Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org Hewn XTowi XTown COW! How Vol.46 No. 31 August 1,1991 PUBLISHED BY THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. 64 Pages Price 35 cents "Cow Serving Watertown and Oakville Since 1947 Democrats Fill Out c Candidate Slates Four Democrat incumbent terms [three Republican, one members of the Town Council Democrat] that expire this year were endorsed by the party's on the nine-member board. town committee July 23 to seek The GOP controls the school re-election to another two-year board by a slim 5-4 majority. term in November. Longtime member Mrs Rosa However, the Democrats did said she was not endorsed by the not renominate Board of Educa- party's screening committee for tion member Mary Ann Rosa for re-election, a move she said left a four-year term on the board, an her "speechless" because she had action that she said caught her by no knowledge prior to the July surprise and left her miffed. 23 party session she was being Incumbents Frederick Krug, dropped. George McCleary, III, Denise "I guess I always believed Russ, and Peter Scanlon, along that being on the Board of Edu- with newcomers William Breg cation was a non-political" posi- and Paul Rinaldi, were tabbed tion, Mrs Rosa said. "I had a rude by the party to run for council awakening." seats during the municipal show- down. She said the party leadership "did not like the fact that I acted All nine slots on the council, on my own and stood up on my which the Democrats currently own for what I felt was impor- control by a 6-3 majority, are up tant" Mrs Rosa indicated she for grabs. The majority party would not continue association cannot hold more than six seats, with the Democrats. thus assuring a minority repre- Mr Breg, an attorney, was sentation of at least three mem- called a "bright young guy" by bers. Mr Vemovai "who's done well Democrat council Chairman for himself." He emerged as a Eric J Palladino and Arnold key player for Concerned Citi- Oliver did not seek re-election, zens for the Preservation of according to Democrat Town Watertown [CCPW] during the Chairman Michael J Vemovai, controversial shopping mall Firefighters work on the roof to put out fire that destroyed the Anderson home on Buckingham Street Sr. Mr Palladino is serving his hearings, handling the legal second term, while Mr Oliver Monday morning. An overheated extension cord appears to be the cause of the blaze.—Times Photo, aspects and research for the anti- Faber was elected for the first time in mall group. 1989. He is serving on the Water- The Democrats chose Patri- town Housing Partnership and cia Krug, Judy Pilicy, and Wil- Commission on Aging. liam Nicholson for the board Mr Rinaldi, an economic Fire Destroys Oakville House election. Each party is allowed three candidates for the four [Continued on page A6] Neighbors watched in grim two doors down from Fire Sub- neice, Mary Ann Anderson, sat silence as Watertown firefight- station #2. with Mary Ann at a picnic table ers worked to control a blaze that A Sylvan Lake Road resi- behindanext door neighbor's.^ destroyed a large portion of the dent said he saw a great deal of heavy smoke poured from sec- Anderson residence on Buck- smoke coming from the house as ond story windows of the house. ingham Street in Oakville Mon- he was driving up Buckingham Firefighters, who fought the day morning. Street just before firefighters fire from the roof of the house, Theonlookers' sombermood arrived. A dark column of black had the blaze under control matched the gray skies that were smoke from the fire was visible within a half an hour, according all but obscured by smoke from from Main Street in Watertown. to Deputy Fire Chief Neil Bur- the fire that gutted the house Margaret Anderson, who rows, who said the fire had been located at the intersection of lived in the house with her Buckingham and Eddy Streets, mother, Martha Anderson and [Continued on page A7] ROOKS Council Hones In On 3rd Vote TheTown Council and Board tion in the tax rate. The Water- Voters on June 6 and 25 re- of Education were scheduled to town-Oakville Taxpayers Asso- jected the proposed administra- huddle in an executive session ciation [WOTA] has been press- tive and school budgets. The Tuesday evening to discuss lat- ing for a 2-mill cut. town budget stood at $12.8 mil- est developments regarding the "The people voted no, so we town's stalled budgets for fiscal can't go back with the same one [Continued on page A6] 1991-92. [budgefJ,"Mr Scanlon said prior At a special council meeting to the Finance Committee ses- to follow, which occurred after sion Tuesday. The mill rate cur- Kids' Carnival Brooks Pharmacy Takes press