CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL DATA First name last name : Maurice Tchuente Title : Emeritus Professor Nationality: Cameroonian Sex : Male Marital statute: Maried, four children Honours : • Chevalier de l’Ordre National de la Valeur (Cameroun), Mars 2000 • Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur (France), Octobre 2000 • Commandeur de l’Ordre International des Palmes Académiques du Conseil Africain et Malgache de l’Enseignement Supérieur (CAMES), Avril 2002. Prizes • Boutros Boutros Ghali Award, United Nations University, 1995. • C.N.R. Rao Prize for Scientific Research (TWAS), 2008 • Best paper award IEEE APSCC 2008 (with B. Yenke and J.F. Mehaut) • Laureate ‘’Concours 100 Innovations pour le Développement’’, AFD, 2014 PROFESSIONAL DATA Academic qualifications • Docteur d’état, Mathématiques, Université Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, 1982 • Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR), Informatique, INPG, Grenoble, 1986 Former academic positions § January 2008 – December 2010 : Directeur de Recherche IRD, France § February 1992 - : Professor, Université de Yaoundé I § February 1986 – February 1992 : Maître de Conférences, Université de Yaoundé I § October 1984 – September 1985 : Professeur Associé, Université de Grenoble II § October 1982 – January 1986 : Chargé de Recherche, CNRS, IMAG, Grenoble § October 1977 – September 1982 : Attaché de Recherche, CNRS, IMAG, Grenoble § October 1976 – September 1977 : Assistant Associé, Université de Marseille Saint- Charles, France Member Academies Cameroon Academy of Siences, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Afriican Academy of Sciences (AAS) Positions occupied Board Chairman University of Yaounde II (since June 2017) - Pro-Chancellor, University of Buea (January 2009- June 2017) - President Scientific Council LIRIMA - Principal Research Investigator CETIC, World Bank Excellence Centre Yaounde, 2012-2016 - Director LIRIMA (Laboratoire International de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées), 2010 – 2014 - Interim Rector PanAfrican University (Nov. 2012 – Avril 2013) - Secretary General ICSU (2008-2010) - Board Chairman, National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies (January 2006 – July 2009) - Minister of Higher Education, 2002 – 2004 - Rector University of Douala 2000 –2002 - Rector University of Ngaoundéré 1998 – 2000 - Rector University of Dschang 1996 – 1998 - Vie Rector University of Yaounde II 1993 –1996 Invitations as Professor or Research Fellow § Directeur de Recherche associé CNRS, LIP, ENS-Lyon, Juillet-Septembre 2006 § Faculty of Science, University of Chile, 1985 § Université de Paris VI, Orsay, France, 1988 § Institut Africain d’Informatique, Libreville, Gabon, 1988 - 1992 § Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France, 1989 § Ecole Supérieure d’Informatique, Université de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 1992 course in 1992) § Université de Rennes, 1998 § Université de Metz, 1999 International Scientific Cooperation Focal point, convention Universities of Yaoundé I and Orsay, 1986-1992 - Coordinator UNU- 1 Inria_University of Yaoundé I convention 1986-1997 - Founding Member CARI 1992 – Co- Founder of STAFAV Programme with Noël Lohoué and Didier Dacunha-Castelle, Founding Member LIRIMA, Founding Member UMMISCO, Founding Member CRI (Colloque de Recherche en Informatique) RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Research areas Automata networks, Parallel computing, epidemiological modeling, data mining Invited Talks at International Conferences § Ecole de Printemps du LIPT, Alès, France, Juillet 1986 § Symposium International d’Analyse Numérique et Informatique, Abidjan, 1987 § Ecole d’Eté de l’AFCET, Rabat, Juillet 1988 § International Workshop on Parallel Processing and its Applications in Physics, Chemistry and Material Sciences, ICTP, Trieste, September, 1994. § UNU-UNESCO International Conference on Globalization, Yokohama, Japan, 2006. Organization of International Conferences and Summer Schools § International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Cellular Automata, Proceedings published by Academic Press, September, 1984. § Journées « Calcul sur Réseaux », Colloque ATP/CNRS, Paris, Septembre 1985 § International Conference on Parallel Algorithms & Architectures, Proceedings published by North Holland, April 1986. § Regional Workshop on Data Base and Expert Systems, Yaounde, November 1988, United Nations University (UNU) and INRIA, France. § Regional Workshop on Computer Systems, Yaounde, UNU-INRIA-UNESCO, 1991 § First African Conference on Research in Computer Science, Yaounde, October 199 § African Regional Workshop on Parallel Processing, Yaounde, July 1995, UNU_ICTP § UNU School, Computer Applications Natural Resource Management, Yaounde 1999 § MITACS-INRIA-IRD Summer School