July 16, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24131 seas Private Investment Corporation for the Lieutenant commander the provisions of title 10, United States Code, terms indicated:* · William W. Barker III section 3962: For the remainder of' the term expiring Lieutenant . To be lieutenant general December 17, 1974: Roger G. Love Craig E. Jud Lt. Gen, Patrick Francis Cassidy, xxx-xx-x... Bradford Mills, of New Jersey, vice Dan W. Ronald R. DiGennaro Edward J. Searl , Army of the United States (major gen- Lufkin, resigned. James W. Calhoun Frank E. Couper eral, U.S. Army) . For a term expiring December 17, 1975: Stewart C. Sutherland Thomas J. Barrett The following-named officer under the Allie C. Felder, Jr., of the D istrict of Co- Douglas A. Smith John H. Fishburn provisions of title 10, United States Code, lumbia, reappointment. Stephen J. McCleary Lee M. Kenney section 3066, to be assigned to a position of IN THE COAST GUARD Frederick H. Robert J. Weaver importance and responsibility designated by Michael J. Goodwin The following members of the permanent Edwards III the President under subsection (a) of sec- commissioned teaching staff of the U.S. IN THE ARMY tion 3066, in grade as follows: Coast Guard for promotion to the grade of The following-named officer under the To be lieutenant general Commander: provisions of title 10, United States Code, Bruce C. Skinner section 3066, to be assigned to a position of Maj. Gen. Allen Mitchell Burdett, Jr., Bruce A. Patterson importance and responsibility designated by xxx-xx-x... , U.S. Army. The following licensed officer of the U.S. the President under subsection (a) of sec- IN THE NAVY merchant marine to be a permanent com- tion 3066, in grade as follows: Rear Adm. Oliver H. Perry, Jr., U.S. Navy, missioned officer in the Regular Coast Guard To be lieutenant general having been designated for commands and in the grade of lieutenant (junior grade) : other duties determined b y the President Maj. Gen. Elvy Benton Roberts, xxx-xx-xx... James W. Cratty II xxx-... , Army of the United States (brigadier to be within the contemplation of title 10, The following Reserve officers to be perma- general, U.S. Army.) United States Code, section 5231, for ap- nent commissioned officers in the Regular The following-named officer to be placed pointment to the grade of vice admiral while Coast Guard in the grades indicated: on the retired list in grade indicated under so serving. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HAWAIIAN NAMED OUTSTANDING Function Laboratory in the state. In a mili- monotonous to some, but they are no FEDERAL CIVILIAN EMPLOYEE BY tary hospital the size 'of Tripler, comparable more monotonous than the mail I regu- HAWAII CHAPTER ASSOCIATION laboratories require several technicians and larly receive complaining about the Post- at least one medical officer trained in pul- OF THE U.S. ARMY monary physiology to handle such a large al Service. These complaints come all too load of patients with varied and often com- often. We in Congress must stop merely plex pulmonary problems. criticizing this agency and act now to HON. PATSY T. MINK However, Ono has provided professional remedy this situation. OF HAWAII services for TAMC's Pulmonary Lab largely I w ould like to share w ith my col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES single-handedly for years. A new blood-gas leagues at this point correspondence I analysis section of the laboratory was spear- received from Mr. E. B. Gee, Jr., of Bly- Monday, July 16, 1973 headed by Ono and now serves both the De- partment of Medicine and the D epartment theville, Ark. Mrs. MINK. Mr. Speaker, too often in Mr. Gee's letters follow: our haste to criticize the workings of of Surgery. Evidencing Ono's enthusiasm for his work JULY 12, 1973. Government we forget to record the very are the long hours he has contributed toward Mr. HUGH HUDSON, real contributions that individuals in improving the laboratory during off-duty Postmaster, U.S. Post Office, that Government's employ have been time and vacations. Without compensation, Blytheville, Ark. making towards the welfare of their fel- Ono has voluntarily placed himself on-call DEAR MR. HUDSON: Enclosed is a copy of low citizens. to assist physicians and other pulmonary the front of an envelope that we mailed from I can think of no better example than technicians in emergencies and with criti- Blytheville, Arkansas to the address showing Mr. Tamotsu "Barney" Ono, who was cally ill patients. in Montana. This letter was mailed on June 20, 1 9 7 3. Y ou can see from the note the named the Outstanding Federal Civilian Cardiopulmonary technicians from outly- ing hospitals often seek Ono's advice on their people w rote m e on the letter that they Employee for 1973 by the Hawaii Chap- related problems and he has been active in