, 39M, 39Y 75C, 63M, 63Y 25C, 16M, 16Y 50C, 39M, 39Y 75C, 63M, 63Y 9630_VXR82703CONS_A 2 P11AD.indd 18 10827_PrideMagazine 1 with otherHIVmedicinesfor treatment ofHIVinadults. Introducing For VIRAMUNE XR. useincombination Ask yourHCPtoday is rightforyou. VIRAMUNE XR once aday One pill. if taking Copyright © 2011, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. All rights reserved. All rightsreserved. Inc. Boehringer IngelheimPharmaceuticals, Copyright © 2011, (04/11) VXR82703CONS-A Copyright © 2011, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. All rights reserved. All rightsreserved. Inc. Boehringer IngelheimPharmaceuticals, Copyright © 2011, (04/11) VXR82703CONS-A Once daily. 5/26/11 8:06:55 PM 4/7/11 3:31PM 9630_VXR82703CONS_A 3 You VIRAMUNE unlessyouhavebeendiagnosedwithHIV. Donottake of liverandskinproblems. Ask yourhealthcareproviderhowtorecognizesymptoms of yourliverduringthefirst18weekstherapy. of treatment, but can occur later. Your healthcareprovider(HCP)willcloselymonitoryouandtestthefunction Your butcanoccurlater. of treatment, Any patient can experience liver problems with VIRAMUNE or VIRAMUNE XR, butwomenandpatientswhohavehigher VIRAMUNE XR, VIRAMUNE or Any patientcanexperienceliverproblemswith VIRAMUNE isstopped. damagetothelivercancontinueoccur after somepatients, For VIRAMUNE again. take CD4 youmustnever VIRAMUNE becauseyouhadanyseriousliverorskinreactions, with Ifyoustoptreatment skin problems. cells/mm VIRAMUNE XR is indicated for use in combination with other ARVs for the treatment ofHIVinfectioninadults. ARVs forthetreatment VIRAMUNE XRisindicatedforuseincombinationwithother ofHIVinfection. (ARV)agentsforthetreatment VIRAMUNE isindicatedforuseincombinationwithotherantiretroviral cases, cause death. These problemscanhappenatanytimebutoccurmostoftenduringthefirst18weeks causedeath. cases, insome VIRAMUNE XRcancausesevereandlife-threateningliverskinreactionsthatcan, VIRAMUNE and SAFETYINFORMATION IMPORTANT INDICATION once dailyforthefirst14daysoftreatment. VIRAMUNE withalead-indoseofone200mgtabletimmediate-release muststarttreatment newtonevirapine Patients through sexualcontactorbloodcontamination. theriskofpassingHIVtoothers andhavenotbeenshowntoreduce AIDS, HIVor VIRAMUNE XRdonotcure VIRAMUNE and VIRAMUNE XR. VIRAMUNE and associatedwith drug tointeractions HCP and do not increase your dose to VIRAMUNE 200 mg twice daily or start VIRAMUNE XR400mgoncedailyuntiltherash VIRAMUNE 200mgtwicedailyorstart yourdoseto HCP anddonotincrease immediatelycontactyour duringthefirst14days, Ifyouexperiencearash chances ofgettingapotentiallyseriousskinrash. You VIRAMUNE. without the14-daylead-inperiodof VIRAMUNE andcallyourHCPforanalternativeregimen. stoptaking persistslongerthan28days, Ifyourrash has resolved. Adult patients already on a regimen of VIRAMUNE 200 mg twice daily can be switched to VIRAMUNE XR400 mgoncedaily VIRAMUNE 200mg twicedailycanbeswitchedto of onaregimen Adult patientsalready the 14-daylead-indose. talktoyour HCPbecauseyouwillneedtorestart VIRAMUNE XR forlongerthansevendays, VIRAMUNE or If youstoptaking or call1-800-FDA-1088. Please see Medication Guide, whichincludesdosing Please seeMedicationGuide, information for Reconstitution Syndrome)andchangesinbodyfat. includingchangestoyourimmunesystem (Immune VIRAMUNE XRcancauseserioussideeffects, VIRAMUNE and liverdisease. tosevere if yourHCPhastoldyouthathavemoderate VIRAMUNE XR VIRAMUNE or Donottake VIRAMUNE XRunlessyouhavebeendiagnosedwithHIV. VIRAMUNE or Do nottake You askyourHCP. information, more For VIRAMUNE. possible sideeffectsof and your doctor have decided that the benefit of doing so outweighs the risk. Women, includingpregnant Women, and yourdoctorhavedecidedthatthebenefitofdoingsooutweighsrisk. women, withCD4 women, must stop taking VIRAMUNE or VIRAMUNE XRandcallyourHCPimmediatelyifyouhavesignsorsymptomsofliver VIRAMUNE or muststoptaking are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch drugs totheFDA. negative side effectsofprescription toreport encouraged are should not take St. John’s wort or efavirenz if you take VIRAMUNE or VIRAMUNE XR. VIRAMUNE