Supporting Public Disclosure Authorized Peace and Stability in Libya Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized A Compilation of Existing Analysis on Public Disclosure Authorized Challenges and Needs European Union Supporting Peace and Stability in Libya A Compilation of Existing Analysis on Challenges and Needs European Union DISCLAIMER: This draft is intended for consultation ONLY and not for citation. The findings, conclu- sions, and recommendations expressed in the assessment report do not necessarily constitute the views or form recommendations of the authors or of the European Union, United Nations, or World Bank Group, nor do they reflect the views of the governing bodies of these institutions or their member states. Editor: Lauri S. Scherer, LSF Editorial Design/layout: Nita Congress Photos: TheRunoman/Shutterstock.com (cover); Norman Gauss/Shutterstock.com (p. xviii); Rosen Ivanov Iliev/Shutterstock.com (p. 6); lapas77/Shutterstock.com (p. 156); United Nations, Libya Office (p. 166); MrLis/Shutterstock.com (p. 172). Contents Abbreviations v Preface ix Executive Summary x Part 1: Scope and Methodology 1 Context 2 Objective and scope 2 Methodology and process 3 Structure of the report 4 Part 2: Overview of the Conflict 7 Context 8 Conflict dynamics 8 Criminal, political, and security actors and the illicit economy 10 Part 3: Sector Analysis 17 Chapter 1: Peace and Reconciliation 18 Social cohesion and reconciliation 18 Security sector 26 Justice 34 Chapter 2: Displacement and Migration 40 Status of migration and main challenges 41 Main interventions and capacity to respond 48 Main needs and priorities as formulated in the literature 51 Core government functions 53 Chapter 3: Governance and Institutions 53 Decentralization and local governance 60 Parastatal institutions and SOEs 66 Accountability, transparency, and citizen engagement 69 Macroeconomic stability 75 iii iv SUPPORTING PEACE AND STABILITY IN LIBYA Chapter 4: Macroeconomic Stability and Economic Recovery 75 Financial sector 78 Private sector development 82 Key productive sectors 86 Employment 95 Service delivery and municipal services 99 Chapter 5: Infrastructure and Service Delivery 99 Energy 103 Water 107 Transport 112 ICT 115 Housing and land 120 Chapter 6: Social Service and Social Protection 124 Social protection 124 Health 130 Education 135 Chapter 7: Cross-Cutting Issues 141 Human rights 141 Gender 144 Youth 148 Environment 151 Part 4: International Response and Coordination Mechanisms 157 Chapter 8: International Response 158 Support for peace 158 Development aid 159 Humanitarian aid 161 Chapter 9: Coordination Mechanisms 163 Part 5: Conclusion and Next Steps 167 Annexes 173 A: Analytical and Data Gaps 174 B: Interviewees and Their Organizations 191 C: Lead Technical Contributors 193 D: Mantikas and Municipalities 196 E: Map of Libya 199 References 200 Abbreviations AAAS Arms and Ammunition Advisory Section AFD Agence Française de Développement AfDB African Development Bank AU African Union BIT basic intensive training bpd barrels per day BSC Bureau of Statistics and Census BTI Bertelsmann Stiftung Transformation Index CBL Central Bank of Libya CDCs Community Day Centers CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women CSO civil society organization DCC Distribution Control Center DCIM Department for Combating Illegal Migration DDR disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration DFID Department for International Development DHO district health officer DRC Danish Refugee Council DTM Displacement Tracking Matrix EEA European Environment Agency EGA Environment General Authority EITI Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative EMIS Education Management Information System EO Executive Office ETF European Training Foundation EU European Union EUBAM European Union Border Assistance Mission FAA Financial Audit Agency FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FDI foreign direct investment GACI General Authority of Communications and Informatics GAWR General Authority for Water Resources GCWWW Company for Water and Waste Water GDCOL General Desalination Company for Libya v vi SUPPORTING PEACE AND STABILITY IN LIBYA GDF Gathering and Departure Facility GDP gross domestic product GECOL General Electricity Company of Libya GHG greenhouse gas GIS geographic information system GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German Corporation for International Cooperation) GMRA Great Man-Made River Project Authority GMRP Great Man-Made River Project GNA Government of National Accord GNC General National Congress GoL Government of Libya GPC General Planning Council HH household HoR House of Representatives HRP Humanitarian Response Plan HRW Human Rights Watch HSC High State Council ICC