deadline, council members rently is 18.08 mills, set a few AF.A.S.T. Lane Fun Festival were slated to consider schedul- weeks agoby the council in order and Kids' Carnival will be held ing a third referendum on the to keep the community solvent Wednesday, August 7, from 11 Over Drug City Chain defeated $32.7 million spending . into January. am to 2:30 pm at Swift Junior Brooks Drug, Inc, has reached an agreement with Drug City, Inc, plan. Peter Scanlon, head of the The school board reluctantly High School, 250 Colonial to acquire its three Connecticut stores, including the longtime council's Finance Committee, approved laying off 21 teachers Street, Oakville. The event will pharmacy in the Watertown Plaza on Main Street, according to Guy said a Thursday, August 22 date at its July 22 meeting, but still take place rain or shine. A Medaglia, assistant vice president of human resources for Brooks tentatively had been targeted. has to act on revising the sports The Parks and Recreation Drug, Inc. Mr Scanlon said "minimal programs at the high school, a Department said there will be The acquisition of ficially was announced in a Brooks Drug press cuts" likely would be recom- measure that could institute some games, activities, face painting, release July 24. The two other Drug City stores involved in the mended by the committee to the form of pay-for-play, or elimi- crafts, food, and much, much full council, taking the overall nate up to eight sports at the more. There will be prizes given [Continued on page A7] budget below a 1.5-mill reduc- school. out, and all ages are welcome. Property of the Watertown Historical Society A-2 - Town Tinies, August 1,1991 watertownhistoricalsociety.orgGasoline Prices Ease Down Slowly The price of gasoline in Connecticut continues to slip fraction- ally, the Automobile Club of Hartford-AAA reported this week. town TTimee—INDEX—Cew According to its weekly survey of 30 stations Monday, the club said the average retail price of gasoline fell about one-third of a cent Town's Neglected since Monday, July 12. Daring the past eight weeks, the average Water Trough Births A10 price per gallon has dipped slightly more than 3 cents a gallon. page A8 Calendar. A18 This week's survey showed that while 23 gas stations did not Churches A17 change prices last week, six lowered costs and one increased its Classifieds B9-10 average pump price. Lions Bullish Editorials A4 Average Connecticut retail prices for unleaded gasoline per On Services Legal Notices Bli gallon [plus or minus a S percent margin of error], as of My 29, Letters A5 were: regular—$1.26 self serve, and$1.37 full serve; mid-grade— page A14 Musical Notes A15 $1.37 self-serve, and $1.47 full serve; and premium — $1.46 self Obituaries A16-17 serve, and $1.57 full serve. Diesel was priced at $1.34 per gallon. While the average price for self-serve regular in Connecticut is Summer Sports RealEstate B12-16 Schools B8-9 $ 1.26 a gallon, Hartford AAA said, the national average for the same Reading List Sports Bl-7 grade of fuel is $1.14, according to the latest AAA Fuel Gauge Weddings A10 Report. page Bl The Automobile Club of Hartford serves the association's mor than 1 million members who reside in the five eastern counties of the BFRESH PORK SALE! Center Cut MeatCenter Pork Chops Ib. Choice Beef Country Style Spare Ribs HEMINWAY PLACr 485 Main Street, Watertown, Connecticut Loin Pork STORE HOURS Roast Mon., Tues., Wed. & Sat. 8-6; Thurs. & Fit 8-7; Sunday 8-2 4 Ib. avg. Telephone 274-2714 Prices Effective Wed., July 31st till Tues., August 6h Right reserved to limit quantities • Not responsible for typographical errors. 1.49 Delicous U.S.D.A. Choice Steaks Roasts for the Rotisserie Boneless Rib Eye, Top Round $ Steak Delmonico.. '4.59 Roast X.U9 Ib Top Round Shoulder Clod «,. on London Broil •2.79 Ib. Roast 1.89 Ib Butter Knife Boneless Rib _ t$ M M OtCclKcut From Eye of Round .... 2.59 Ib. Roast 4.29 Ib From Our Dell Land O'Lakes Wunderbar American Cheese Bologna Chicken WATCH FOR OUR WEEKLY GROCERY SPECIALS All Liquid Laundry Lincoln Apple Perdue Boneless Detergent Juice Chicken Breasts *1 99 64 oz. bottle liVW 64 oz. bottle 2/'3.00 '2.49 Hi-Dry Paper Guida's 1% Perdue Chicken Franks Towels Fat Milk 0 79' Ib. pkg. 59° roll • Dw gallon Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow Societyn Times, August 1,1991 - A-3 Measles Immunizations For Friendlywatertownhistoricalsociety.org Neighbors Incoming WHS Freshmen Freshmen students entering Watertown High School this fall will Name: Carrie Brown be required to prove they have had a second booster dose of measles Residence: Watertown vaccine.
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