« RESULT' OF G. A. R. MEET. work was probably tne most success­ WASHINGTON NOTE«. ful bit of refereeing ever seen in this Corporal Tanner Elected Commander NELSON IS CHAMPION state. ' The town of Starbnck haa voted to NEWS OF THE WOULD EXPLOSION ON Incorporate as a town of the fourth —Other Officers. 'ass. The 39th national encampment of At his SHORT TELEGRAPH ITEM S FROM KNOCKED OUT JIMMY BRITT I T said: State Grain Inspector Arrasmlth the Grand Army of the Republic at 'The fight turned out Just as I ex­ JAP BATTLESHIP says Washington crop will aggregate ALL POINTS OF THE GLOBE. Denver elected officers as follows: SAN FRANCISCO. pected it would. I knew that if I got thirty millions. Commander In chief, James Tanner a square deal and no favors were Lincoln county farmers have never of New York; senior vice commander, shown that I would win. Referee known a period of greater prosperity A Review of Happenings In Both George W. Cook, Denver; Junior vice ^hey Fought 18 of tne Fastest Rounds Graney was perfectly Jrfst In his de-fv 590 UVES LOST than they are now experiencing. The machinery Is being placed in the Eaetem end Western Hemispheres commander, Silas'H. Towler, Minne­ Ever 8een—Britt Had Best of Fight clsions, ’as my manager was sure he apolis; surgeon general, Hugo Pbiller, would be. Tokio, 8epfc 12.—The navy depart- iw creamery which Is expected to be During the Past Week—National, Waukesha; Wls.; chaplain In chief. Until Last Few Rounds—Graney In operation within 10 days at Welts- "It was a blow in the pit of the ent announces that the battleship burg. Rev. Father J. G. Leary, Chapman, stomach, followed by a left hook to Historical, Political and Pervonal Was Referee and Gave Entire Satis­ Mikasa has been destroyed by fire and Of the 15 Sunnyslde school teachers Kan. the Jaw that gave Britt his quietus. the explosion of bar magazine, ozaamg Minneapolis was chosen as the meet­ faction—Stomach Blow Did IL He did not have me distressed at any ro are men, one a married woman ing place for 1906. stage of the game, even If some of the loss of 599 Uves, including men of and 12 unmarried. Eight own ranches other ships who went to the reeoue. ear Sunnyslde. The members of the council of ad­ San Francisco.—In a fight that will my friends thought that I was going That,a secret treaty has been made ministration were announced, among once or twice. On the other hand. 1 The fire started from an unknown The body ot an unknown man waa between the emperors of Russia and long stand in a class of its own.In the mse at midnight on Sunday night, found Sunday In the river at Spokane. Japan Is denied In London. them being: knew early In the fight that I would The dead man was large, tall and Idaho, Samuel Wallace, Pocatello; history of ring contests. Battling Nel­ cooquer Britt and that it was merely Septemer 10. Before the offioers oould Three trainmen—were killed and Montana, G. B. Sterling, Helena; Ore­ son, the sturdy little Dane from Il­ a matter of rounds before I would put be rescued the fire reached the aft well belli and weighed about 180 three others were Injured In a recent gon, 6. F. Pike, Moro; Utah, N. D. Cor- magazine, whioh exploded, blowing a pounds. linois, knocked out James' Edward him out. But I must give my adver­ The remains of Thomas Madden, collision at Tabor Junction, P a, be­ ser, Salt Lake city; Washington, Wil­ Britt of San Franclgpo at Colma Sat­ sary the credit of having fought very hole in the port side of the vessel below tween freight trains of the Philadel­ the Mater line and causing the ship to who was killed by a freight train on liam Badger, North Yakima. urday afternoon. squarely.” the Great Northern, were taken to We­ phia & Reading railway, and the Cen­ The end came In the 18th round and “Honor td Victor,” 8aya Britt. sink. An investigation is now being tral railroad of New Jersey. Woman’s Relief Corps Officers.. held to determine the oause of the fire. natchee for burial. as a clean cut, fairly won victory. Britt said: N. O. Baldwin has closed a deal for Governor Folk and wife of Missouri Mrs. Abble A. Adams of Superior, This is a simple.statement of the re­ "I battled Nelson at his own particu­ The Mikasa was the flagship of the are at Portland to attend the Missouri Neb., was elected president of the ■panese navy, flying the flag of Vloe the Jacob Ledgerwood estate. The sult; the story of the battle itself fur­ lar style of fighting. Of course 1 used estate Is situated eight miles west of day exercises at the exposition. Woman’s