Colony Club /lews jor 11 jodcrn lUonien PARTY CHAT '• TOMORROW 8-C TNI DETROIT TIMES 1945 1 Celebrates | Kline’s at 10 A. M. By FRANCES GIVENS a*o. In Mayfair TEN CANDLES twinkled on I a huge birthday cake in Mrs. j Melville's stately dining Hi th Donald I room in Edgemont Park yester- | CHAPERON day afternoon when members of THE the Colony Town Club met to of usetul celebrate a decade - . ANN AITHTKKIONIK activity. Mr and Mrv A J. daughter of Spring flowers bloomed Inventory Auchterlonie of Wing Lakt . throughout the big house and was married laM evening to Lt. members gathered about the After i 9 sew for S. R Dannuck Ji. son of S. glowing fireplaces to charity. Dannuck of South Bend. Ind R wore a gold todav the newlyweds Mrs. Melville . and crepe gown embroidered in gold are motoring 1o Monterey, CaL leaves and little ruby red flow- The candlelight ceremony was ers. Mrs. Herman Scamey in performs! by the Rev Charles black with salmon pink trim- H. Cadigan in Christ Church, ming, J\nd Mrs. J. Robert \V il- . Eleanor- Clearance Cranbrook kin, in black with an Ann wore a wedding dress of blue blouse and a hat with a white slipper satin Trimmed matching nbbort, sat near »he with seed pearls and a coronet door to handle the reservations. a WINTER APPAREL of heiri'>om Brussels lare which Mrs. Henry Wenger made STOREWIDE SAVINGS ON in her apple- ,iC »d in place the veil of bridal spring picture green with a hunch of illusion . frock to her carried Easter lilies and fresh violets pinned She and violet trimmed freesia . shoulder hat. Shirley McPike. the maid of Weyand was in dress in Mrs. Louis honor, wore a faille black with a small hat of pink Fur-Trimmed American Beauty rose shade HR long, matching and JwjL jm jM l if jSi roses. with gloves We also ;aw Mrs. Fred T. COATS an arrangement of blue irises in Murphy, Mrs. Adolph Marsch- her hair-do . and carried a ner, Mrs. A. W. Sempliner. Mrs. r learanee Hcduevd tram Stock! , . % bouquet of blue irises . Prescott. Mrs. Roger • * • Joel Walker, Mrs. Howard Wheeler, Mouton Lamb Marvelous group. Lavish tA A Mrs. William J. Young. Mrs. Grey African Kidikin with fur. Sizes 10 to 20 in n X Brother Best Man Koether, Mrs. Ira G. Bernard Dyed Skunk group. bridesmaids . Matt ice Downer, Mrs. Frank Kuhn. Mrs. The Black Periian Lamb Paw . Sigurd Fritz and June Joyce . were Joel Leete. Mrs. Becker. VALUES TO $149.75. Tux- attired alike in ice blue faille, \lr« Philip Baker Mr*. Charles Black African Kidikin matching gloves, Ameri- Horton Metcalf, Mrs William African Monkey 139 edos and collared rtyfes. wore SQA can Beauty roses in their hair J. Parker and Mrs. Walter Polar Canadian Wolf Boxy and fitted. Sizes 10 American Beauty ~ and carried Simmons. Natural Lyn* Cat to 20. roam Coat Shop——Fourth Floor was Lt The best man Do#- Reid Weds Stone Merten-Dyed . and Mary nucks brother. John . E. Wenger (left) and Mrs. Colony Club’s tenth birthday party which Reccoon t‘ie ushers were Lt. Douglas Mrs. Henry charity at took place at Mrs. Donald Melville’s home. Rutiien Periien Lamb Paw Erskine and Ann’s brother . Louis F. Wevand sewed for the Lt. W. J. Parker Blended Northern Black George Auehterlonle . Muskrat Auchterlonie was gowned Airs. Mercill St- Peter Claver MISS JANF. REID, Jacket* 199 Mrs. C. H. MARY Silver Fo« Women's Coats In turquoise crepe with a match- daughter of Mrs. James Reid and Rutsien-dyed Marmot ing feather hat and gloves Catholics of Midland avenue and the late wore a shoulder bouquet of yel- To Give Luncheon Shower Planned Mr. Reid, was married yester- NON.TAXABLE. Women’s low roses . day high mass Natural Silver Fo* MRS. CHARLES H. MER- THE ST. PETER CLAVER at a 10 o’clock sizes 38 to 44. Smart A reception was held in the today in Benedict’s Church to Lt. Black Parsian Lamb £AQ CILL of the Chatsworth MISSION GUILD will sponsor a St. Auchterlonie residence . Set W. J. Parker, son of Mr and in fitted or box Goal entertain at a luncheon Silvertone Raccoon styles was to Q pantry shower and tea from 2 to ,T. of Highland For her trip west the bride and bridge at the Detroit Ath- Mrs. W Parker Natural Tipped Skunk 5 styles. donned a Hattie Carnegie model. ihe annual 3 p. m. next Sunday, for the Park. The bride was given in PLANS ; FOR letic Club. uncle, Leo G. Grey-Dyed Bombay Lamb oIT guests in- marriage by her i*nder her beaver roat, set membership of the league Mrs. Mercill’s benefit of the Felician Sisters Squirrtl 299 drive McCabe; Natural Gray . by . clude