International Criminal Court ICT information and communications technology IDP internally displaced person IFES International Foundation for Electoral Systems ILO International Labour Organization IMF International Monetary Fund IMR infant mortality rate INGO international nongovernmental organization IOM International Organization for Migration IRC International Rescue Committee IRI International Republican Institute ISIS Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ISP Internet service provider JTCC Joint Technical Coordination Committee lcd liters per capita per day LESP Libya Economic Stabilization Program LFS labor force survey LIA Libyan Investment Authority LNA Libyan National Army LPA Libyan Political Agreement LPG liquified petroleum gas LPTIC Libyan Post Telecommunication and Information Technology Company LTT Libya Telecom & Technology LYD Libyan dinar M&E monitoring and evaluation MDTF multidonor trust funds MENA Middle East and North Africa AbbreViations vii MEWINA Monitoring and Evaluation for Water in North Africa MoCIT Ministry of Communications and Informatics MoD Ministry of Defense MoE Ministry of Education MoF Ministry of Finance MoFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs MoH Ministry of Health MoHU Ministry of Housing and Utilities MoI Ministry of the Interior MoJ Ministry of Justice MoL Ministry of Labor MoLG Ministry of Local Governance MoSA Ministry of Social Affairs MoT Ministry of Transportation MPI Multidimensional Poverty Index MSA Multi-Sectoral Household Needs Assessment MSME micro, small, and medium enterprise MSNA Multi-Sector Needs Assessment MWG Migration Working Group NFI nonfood item NGO nongovernmental organization NIN National Identification Number NMR neonatal mortality rate NOC National Oil Corporation NRC Norwegian Refugee Council NSAG nonstate armed group NTC National Transitional Council OAU Organization of African Unity OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OHCHR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights PC Presidential Council PER Public Expenditure Review PFM public financial management PIM public investment management PHC primary health care ppm parts per million QIP quick impact project RBD Roads and Bridges Department REAOL Renewable Energy Authority of Libya RMNCAH Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health RPBA Recovery and Peacebuilding Assessment RRA Risk and Resilience Assessment SCI specialized credit institution SCLA Supreme Council for Local Administration viii SUPPORTING PEACE AND STABILITY IN LIBYA SEIS Shared Environmental Information System SFL Stabilization Facility for Libya SGBV sexual and gender-based violence SJC Supreme Judicial Council SME small and medium enterprise SOE state-owned enterprise SPC Senior Policy Committee SSC Supreme Security Committee SSF Social Security Fund SSR security sector reform TVET technical and vocational education and training UN United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNICRI United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute UNMAS United Nations Mine Action Service UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNSMIL United Nations Support Mission in Libya USAID United States Agency for International Development U5MR under-five mortality rate vpd vehicles per day WAC Warriors Affairs Commission WASH water, sanitation, and hygiene WBG World Bank Group WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organization WSS Water Supply and Sanitation Preface ibya is at a critical juncture in its history. Following more than 40 years of autocratic rule by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the 2011 revolution that led to his overthrow and the sub- sequent conflict have adversely impacted the lives and livelihoods of the Libyan people. Despite the recent escalation in violence in April 2019, the UN Action Plan signed in Sep- Ltember 2017 still represents the best opportunity for peace in Libya. In this context, coordinated support from the international community is essential for stabilization, peace, and recovery. In line with this, the Government of National Accord requested technical support from the European Union, the United Nations, and the World Bank Group in August 2018 to undertake a Recovery and Peacebuilding Assessment. As partners of Libya, the three organizations agreed to undertake a mapping exercise to assess the existing body of analysis and data on the situation and needs in Libya, and to postpone a full Recovery and Peace Building Assessment until conditions in Libya are more conducive. This report—jointly prepared by the European Union, the United Nations, and the World Bank Group—provides an important contribution to the collective
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