received this on July 7 , 1 9 7 3. I think it is ter Association of the U.S. Army. planning Hawaii health meetings and sym- absolutely ridiculous that this mail should Mr. Ono through his own efforts and posiums. Serving on planning b oards for take so long to reach its destination. sense of dedication rose from a position the Pulmonary Section of the recent Hono- This letter was mailed on a bulk rate meter. of aide to that of chief of the Pulmonary lulu Health Fair and fOr the _Respiratory Apparently this dictates that it be handled Function Laboratory at Tripler Army Care Symposium at Leahi Hospital and rep- third class. I would not have thought "third Medical Center in Hawaii and has un- resenting TAMC at the Instrument Labora- class" meant "three weeks". I think this is tories Seminar in Burlingame, Ca. have been a ridiculously long period of time for this selfishly devoted his time and effort not mail to be delivered. only to his primary responsibilities but among his many tasks outside the labora- tory. I thought you would like to have informa- also to community activities. tion in regard to this particular letter. In Ono's efforts have not only provided the The following words from the Caducean addition to this, we have many instances of thrust to establish TAMC's Pulmonary Func- first class mail taking several days to a week explains better than I could the depth of tion Laboratory as the best in the islands, Mr. Ono's dedication: to travel from one of our offices in Southeast but also have insured through community Missouri to our home office in Blytheville, [From the Caducean, May 25, 1973] outreach the lab oratory's excellent repu- Arkansas. We have on occasion lost mail ONO AUSA's CHOICE OUTSTANDING FEDERAL tation. that was mailed from one of our offices to CIVILIAN EMPLOYEE another. Mr. Tamotsu Ono, chief of TAMC's Pul- I do hope some improvement can be made monary Function Laboratory, was named the COMPLAINTS ABOUT THE MAIL in these services. Outstanding Federal Civilian Employee for SERVICE ARE GETTING MONOTO- Sincerely yours, 1973 by the Hawaii Chapter Association of NOUS E. B. GEE, Jr. the United States Army (AUSA) . He was honored May 11 at a TAMC Officers' Club E. B. GEE COTTON CO., banquet HON. BILL ALEXANDER Blytheville, Ark., July 12, 1973. The AUSA also named an Outstanding Congressman B ILL ALEXANDER, Junior Officer and Outstanding E nlisted OF ARKANSAS House of Represeatatives, M an during the recent ceremonies. B oth IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Washington, D.C. military honorees were from other Hawaii Monday, July 16, 1973 DEAR BILL: Enclosed is a letter I have writ- Army installations. ten to the Pcciniaster in Blytheville, Arkan- Ono joined the TAMC staff in 1953 as a Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, my sas. This is depicting b ut one instance of cardiopulmonary aide. He now operates the constant speeches and insertions on the ridiculously slow service with United States most efficient and productive Pulmonary quality of the mail service may seem mails. The Post Office D epartment or the 24132 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 16, 1973 United States is absolutely the most in­ THE MOUNTING FUEL CRISIS: A monopolistic practices within the on indus­ efficient organization of all governmental and REPORT BY FTC try itself and concludes that the industry private agencies that we do business Tith. "operates much like a cartel." The report It should be abandoned or straightened t tt. states further that "the major firms ... at­ Already there :s a private business con­ HON. JOE L. EVINS tempt to sharply limit the supply of crude cern giving better service at a £heape~ rate oil available to independent refiners and re­ and making a proflt handling many of the Ol? TENNESSEE fined product a.vailab!e to independent same functions that the United States Post IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wholesalers and retailers. An elaborate Office Department has. You no doubt have Monday, July 16, 197 3 network of devices to deny independents ac­ heard of this group. They are called United cess to product has been erected.'' Parcel Service. Mr. EVINS of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, The report states that this policy endan­ I think something should be done about the staff of the Federal Trade Commis­ gers independent operators--as we know, our Post Office Department or we should sion, under direction of FTC Chairman many small operators have been forced out farm it out to a contract agency who would Lewis A. Engman, has prepared a report of business in the current gasoline short­ 11ave the ability to do it efficiently. concerning concentration in the oil in­ age-"and yields serious economic :tosses" in Sincerely yours, dustry.
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