Relief Corps. nishes a thrilling story. No element my cleverness. I was stronger than he Admiral Togo, the oommander in The council of ministers of France Senior vice president, Mrs. Julia G. ohlef. She was present at all of the -Pomeroy and consists ot 1920 acres goes to give tne fight the superla­ was at the finish and was gradually principal engagements daring the war id sold for 319,200. has decided on the reassembling of Sine, Chicago; Junior vice president, tive title of “greatest'' was missing. wearing him down. My hands wi parliament either October 17 or Oc­ Eunice Munger, Oklahoma City; treas­ and was on several oocaaion* reported Work has ben resumed on the fed­ It was the story of many another swollen and had burst the adhesive severely damaged in action. eral building at beattle and will be tober 30. urer, Charlotte E. Wright, Hartford, ring contest—the success of the strong, bandages. I was a better man than continued without delay, says the con­ The Armenian bishop of Shusha has Conn.; chaplain, Catherine C. Ken­ At the battle of the Sea of Japan she sturdy, enduring fighter against a Nelson when the fight ended. I don’t led the fleet into action, and her name tractor. It will require about two sent a message to the authorities say­ nedy, Denver. clever, cool boxer. This, in brief. Is say H was a lucky punch, but Nelson was mentioned in connection with years to complete the building. ing that the devastation and resulting Ladles of the G. A. R. description of Nelson's and Britt's was particularly fortunate In landing It Is announced that Major Gerhard misery at Shusha is appalling. some of the most stirring events of that characteristics, respectively. From the that punch at that* time. AU honor famous se%f!ghL L. Luhn, United States army retired, According to the oiucers of the In­ The lKdles of the G. A. R. elected the very first moment of the fight until the victor. I would use to fight him following officers: The Mikasa was one of the largest at his own request has been relieved ternational Typographical union, the Referee Graney finished the count of again. I am not hurt, nor was I hurt id most powerful vessels in tbe Jap­ from duty as Instructor In military tac­ war between the United Typothetae President, Ruth E. Foote, Denver; lu, Nelson forced the fighting. Though at any time in-the battle. I was not anese navy. She was bailt at Barrow, tics at Gonzaga college at Spokane. and the International Typographical senior vice president, Margaret Ste­ battered by Innumerable bruising exhausted. My condition was perfect England, and was launched in 1902. The annual report of the commis­ union over the latter's demand for an vens, New Jersey; Junior vice presi­ blows upon tne face, and body and and I was never better than when I got she had a displacement of 16 ,100 tons sioner of pensions shows that 9766 eight hour day to go into effect Janu­ dent, Minnie Barnum, Minnesota; at times very tired. Nelson never for that puucn In the Ï8tb round. I have and her speed was 18 6 knots, with 16, residents of the state of Washington ary 1, Is to become general. treasurer, Ella Jones, Pennsylvania; moment gave ground. He came no excuse to make, but desire to give 481 indicated horse power. Her arm­ were on the pension rolls June 30, Major General Wood In his report secretary, Catherine Ross, Colorado; back after every vicious attack by the all credit to Nelson. He is a strong ament oonail tad of four 12 inch, four- 1905, who drew during the last fiscal states-that the Moros have been paci­ chaplain, Annie Weaver, Iowa; council clever Britt, always ready to exchange .fellow and aggressive." 6 inoh, twenty 12 pounders, eight year 3U78.660. fied to such an extent that Americans of administration, Genevieve Long- blows. 3 pounders, four 21-2 poundeis. The body of Andrew Jackson, a pio­ may safely travel In any part of the field. Illinois; Abble Krebbs, Callfor- For these rushing, forcing, persistent 8portlng Notes. neer of Medical Lake, waa found lu Island. and Lizzie Griffin, New York. tactics of Nelson Britt could find no The Everett ball team won the pen­ Feraan lake, a small lake a mile and Joy because of the return of her son effective counter, lu e Californian nant In the Northwest league. half from Coeur d'Alene city. The after a year's absence caused the MINING NOTE8. tried every blow known to him—and This week Coach Cutts of Univer­ RIOTS IN deceased is supposed to have met his death of Mrs.
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