Osmotic Coefficients and Mean Activity Coefficients of Uni-univalent Electrolytes in Water at 25°C Cite as: Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 1, 1047 (1972); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3253108 Published Online: 29 October 2009 Walter J. Hamer, and Yung-Chi Wu ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN Mean ionic activity coefficients in aqueous NaCl solutions from molecular dynamics simulations The Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 044507 (2015); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4906320 Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous Sodium Chloride Solutions Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 13, 1 (1984); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.555709 Evaluated activity and osmotic coefficients for aqueous solutions: thirty-six uni-bivalent electrolytes Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 10, 671 (1981); https:// doi.org/10.1063/1.555646 Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 1, 1047 (1972); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3253108 1, 1047 © 1972 The U. S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the United States. Osmotic Coefficients and Mean Activity Coefficients of Uni-univalent Electrolytes in Water at 25°C Walter J. Hamer* and Yung-Chi Wu Institute for Basic Standards National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234 This paper gives values for the osmotic coefficients and mean activity coefficents of uni-univalent electrolytes in aqueous solutions at 25 0c. The values are expressed on the molality or weight basis. The data available in the literature have been corrected to the presently accepted scales of atomic weights (1969) and temperature (lPST 1968) and, where necessary, to the absolute electrical units of 1969 and the fundamental constants of 1963. The selected values of osmotic coefficients and mean activity coefficients for individual electrolytes have been made internally consistent thermodynamically. In some cases estimated values are given; in other cases, references only are given when the data are sparse or unsuited to critical evaluation. Values of the osmotic coefficients and mean activity coeffi· cients of 79 compounds are given together with the standard deviation, variance, and normalized standard deviation of their fit to equations which express these quantities as functions of electrolyte concentration. Finally, literature references are given to data on 51 additional uni-univalent electrolytes. Key words: Activity coefficients; osmotic coefficients; p'I{cess Gibbs energy for electrolytes; critically evaluated data. Contents Page Page Introduction ................................................... 1048 3.3 Electromotive Forces (emfs) of Galvanic 1. General Relations for Chemical Potentials, Cells without Liquid Junctions ............... 1052 Activities, and Activity Coefficients ............ 1048 a. Type 1: One Fluid ............................. 1052 2. Theoretical Exprcssions for Activity Coeffi- h. Typc 2: Two Fluids............................ 1052 cients. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 1049 3.4 Emfs of Galvanic Cells with Transference... 1052 3. Determinations of Activity Coefficients ............. 1050 3.5 Diffusion.............................................. 1053 3.1 Vapor-Pressure Lowering and Osmotic 4. Literature Data on Osmotic and Mean Activity Coefficient ......................................... 1050 Coefficients ............................................. 1053 3.2 Isopiestic or Vapor-Pressure 'Equilibra- 5. Evaluation of Data on Osmotic and Mean tion .................................................. 1051 Activity Coefficients.................................. 1055 '6. Compounds................................................ 1058 6.1 Index to Compounds ............................... 1058 *Present address: 3028 Dogwood Street, N.W". Washington, D.C. 20015. 6.2 Compounds Evaluated .... " ....................... 1058 6.3 Compounds Referenced Only ...... ~ ............ 1096 7. Copyright © 1972 by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the United States. This Acknowledgment ......................................... 1097 copyright will be assigned to the American Institute of Physics and the American Chemical 8. References ................................................. 1097 Society. to whom all requests regarding reproduction should be addressed. 