Name 1. ITAVC e.V A.I.Bir (Associazione Italiana Birmani) A.I.R. Associazione Italiana Ragdoll ABY 2000 Abyssinian Breed Club (ABC) Europe Abyssinian Cat Association Abyssinian Cat Club ADELKATTEN Aedrex (Association Européenne du Devon Rex) AF PRO SELK AFAS - Association Féline des Amis du Siamois AFeF - Associations Feline Federate Agderkatten Cat Club AID Skogkatt All About Cats All-Poland Cat and Cat Club No Problem (OKKiK) Amicale Belge du Chat AMOBS STAR Cat Club ANABI (French Club for Sacred Birmans) ASI (Italian Association Skogkatt) Asian Cat Association Asian Group Cat Society Asociación Felina Española - ASFE Asociatia Felina "SofistiCAT" Association Felina Greece Association Française du Ragdoll (French Ragdoll Association) Association pour la Promotion du British et du Scottish (APBS) Associazione Nazionale Felina Italiana Australian Mist Cat Association Australian Mist Cat Society Australian Mists International UK TICA Aztec and Ocicat Society B.F.R.V. Balinese and Siamese Cat Club BB-Klubben Be a British Cat / Chats British Shorthair Beautiful Cats Association BelearCat Club Belgian Cat Club Belgian Cat Fanciers vzw Belgian Longhair Association Belgian TICA Friends vzw Bengalföreningen BERAK Bergen Rasekatt Klubb Bergischen Katzen Verband e.V (BKVeV) Berliner Pro Kat e.V. (BPK e.V) Birman Breed Advisory Committee BKV ’94 Black and White Cat Club Blue Danube Cat Club Blue Persian Cat Society Bohemia Cat Club Bombay Burmese Club of France Breiz Coté Chats Bri Cat Club POLAND BRISKED British Shorthair Breeders Group British Shorthair Cat Club British Shorthair Cat Club - Poland British Shorthair Club Italy Britsk Korthår Klubben Burmese Cat Association Caramel & Apricot Federation CAT CLUB ANIMALS BYDGOSZCZ Cat Club Cat Fanciers Club Sopot Cat Club Feniks Cat Club Germany Cat Club of Rio de Janeiro Cat Club Rybnik Cat Planet, Germany Cat’s Empire Cat Club CatManiac e.V. Cats 4 Us - Cat Club of Germany Cats and Tulips (Dutch TICA Club) Cats First! e.V. CCFN (club des Chats des Forêts Norvégiennes) CCLDS (Cat Club de Lyon Dauphiné Savoie) CCM (Cat Club des Montagnes) CCNBPL/FFF (Cat Club Normandie Bretagne Pays de Loire) Celtic Long and Semi long Cat Society Cercle des Amateurs des Chats Sibériens (CASib) Cercle du Maine Coon Cercle Felin du Languedoc CFE España (Club Felino Español) CFG Cat Friends of Germany e.V CHAMICALEMENT VOTRE Chats’ Beauté Association Chinchilla, Silver Tabby and Smoke Cat Society Chocolate Pointed Siamese Cat Club Club Félin du Sibérien Club Francais du Bleu Russe Club Italiano del British Shorthair (CIBRIS) Club MCC Brno - FIFe Club SomAby (Somali & Abyssian) France Clubul Felin Magnificats Colourpoint Rex Coated and any Other Variety Cat Club Cork Cat Club Courtgarden Coventry and Leicester Cat Club CSCH-SCHK (Cesky svaz chovatelu - sdruzeni chovatelu koček) Darak -Dansk Racekatte Klub Darak in Denmark DEKZV e. V. DELICAT e.V Devon Rex Owners Club Dutch PurrPuss Cat Club Edelkatzenclub Zwickau/Meranee e.V Edelkatzenzüchterverband Südwest e.V. Egyptian Mau Society Elitarny Klub Kota Rasowego Exotic Breed Advisory Committee Federation Felis Slovakia Federazione Italiana Associazioni Feline Felidae Katzenvereins e.V Felikat (Dutch FIFé Association) Felina e.V. Feline Federation of Greece Felis Belgica Felis Britannica Felis Hungarica Felis Polonia Felis Posnania FFF (French Feline Federation) French Bengal Breed Club French Egyptian Mau Cat Club CIME Freunde Edler Samtpfoten e.V GdK eV (Gemeinschaft der Katzenfreunde eV) German Allbreed Cat Club e.V Greek Feline Organization Gwynedd Cat Club Hessischer Edelkatzen Club e.V. Humberside Cat Club International Cat Club eV International Cat Federation e.V International Cat World e.V International Somali & Abyssinian League (ISAL) International Wild Cats Club Germany e.V. Italian Ragdoll Cat Club Jydsk Racekatte Klub (JYRAK) Katteklubben Katteklubben Midt-Norge Katzen Freunde Germania Katzenclub Aargau Solthurn Katzenclub Südwest e.V. Katzenfreunde Bayern e.V. Katzenverein Leverkusen e.V. Khao Manee Cat Club Klub Kota X-Treme Korat & Thai Cat Association Kynjakettir Kattaræktarfélag Íslands LaPerm Cat Club L'Associazione italiana amatori del gatto sacro di Birmania (A.Ga.Bi.) Libracat Club Linkopings Kattklubb Long Haired & Semi Long Haired Cat Club Lubelski Klub Kota Rasowego (LKKR) Maine Coon Breed Society Maine Coon Cat Club Maine Coon Club de France Maine Coon-Ringen Norge Malta Feline Knights by TICA MeouTICA Midshires Siamese Cat Association Mundikat NCC Vorsitzender & Schatzmeister Nederland Kattenfokkers Vereniging - Dutch Cat Breeders Association (NKFV) Nederlandse RasKatten Vereniging (NRKV) Neocats All New Zealand Cat Fancy Nor' East of Scotland Cat Club Nordic Bengal Cats Nordic Selkirk Rex Nordiska Rexringen Norsk Skokgattring (NSR) Norske Rasekattklubbers Riksforbund (NRR) North of Britain Longhair & Semi-Longhair Cat Club Northern Birman Cat Club Northern British Longhair & Shorthair Cat Club Northern Ireland Cat Club (NICC) Norwegian Forest Cat Club Norwegian Forest Cat Society Novice Breeders Association Cat Club NSI Norsk Skogkatt Italy NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc Ocicats of Scandinavia, OCIS Old Style Siamese Club ORGANISATION FELINE BELGE organization Féline Belge Oriental Bicolour Group Oriental Cinnamon and Fawn Group Oriental Long Hair Breed Club Oriental Shaded, Smoke and Tabby Society Østfoldkatten Persian & Exotic Cat Society Persian Lovers Cat Club Polish Feline Association Polish Ragdoll Club Polycats Portuguese Cat Club (Clube Português de Felinicultura) Preston & Blackpool Cat Club Progressive Ragdoll Cat Club Racekatten (Denmark) RagaMuffin Breeders Circle Ragdoll Club France Ragdollklubben Danmark Rasclub Maine Coon Rassekatzen Bergisches Land e.V. Rassekatzen Stuttgart e.V. (RKS e.V.) Rassekatzenverein in NRW g.e.V Rassekatzenvereinigung Ostschweiz Rasvereniging Brits Langhaar Red, Cream & Tortoiseshell Society Rogaland Rasekatt Klubb Royal Society DE VRIENDEN DER KAT vzw Russian and Abyssinian Cat Club Russian Blue Breeders Association Scandinavian Ragdoll Club Scottish Cat Club Seal & Blue Point Birman Cat Club Selkirk Rex Cat Club Sezione ANFI Veneto Short-Haired Cat Society Sibirkattens Venner Singapura Breed Society France Smaalenene Katteklubb Somali Cat Club of Great Britain South West British Shorthair Club Southern & South Western Birman Cat Club Southern Africa Cat Council (SACC) Sphynx Cat Club Star Cats Club Stowarzyszenie miłośników Kotów Rasowych Cat Club Bydgoszcz Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Kotów w Żorach Stowarzyszenie Polskich Kotów PFA Süddeutsche Rassekatzenverein e.V Suomen Rex-kissayhdistys (The Finnish Rex Cat Club) Supreme Cat Club - Poland Surrey & Sussex Cat Association SVERAK Tabby Point Siamese and Progressive Breeders Cat Club Team Cat.e.V Teesside Cat Club Thai Feline’s Club The Australian Mist Cat Club UK The Balinese Cat Society The Beautiful British Club (BBC) The Bengal Cat Association The Bengal Cat Club The Bengal Cat Club of Great Britain The Birman Cat Club The Bombay and Asian Cats Breed Club The Bristol and District Cat Club The British Ragdoll Cat Club The Burmese Cat Club The Burmese Cat Society The Cameo Pewter and Smoke Society The Colourpoint Cat Club The Colourpoint Society of Great Britain The Colourpointed British Shorthair Cat Club The Egyptian Mau Club The European Cat Association The Finnish Bengal Cat Club The Finnish Burmese Cat Society The German Birman Breed Club e.V The Kentish Cat Society The Kernow Cat Club The Lakeland & District Cat Club The London Cat Club The Malta Cat Club The Merseyside Cat Club The Midland Cat Club of Ireland The Norsk Skogkatt Society The Northern Siamese and Oriental Cat Society The Ocicat Club The Oriental Cat Association The Progressive Singapura Cat Club The Red Point & Tortie Point Siamese Cat Club The Rex Cat Association The Rex Cat Club The S&SW Birman Cat Club The Scottish Rex Cat Club The Shorthair Cat Club of Scotland The Siamese Cat Association The Siamese Cat Club The Siamese Cat Society of Scotland The Siberian Cat Club The Siberian Cat Club of Finland The Singapura Cat Club The Snowshoe Cat Society The Southern BSH Cat Club The Sphynx Cat Association The Suffolk Breed Cat Club The Swedish Bengal Cat Association (Föreningen Bengalkatten) The Swedish Burmese Cat Club The Tabby Cat Club The Tonkinese Breed Club The Tonkinese Cat Club The Toyger Cat Club The Traditionalist Ragdoll Cat Society The United Chinchilla Association (UCA) The United Kingdom Ragdoll Breed Society The Voice Cats of France (World Federation Cats) The Yorkshire County Cat Club TICA Australian Mist Society TICA Peterbald Breed Group TICA UK TICACats e.V Trans Pennine Oriental & Siamese Cat Association Turkish Van Cat Club UK Ragamuffin Cat Society Ukrainian Felinology Union Ulster Siamese & All Breed Cat Club United Chinchilla Association Universal Cat Club E.V. Unusual Abyssinian Cats Vestkystkatten Catclub Vestlandets Katteklubb Viking Cat Club West of England and South Wales Cat Society White Persian Cat Club Wyvern Cat Club Zo Nitra Club Italia ZO Praha - západ Last updated Jul 2021.
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