Mesdames Don T. Hast- brown accessories of were out- teaching Negroes at the .Sacred VALUES TO $59.75. * • » • Catholic Women ings. George Tren- Mi'* Suzanne Reid was her Brown-Dyed Squirrel Allan Wales. Convene and lined yesterday by the co-chair- dle. Otto Rumpel, Fred A. Rohn. Heart sister’s maid of honor Carol Warm, thick Meltons. *A Samuel Ann Reid was flower girl. Cpl. A Visit Mrs. Joy men. Mrs. E. Homey Frank Phillips, T. L Rockel- Co-chairmen of the affair will oath Sizes 38 to 44. and Mrs. Roswell J. Conroy, nt man, Liebold. Milton Murphy was best man. •In*! I Heaver l JOY LEE of Ernest be Miss Ann Hogan and Mrs. was MRS. HELEN a luncheon held in the Activi- Tibbetts, H. C. Doss, Edward J. A wedding breakfast Coat Shop— Farm, Stoning- Patrick Buckley. Mrs. Martin I—i Strip* Canadian Shaared Beaver 1595 Fourth Floor Bmwfie Brtok ties Building. Moinet, Leo J. King. C. O. Lang- given at the Wanlell Sheraton . daughter. ton. Conn. her The goal is 20.000 members. lms. W. S. Sheitz, Matthew Van- Lenehan is the president of the and a reception in the evening 1— Strip# Canadian Sheared Beaver $695 Mrs. William H. Fuller, the for- started guild. the residence. The drive will be at derKloot and Paul Rumpel. in Reid 2 Stripe Canadian Sheared Beaver $695 mer Eunice'Lee . and Mrs. a membership tea at 1:30 p. m. Fuller's young son . William Keh. 6 in the Activities Build- •Flui 20% Fad. Tmu H. Fuller Jr., have arrived for ing, 120 Parsons street, at which C orns , Floor I ntrimmed a visit with Mrs. Lee's mother the speakers will be Miss Grace Furt —Fifth . B. Joy . Mrs. Henry Lockerbie, social serv ice direc- VALUES TO $45. Box, With them came Becky Jill tor, and the Rev. Fr. Walter u ho was visiting them at Bourne Hardy, the organization’s spirit- overcoeti end chester- Brook Farm . ual riirrrtor. Here they are! fields. Misses’ 12 to 20. • • • The workers will he given s|}f| their material and instructions, Inexpensive Presses women’s 38 to 44. Black Newbros Plan Party They will he greeted by the ™ w of directors, including VALUES TO $14.95. trnm and colors. Also some hoard Spring’s newest . Qjr MR. AND MRS. DUPONT the president, Mrs. James P. Good range of colors and /Q j fitted coats included. NEWBRO JR., of Wisconsin Cummiskey; Mrs. Leon C. * feminine . sizes. avenue have invited some peo- Fmck, treasurer; Mrs. Hanley Spring’s Coat Shop—Fourth Floor ple to an open house party on Dawson and Mrs. Joseph A. lne\fiemite Drener —Fifth floor Saturday night . Moynihan and parish chairmen. Spring’s most exciting The Frederick Bigelows of Report meetings will be held Parkside avenue . celebrated thereafter on alternate Tues- anniver- their wooden wedding days in the league’s new com- Heller llrtfc sses sary .. by giving a dinner at munity house. Casa Maria, . .HMOItS' the DAC . Trumbull and Labrosse avenues. NEW SUITS * j-vr VALUES TO $29.95. Street (4 A will with a . The Their guests wrie . Mr. drive end and afternoon styles. Wools I M and Mrs. Lawrence J. Hetzolt complimentary victory luncheon COATS in the Activities Building some , , , rayons. ... Mr. E. C. Eber- and Mrs. — when every Better Drenei Seen*d Hone . time in April, solici- VALUES hardt of Jackson . and Mrs. TO *39.95. tAA turning in minimum of . tor a 15 C. H- Keane of Toronto . Fitted and chesterfields. M|| new members or renewals will ¦¦ w The J. Gordon Hills have a be a guest of the organization. All-wool fabrics. 9 and 15. son . J. Gordon Hill Jr. born last Saturday . Here Wool Sweaters VALUES TO S4B. All wool jj)A Their first child was a daugh- Lt. Helen Shea boycoats and Chester. [_ “ • ter .. Joan Ellis Hill . VALUES TO $5.95. Big QQ LT. (j.g ) HELEN SHEA of ! , i f« JO fields. Sizes 9 and 15. • • # the WAVES, formerly of the v. and Bigger. Good colors. •¦¦ww Musicale Wardell Sheraton, returned for 6.if. V- ; Su taten—Street Floor Prepares tor a brief two-day visit en route . .UK. SI ITS MRS. RICHARD HEDKE of to her station at Cincinnati. ' . just W/M Trenton back from VALUES TO $35. Dress- Los Angeles where she accom- JJ £ Mr. business maker and casuals. Some Iz| panied Hedke on a ** trip ... is plunging into prepar- MAIA II.OOK velvet trims. Sizes 9 to 15. ations for an evening musicale supper given VALUES TO $39.95. All and buffet to be Handbags */j P r 'ce «J} || Feb. 21 ... at the Hedkes' wool casuals and dress- glf house in Riverside Drive . to $2.00 Fascinators 69c makers.
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