1047 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, VoJ. 1, No.4, 1972 1048 w. J. HAMER AND V-C. WU Introduction This paper gives values for the osmotic coefficients and Here the subscript n' indicates the constancy of all mean activity coefficients of uni~univalent electrolytes components except component a. Thus, the chemical in aqueous solutions at 25°C. The values are expressed potential can be expressed in various ways depending on the molality or weight basis. When the literature gives on what variables are held constant during an experi­ values for both the osmotic coefficients and the mean ment. The last equality is the one generally used in activity coefficients in the same investigation, the in· defining the chemical potential, since experiments temal consistency of the two sets of data has been may be readily designed wherein the temperature checked by iteration using equations which express the and pressure are maintained constant. variation of osmotic coefficients and mean activity As the energy, entropy, enthalpy (heat content), coefficients with molality. The osmotic coefficient, cf>, Helmholtz energy, and Gibbs energy are defined only and the mean activity coefficient, 'Y, are related through by differential equations, we can determine only the excess Gibbs energy, tJ.Gex given by tJ.Gex = differences of these quantities between two states of 2 m RT(1 - cf> + In y), where m is molality, R the gas con­ a system containing the same quantity of matter. It is stant, and T the Kelvin temperatnre. Whp.n only osmotir. therefore customary to tabulate the differences from coefficients or mean activity coefficients are reported some standard state, which is equivalent to an arbi­ in· the literature, the data given were critically evalu~ trary assumption that the various functions are each ated, and the other function was then calculated by the zero in the standard states. For general purposes it is appropriate equation. The theoretical background of customary to assume that the energy, or the enthalpy, of the equations used in analyzing the data is discussed. each· element at some standard temperature, usually The strengths and weaknesses of the various experi­ 25°C, and some standard pressure, usually one atmos~ mental techniques used in determining activity coeffi­ phere, and in its most stable form under these conditions cients are also discussed. is zero. This same standard state may be adopted for the entropy, Helmholtz energy, and Gibbs energy, although 1. General Relarions for Chemical Potentials, the entropy is sometimes taken as zero at a temperature Activities, and Activity Coefficients of 0 K in accordance with the third law of thermo­ dynamics. A knowledge of the individual heat capacities For closed isolated systems to which no matter is and volumcs permits thc calculation of these quantities added or withdrawn, thermodynamics gives: under other conditions. See later for the choice of the standard state for electrolytic solutions. dU = TdS - pdV, (1.1) The same considerations apply to the chemical where U is energy, T the Kelvin temperature (K), S the potential, i.e., only differences from an arbitrarily entropy, P the pressure, and V the volume. For an open selected standard state can be determined. Throughout system to which matter may he added or withdrawn (for this paper the chemical potential is defined in terms of example, addition of a saIt to water or removal .of the partial molal Gibbs energy (fourth equality in equa­ water from a salt solution by evaporation) one has tion 1.6). The difference in chemical potential between two states (compositions) of an ideal solution is given by: dU = TdS - pdV + /LAdnA + ILBdnB ... + J.Lzdnz, ".1-II.~= RT In Pi=RT In Xi (1.7) (1.2) r' rl , " Pi Xi where the n's represent the number of moles of com­ ponent A, B, etc., represented by subscripts and the where i denotes component i, and p and X denote, /L's represent the Gibbs' chemical potential of the respectively, the vapor pressure and mole fraction. If various components. Since from thermodynamic one of the compositions is the pure component with considerations, xi = 1, pi = pi, and lLi JLi, then G = U - TS + pV = Gibbs energy, (1.3) (1.8) H = U + pV = Enthalpy (or heat content), (1.4) where the relative vapor pressure of component i is equal to the mole fraction of component i. For real or A = U - TS = Helmholtz energy, (1.5) non-ideal solutions this equation becomes the chemical potential for component a, for example, lLi= IL~+RT In~= IL,+ RT In ai. (1.9) may be defined in a multiplicity of ways as follows: where at is the activity of component i and defined as the /LA = (au/ana)s,v,n' (aH/ana)s,p,n' relative fugacity, and /L~ is the chemical potential when (aA/ana) T,V ,n' -" (aG/{)na) T,p,n'. (1.6) the aCllv it y i5 unity. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 1, No.4, 1972 OSMOTIC AND ACTIVITY COEFFICIENTS 1049 F or solutions of electrolytes the standard state is where Zi is the ionic valence. Henceforth in this paper m chosen so that the ratio of the activity to the concentra­ and y will be used to denote the mean quantities of tion is equal to unity in the limit of c = 0 where the molality and activity coefficient. In this paper which laws of ideal solutions are obeyed. G. N. Lewis [1)1 deals exclusively with uni-univalent electrolytes, v+.
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