www.ukrweekly.com ЖЯГ-І „f-–: w^e ac–::- - ^" xos p ^ 0riO at ^^" , о СВОБОДАД^УОВОВА o-5 Ж УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОАІН НИК Ч^дрУ vimitiivotiiv пжо pi Ukrainian Weekly і c PUBLISHED BY THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INC.. A FRATERNAL NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATION vol. LXXXVIII No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 19,1981 25 cents Madrid Conference still snarled WCFU appeals for Sichkos, MADR1D - There has been little proposal for a human-rights expert meaningful movement towards resolv– meeting, as well as any language relat– ing the key problems at the Madrid ing to Helsinki monitors and religious names them Family of Year Conference to review compliance with freedom. TORONTO - The World Congress the 1975 Helsinki Accords, which has in the field of security, the West is of Free Ukrainians (WCFU) has issued been snarled by East-West wrangling continuing to insist that all matters an appeal on behalf of the Sichko family, since preparatory meetings began last pertaining to the mandate of the meet– whose male members, Petro Sichko and September, reported the Commission ing, including the most important issue his two sons, volodymyr and vasyl, are on Security and Cooperation in Europe — the area of applicability of confi– currently imprisoned in the Soviet in its Digest. dence-building measures to include all Union, calling the family's plight "an One of the major points of continued of Europe from the Atlantic Ocean to open wound on the overall tragedy of disagreement centers on the 35-nation the Ural Mountains —must be resolved our nation." meeting's stand on human rights. The at Madrid. in appealing to all people to actively Eastern-bloc delegations had previous– The Soviet Union and its allies work in defense of the family, the ly agreed to a series of new proposals continue to press for a post-Madrid WCFU named the Sichkos its Family of which would improve upon Helsinki security and disarmament conference. the Year. Final Act provisions in the areas of Both sides remain at loggerheads volodymyr. at 20, four years younger human contacts and family rcunifica– over the date and place for a follow-up than his brother, was the latest member tion. review meeting. While the West conti– of the family to run afoul of Soviet But they continue to reject movement nues to back setting a specific date and authorities. He was arrested on Decem– in the human-rights sphere, particularly time scheme for future meetings, the ber 6, 1980, and charged with draft an American– and Canadian-sponsored Soviets maintain that no follow-up evasion, in March of that year, he had meetings can occur without a favorable refused to become a KGB informant decision regarding their proposal for a and was expelled from Kiev State Church hierarchs post-Madrid security forum. University, in the fall, he renounced his The Madrid meeting was targeted to Soviet citizenship, declared his refusal end by mid-July, but chances are that it to serve in the army and expressed a to plan joint desire to emigrate to the United States. could drag on into the fall if not longer. Petro Sichko The West remains wary about giving in On January 9, he was sentenced in ment in western Ukraine. A survivor of millennium observances to Soviet demands and settling for a Dolyna, ivano-Frankivske oblast. to TORONTO - Representatives of Stalin's concentration camps, he was watered-down final communique that three years' hard labor, in a statement amnestied in 1957 after serving 10 years. the Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic would skirt the issues of human rights regarding the renunciation of citizen- volodymyr's brother, vasyl, 24, was Churches in the United States and and religious freedom. The Soviets ship, volodymyr Sichko claimed that enrolled in the journalism department Canada pledged that the Churches hope to prolong the meeting and avoid a he was "expelled not for academic of Kiev State University until his would jointly commemorate the millen– final document that would in any way failures but because of my father and expulsion in 1977. After his arrest, he nium of Christianity in Ukraine and condemn their human-rights record. brother." „, -– was held Tn" a psychiatric hospital for that further discussions on the form of At this juncture, the CSCE Digest volodymyr's father, Petro Sichko, such celebrations would be held. two years. reports, the meeting remains hopelessly was involved in the post-World War 11 Both father and son were arrested The pledge was made in a June 27 deadlocked. Ukrainian national liberation move– communique issued following a meet– shortly after they attended the burial of ing of Church representatives that was volodymyr lvasiuk in Lviv in 1979. Mr. held during the June 26-27 plenary ivasiuk, a popular Ukrainian musi– session of the Secretariat of the World UCC urges Ukrainian groups cian^ composer, was found tortured and Congress of Free Ukrainians in Toron– murdered by the KGB. to. to mark settlement anniversary They were subsequently