Issue #1 DEC 2009 Scriptorium Britannicum STUDENT JOURNAL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT W e l c o m e ! IN THIS The English Department is proud to present If you enjoy our work and wish to contrib- I S S U E : the first issue of the Student Journal ute feel very welcome to join our team of 2009/2010. Created by students for stu- authors and editors. Come to our session on Fall of the Berlin Wall 2 dents. The main goal we want Monday mornings at 9:15 in to achieve is to provide you 2/SR100A. Besides the fun, Shooting Star 3 with some current informa- being part of the journal tion and, of course, to enter- crew also helps you improve tain you. Furthermore, we your writing and editing Uncle Moon 3 want the reader to enjoy and skills and gain useful experi- participate in our passion for ence in journalistic work in The End of Summer 4 the English language. The general. So get yourself a Journal addresses fellow stu- new hobby - be a journalist! Failed Communication 4 dents, professors and every- Include yourself! one else who feels attracted to the vision of Until then, enjoy what we have created so From a Humanitarian to discovering a foreign language and widen- 5 far. Like Jack London said: “You can‘t wait a Fool ing their horizons. Being a small group of for inspiration. You have to go after it with writers this year, we tried our best to open a club!” Smilla‘s Sense of Snow 5/6 up doors to German history, the tradition of Christmas and Halloween, voluntary work We‘ll start right away… Variety 6 experience, reviews on a great book and a recent movie as well as creative pieces. Stay ENJOY! A Tropical Internship 7 up-to-date! Visit us online at:: Christin Gäbel http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/phil/english/ Twilight - 8 A Phenomenon iaa/scriptoriumbritannicum Ode To Boredom Boredom, Far too often thou dost call Thou dost not offer me Sweetest boredom! me Time that is useful Art thou my inspiration? Thy being with me is So, fare thee well, Dost thou fill my heart with joy Dreadful though. Sweetest Boredom – Go! For the time thou offerst me? Thou enterst my house (But wait! amy lovely inspi- I beg your pardon, And overcomst my mind ration this poem is for thee.) Sweetest boredom O, empty my soul feels But thou art time too much. When filled with thee. Katja Gernoschke P a g e 2 Scriptorium Britannicum Fall of the Berlin Wall – The Story of a Family ily and I had a decent life, nothing and fabric. She bought white mo- very special. My parents were hair, which turned out to itch like really young, both working hard crazy. My dad could not walk past for their money. They did not want all the electronic or hardware stores to join the Communist Party, without going in. Finally, he bought which proved to make life harder his first stereo system with his 100 for all of us. My grandfather DM. On the way home, the little worked in the national police and it green car was filled up to the roof meant the entire family was closely with tons of things, mainly food and watched by the Stasi. In 1989, my especially the things my parents had great-grandmother was already a seen on TV - yes we had an antenna pensioner and frequently visited under the roof. The food later turned her friends in West Berlin, which out to be really unnecessary and she also did on November 9 th . To- some things even tasted a little bit Old German Passport gether, they watched the traveling disgusting. GDR citizens from the West Berlin One of the first very vivid memo- side. When she finally wanted to Today, my entire family is happy ries of my early childhood is the travel home, she had to buy a first that the wall came down on Novem- th day when I got my first Barbie doll class ticket as all trains were over- ber 9 1989. Sure, there are prob- dress. I can still see myself pressing booked. lems such as unemployment in Ger- it to my chest like a treasure the many today, but there were always entire drive home in the loud, green On 9 th of November 1989, my issues during GDR times as well. car my father used to be so proud mother could not believe it when We are all happy about being able to of. I guess, every little girl can re- she listened to the TV stations stat- travel wherever we want and that we member moments like this in her ing that the Wall was open now. can enjoy all the goods, such as life. But for me this was a special She and my father believed it quality food, nice cars and easier moment. I had always thought that would close again soon. As my dad access to most things. I am thankful there would never be a day like was on sick leave from work, he for my freedom and the ability to this. managed to get a visa from the choose the way I want to take in life, national police and two days later where I want to live and which ca- At the Chemnitz University of went to Berlin with me, his four- reer I want to pursue. Every girl in Technology, about four-fifths of the year-old daughter. As my mother Germany should be able to get her people walking around campus will was not able to get a day off from first Barbie doll dress like I did. barely remember what they did on work, she was worried all day long th the 9 of November 1989 or how it that they would not let me and my Anja Sternicke affected their immediate lives. In dad back over the border. Luckily, Germany, life is easy and it is free that never happened and I came today. People can travel every- back with my first Barbie doll where they want, nobody watches dress. you and the steps you take in life. It has not always been like that. One month later, my mother fi- Twenty years ago, in one night, the nally managed to get a day off and lives of millions changed. One can we gave it another try, but fate was only barely grasp the feelings the against her big dream. Just a cou- people must have had and how ple of kilometers before the West- they experienced the night of German border, our green Trabant change. My family of four genera- broke down. My mother was dev- tions has recaptured the events astated, but my dad was able to get around the 9 th of November 1989 it fixed and by lunch time, my and also commented on their lives mom was wandering through her since then. In GDR times, my fam- paradise – a store full of fine wool Barbie Doll Dress I s s u e # 1 P a g e 3 Shooting Star Universe would mourn the loss , young to remember , anyway ." and eventually a tear would drop "I am ancient .", answered the tree . down his infinite cheeks ." "I saw the very beginnings of Earth . "How do you know all that ?" I felt the first Wind shaking my "How can you not know ?" bows . I turned my crown to the first Her algorithms were hard at rays of Sun . And I took root in work . No answer . virgin Soil . "Just as I am a part of Universe , And although I should know based Universe is a part of me . We share on pure experience and age , I our knowledge and secrets . When cannot answer your question ." this "How sad ." world finally collapses , he will The little girl was about to shed a "Another one ! Another one !" pass on this knowledge to his tear . The little girl 's excitement could be children and children 's children ." Daniel Kober felt as if it were a basic part of the Nodding her head , she sank into atmosphere . deep thought . "What are they called ?" In a corner of her mind , humanity A bow of the old oaken tree panicked and passed on a single touched the girl 's back . She thought to her lips , which shivered slightly when the tree bent down to her manifested as a answering with a voice as cold as coherent sentence , which--in stone and as ancient and wise as return--the tree experienced as a Nature herself . wise question . "Tears of the Universe we used to call "May I answer with another them ." question ?" She couldn 't understand that , of The old oak did not wait for her . course ; but soon , her curiosity had approval overwhelmed her carefree behavior "Did God create man , or did man algorithms . create God ? "Whenever a world collapses or Did man construct machine , or suns burst into cosmic flames has machine usurped an brightening the dark vacuum for independent position ?" seconds and millenia , "I can 't remember . I guess , I'm too Uncle Moon The moon is my uncle The clouds are my sisters The birds are my music The stars are my sheep The raindrops my tears Singing lovely songs The sun is my mother The wind is my father The river’s my road In the sea I will sleep Fighting my fears To take me where I belong The rocks are my brothers The flowers are the candles The earth is my cottage The sky forms my tent That light up my life The home of my heart The willow’s my hiding place The trees are my guards A walk cross the meadow With its branches bent To protect me at night Is where happiness starts Katja Genschorek P a g e 4 Scriptorium Britannicum The End of Summer Walking through crackling, bright celebrate this special time, Jesus of us gets a small Christmas card and coloured leaves I always know the being born, I remember my mother an apple from Barnardo’s custodians.
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