Photo by Diana Haecker READY SET GO— Boys varsity teams with 18 runners from Kotzebue, Teller and Nome take off to compete in the 5 kilometer cross country running meet held in Nome on Saturday, August 27. See story page 10. C VOLUME CXI NO. 35 SEPTEMBER 1, 2011 Talk, but no action on AD’s contract By Lori Head culations included the 20 minutes at Nome’s School Board met August the beginning of each school day 23 in a work session with all board (8:00 to 8:20 a.m.) and the last 50 members present. minutes of the school day (3:10 to Athletic Director contract 4:00 p.m.), a total of 70 minutes, also Superintendent Michael Brawner being devoted exclusively to AD re- had provided the board, a week prior, sponsibilities. Brawner and Nickels with ample information regarding questioned the notion of factoring the time commitment, responsibili- the 70 minutes into time designated ties and estimated per hour pay of the to AD responsibilities. Amarok felt job. Historically, the Nome Athletic that with two 50 minute class periods Director position has been carried and the additional 70 minutes of be- out each school day during two peri- fore and after class times, or a total ods and then after school hours as of 170 minutes per day, that “there is events dictate. The salary has been adequate compensation financially according to the certified pay sched- and time provided for the responsi- ule with an after duty pay of $5,500 bilities to be fulfilled” without re- to $8,000, depending on years of ex- quiring the additional $8,000 perience. Both the two school-day stipend. When queried by Nickels periods and the after duty pay about the feasibility of this sugges- seemed aligned with other school tion, Steve Gast, jr/sr high principal, districts polled by Brawner. Board said he didn’t think it could be done Member Barb Nickels noted later without students and programs suf- that many districts also had an assis- fering. Gast explained that the tant athletic director. stipend covered the numerous hours In the interest of this contract pos- on Friday evening, Saturday and sibly being brought back as an action Sunday that the AD position re- item by one of the previous naysay- quired. ers of same, namely board members Tozier stated that before she had re- Barb Amarok and Marie Tozier, dis- ceived this information she was not cussion followed. aware that the AD was being paid Photo by Nadja Cavin Amarok shared her own calcula- twice, once as a part-time TIME TO SMELL THE FLOWERS— Clara Hansen, 7, and Paige Gustafson, 4, inhale the lupines at the tions of potential activity director teacher/part-time AD and then re- Little Sisters of Jesus’ garden on the Nome Garden Tour Sunday afternoon in Nome. See story page 11. times during the school day. Her cal- continued on page 5 Electric bills going up or down? By Sandra L. Medearis The good news is that the surcharge on each tanks after the new barge order and the fuel sur- expenses are up all around, so it wouldn’t be Nome residents by now know that fuel de- kilowatt-hour is not going up—much, but the charge formula, the new charge should be good to leave the fuel surcharge flatly alone, livered to their houses will run about $5.85 give bad news is that the surcharge will continue. 19.79 cents, a jump of 2.81 pennies per kilo- utility manager John Handeland told the NJUS or take, unless there is another hike in the price The past winter’s fuel surcharge has been watt. board Aug. 23. Additionally, the utility had a before the snow flies. But what about electric 16.98 cents. Based on the averaged price of The utility has been able to realize income costs and the fuel surcharge? fuel in the Nome Joint Utility System storage from other sources, like equipment rental, but continued on page 4 Nome Housing Coalition aims to get homeless off the street Housing summit tackles sober housing, family housing solutions By Diana Haecker The Nome Emergency Shelter grams whether they are concerned living with other people,” she said. manager with the Alaska Mental A Housing Summit held last Fri- Team together with Norton Sound with child welfare or suicide preven- “We’ve got problems.” Professionals Health Trust Authority, said, “When day at Old St. Joe’s Hall ended with Health Corporation’s Behavioral tion, or getting a GED or just holding don’t move to Nome because they people who have mental illness or the resolve to create a Nome Hous- Health organized the summit to ad- a job down, all these things depend hear that there is no housing or they disabling conditions or addictions ing Coalition and to identify a proj- dress Nome’s homeless and the in- on the availability of housing,” she come to Nome, see what’s available are falling out of the community ect to get Nome’s homeless people creasingly tight housing market. said. and the cost and they say ‘no way’ safety net, then we know that the off the street. Although the Nome housing crunch Steinacher explained that and leave, Steinacher said. community is struggling generally is broader and deeper in its manifes- whereverone looks in Nome, hous- The limited housing market is with affordable housing and that is tations, it ties in with last week’s ing is at the core of many problems, compounded by the seasonal influx true across the United States.” On the Web: Nome Common Council work ses- not only the most visible — home- of construction crews that snatch up To learn from successful models sion with the Nome police chief on less people on Front Street in various housing at prime rates. Another com- in other parts of the nation, the Trust www.nomenugget.net how to get a handle on the problem states of drunkenness. Also, young ponent is Nome’s role as the hub for made the connection to the nation- E-mail: posed by public drunkenness and families have a hard time finding the region and the need for tempo- wide non-profit Corporation for Sup- [email protected] homelessness. their own place or can’t afford to rary housing. portive Housing. They came to visit Sue Steinacher, chairperson for start a new home. This leads to over- Steinacher said that the Alaska Anchorage and Fairbanks and ex- the board of NEST, summarized the crowding as several families share Mental Health Trust Authority has tended their trip to Nome. A delega- common denominator saying that apartments, and it’s not rare that two identified housing as key to healthy tion of experts in Native housing without stable housing, people are or three families are stacked up in living and they have a whole divi- development, supportive housing not well positioned to be stable, hold two-bedroom homes. “You talk to sion dedicated to housing. It is also and substance and alcohol abuse pro- own a job and to do well in life. people at the Job Center and you find not a Nome or Alaska specific prob- grams from Minnesota, Alaska state “Housing unites of all these pro- out that everyone of their clients is lem. Nancy Burke, trust program workers with the Department of 2 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2011 OPINION THE NOME NUGGET Letters Dear Editor, motion to general, a distinguished musk ox. Two lived, but one died blame when something happens? they would also miss the taste of the We’ve been in Nome for six days service award and an oak leaf clus- today due to severe trauma. Furthermore, the kids are not wear- food, so don’t forget them. After all, and leave tomorrow, August 25. I’ve ter. Musk ox injuries are extremely se- ing helmets (which is also a law) and they are precious to us. read the entire issue of the Nugget of With best wishes to The Nome rious as the wounds are long and getting away with it. So, how are Yea, our kids are back in school August 18, 2011. Nugget, deep and often puncture vital organs they able to do that? If it was my learning like they should be, instead Your reporters draw the readers in Bruce C. Davis such as the lungs and abdominal or- kids they’d get grounded and be of being bored and getting into mis- and grab them by the throat and Poulsbo, WA gans. cleaning house. chief. Remember they need to get don’t let go till the story ends. They Animal Control needs to address And if I think that I get upset about their beauty rest so they could learn can write! The piece by Haecker on Dear Nancy, this serious issue. There is an an- people stealing things like my bikes better. Tell them that once they learn the musk ox attack on Bolo, the Icy We had our outboard motor stolen swer. Why is it taking so long? It is (and ruining them) it’s nothing com- whatever they are supposed to learn View dog, was interesting to say the from our camp at Nook this summer. just a matter of time before a person pared to my poor buddy who lives that day/week and pass the standard, least. (I must tell you musk ox at- We are elderly and cannot afford this is attacked. outside of town. Darn hides, you’re they won’t have to worry about that tacks in Seattle are rare.) The loss.
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