Mathematical Epidemiology, Yaounde, 2009. § 4th AFRICOMM ’12, 12 - 14 November, 2012 – Yaoundé. § CRI’2013. Conférence de Recherche en Informatique, Yaoundé, décembre 2013 § CRI’2015. Conférence de Recherche en Informatique, Yaoundé, décembre 2015. § CRI’2017. Conférence de Recherche en Informatique, Yaoundé, décembre 2017. § GICAM & LIRIMA SEminar, Data Science Yaoundé, 2019. § CIMPA & AMU (African Mathematical Union). Artificial Intelligence, Yaounde 2019 § CRI’2019. Conférence de Recherche en Informatique, Yaounde, 2019 Scientific Committees of International Conferences § ICEGOV International Conferences on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance 10 - 13 November 2009, Bogota, Colombia and 25-28 October 2010, Beijing, China § Vice-Président, 7ème édition du Colloque International TICE 2010), Nancy, France § 12th International Symposium SSS New York City, USA September 2010 § CNRIA 2012), Universités de Thiès et Bambey, 25-27 avril 2012, Sénégal § Colloque “Science et Technologie en Afrique”, ANTS/COPED, 2012, Dakar, Sénégal § 4ème Conférence Internationale SFBT 2013, Dakar, Sénégal § CNRIA 2013, Université de Ziguinchor, 25-27 avril 2013, Sénégal Editorial Boards of International Journals Parallel Processing Letters - Revue Africain de Recherche en Informatique, Mathématiques et Applications (ARIMA), co-Editor-in-Chief - Techniques et Science Informatiques - Afrika Mathematika Member of Scientific Committees IMSP (Institut de Mathématiques et Sciences Physiques), Bénin (1992 - 1994). - TICE, Agence de Coopération Culturelle et Technique (acct), (1989 - 1992) - UNU International Institute for Software Technology, (UNU/IIST) - Institut Africain d’Informatique (IAI), Libreville, Gabon (President) - Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), 206-2011. - UnitWin (2015, -). 2 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Articles in scientific journals More than 100 publications in reference journals and proceedings : Linear Algebra and Its Applications, RAIRO Informatique Théorique, Discrete Mathematics, Ars Combinatoria, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Social sciences, CRAS, TSI, RAIRO Analyse Numérique, SIAM Journal of Algebraic and Discrete Methods, Information Processing Letters, Journal of VLSI and Computer Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Theoretical Computer Science, Parallel Computing, Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Complex Systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Parallel Processing Letters, Acta Biotheoretica, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Mathematical Biosciences, Journal of Theoretical Biology. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information, Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, Pattern Analysis and Applications, Wireless Networks, Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science, Sensors, Open Computer Science, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. Books and book chapters § Dynamical Systems and Cellular Automata, J. Demongeot, E. Goles and M. Tchuente (eds), Academic Press, 1985 § Automata Networks in Computer Science, Theory and Applications, F. Fogelman Soulie, Y. Robert and M. Tchuente (eds), Nonlinear Science Series, Manchester University Press, 1987. § M. Tchuente. Parallel Computation on Regular Arrays, Manchester University Press, 1991. § Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, North Holland, M. Cosnard, Y. Robert, P. Quinton and M. Tchuente (eds), 1986. § Karl Jonas, Idris A. Rai and Maurice Tchuente (eds). e-Infrastructure and e-services for Developing Countries. Proc. 4th Internal ICST Conference, AFRICOM 2012 Yaounde, Cameroon, Springer. § B. Ngonmang, E. Viennet and Maurice Tchuente. Predicting users behaviours in distributed social networks using community analysis, State of the Art Applications of Social Network Analysis, Lecture Notes in Social Networks 2014, pp. 119-138,2014. § B. Ngonmang, E. Viennet, M. Tchuente, V. Kamga, Community Analysis and Link Prediction in Dynamic Social Networks. In Computing in Research and Development in Africa : Benefits, Trends, Challenges and Solutions. A. Gamatie (Editor), pp 83- 101. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-08239-4. Springer, 2015. Communications in Proceeding of International Conferences. More than 50 communications in Proceedinsg publihed by ACM, IEEE, North Holland, Springer, Academic Press, Elsevier, CNRS, Prentice Hall, IFIP, ARIMA, Masson, Nato, CIRAD THESES SUPERVISION More than 30 PhD supervised in the following institutions : Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble, Institut National Supérieur Polytechnique de Grenoble, Université de Rennes 1, Université de Nancy, Université de Paris Jussieu, Université de Lyon, Université de Paris 13, Université de Yaoundé I. 3 .
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