tried on The communique was signed by charges of "slandering the Soviet state" Metropolitan Mstyslaw Skrypnyk of TORONTO - The presidium of the network of railways that spans the and were each sentenced to three years the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the Ukrainian Canadian Committee has country. They were, in effect, the co– in a strict-regimen labor camp. U.S.A., Metropolitan Maxim Herma– issued a communique calling on all bu'lders. along with the English and the it was soon after his father and niuk of the Ukrainian Catholic Church affiliated organizations, as well as French as well as other ethnic groups, of brother joined the Ukrainian Helsinki in Canada. Metropolitan:. Stephen Ukrainian Churches, cultural institu– western Canada." Group in 1978, that volodymyr Sichko Sulyk of the Ukrainian Catholic tions and the Ukrainian community at The communique goes on to say that began to be pressured by the authori– y– Church in the United States and the large to take an active part in the in the heated debate that is presently ties. Rev. Archpresbyter Semen Sawchuk of preparations for the celebration of the going on concerning the Canadian in a statement at his trial, volodymyr the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in 90th anniversary of Ukrainian settle– Constitution, specifically, about the Sichko said that he refused to recognize Canada. Also present was Msgr. Robert ment in Canada. language rights of the English - and the the legality of the proceedings. He Moskal of the Ukrainian Catholic in localities where there are no UCC French-speaking Canadians, "there is reiterated his contention that he was Archeparchy of Philadelphia. branches, it suggests that committees be hardly any mention about the rights of expelled from the university because he was "his father's son." The full text of the comminique organized expressly for the purpose other people — fellow citizens of this follows. ot observing the event appropriately. country - the Ukrainians, for exam- (Continued on page 14) "Noting the importance of the histo– The communique noted: pie..." ric event that faithful Ukrainians "The tali ol 1981 marks the 90th The UCC urges, therefore, that the throughout the world will celebrate in anniversary of Ukrainian settlement in celebration of the 90th anniversary of 1NS1DE: Canada when the Ukrainian pioneers, 1988 - the millennium of Christianity Ukrainian settlement in Canada draw Ш News and views - pages 5-6. vasyl Yeleniak and ivan Pylypiv. first in Rus'-Ukraine during the princely attention to the contributions made by Ш interview (Part H) by George set foot on Canadian soil on Thans– reign of St. volodymyr the Great, and Ukrainians to the growth and develop– Zarycky with Adrian Karatnycky on giving Day. October 1891. Hundreds of fully understanding the hopeless situa– ment of Canada and that, in the context recent developments in Poland - thousands of Ukrainians soon followed: tion of our brothers and sisters in the of the Canadian policy of multicu!tura– page 7. native lands, we. representatives of the today there are almost a million Ukrai– lism. Ukrainians demonstrate that they Ш The Media Action Coalitions Ukrainian Orthodu.v and Catholic nians living throughout Canada. have safeguarded their culture and Combat Correspondence — page 8. Churches outside of Ukraine, are cop– "Ukrainian pioneers cultivated the language in the face of assimilation and Ш Report on the Ukrainian Youth nizant of our great n spuiisibilities vast prairies of Manitoba. Saskatoon are determined to ensure their conti– Sports Meet - page 9. it mtilNWll on раці' id) and Alberta: they helped build the vast nued development in Canada. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 19, i98i No. 29 in Ukraine Czech authoritiescontinue campaign againstreligion Soviets fear spread of unrest NEW YORK - The persecution of his services may be needed because of religion by the Husak regime in Czecho– critical shortage of clergy. as Kiev workers stage strikes Slovakia both "behind the scenes and Czech officials also have the right to publicly" has escalated "to levels remin– remove a parish from the official by Dr. Roman Solchanyk in September 1980, it was reported iscent of the Stalinist 1950s," reported a register of churches if a replacement of a that 20 dissidents from Estonia, Latvia recent issue of The Christian Science priest is not submitted within three and Lithuania had sent a message of Monitor. months. support to Polish labor leader Lech According to a samizdat document "Considering all the limitations Walesa.4 At the beginning of this year, Although the Roman Catholic that has recently become available in imposed, the elimination from the blue-collar workers were elected to the Church, which commands 60 percent of the West, three separate strikes were register of a parish often happens," bureaus of the party organizations of the population, was particularly hard organized by Ukrainian workers in the hit, allChurcheshave come underattack reported the Monitor.
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