XR. VIRAMUNE or ifyoutake wortorefavirenz John’s shouldnottakeSt. + counts when they begin nevirapine treatment have a greater risk. haveagreater treatment countswhentheybeginnevirapine cells/mm VIRAMUNE XR is indicated for use in combination with other ARVs for the treatment ofHIVinfectioninadults. ARVs forthetreatment VIRAMUNE XRisindicatedforuseincombinationwithother ofHIVinfection. (ARV)agentsforthetreatment VIRAMUNE isindicatedforuseincombinationwithotherantiretroviral Please see Medication Guide, whichincludesdosing Please seeMedicationGuide, information for once daily for the fi rst 14daysoftreatment. once dailyforthefi VIRAMUNE withalead-indoseofone200mgtabletimmediate-release muststarttreatment newtonevirapine Patients through sexualcontactorbloodcontamination. theriskofpassingHIVtoothers andhavenotbeenshowntoreduce AIDS, HIVor VIRAMUNE XRdonotcure VIRAMUNE and VIRAMUNE XR. VIRAMUNE and associatedwith drug tointeractions You VIRAMUNE. without the14-daylead-inperiodof VIRAMUNE andcallyourHCPforanalternativeregimen. stoptaking persistslongerthan28days, Ifyourrash has resolved. Adult patients already on a regimen of VIRAMUNE 200 mg twice daily can be switched to VIRAMUNE XR400 mgoncedaily VIRAMUNE 200mg twicedailycanbeswitchedto of onaregimen Adult patientsalready the 14-daylead-indose. talktoyour HCPbecauseyouwillneedtorestart VIRAMUNE XR forlongerthansevendays, VIRAMUNE or If youstoptaking VIRAMUNE XR400mgoncedailyuntiltherash VIRAMUNE 200mgtwicedailyorstart yourdoseto HCP anddonotincrease immediatelycontactyour rst 14days, duringthefi Ifyouexperiencearash chances ofgettingapotentiallyseriousskinrash. or call1-800-FDA-1088. Reconstitution Syndrome)andchangesinbodyfat. includingchangestoyourimmunesystem (Immune VIRAMUNE XRcancauseserioussideeffects, VIRAMUNE and liverdisease. tosevere if yourHCPhastoldyouthathavemoderate VIRAMUNE XR VIRAMUNE or Donottake VIRAMUNE XRunlessyouhavebeendiagnosedwithHIV. VIRAMUNE or Do nottake You askyourHCP. information, more For VIRAMUNE. possible sideeffectsof You VIRAMUNE unlessyouhavebeendiagnosedwithHIV. Donottake of liverandskinproblems. Ask yourhealthcareproviderhowtorecognizesymptoms rst 18weeksoftherapy. of yourliverduringthefi healthcareprovider(HCP)willcloselymonitoryouandtestthefunction Your butcanoccurlater. of treatment, rst 18weeks These problemscanhappenatanytimebutoccurmostoftenduringthefi causedeath. cases, insome VIRAMUNE XRcancausesevereandlife-threateningliverskinreactionsthatcan, VIRAMUNE and SAFETYINFORMATION IMPORTANT INDICATION Any patient can experience liver problems with VIRAMUNE or VIRAMUNE XR, butwomenandpatientswhohavehigher VIRAMUNE XR, VIRAMUNE or Any patientcanexperienceliverproblemswith VIRAMUNE isstopped. damagetothelivercancontinueoccur after somepatients, For VIRAMUNE again. take CD4 youmustnever VIRAMUNE becauseyouhadanyseriousliverorskinreactions, with Ifyoustoptreatment skin problems. and yourdoctorhavedecidedthatthebenefi women, withCD4 women, 3 are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch drugs totheFDA. negative side effectsofprescription toreport encouraged are should not take St. John’s wort or efavirenz if you take VIRAMUNE or VIRAMUNE XR. VIRAMUNE XR. VIRAMUNE or ifyoutake wortorefavirenz John’s shouldnottakeSt. must stop taking VIRAMUNE or VIRAMUNE XRandcallyourHCPimmediatelyifyouhavesignsorsymptomsofliver VIRAMUNE or muststoptaking , + oramanwithCD4 counts when they begin nevirapine treatment have a greater risk. haveagreater treatment countswhentheybeginnevirapine 3 , oramanwithCD4 + cellcountsgreaterthan250cells/mm VIRAMUNE + cellcountsgreaterthan250cells/mm + extended-release tablets extended-release greaterthan400cells/mm VIRAMUNE XR, + greaterthan400cells/mm (nevirapine) VIRAMUNE XR, The 14-day lead-in period is important because it has been shown to reduce your 14-daylead-inperiodisimportantbecauseithasbeenshowntoreduce The The most common side effect of VIRAMUNE is rash. These are notallthe are These VIRAMUNE isrash. mostcommonsideeffectof 14-day lead-in period is important because it has been shown to reduce
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